In this study physiological and cytogenetic effects of 1,4 Dioxane used in daily lives frequently in the composition of cleaning and cosmetic products on Allium cepa L. root tip cells were investigated. A.cepa seeds were used as test material. Germination percentage, root lenght and weight gain was used as physiological indicators and chromosomal damage, micronucleus (MN) frequency, mitotoc index (MI) was used as cytotoxicity indicators and these datas were correlated with statistical parameters. The seeds of A.cepa were divided into three groups: control (Group I) and 1,4 Dioxane treatment groups. Group II and Group III were treated with 50 ppm and 100 ppm 1,4 Dioxane, respectively for 72 hours. As a result, it was determined that Dioxane fairly decreased the germination percentage, root length and weight gain depending on dose in seeds all treatment groups, whereas chromosomal damage and MN rate was increased. In conclusion, data obtained in this study indicated that 1,4 Dioxane has a dose dependent cytotoxic effects on root tip cells of A.cepa.
Atik, M., Karagüzel, O., Ersoy, S., 2007. Sıcaklığın Dalbergia sis- soo Tohumlarının Çimlenme Özelliklerine Etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2): 203-210.
Aybeke, M., Olgun, G., Sıdal, U., Kolankaya, D., 2000. Zeytinya- ğı Fabrikası Atık Suyunun Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Kök Ucu Hücrelerindeki Mitoz Bölünme ve Total Protein Miktarı Üzerine Etkisi. Türk Journal of Biology. Tübitak, 24: 127-140.
Azmat, R., Hainder, S., Riaz, M., 2009. An Inverse Relation Betwe- en Pb2+ and Ca2+ Ions Accumulatıon In Phaseolus mungo and Lens culinaris Under Pb Stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41 (5) : 2289-2295.
Bennet, R. J., Breen, C. M., Bandu, V. S., 1985. Aluminium Toxicity and Regeneration of The Root Cap: Preliminary Evidence For a Golgi-Apparatus Derived Morphogenesis in The Pri- mary Roots of Zea mays. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 51: 363-370.
Bilaoğlu, R., 1985. Gramoxone, Afalon ve Korthion’un Hücre Bö- lünmesi ve Kromozomlar Üzerine Etkisi. Cumhuriyet Üni- versitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2: 191-204.
Carlson, S. J., Donald, W. W., 2006. Glyphosate Effects on Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Roots, Root Buds, and Shoots. Weed Research, 28: 37-45.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Ergene, A., Yalçın, E., Tan, S., Çavuşoğlu, K., Ya- par, K., 2009. Cytotoxic Effects of Lead and Mercury Ions On Root Tip Cells of Cicer arietinum L. Fresenius Environ- mental Bulletin, 18 (9): 1654-1661.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Yalçın, E., Dönmez, S., 2008. Vicia faba L. (Fabace- ae) Kök Ucu Hücrelerinde Fenol Tarafından Teşvik Edilen Sitotoksisitenin Belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversi- tesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fen Dergisi (E-Dergi), 3 (2): 139-148.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Yalçın, E., Ergene, A., 2009. The Cytotoxic Effects of Zinc and Cadmium Metal Ions On Root tip Cells of Pha- seolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae). Süleyman Demirel Üniversi- tesi Journal Of Science (e-journal), 4 (1): 1-11.
De Flora, S., Bennicelli, C., Bagnasco, M., 1994. Genotoxicity of Mercury Compounds. A Review. Mutation Research, 317: 57-79.
Doğan, B., 2002. Kurşun Nitratın (Pb(N03)2) Arpa (Hordeum vul- gare L.) Mitotik Kromozomları Üzerine Etkileri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4 (1): 27-30.
Dou, Z. X., 1988. The Pollution in Soil and Its Effects on Plants. Agro Environmental Protection, 7 (3): 38-39.
El-Barghathi, M., Asoyri, H., 2007. Effect of Phenol, Naphthol and Gibberalic Acid on Seed Germination of Allium cepa L. (Onion). Garyonis University Press, Journal of Science and Its Applications, 1 (1): 6-13.
Epa., 2012.Statisticaldatabase.Available: toxreviews/0326tr.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 20 Nisan 2012)
Farooqi, Z. R., Iqbal, M. Z., Kabir, M., Sha q, M., 2009. Toxic Ef- fects of Lead and Cadmium On Germination and Seedling Growth of Albizia Lebbeck L. Benth. Pakistan. Journal Bo- tany, 41(1): 27-33.
Fenech, M., Chang, W. P., Kirsch-Volders, M., Holland, N., Bo- nassi, S., Zeiger, E., 2003. Human MicronNucleus Project. HUMN Project: Detailed Description of The Scoring Crite- ria For The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay Using Isolated Human Lymphocyte Cultures. Mutation Research, 534 (1-2): 65-75.
Anonim, 2012.Statisticaldatabase.Available: kozmetik-vucut-bakim-urunlerinde-toksik-kimyasal- katkhttp:/ (Erişim tarihi: 16 Nisan 2012)
Hanson, J. B., 1984. The Function of Calcium in Plant Nutrition. Advances in Plant Nutrition, Newyork Praeger, 1: 149-248.
Hawley, G. G., Lewis, R. J., 2001. 1,4-Dioxane – Inhalation. Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 14. Health and Environmental Research Online ID: 196089
International Agency for Research on Cancer: IARC. 1999. Re- evaluation of Some Organic Chemicals, Hydrazine and Hydrogen Peroxide. 71 Part 2: 589-602. Technical Report. Lyon, France.
İnceer, H., Ayaz, S., Beyazoğlu, O., Şentürk, E., 2003. Cytogenetic Effects of Copper Chloride on Root Tip Cells of Helianthus annuus L. Turkish Journal of Biology, 27: 43-46.
Jiang, W., Liu, D., 2000. Effects of Pb2+ on Root Growth, Cell Di- vision, and Nucleolus of Zea mays L. Bulletin of Environ- mental Contamination Toxicology, 65: 786-793.
Jiang, W. S., Liu, D. H., 1999. Effects of Pb+2 on Root Growth, Cell Division and Nucleolus of Bressica juncea L. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 47: 153-156.
Jiang, W., Liu, D., Hou, W., 2000. Hyper Accumulation of Lead By Roots, Hypocotyls, and Shoots of Brassica juncea, Biologia Plantarum, 43 (4): 603-606.
Klasterska, I., Natarajan, A. T., Ramel, C., 1976. An Interperation of The Origin of Subchromatid Aberrations and Chromosome Stickiness As A Catogory of Chromatid Aberrations. Here- ditas, 83: 153-162.
Koca, S., 2008. The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. University of Celal Bayar Journal of Science, 4: (1) 121-126.
Korkmaz, M., Çolak, A., Sezgin, I., 1994. Fare Kemik İliği Hücre- lerinde in Vivo Olarak Mikronukleus Testi ile Daminozitin Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Biology, 18: 235- 241.
Kumar, S., Arya, S. K., Roy, B. K., Singh, A. K., 2010. The Effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid and Isoproturon Her- bicides on The Mitotic Activity of Wheat (Triticum aesti- vum L.) Root Tips. Turkish Journal of Biology, 34: 55-66.
Lane, S. D., Martin, E. S., Garrod, J. P., 1978. Lead Toxicity Effect on Indole-3-Acetic-Induced Cell Elongation. Planta, 144: 79-84.
Lewis, R. J., 2000. Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Mate- rials. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. 10. Health and Environmental Research Online ID: 625540.
Liu, D. H., Jiang, W. S., Wang, W. F., Zhao, M., Lu, F. M. C., 1994. Effects of Lead on Root Growth Cell Division and Nucleo- lus of Allium cepa. Environmental Pollution, 86: 1-4.
Marine-Morales, M. A., Mazzeo, D. E. C., Fernandes, T. C. C., 2006. Mechanism of Micronuklei Formation in Polyploidi- zated Cells of Allium cepa Exposed to Tri uralin Herbicide. Pesticide Biochemistry Phsyiology, 88 (3): 252-259.
Mcfarlane, J. C., P eeger, T., Fletcher J., 1987. Transpiration Effect on The Uptake and Distribution of Bromacil, Nitrobenzene, and Phenol in Soybean Plants. Journal of Environmental Quality, 16: 372-376.
Morimura, S., Takahashi, E., Matsumoto, H., 1978. Association of Aluminum With Nuclei and Inhibition of Cell Division in Onion (Allium cepa) Roots. Z. P anzenernahr. Bodenk, 88: 395-401.
Mott, L.,1992. Alar the aftermath. Science (New York, N.Y.), 7: 255 (5045): 665.
Muscolo, A., Panuccio, M. R., Sidari, M., 2001. Respiratory Enz- ymes Activities During Germination of Pinus laricio
Seeds Treated With Phenols Extracted From Different Forest So- ils. Plant Growth Regulation. 35 (1): 31-35.
O’Neil, M. J., Smith, A., Heckelman, P. E., Obenchain, J. R., Gal- lipeau, J. R., D’Arecca, M. A., 2001. The Merck index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. White- house Station, NJ. 13th. Merck & Co. Inc. Health and En- vironmental Research Online ID: 595055. ISBN: 0911910- 13-1.
Özyiğit, İ. İ., Kahraman M. V., Ercan Ö., 2007. Relation Between Explant Age, Total Phenols and Regeneration Response in Tissue Cultured Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 6 (1): 3-8.
Phalsson, A. M. B., 1989. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 47: 287- 319.
Rencüzoğulları, E., Kayraldız, A., İla, H. B., Çakmak, T., Topaktaş, M., 2001a. The Cytogenetic Effect of Sodium Metabisul te, a Food Preservative in Root Tip Cells of Allium cepa L. Turkish Journal of Biology, 25: 361-370.
Roy, S. K., Thilagar, A. K., Eastmond, D. A., 2005. Chromosome Breakage is Primarily Responsible For The Micronuclei In- duced By 1,4-Dioxane in The Bone Marrow and Liver of Young CD-1Mice. Mutation Research/ Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 586: 28-37.
Sagelsdorff, P., Lutz, W. K., Schlatter., 1998. DNA Methylation in Rat Liver By Daminozide, 1.1 Dimethylhydrazine and Di- methylnitrosamine. Fundemental and Applied Toxicology, 11: 723-730.
Snyder, R. D., Gillies, P. J., 2003. Reduction of Genistein Clastoge- nicity in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells By Daidzein and Other Flavonoids. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 41: 1291-1298.
Staykova, T. A., Ivanova E. N., Velcheva I G., 2005. Cytogenetic Effect of Heavy Metal and Cyanide in Contamined Waters From The Region of Southwest Bulgaria. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 4: 41-46.
Surprenant, K. S., 2002. Dioxane. Wiley-VCH Verlag. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 309-314. Weinheim, Germany.
Anonim, T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı MEGEP (Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi) Kimya Tek- nolojisi Katkı Maddeleri.2009. Polihidrik Alkoller-Etilen Glikol. 26. Ankara.
Anonim, Toxic Chemical Ingredients in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products. tory.htm#dioxane (Erişim Tarihi: 20 Haziran 2012)
Ugrekhelidze, D., Kvesitadze, G., Arziani, B., Mithaishvili, T., Phi- riashvili, V., 1999. Detoxication of Phenol in Annual Plant Seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 42 (2): 119-124.
Verma, S., Dubey, R. S., 2003. Lead Toxicity Induces Lipid Peroxi- dation and Alters The Activites of Antioxidant Enzymes in Growing Rice Plants. Plant Science. 164: 645-655.
Wallstedt, A., Sommarin, M., Nilsson, M. C., Munson, A. D., Mar- golis, H. A., 2001. The Inhibition of Ammonium Uptake in Excised Birch (Betula pendula) Roots By Batatasin-III. Physiologia Plantarium, 113: 368-376.
Walsh, L. M., Keeny, D. R., 1975. Behavior and Phytotoxicity of Inorganic Arsenicals in Soils. In: Arsenical Pesticides (E.A. Woolson edition). American Chemical Society, Symposium Series, 7: 35-52.
Wei, Q. X., 2004. Mutagenic Effects of Chromium Trioxide on Root Tip Cells of Vicia faba. Journal of Zhejiang University Sci- ence, 5: 1570-1576.
Weinberger, P., Vladut, R., 1981. Comparative Toxic Effects of Some Xenebiotics on The Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and White Birch (Betula papyrifera March). Canadian Journal of Fo- restry Research, 11: 796–804.
Wierzbicka, M., 1994. Resumption of Mitotic Activity in Allium cepa L Root Tips During Treatment With Lead Salts. Envi- ronmental and Experimental Botany, 34: 173-180.
Xiong, Z-T., 1998. Lead Uptake and Effects on Seed Germinati- on and Plant Growth in A Pb Hyperaccumulator Brassica pekinensis Rupr. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology, 60 (2): 285-291.
Zhengua, S., Wang J., Guan H., 1993. Effect of Aluminum and Cal- cium on Growth of Wheat Seedlings and Germination of Seeds. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 16: 2135-2148.
Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae) Kök Ucu Hücrelerinde 1,4 Dioksan Tarafından Teşvik Edilen Sitotoksisitenin Belirlenmesi
Bu çalışmada günlük yaşamımızda sıkça kullandığımız temizlik ve kozmetik ürünlerinin yapısında
bulunan, 1,4 Dioksanın Allium cepa L. kök ucu hücrelerinde meydana getirdiği zyolojik ve sitogenetik etkiler
araştırılmıştır. Test materyali olarak A.cepa tohumları kullanılmıştır. Çimlenme yüzdesi, kök uzunluğu ve ağırlık
artışı zyolojik parametreler olarak; kromozomal hasarlar, mikronukleus (MN) sıklığı ve mitotik indeks (MI) ise
sitotoksisitenin indikatörleri olarak kullanılmış ve bu veriler istatistiksel parametreler ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. A.cepa tohumları kontrol (Grup I) ve 1,4 Dioksan uygulama grupları olarak üç gruba ayrıldı.72 saat süresince II. Gruba 50
ppm 1,4 Dioksan, III. Gruba 100 ppm dozunda 1,4 Dioksan uygulanmıştır. Sonuçta, 1,4 Dioksanın tüm uygulama
gruplarında doza bağlı olarak çimlenme yüzdesi, kök uzunluğu ve ağırlık kazanımını azalttığı, kromozomal
anormallikler ve MN oranını ise arttırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, elde edilen veriler 1,4 Dioksanın A.cepa kök ucu hücreleri üzerinde doza bağlı sitotoksik bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
Atik, M., Karagüzel, O., Ersoy, S., 2007. Sıcaklığın Dalbergia sis- soo Tohumlarının Çimlenme Özelliklerine Etkisi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 20 (2): 203-210.
Aybeke, M., Olgun, G., Sıdal, U., Kolankaya, D., 2000. Zeytinya- ğı Fabrikası Atık Suyunun Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Kök Ucu Hücrelerindeki Mitoz Bölünme ve Total Protein Miktarı Üzerine Etkisi. Türk Journal of Biology. Tübitak, 24: 127-140.
Azmat, R., Hainder, S., Riaz, M., 2009. An Inverse Relation Betwe- en Pb2+ and Ca2+ Ions Accumulatıon In Phaseolus mungo and Lens culinaris Under Pb Stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41 (5) : 2289-2295.
Bennet, R. J., Breen, C. M., Bandu, V. S., 1985. Aluminium Toxicity and Regeneration of The Root Cap: Preliminary Evidence For a Golgi-Apparatus Derived Morphogenesis in The Pri- mary Roots of Zea mays. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 51: 363-370.
Bilaoğlu, R., 1985. Gramoxone, Afalon ve Korthion’un Hücre Bö- lünmesi ve Kromozomlar Üzerine Etkisi. Cumhuriyet Üni- versitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2: 191-204.
Carlson, S. J., Donald, W. W., 2006. Glyphosate Effects on Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Roots, Root Buds, and Shoots. Weed Research, 28: 37-45.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Ergene, A., Yalçın, E., Tan, S., Çavuşoğlu, K., Ya- par, K., 2009. Cytotoxic Effects of Lead and Mercury Ions On Root Tip Cells of Cicer arietinum L. Fresenius Environ- mental Bulletin, 18 (9): 1654-1661.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Yalçın, E., Dönmez, S., 2008. Vicia faba L. (Fabace- ae) Kök Ucu Hücrelerinde Fenol Tarafından Teşvik Edilen Sitotoksisitenin Belirlenmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversi- tesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fen Dergisi (E-Dergi), 3 (2): 139-148.
Çavuşoğlu, K., Yalçın, E., Ergene, A., 2009. The Cytotoxic Effects of Zinc and Cadmium Metal Ions On Root tip Cells of Pha- seolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae). Süleyman Demirel Üniversi- tesi Journal Of Science (e-journal), 4 (1): 1-11.
De Flora, S., Bennicelli, C., Bagnasco, M., 1994. Genotoxicity of Mercury Compounds. A Review. Mutation Research, 317: 57-79.
Doğan, B., 2002. Kurşun Nitratın (Pb(N03)2) Arpa (Hordeum vul- gare L.) Mitotik Kromozomları Üzerine Etkileri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4 (1): 27-30.
Dou, Z. X., 1988. The Pollution in Soil and Its Effects on Plants. Agro Environmental Protection, 7 (3): 38-39.
El-Barghathi, M., Asoyri, H., 2007. Effect of Phenol, Naphthol and Gibberalic Acid on Seed Germination of Allium cepa L. (Onion). Garyonis University Press, Journal of Science and Its Applications, 1 (1): 6-13.
Epa., 2012.Statisticaldatabase.Available: toxreviews/0326tr.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 20 Nisan 2012)
Farooqi, Z. R., Iqbal, M. Z., Kabir, M., Sha q, M., 2009. Toxic Ef- fects of Lead and Cadmium On Germination and Seedling Growth of Albizia Lebbeck L. Benth. Pakistan. Journal Bo- tany, 41(1): 27-33.
Fenech, M., Chang, W. P., Kirsch-Volders, M., Holland, N., Bo- nassi, S., Zeiger, E., 2003. Human MicronNucleus Project. HUMN Project: Detailed Description of The Scoring Crite- ria For The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay Using Isolated Human Lymphocyte Cultures. Mutation Research, 534 (1-2): 65-75.
Anonim, 2012.Statisticaldatabase.Available: kozmetik-vucut-bakim-urunlerinde-toksik-kimyasal- katkhttp:/ (Erişim tarihi: 16 Nisan 2012)
Hanson, J. B., 1984. The Function of Calcium in Plant Nutrition. Advances in Plant Nutrition, Newyork Praeger, 1: 149-248.
Hawley, G. G., Lewis, R. J., 2001. 1,4-Dioxane – Inhalation. Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 14. Health and Environmental Research Online ID: 196089
International Agency for Research on Cancer: IARC. 1999. Re- evaluation of Some Organic Chemicals, Hydrazine and Hydrogen Peroxide. 71 Part 2: 589-602. Technical Report. Lyon, France.
İnceer, H., Ayaz, S., Beyazoğlu, O., Şentürk, E., 2003. Cytogenetic Effects of Copper Chloride on Root Tip Cells of Helianthus annuus L. Turkish Journal of Biology, 27: 43-46.
Jiang, W., Liu, D., 2000. Effects of Pb2+ on Root Growth, Cell Di- vision, and Nucleolus of Zea mays L. Bulletin of Environ- mental Contamination Toxicology, 65: 786-793.
Jiang, W. S., Liu, D. H., 1999. Effects of Pb+2 on Root Growth, Cell Division and Nucleolus of Bressica juncea L. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 47: 153-156.
Jiang, W., Liu, D., Hou, W., 2000. Hyper Accumulation of Lead By Roots, Hypocotyls, and Shoots of Brassica juncea, Biologia Plantarum, 43 (4): 603-606.
Klasterska, I., Natarajan, A. T., Ramel, C., 1976. An Interperation of The Origin of Subchromatid Aberrations and Chromosome Stickiness As A Catogory of Chromatid Aberrations. Here- ditas, 83: 153-162.
Koca, S., 2008. The Cytogenetic Effects of Sheffer A, A Liquid Fertilizer and Growth Regulator in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba L. University of Celal Bayar Journal of Science, 4: (1) 121-126.
Korkmaz, M., Çolak, A., Sezgin, I., 1994. Fare Kemik İliği Hücre- lerinde in Vivo Olarak Mikronukleus Testi ile Daminozitin Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Biology, 18: 235- 241.
Kumar, S., Arya, S. K., Roy, B. K., Singh, A. K., 2010. The Effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid and Isoproturon Her- bicides on The Mitotic Activity of Wheat (Triticum aesti- vum L.) Root Tips. Turkish Journal of Biology, 34: 55-66.
Lane, S. D., Martin, E. S., Garrod, J. P., 1978. Lead Toxicity Effect on Indole-3-Acetic-Induced Cell Elongation. Planta, 144: 79-84.
Lewis, R. J., 2000. Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Mate- rials. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. 10. Health and Environmental Research Online ID: 625540.
Liu, D. H., Jiang, W. S., Wang, W. F., Zhao, M., Lu, F. M. C., 1994. Effects of Lead on Root Growth Cell Division and Nucleo- lus of Allium cepa. Environmental Pollution, 86: 1-4.
Marine-Morales, M. A., Mazzeo, D. E. C., Fernandes, T. C. C., 2006. Mechanism of Micronuklei Formation in Polyploidi- zated Cells of Allium cepa Exposed to Tri uralin Herbicide. Pesticide Biochemistry Phsyiology, 88 (3): 252-259.
Mcfarlane, J. C., P eeger, T., Fletcher J., 1987. Transpiration Effect on The Uptake and Distribution of Bromacil, Nitrobenzene, and Phenol in Soybean Plants. Journal of Environmental Quality, 16: 372-376.
Morimura, S., Takahashi, E., Matsumoto, H., 1978. Association of Aluminum With Nuclei and Inhibition of Cell Division in Onion (Allium cepa) Roots. Z. P anzenernahr. Bodenk, 88: 395-401.
Mott, L.,1992. Alar the aftermath. Science (New York, N.Y.), 7: 255 (5045): 665.
Muscolo, A., Panuccio, M. R., Sidari, M., 2001. Respiratory Enz- ymes Activities During Germination of Pinus laricio
Seeds Treated With Phenols Extracted From Different Forest So- ils. Plant Growth Regulation. 35 (1): 31-35.
O’Neil, M. J., Smith, A., Heckelman, P. E., Obenchain, J. R., Gal- lipeau, J. R., D’Arecca, M. A., 2001. The Merck index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. White- house Station, NJ. 13th. Merck & Co. Inc. Health and En- vironmental Research Online ID: 595055. ISBN: 0911910- 13-1.
Özyiğit, İ. İ., Kahraman M. V., Ercan Ö., 2007. Relation Between Explant Age, Total Phenols and Regeneration Response in Tissue Cultured Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). African Journal of Biotechnology, 6 (1): 3-8.
Phalsson, A. M. B., 1989. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 47: 287- 319.
Rencüzoğulları, E., Kayraldız, A., İla, H. B., Çakmak, T., Topaktaş, M., 2001a. The Cytogenetic Effect of Sodium Metabisul te, a Food Preservative in Root Tip Cells of Allium cepa L. Turkish Journal of Biology, 25: 361-370.
Roy, S. K., Thilagar, A. K., Eastmond, D. A., 2005. Chromosome Breakage is Primarily Responsible For The Micronuclei In- duced By 1,4-Dioxane in The Bone Marrow and Liver of Young CD-1Mice. Mutation Research/ Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 586: 28-37.
Sagelsdorff, P., Lutz, W. K., Schlatter., 1998. DNA Methylation in Rat Liver By Daminozide, 1.1 Dimethylhydrazine and Di- methylnitrosamine. Fundemental and Applied Toxicology, 11: 723-730.
Snyder, R. D., Gillies, P. J., 2003. Reduction of Genistein Clastoge- nicity in Chinese Hamster V79 Cells By Daidzein and Other Flavonoids. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 41: 1291-1298.
Staykova, T. A., Ivanova E. N., Velcheva I G., 2005. Cytogenetic Effect of Heavy Metal and Cyanide in Contamined Waters From The Region of Southwest Bulgaria. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 4: 41-46.
Surprenant, K. S., 2002. Dioxane. Wiley-VCH Verlag. Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 309-314. Weinheim, Germany.
Anonim, T.C. Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı MEGEP (Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim Sisteminin Güçlendirilmesi Projesi) Kimya Tek- nolojisi Katkı Maddeleri.2009. Polihidrik Alkoller-Etilen Glikol. 26. Ankara.
Anonim, Toxic Chemical Ingredients in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products. tory.htm#dioxane (Erişim Tarihi: 20 Haziran 2012)
Ugrekhelidze, D., Kvesitadze, G., Arziani, B., Mithaishvili, T., Phi- riashvili, V., 1999. Detoxication of Phenol in Annual Plant Seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 42 (2): 119-124.
Verma, S., Dubey, R. S., 2003. Lead Toxicity Induces Lipid Peroxi- dation and Alters The Activites of Antioxidant Enzymes in Growing Rice Plants. Plant Science. 164: 645-655.
Wallstedt, A., Sommarin, M., Nilsson, M. C., Munson, A. D., Mar- golis, H. A., 2001. The Inhibition of Ammonium Uptake in Excised Birch (Betula pendula) Roots By Batatasin-III. Physiologia Plantarium, 113: 368-376.
Walsh, L. M., Keeny, D. R., 1975. Behavior and Phytotoxicity of Inorganic Arsenicals in Soils. In: Arsenical Pesticides (E.A. Woolson edition). American Chemical Society, Symposium Series, 7: 35-52.
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Teker, D., & Çavuşoğlu K. (2013). Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae). Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 3(3), 31-40.
Teker D, Çavuşoğlu K. Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Eylül 2013;3(3):31-40.
Teker, Deniz, ve Çavuşoğlu Kültiğin. “Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3, sy. 3 (Eylül 2013): 31-40.
Teker D, Çavuşoğlu K (01 Eylül 2013) Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae). Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3 3 31–40.
D. Teker ve Çavuşoğlu K., “Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae)”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 31–40, 2013.
Teker, Deniz - Çavuşoğlu Kültiğin. “Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3/3 (Eylül 2013), 31-40.
Teker D, Çavuşoğlu K. Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2013;3:31–40.
Teker, Deniz ve Çavuşoğlu Kültiğin. “Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 3, sy. 3, 2013, ss. 31-40.
Teker D, Çavuşoğlu K. Determination Of Cytotoxicity Induced By 1,4 Dioxane In Root Tip Cells Of Allium Cepa L. (Amaryllıdaceae). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2013;3(3):31-40.