The genus Satureja L. (Lamiaceae) includes about 200 species of herbs and shrubs, often aromatic, widely distributed in the Mediterranean area, Asia and boreal America (Rustaiyan et al., 2004). Satureja is rep- resented by sixteen taxa in Turkey (Davis, 1982; Tumen, 2000) and the endemism ratio is 33% in Turkey, where Satureja species are grown mainly in south and west Anatolia (Davis, 1982). The essential oil components of aerial parts of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. was investigated by GC and GC-MS. The yield of plant is ca. 0.20 g L-1. Thirty ve component were identi ed representing 95.4% oil. Carvacrol (30.1%), thymol (21.8%), p-cymene (12.5%) and g-terpinene (6.5%) were found as main constituents. The results were discussed in terms of natural products, renewable resources and chemotaxonomy.
Abdollahi, M., Salehnia, A., Mortazavi, S.H., Ebrahimi, M., Sha- ee, A., Fouladian, F., Kazemi, A., 2003. Antioxidant, antidia- betic, antihyperlipidemic, reproduction stimulatory properties and safety of essential oil of Satureja khuzistanica in rat in vivo: a toxicopharmacological study. Medical Science Mon- itor, 9: 331-335.
Baher, Z.F., Mirza, M., Ghorbanli, M., Rezaii, M., 2002. The in u- ence of water stress on plant height, herbal and essential oil yield and composition in Satureja hortensis L. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 17: 275–277.
Basiri, S., Esmaily, H., Vosough-Ghanbari, S., Mohammadirad, A., Yasa, N., Abdollahi, M., 2007. Improvement by Satureja khuzistanica essential oil of malathion-induced red blood cells acetylcholinesterase inhibition and altered hepatic mitochon- drial glycogen phosphorylase and phosphoenolpyruvate car- boxykinase activities. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 89: 124 -129.
Baser, K.H.C., 1995. In Proceedings of the 13th International Con- gress of Flavours, Fragrancesand Essential Oils, Istanbul, Tur- key, 2, 67.
Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. 2th ed. Nobel Tıp Kitap Evleri, Istanbul.
Bezic, N., Ivica, Š., Valerija B., Višnja, B., Jasna P., 2009. Essential oil composition and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variability of four south-Croatian Satureja species (Lamiaceae). Molecules, 14: 925-938.
Bowles, E.J., 2004. The chemistry of aromatherapeutic oils. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen Unwin Academic, 6.
Cantino, P.D., Wagstaff, S., 1998. Brittonia, 50: 63-70.
Castilho, P., Gouveia, S., Liu, K., Rodrigues, A., Feio, S., Tomi, F., Casanova, J., 2006. Clinopodium ascendens from Madei- ra. Chemical composition and Bioactivity in C. Cervelli, B. Ruffoni, C. Dalla Guda (eds.), ISHS Acta
Horticulturae, 723. International Symposium Advances in Production, Biotech- nology and Utilization”. Italy.
Chalchat, Jean-Claude, Maksimovic, Zoran, A., Petrovic, Silvana, D., Gorunovic, Momcilo, S., 2004. Essential Oil of Acinos hungaricus (Simonkai) Silic, Lamiaceae. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16: 38-39.
Davis, P.H., 1982. Satureja L in Davis, P.H., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Edinburg University Press, Edinburgh, 7: 314-323,
Eftekhar, F., Raei, F., Yousefzadi, M., Nejad Ebrahimi, S., Hadian, J., 2009. Antibacterial activity and essential oil composition of Satureja spicigera from Iran. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 64c: 20-24.
Eminagaoglu, O., Tepe, B., Yumrutas, O., Akpulat, H.A., Daferera, D., Polissiou, M., Sokmen, A., 2007. The in vitro antioxida- tive properties of the essential oils and methanol extracts of Satureja spicigera and Satureja cuneifolia. Food Chemistry, 100: 339-343.
Biochemical and histopathological evidences for bene cial effects of Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad essential oil on the mouse model of in ammatory bowel diseases. Toxicology Mecha- nisms and Methods, 16: 365-372.
Gohari, A.R., Hadjiakhoondi, A., Ebrahimi, E.S., Mozaffarian, V., 2005. Chemical composition of the essential oils of Satureja atropatana and Satureja mutica Growing Wild in Iran. Journal Essential oil Research, 17: 17-18.
Hadian, J.,Azizi, A.,Fakhr Tabatabaei, M., Naghavi, M.R.,Jamzad, Z.,Friedt, W., 2010. Planta Medica,76:1927-1933.
Hadian, J., Mirjalili, M., Kanani, M., Salehnia, A., Ganjipoor, P., 2011. Chemical Biodiversity, 8: 902-15.
Hadian, J., Akramian, M., Heydari, H., Mumiv, H., Asghari, B., 2012. Composition and in vitro antibacterial activity of essen- tial oils from four Satureja species growing in Iran. Natural Product Research, 26: 98 -108
Haeri, S., Minaie, B., Amin, G., Nikfar, S., Khorasani, R., Esmaily, Abdollahi M., 2006. Effect of Satureja khuzistanica essential oil on male rat fertility. Fitoterapia, 77: 495-499.
Heywood, V.H., Richardson, I.B.K., 1972. Labiate. In: T.G. Tutin et. al. editors, Flora Europaeae, 3: 126-192.
Kasyani, M. A., Tabaei-Aghdaei, S.R., Se dkon, F., Jafari, A.A., Eftekhari, S. A., 2012. Annals of Biological Research, 3: 975- 978.
Kilic, O., Bagci, E., 2008. A Study on the essential oil composition of the Origanum vulgare L. subsp. gracile and the investiga- tion probability of using as herbal tea. Science Engineering Journal Fırat University, 20: 83-89.
Kilic, O., Hayta, S., Bagci, E., 2011. Chemical Composition of Es- sential Oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp. nuda (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23: 2788-2790.
Kitic, D., Palic, R, Ristic, M., Stojanovic, G., Jovanovic, T., 2001. The volatile constituents of Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. Fla- vour and Fragrance Journal, 16: 257-258.
Kurkcuoglu, M., Tumen, G., Baser, K.H.C., 2001. Essential oil con- stituents of Satureja boissieri From Turkey. Chemistry of Nat- ural Compounds, 37: 329-331.
Li, H.W., Hedge, I.C. 1994. Lamiaceae, In: Z. Y. Wu and P. H. Ra- ven co-chairs of editorial committee, Flora of China, 17: 50- 299.
Nixon, K., 2006. Diversity of life. org (DOL), cornell university, from http://www. Plant systematics. org.
Oke, F., Aslim, B., Ozturk, S., Altundag, S., 2009. Essential oil composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Sat- ureja cuneifolia Ten. Food Chemistry, 112: 874-879.
Perry, N.B., Anderson, R.E., Brennan, N.J., Douglas, M.H., Heaney, A.J., McGimpsey, J.A., Small eld, B.M. 1999. Essential oils from Dalmatian sage (Salvia of cinalis L.): variations among individuals, plant parts, seasons and sites. Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry, 47: 2048-2054.
Rojas, L.B., Usubillaga, A., 2000. Composition of the essential oil of Satureja brownei (sw) Briq From Venezuela. Flavour and Fra- grance Journal, 15: 21-22.
Rustaiyan, A., Feizbakhsh, A., Masoudi, S., Ameri, N. (2004). Com- parison of the Volatile Oils of Satureja atropatana Bung. and Satureja mutica Fisch. C.A. Mey. From Iran. Journal Essential Oil Research, 16: 594-596.
Satıl, F., Dirmenci, T., Tumen, G., 2002. Turkiye’de Ticareti Yapılan Satureja L. Turlerinin Dogadaki Durumu-II, XVI. Ulusal Biy- oloji Kongresi, 4–7 Eylul 2002, Malatya, Turkey.
Se dkon, F., Jamzad, Z., 2005. Chemical composition of the essen- tial oil of three Iranian Satureja species (S. mutica, S. macran- tha and S. intermedia). Food Chemistry, 91: 1-4.
Shishkin, B.K., 1954. Botanical Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR, 21.
Skocibusiç, M., Beziç, N., 2004. Phytochemical Analysis and In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of two Satureja species essential oils. Phytotherapphy Research, 18: 967-970.
Stojanovic, G., Globuvic, T., Kitic, D., Palic, R., 2009. Acinos spe- cies: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 3: 1240-1247.
Tumen. G., Kirimer, N., Ermin, N. and K.H.C. Baser., 1998. The Essential Oils of Two New Satureja Species from Turkey: Sa- tureja pilosa and S. icarica. Journal of Essential oil Research, 10: 524-526.
Tumen, G., Satıl, F., Duman, H., Baser, KHC., 2000. Two new re- cords for the ora of Turkey: Satureja icarica P.H. Davis, S. pilosa Velen. Turkish Journal of Botany, 24: 211-214.
Viturro, C.I., Molina, A., Guy, I., Charles, B., Guinaudeau, H., & Fournet, A., 2000. Essential oils of Satureja boliviana and S. pavifolia growing in the region of Jujuy, Argentina. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 15: 377-382
Adıyaman’dan (Türkiye) Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Türünün Kimyasal Kompozisyonu
Satureja L. (Lamiaceae) cinsi yaklaşık 200 tür içerip daha çok Akdeniz, Asya ve Boreal Amerika’da yayılış
gösteren otsu, çalımsı ve çoğunlukla aromatik bitkilerdir (Rustaiyan ve ark., 2004). Satureja cinsinin ülkemizdeki
endemizm oranı yaklaşık %33 civarındadır ve 16 takson ile temsil edilip, daha çok Anadolu’nun güney ve batı
kesimlerinde yayılış gösterir (Davis, 1982). Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss.’in topraküstü kısımlarının uçucu
yağ içerikleri GC ve GC-MS ile araştırıldı. Bitkinin yağ verimi yaklaşık olarak 100 gramda 0.2 mL’dir. Toplam
yağdan (% 95.4) otuz beş bileşen tespit edildi. Karvakrol (% 30.1), timol (% 21.8) ve p-simen (% 12.5) ve g-terpinen
(% 6.5) ana bileşenler olarak bulundu. Sonuçlar doğal ürünler, yenilenebilir kaynaklar ve kemotaksonomi açısından
Abdollahi, M., Salehnia, A., Mortazavi, S.H., Ebrahimi, M., Sha- ee, A., Fouladian, F., Kazemi, A., 2003. Antioxidant, antidia- betic, antihyperlipidemic, reproduction stimulatory properties and safety of essential oil of Satureja khuzistanica in rat in vivo: a toxicopharmacological study. Medical Science Mon- itor, 9: 331-335.
Baher, Z.F., Mirza, M., Ghorbanli, M., Rezaii, M., 2002. The in u- ence of water stress on plant height, herbal and essential oil yield and composition in Satureja hortensis L. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 17: 275–277.
Basiri, S., Esmaily, H., Vosough-Ghanbari, S., Mohammadirad, A., Yasa, N., Abdollahi, M., 2007. Improvement by Satureja khuzistanica essential oil of malathion-induced red blood cells acetylcholinesterase inhibition and altered hepatic mitochon- drial glycogen phosphorylase and phosphoenolpyruvate car- boxykinase activities. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 89: 124 -129.
Baser, K.H.C., 1995. In Proceedings of the 13th International Con- gress of Flavours, Fragrancesand Essential Oils, Istanbul, Tur- key, 2, 67.
Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. 2th ed. Nobel Tıp Kitap Evleri, Istanbul.
Bezic, N., Ivica, Š., Valerija B., Višnja, B., Jasna P., 2009. Essential oil composition and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence variability of four south-Croatian Satureja species (Lamiaceae). Molecules, 14: 925-938.
Bowles, E.J., 2004. The chemistry of aromatherapeutic oils. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen Unwin Academic, 6.
Cantino, P.D., Wagstaff, S., 1998. Brittonia, 50: 63-70.
Castilho, P., Gouveia, S., Liu, K., Rodrigues, A., Feio, S., Tomi, F., Casanova, J., 2006. Clinopodium ascendens from Madei- ra. Chemical composition and Bioactivity in C. Cervelli, B. Ruffoni, C. Dalla Guda (eds.), ISHS Acta
Horticulturae, 723. International Symposium Advances in Production, Biotech- nology and Utilization”. Italy.
Chalchat, Jean-Claude, Maksimovic, Zoran, A., Petrovic, Silvana, D., Gorunovic, Momcilo, S., 2004. Essential Oil of Acinos hungaricus (Simonkai) Silic, Lamiaceae. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 16: 38-39.
Davis, P.H., 1982. Satureja L in Davis, P.H., Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Edinburg University Press, Edinburgh, 7: 314-323,
Eftekhar, F., Raei, F., Yousefzadi, M., Nejad Ebrahimi, S., Hadian, J., 2009. Antibacterial activity and essential oil composition of Satureja spicigera from Iran. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 64c: 20-24.
Eminagaoglu, O., Tepe, B., Yumrutas, O., Akpulat, H.A., Daferera, D., Polissiou, M., Sokmen, A., 2007. The in vitro antioxida- tive properties of the essential oils and methanol extracts of Satureja spicigera and Satureja cuneifolia. Food Chemistry, 100: 339-343.
Biochemical and histopathological evidences for bene cial effects of Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad essential oil on the mouse model of in ammatory bowel diseases. Toxicology Mecha- nisms and Methods, 16: 365-372.
Gohari, A.R., Hadjiakhoondi, A., Ebrahimi, E.S., Mozaffarian, V., 2005. Chemical composition of the essential oils of Satureja atropatana and Satureja mutica Growing Wild in Iran. Journal Essential oil Research, 17: 17-18.
Hadian, J.,Azizi, A.,Fakhr Tabatabaei, M., Naghavi, M.R.,Jamzad, Z.,Friedt, W., 2010. Planta Medica,76:1927-1933.
Hadian, J., Mirjalili, M., Kanani, M., Salehnia, A., Ganjipoor, P., 2011. Chemical Biodiversity, 8: 902-15.
Hadian, J., Akramian, M., Heydari, H., Mumiv, H., Asghari, B., 2012. Composition and in vitro antibacterial activity of essen- tial oils from four Satureja species growing in Iran. Natural Product Research, 26: 98 -108
Haeri, S., Minaie, B., Amin, G., Nikfar, S., Khorasani, R., Esmaily, Abdollahi M., 2006. Effect of Satureja khuzistanica essential oil on male rat fertility. Fitoterapia, 77: 495-499.
Heywood, V.H., Richardson, I.B.K., 1972. Labiate. In: T.G. Tutin et. al. editors, Flora Europaeae, 3: 126-192.
Kasyani, M. A., Tabaei-Aghdaei, S.R., Se dkon, F., Jafari, A.A., Eftekhari, S. A., 2012. Annals of Biological Research, 3: 975- 978.
Kilic, O., Bagci, E., 2008. A Study on the essential oil composition of the Origanum vulgare L. subsp. gracile and the investiga- tion probability of using as herbal tea. Science Engineering Journal Fırat University, 20: 83-89.
Kilic, O., Hayta, S., Bagci, E., 2011. Chemical Composition of Es- sential Oil of Nepeta nuda L. subsp. nuda (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23: 2788-2790.
Kitic, D., Palic, R, Ristic, M., Stojanovic, G., Jovanovic, T., 2001. The volatile constituents of Calamintha sylvatica Bromf. Fla- vour and Fragrance Journal, 16: 257-258.
Kurkcuoglu, M., Tumen, G., Baser, K.H.C., 2001. Essential oil con- stituents of Satureja boissieri From Turkey. Chemistry of Nat- ural Compounds, 37: 329-331.
Li, H.W., Hedge, I.C. 1994. Lamiaceae, In: Z. Y. Wu and P. H. Ra- ven co-chairs of editorial committee, Flora of China, 17: 50- 299.
Nixon, K., 2006. Diversity of life. org (DOL), cornell university, from http://www. Plant systematics. org.
Oke, F., Aslim, B., Ozturk, S., Altundag, S., 2009. Essential oil composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Sat- ureja cuneifolia Ten. Food Chemistry, 112: 874-879.
Perry, N.B., Anderson, R.E., Brennan, N.J., Douglas, M.H., Heaney, A.J., McGimpsey, J.A., Small eld, B.M. 1999. Essential oils from Dalmatian sage (Salvia of cinalis L.): variations among individuals, plant parts, seasons and sites. Journal Agricultural Food Chemistry, 47: 2048-2054.
Rojas, L.B., Usubillaga, A., 2000. Composition of the essential oil of Satureja brownei (sw) Briq From Venezuela. Flavour and Fra- grance Journal, 15: 21-22.
Rustaiyan, A., Feizbakhsh, A., Masoudi, S., Ameri, N. (2004). Com- parison of the Volatile Oils of Satureja atropatana Bung. and Satureja mutica Fisch. C.A. Mey. From Iran. Journal Essential Oil Research, 16: 594-596.
Satıl, F., Dirmenci, T., Tumen, G., 2002. Turkiye’de Ticareti Yapılan Satureja L. Turlerinin Dogadaki Durumu-II, XVI. Ulusal Biy- oloji Kongresi, 4–7 Eylul 2002, Malatya, Turkey.
Se dkon, F., Jamzad, Z., 2005. Chemical composition of the essen- tial oil of three Iranian Satureja species (S. mutica, S. macran- tha and S. intermedia). Food Chemistry, 91: 1-4.
Shishkin, B.K., 1954. Botanical Institute of the Academy of Science of the USSR, 21.
Skocibusiç, M., Beziç, N., 2004. Phytochemical Analysis and In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of two Satureja species essential oils. Phytotherapphy Research, 18: 967-970.
Stojanovic, G., Globuvic, T., Kitic, D., Palic, R., 2009. Acinos spe- cies: Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 3: 1240-1247.
Tumen. G., Kirimer, N., Ermin, N. and K.H.C. Baser., 1998. The Essential Oils of Two New Satureja Species from Turkey: Sa- tureja pilosa and S. icarica. Journal of Essential oil Research, 10: 524-526.
Tumen, G., Satıl, F., Duman, H., Baser, KHC., 2000. Two new re- cords for the ora of Turkey: Satureja icarica P.H. Davis, S. pilosa Velen. Turkish Journal of Botany, 24: 211-214.
Viturro, C.I., Molina, A., Guy, I., Charles, B., Guinaudeau, H., & Fournet, A., 2000. Essential oils of Satureja boliviana and S. pavifolia growing in the region of Jujuy, Argentina. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 15: 377-382
Kılıç O. (2013). Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey). Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 3(4), 27-32.
Kılıç O. Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. Aralık 2013;3(4):27-32.
Kılıç Ömer. “Chemical Composition of Satureja Boissieri Hausskn. Ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3, sy. 4 (Aralık 2013): 27-32.
Kılıç O (01 Aralık 2013) Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey). Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3 4 27–32.
Kılıç O., “Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey)”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., c. 3, sy. 4, ss. 27–32, 2013.
Kılıç Ömer. “Chemical Composition of Satureja Boissieri Hausskn. Ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3/4 (Aralık 2013), 27-32.
Kılıç O. Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2013;3:27–32.
Kılıç Ömer. “Chemical Composition of Satureja Boissieri Hausskn. Ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey)”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, c. 3, sy. 4, 2013, ss. 27-32.
Kılıç O. Chemical Composition of Satureja boissieri Hausskn. ex Boiss. Species From Adıyaman (Turkey). Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2013;3(4):27-32.