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Dönüt Alan mı Memnun Veren mi? Çevrimiçi Akran Dönütü İle İlgili Öğrenci Görüşleri

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 - ISSUE 1, - , 15.07.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı bir grup üniversite öğrencisinin akran dönütü süreci ile ilgili görüşlerinin dönüt alan veya dönüt veren olma durumlarına göre nasıl değiştiğini incelemektir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü’nde 2013 Bahar döneminde verilen Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri 2 dersine kayıtlı 72 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar altı haftalık uygulama sürecinde Coursesites adlı çevrimiçi ortamda farklı etkinlikler gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Öğrencilerin süreç ile ilgili deneyimlerini yazdıkları yansıma günlükleri nitel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, hem dönüt alan hem de dönüt veren öğrencilerin genel olarak süreçle ilgili olumlu algılara sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Diğer taraftan dönüt alan mı memnun dönüt veren mi memnun sorusunun net bir cevabı bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yerine, her iki grubun da memnun olduğu ve olmadığı noktaların bulunduğu söylenebilir.
Anahtar sözcükler: akran dönütü, çevrimiçi öğrenme, öğretmen eğitimi


  • Brinko, K. (1993). The practice of giving feedback to improve teaching: What is effective? Journal of Higher Education, 64(5), 574-594.
  • Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1997). Having second thoughts: Student perceptions before and after a peer assessment exercise. Studies in Higher Education, 22(2), 233-239.
  • Colasante, M. (2011). Using video annotation to reflect on and evaluate physical education pre-service teaching practice. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(1), 66-88.
  • Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Foley, S. (2013). Student views of peer assessment at the International School of Lausanne. Journal of Research in International Education, 12(3), 201-213.
  • Hanrahan, S. J., & Isaacs, G. (2001). Assessing Self- and Peer-assessment: the Students’ Views. Higher Education and Development, 20(1), 53-70.
  • Hanson, P. G. (1975). Giving feedback: An interpersonal skill. In J.E Jones Pfieffer (Ed), Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators (pp. 147-154). University Associates Publishers, Inc.
  • Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77, 81-112.
  • Kollar, I., & Fischer, F. (2010). Peer assessment as collaborative learning: a cognitive perspective. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 344-348.
  • Licklider, B. L. (1995). The effects of peer coaching cycles on teacher use of a complex teaching skill and teachers’ sense of efficacy. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 9, 55-68.
  • Li, L., Liu, X., & Steckelberg, A. L. (2010). Assessor or assessee: How student learning improves by giving and receiving peer feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3), 525-536.
  • Li, L., Liu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2012). Give and take: a re-analysis of assessor and assessee's roles in technology- facilitated peer assessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(3), 376-384.
  • Mulder, R. A., Pearce, J. M., & Baik, C. (2014). Peer review in higher education: Student perceptions before and after participation. Active Learning in Higher Education, 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/1469787414527391
  • Mory, E. H. (2004). Feedback research revisited. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 745-783). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Nelson, M. M., & Schunn, C. D. (2009). The nature of feedback: How different types of peer feedback affect writing performance. Instructional Science, 27(4), 375-401.
  • Nicol, D. J., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218.
  • Noonan, B., & Duncan, C. R. (2005). Peer and self-assessment in high schools. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 10(17), 1-8.
  • Orsmond, P., Merry, S., & Reiling, K. (1996). The importance of marking criteria in the use of peer assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 21(3), 239-250.
  • Porter, L. (1982). Giving and receiving feedback: It will never be easy, but it can be better. NTL Reading Book Relations for Training. Erişim:
  • Ramaprasad, A. (1983). On the definition of feedback. Behavioral Sciences, 28, 4-13.
  • Segers, M. S. R., Gijbels, D., & Thurlings, M. (2008). The relationship between students’ perceptions of portfolio assessment practice and their approaches to learning. Educational Studies, 34(1), 35-44.
  • Shute, V. J. (2008). Focus on formative feedback. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 153-189.
  • Sluijsmans, D., Dochy, F., & Moerkerke, G. (1999). Creating a learning environment by using self-, peer- and co-assessment. Learning Environments Research: An International Journal, 1, 293-319.
  • Strijbos, J.-W., Narciss, S. & Dünnebier, K. (2010). Peer feedback content and sender's competence level in academic writing revision tasks: Are they critical for feedback perceptions and efficiency? Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 291-303.
  • Taras, M. (2003). To feedback or not to feedback in student self-assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28(5), 549-565.
  • Thurlings, M., Vermeulen, M., Bastiaens, T., & Stijnen, S. (2013). Understanding feedback: A learning theory perspective. Educational Research Review, 9, 1-15.
  • Tillema, H. H., & Smith, K. (2000). Learning from portfolios: Differential use of feedback in portfolio construction. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 26(3), 193-210.
  • Topping, K. J. (2010). Methodological quandaries in studying process and outcomes in peer-assessment. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 339-343.
  • Topping, K. J. (2009). Peer assessment. Theory Into Practice, 48(1), 20-27.
  • Van Gennip, N. A. E., Segers, M., & Tillema, H. H. (2010). Peer assessment as a collaborative learning activity: The role of interpersonal variables and conceptions. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 280-290.
  • Wang, S., & Wu, P. (2008). The role of feedback and self-efficacy on web-based learning: The social cognitive perspective. Computers & Education, 51, 1589-1598.
  • Wasson, B., & Vold, V. (2011). Leveraging new media skills for peer feedback. The Internet and Higher Education, 15(4), 255-264.
  • Wen, M. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2006). University students’ perceptions of and attitudes toward (online) peer assessment. Higher Education, 51, 27-44.
  • Yang, S. C., & Liu, S. F. (2004). Case study of online workshop for the professional development of teachers. Computers in Human Behavior, 20(6), 733-761.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 - ISSUE 1, - , 15.07.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı bir grup üniversite öğrencisinin akran dönütü süreci ile ilgili görüşlerinin dönüt alan veya dönüt veren olma durumlarına göre nasıl değiştiğini incelemektir. Araştırmanın katılımcıları, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü’nde 2013 Bahar döneminde verilen Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri 2 dersine kayıtlı 72 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar altı haftalık uygulama sürecinde Coursesites adlı çevrimiçi ortamda farklı etkinlikler gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Öğrencilerin süreç ile ilgili deneyimlerini yazdıkları yansıma günlükleri nitel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, hem dönüt alan hem de dönüt veren öğrencilerin genel olarak süreçle ilgili olumlu algılara sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Diğer taraftan dönüt alan mı memnun dönüt veren mi memnun sorusunun net bir cevabı bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yerine, her iki grubun da memnun olduğu ve olmadığı noktaların bulunduğu söylenebilir


  • Brinko, K. (1993). The practice of giving feedback to improve teaching: What is effective? Journal of Higher Education, 64(5), 574-594.
  • Cheng, W., & Warren, M. (1997). Having second thoughts: Student perceptions before and after a peer assessment exercise. Studies in Higher Education, 22(2), 233-239.
  • Colasante, M. (2011). Using video annotation to reflect on and evaluate physical education pre-service teaching practice. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(1), 66-88.
  • Driscoll, M. P. (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Foley, S. (2013). Student views of peer assessment at the International School of Lausanne. Journal of Research in International Education, 12(3), 201-213.
  • Hanrahan, S. J., & Isaacs, G. (2001). Assessing Self- and Peer-assessment: the Students’ Views. Higher Education and Development, 20(1), 53-70.
  • Hanson, P. G. (1975). Giving feedback: An interpersonal skill. In J.E Jones Pfieffer (Ed), Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators (pp. 147-154). University Associates Publishers, Inc.
  • Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77, 81-112.
  • Kollar, I., & Fischer, F. (2010). Peer assessment as collaborative learning: a cognitive perspective. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 344-348.
  • Licklider, B. L. (1995). The effects of peer coaching cycles on teacher use of a complex teaching skill and teachers’ sense of efficacy. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 9, 55-68.
  • Li, L., Liu, X., & Steckelberg, A. L. (2010). Assessor or assessee: How student learning improves by giving and receiving peer feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3), 525-536.
  • Li, L., Liu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2012). Give and take: a re-analysis of assessor and assessee's roles in technology- facilitated peer assessment. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(3), 376-384.
  • Mulder, R. A., Pearce, J. M., & Baik, C. (2014). Peer review in higher education: Student perceptions before and after participation. Active Learning in Higher Education, 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/1469787414527391
  • Mory, E. H. (2004). Feedback research revisited. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 745-783). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Nelson, M. M., & Schunn, C. D. (2009). The nature of feedback: How different types of peer feedback affect writing performance. Instructional Science, 27(4), 375-401.
  • Nicol, D. J., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218.
  • Noonan, B., & Duncan, C. R. (2005). Peer and self-assessment in high schools. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 10(17), 1-8.
  • Orsmond, P., Merry, S., & Reiling, K. (1996). The importance of marking criteria in the use of peer assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 21(3), 239-250.
  • Porter, L. (1982). Giving and receiving feedback: It will never be easy, but it can be better. NTL Reading Book Relations for Training. Erişim:
  • Ramaprasad, A. (1983). On the definition of feedback. Behavioral Sciences, 28, 4-13.
  • Segers, M. S. R., Gijbels, D., & Thurlings, M. (2008). The relationship between students’ perceptions of portfolio assessment practice and their approaches to learning. Educational Studies, 34(1), 35-44.
  • Shute, V. J. (2008). Focus on formative feedback. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 153-189.
  • Sluijsmans, D., Dochy, F., & Moerkerke, G. (1999). Creating a learning environment by using self-, peer- and co-assessment. Learning Environments Research: An International Journal, 1, 293-319.
  • Strijbos, J.-W., Narciss, S. & Dünnebier, K. (2010). Peer feedback content and sender's competence level in academic writing revision tasks: Are they critical for feedback perceptions and efficiency? Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 291-303.
  • Taras, M. (2003). To feedback or not to feedback in student self-assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28(5), 549-565.
  • Thurlings, M., Vermeulen, M., Bastiaens, T., & Stijnen, S. (2013). Understanding feedback: A learning theory perspective. Educational Research Review, 9, 1-15.
  • Tillema, H. H., & Smith, K. (2000). Learning from portfolios: Differential use of feedback in portfolio construction. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 26(3), 193-210.
  • Topping, K. J. (2010). Methodological quandaries in studying process and outcomes in peer-assessment. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 339-343.
  • Topping, K. J. (2009). Peer assessment. Theory Into Practice, 48(1), 20-27.
  • Van Gennip, N. A. E., Segers, M., & Tillema, H. H. (2010). Peer assessment as a collaborative learning activity: The role of interpersonal variables and conceptions. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 280-290.
  • Wang, S., & Wu, P. (2008). The role of feedback and self-efficacy on web-based learning: The social cognitive perspective. Computers & Education, 51, 1589-1598.
  • Wasson, B., & Vold, V. (2011). Leveraging new media skills for peer feedback. The Internet and Higher Education, 15(4), 255-264.
  • Wen, M. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2006). University students’ perceptions of and attitudes toward (online) peer assessment. Higher Education, 51, 27-44.
  • Yang, S. C., & Liu, S. F. (2004). Case study of online workshop for the professional development of teachers. Computers in Human Behavior, 20(6), 733-761.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Yasemin Demiraslan Çevik

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 - ISSUE 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demiraslan Çevik, Y. (2014). Dönüt Alan mı Memnun Veren mi? Çevrimiçi Akran Dönütü İle İlgili Öğrenci Görüşleri. Öğretim Teknolojileri Ve Öğretmen Eğitimi Dergisi, 3(1).