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Di-(2-etilhekzil) Ftalat (DEHP) Kaynaklı Testis Toksisitesine karşı Hesperedinin Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 60 - 66, 17.03.2025


Ftalatlar, plastiklerdeki esneklikleri nedeniyle yaygın olarak plastikleştirici olarak kullanılan sentetik kimyasallardır. İnsan popülasyonları ftalatlara doğrudan temas veya çevresel kirlenme yoluyla maruz kalabilir. Çoğu çalışma ftalatların üreme sistemi üzerindeki etkilerine odaklanmış ve bu bileşikleri endokrin bozucular olarak sınıflandırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, di-(2-etilhekzil) ftalat (DEHP) tarafından fare testisinde indüklenen olası oksidatif hasarı araştırmayı ve hesperedinin (HES) düzenleyici etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Bu amaçla, 24 erkek rat 4 deney grubuna ayrıldı. Grup I kontrol, Grup II HES 200 mg/kg, Grup III DEHP (1 g/kg), ve Grup V DEHP+HES 200 olarak tedavi edildi. Bütün uygulamalar oral olarak uygulandı. Ratlarda malondialdehit (MDA) seviyesi, İleri Oksidasyon Protein Ürünleri (AOPP), glutatyon seviyesi (GSH), glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx), süperoksit dismutaz (SOD) ve katalaz (KAT) aktiviteleri belirlendi. Bulgularımız DEHP’nin MDA düzeylerini önemli oranda arttırdığını bunun yanında GSH seviyesi, GPx, SOD ve KAT aktivitelerinde önemli oranda azalma olduğunu tespit ettik. İlginç olarak HES ile tedavi sonucu MDA seviyeleri azalmış, GSH ve antioksidan enzim aktiviteleri artmıştır. Sonuç olarak, DEHP, en azından kısmen oksidatif stres indüksiyonu yoluyla sıçanlarda testis fonksiyonunu bozar. Öte yandan, HES, DEHP tarafından indüklenen testis toksisitesi üzerinde potansiyel koruyucu etkiler sergiler.


  • Aksu, E. H., Kandemir, F. M., & Küçükler, S. (2021). Ameliorative effect of hesperidin on streptozotocin-diabetes mellitus-induced testicular DNA damage and sperm quality degradation in Sprague–Dawley rats. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 45(10), e13938.
  • Asejeje, F. O., Akano, O. P., Ajiboye, E. O., Adeyemo, O. A., & Ogunro, O. B. (2024). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of hesperetin in cisplatin-induced male reproductive toxicity in mice. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 33(5), 693–704.
  • Ball, C. R. (1966). Estimation and identification of thiols in rat spleen after cysteine or glutathione treatment: Relevance to protection against nitrogen mustards. Biochemical Pharmacology, 15(7), 809–816.
  • Baralić, K., Jorgovanović, D., Živančević, K., Buha Djordjević, A., Antonijević Miljaković, E., Miljković, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Antonijević, B., & Đukić-Ćosić, D. (2021). Combining in vivo pathohistological and redox status analysis with in silico toxicogenomic study to explore the phthalates and bisphenol A mixture-induced testicular toxicity. Chemosphere, 267, 129296.
  • Celik, E., Oguzturk, H., Sahin, N., Turtay, M. G., Oguz, F., & Ciftci, O. (2016). Protective effects of hesperidin in experimental testicular ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Archives of Medical Science : AMS, 12(5), 928.
  • Chen, J., Zhao, T., Zheng, X., Kang, L., Wang, J., Wei, Y., Wu, Y., Shen, L., Long, C., Wei, G., & Wu, S. (2024). Protective effects of melatonin on DEHP-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress in prepubertal testes via the PI3K/AKT pathway. Environmental Toxicology, 39(2), 952–964.
  • Çomakli, S., İleritürk, M., Manavoğlu Kirman, E., Üniversitesi, A., Fakültesi, V., Bölümü, P., Bölümü, B., & Selim, T. (2020). Rutinin Ratlarda Kolistin Kaynaklı Testis Hasarında Oksidatif DNA Hasarı, NF-κB Aracılı Enflamasyon ve Apoptoz Üzerindeki Koruyucu Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Nature and Science, 9(2), 83–90.
  • Dalkılınç, E., Küçükler, S., & Aydın, Ş. (2024). Kurşun Kaynaklı Oluşan Dalak Toksisitesine Karşı Sinapik Asitin Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Laboratuvar Hayvanları Bilimi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4(2), 72–77.
  • Erkekoglu, P., Zeybek, N. D., Giray, B., Asan, E., Arnaud, J., & Hincal, F. (2011). Reproductive toxicity of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in selenium-supplemented and selenium-deficient rats. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 34(4), 379–389.
  • Góth, L. (1991). A simple method for determination of serum catalase activity and revision of reference range. Clinica Chimica Acta, 196(2–3), 143–151.
  • Helmy, H. S., Senousy, M. A., El-Sahar, A. E., Sayed, R. H., Saad, M. A., & Elbaz, E. M. (2020). Aberrations of miR-126-3p, miR-181a and sirtuin1 network mediate Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced testicular damage in rats: The protective role of hesperidin. Toxicology, 433–434, 152406.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Q., Chen, J., Wei, Y., Long, C., Shen, L., Zheng, X., Li, D., Wang, X., Yu, C., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2024). X-box binding protein 1 caused an imbalance in pyroptosis and mitophagy in immature rats with di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced testis toxicity. Genes & Diseases, 11(2), 935–951.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Wei, Y., Long, C., Fu, Y., Wu, H., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2021a). Exposure to DEHP induces testis toxicity and injury through the ROS/mTOR/NLRP3 signaling pathway in immature rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227, 112889.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Wei, Y., Long, C., Fu, Y., Wu, H., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2021b). Exposure to DEHP induces testis toxicity and injury through the ROS/mTOR/NLRP3 signaling pathway in immature rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227, 112889.
  • Li, X., Liu, W., Wang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhu, Q., Dong, Z., & Ma, C. (2024). Incremental values of AOPP, IL-6, and GDF15 for identifying arteriosclerosis in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. European Journal of Medical Research, 29(1), 1–12.
  • Lin, Y., Xu, W., Yang, L., Chen, Z., Zhai, J., zhu, Q., Guo, Z., Wang, N., Zhang, C., Deng, H., Wang, S., & Yang, G. (2023a). Mechanism of testicular injury induced by Di-ethylhexyl phthalate and its protective agents. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 381, 110575.
  • Lin, Y., Xu, W., Yang, L., Chen, Z., Zhai, J., zhu, Q., Guo, Z., Wang, N., Zhang, C., Deng, H., Wang, S., & Yang, G. (2023b). Mechanism of testicular injury induced by Di-ethylhexyl phthalate and its protective agents. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 381, 110575.
  • Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., & Randall, R. J. (1951). Protein Measurement with the Folin Phenol Reagent. J Biol Chem, 193(1), 265–275. 10.1016/S0021-9258(19)52451-6
  • Ma, Y. B., Manzoor, R., Jia, P. P., Bian, W. P., Hamid, N., Xie, Z. Y., & Pei, D. S. (2021). Transcriptome and in silico approaches provide new insights into the mechanism of male reproductive toxicity induced by chronic exposure to DEHP. Environmental Pollution, 289, 117944.
  • Mondal, S., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2024). Antioxidants in mitigating phthalate-induced male reproductive toxicity: A comprehensive review. Chemosphere, 364, 143297.
  • Nabil, I., Eid, A. A., Yassin, H. A., Abouelrous, R. A., & Solaiman, A. A. (2024). Protective role of hesperidin in finasteride-induced testicular toxicity in adult male Wistar rats: Insights into oxidative stress, apoptosis, and ultrastructure of seminiferous tubules. Reproductive Toxicology, 124, 108535.
  • Obradovic, D., Andjelic, T., Ninkovic, M., Dejanovic, B., & Kotur-Stevuljevic, J. (2021). Superoxide dismutase (SOD), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and disease-modifying treatment are related to better relapse recovery after corticosteroid treatment in multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences, 42(8), 3241–3247.
  • Pandey, P., & Khan, F. (2021). A mechanistic review of the anticancer potential of hesperidin, a natural flavonoid from citrus fruits. Nutrition Research, 92, 21–31.
  • Placer, Z. A., Cushman, L. L., & Johnson, B. C. (1966). Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical Biochemistry, 16(2), 359–364.
  • Rotruck, J. T., Pope, A. L., Ganther, H. E., Swanson, A. B., Hafeman, D. G., & Hoekstra, W. G. (1973). Selenium: Biochemical Role as a Component of Glutathione Peroxidase. Science, 179(4073), 588–590.
  • Sun, Y., Oberley, L. W., & Li, Y. (1988). A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clinical Chemistry, 34(3), 497–500.
  • Vijaya Bharathi, B., Jaya Prakash, G., Krishna, K. M., Ravi Krishna, C. H., Sivanarayana, T., Madan, K., Rama Raju, G. A., & Annapurna, A. (2015). Protective effect of alpha glucosyl hesperidin (G-hesperidin) on chronic vanadium induced testicular toxicity and sperm nuclear DNA damage in male Sprague Dawley rats. Andrologia, 47(5), 568–578.
  • Witko, V., Nguyen, A. T., & Descamps‐Latscha, B. (1992). Microtiter plate assay for phagocyte-derived Taurine-chloramines. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 6(1), 47–53.
  • Yang, L., Yang, B., Lu, D., Peng, Z., Ren, Z., Fang, K., Liu, S., Wang, L., Zhou, J., & Dong, Q. (2020). The dynamic assessment of toxicity and pathological process of DEHP in germ cells of male Sprague Dawley rats. Reproductive Biology, 20(4), 465–473.

Investigation of the Effects of Hesperidin Against Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP)-Induced Testicular Toxicity

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 60 - 66, 17.03.2025


Phthalates are synthetic chemicals commonly used as plasticizers in plastics because of their flexibility. Human populations maybe exposed to phthalates through direct contact or environmental contamination. Most studies have focused on the effects of phthalates on the reproductive system and classified these compounds as endocrine disruptors. Hesperidin is a naturally occurring flavonoid abundantly found in citrus peels, known for its potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible oxidative damage induced by diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) in rat testis and to evaluate the regulatory effects of hesperidin (HES). For this purpose, 35 male rats were divided into 5 experimental groups. Group I was treated as control, Group II HES 200 mg/kg, Group III DEHP (1 g/kg), Group IV DEHP+HES 100 and Group V DEHP+HES 200. All applications were administered orally. Malondialdehyde (MDA) level, Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP), glutathione level (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (KAT) activities were determined in rats. Our findings showed that DEHP significantly increased MDA levels, while GSH levels, GPx, SOD and KAT activities were significantly decreased. Interestingly, MDA levels decreased and GSH and antioxidant enzyme activities increased as a result of HES treatment. In conclusion, DEHP impairs testicular function in rats, at least in part through the induction of oxidative stress. On the other hand, HES exhibits potential protective effects on DEHP-induced testicular toxicity.


  • Aksu, E. H., Kandemir, F. M., & Küçükler, S. (2021). Ameliorative effect of hesperidin on streptozotocin-diabetes mellitus-induced testicular DNA damage and sperm quality degradation in Sprague–Dawley rats. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 45(10), e13938.
  • Asejeje, F. O., Akano, O. P., Ajiboye, E. O., Adeyemo, O. A., & Ogunro, O. B. (2024). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of hesperetin in cisplatin-induced male reproductive toxicity in mice. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 33(5), 693–704.
  • Ball, C. R. (1966). Estimation and identification of thiols in rat spleen after cysteine or glutathione treatment: Relevance to protection against nitrogen mustards. Biochemical Pharmacology, 15(7), 809–816.
  • Baralić, K., Jorgovanović, D., Živančević, K., Buha Djordjević, A., Antonijević Miljaković, E., Miljković, M., Kotur-Stevuljević, J., Antonijević, B., & Đukić-Ćosić, D. (2021). Combining in vivo pathohistological and redox status analysis with in silico toxicogenomic study to explore the phthalates and bisphenol A mixture-induced testicular toxicity. Chemosphere, 267, 129296.
  • Celik, E., Oguzturk, H., Sahin, N., Turtay, M. G., Oguz, F., & Ciftci, O. (2016). Protective effects of hesperidin in experimental testicular ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Archives of Medical Science : AMS, 12(5), 928.
  • Chen, J., Zhao, T., Zheng, X., Kang, L., Wang, J., Wei, Y., Wu, Y., Shen, L., Long, C., Wei, G., & Wu, S. (2024). Protective effects of melatonin on DEHP-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress in prepubertal testes via the PI3K/AKT pathway. Environmental Toxicology, 39(2), 952–964.
  • Çomakli, S., İleritürk, M., Manavoğlu Kirman, E., Üniversitesi, A., Fakültesi, V., Bölümü, P., Bölümü, B., & Selim, T. (2020). Rutinin Ratlarda Kolistin Kaynaklı Testis Hasarında Oksidatif DNA Hasarı, NF-κB Aracılı Enflamasyon ve Apoptoz Üzerindeki Koruyucu Etkileri. Turkish Journal of Nature and Science, 9(2), 83–90.
  • Dalkılınç, E., Küçükler, S., & Aydın, Ş. (2024). Kurşun Kaynaklı Oluşan Dalak Toksisitesine Karşı Sinapik Asitin Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Laboratuvar Hayvanları Bilimi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4(2), 72–77.
  • Erkekoglu, P., Zeybek, N. D., Giray, B., Asan, E., Arnaud, J., & Hincal, F. (2011). Reproductive toxicity of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in selenium-supplemented and selenium-deficient rats. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 34(4), 379–389.
  • Góth, L. (1991). A simple method for determination of serum catalase activity and revision of reference range. Clinica Chimica Acta, 196(2–3), 143–151.
  • Helmy, H. S., Senousy, M. A., El-Sahar, A. E., Sayed, R. H., Saad, M. A., & Elbaz, E. M. (2020). Aberrations of miR-126-3p, miR-181a and sirtuin1 network mediate Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced testicular damage in rats: The protective role of hesperidin. Toxicology, 433–434, 152406.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Q., Chen, J., Wei, Y., Long, C., Shen, L., Zheng, X., Li, D., Wang, X., Yu, C., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2024). X-box binding protein 1 caused an imbalance in pyroptosis and mitophagy in immature rats with di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced testis toxicity. Genes & Diseases, 11(2), 935–951.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Wei, Y., Long, C., Fu, Y., Wu, H., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2021a). Exposure to DEHP induces testis toxicity and injury through the ROS/mTOR/NLRP3 signaling pathway in immature rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227, 112889.
  • Hong, Y., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Wei, Y., Long, C., Fu, Y., Wu, H., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Wu, S., & Wei, G. (2021b). Exposure to DEHP induces testis toxicity and injury through the ROS/mTOR/NLRP3 signaling pathway in immature rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227, 112889.
  • Li, X., Liu, W., Wang, Y., Zhao, C., Zhu, Q., Dong, Z., & Ma, C. (2024). Incremental values of AOPP, IL-6, and GDF15 for identifying arteriosclerosis in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. European Journal of Medical Research, 29(1), 1–12.
  • Lin, Y., Xu, W., Yang, L., Chen, Z., Zhai, J., zhu, Q., Guo, Z., Wang, N., Zhang, C., Deng, H., Wang, S., & Yang, G. (2023a). Mechanism of testicular injury induced by Di-ethylhexyl phthalate and its protective agents. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 381, 110575.
  • Lin, Y., Xu, W., Yang, L., Chen, Z., Zhai, J., zhu, Q., Guo, Z., Wang, N., Zhang, C., Deng, H., Wang, S., & Yang, G. (2023b). Mechanism of testicular injury induced by Di-ethylhexyl phthalate and its protective agents. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 381, 110575.
  • Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., & Randall, R. J. (1951). Protein Measurement with the Folin Phenol Reagent. J Biol Chem, 193(1), 265–275. 10.1016/S0021-9258(19)52451-6
  • Ma, Y. B., Manzoor, R., Jia, P. P., Bian, W. P., Hamid, N., Xie, Z. Y., & Pei, D. S. (2021). Transcriptome and in silico approaches provide new insights into the mechanism of male reproductive toxicity induced by chronic exposure to DEHP. Environmental Pollution, 289, 117944.
  • Mondal, S., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2024). Antioxidants in mitigating phthalate-induced male reproductive toxicity: A comprehensive review. Chemosphere, 364, 143297.
  • Nabil, I., Eid, A. A., Yassin, H. A., Abouelrous, R. A., & Solaiman, A. A. (2024). Protective role of hesperidin in finasteride-induced testicular toxicity in adult male Wistar rats: Insights into oxidative stress, apoptosis, and ultrastructure of seminiferous tubules. Reproductive Toxicology, 124, 108535.
  • Obradovic, D., Andjelic, T., Ninkovic, M., Dejanovic, B., & Kotur-Stevuljevic, J. (2021). Superoxide dismutase (SOD), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and disease-modifying treatment are related to better relapse recovery after corticosteroid treatment in multiple sclerosis. Neurological Sciences, 42(8), 3241–3247.
  • Pandey, P., & Khan, F. (2021). A mechanistic review of the anticancer potential of hesperidin, a natural flavonoid from citrus fruits. Nutrition Research, 92, 21–31.
  • Placer, Z. A., Cushman, L. L., & Johnson, B. C. (1966). Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical Biochemistry, 16(2), 359–364.
  • Rotruck, J. T., Pope, A. L., Ganther, H. E., Swanson, A. B., Hafeman, D. G., & Hoekstra, W. G. (1973). Selenium: Biochemical Role as a Component of Glutathione Peroxidase. Science, 179(4073), 588–590.
  • Sun, Y., Oberley, L. W., & Li, Y. (1988). A simple method for clinical assay of superoxide dismutase. Clinical Chemistry, 34(3), 497–500.
  • Vijaya Bharathi, B., Jaya Prakash, G., Krishna, K. M., Ravi Krishna, C. H., Sivanarayana, T., Madan, K., Rama Raju, G. A., & Annapurna, A. (2015). Protective effect of alpha glucosyl hesperidin (G-hesperidin) on chronic vanadium induced testicular toxicity and sperm nuclear DNA damage in male Sprague Dawley rats. Andrologia, 47(5), 568–578.
  • Witko, V., Nguyen, A. T., & Descamps‐Latscha, B. (1992). Microtiter plate assay for phagocyte-derived Taurine-chloramines. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 6(1), 47–53.
  • Yang, L., Yang, B., Lu, D., Peng, Z., Ren, Z., Fang, K., Liu, S., Wang, L., Zhou, J., & Dong, Q. (2020). The dynamic assessment of toxicity and pathological process of DEHP in germ cells of male Sprague Dawley rats. Reproductive Biology, 20(4), 465–473.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Tuba Doğan 0000-0003-4039-3497

Ömercan Alat 0009-0000-1781-0323

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

EndNote Doğan T, Alat Ö (01 Mart 2025) Di-(2-etilhekzil) Ftalat (DEHP) Kaynaklı Testis Toksisitesine karşı Hesperedinin Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Laboratuvar Hayvanları Bilimi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi 5 1 60–66.

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