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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 47 - 60, 30.10.2015


The changes in HR operations changed the expectations from an HR professionals in the last
decades. Today businesses need HR managers and professionals who can contribute strategically to
the organization. As a result of these developments competencies are becoming more important in the
selection process of new employees. The purpose of this research is to examine existing literature
concerning HR competencies and to shed light on what competencies university students on the way to
becoming HR professionals have. Also analyzing the perceptions of university students regarding HR
competencies and the contribution of education. Additionally the relationship between competency
level and gpa is tested. With this goal in mind a survey is conducted on 301 students of Çanakkale
Onsekiz Mart University, Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the gathered
data is analyzed. Via analysis 8 dimensions of competencies (credible activist, strategic manager,
change manager, culture and structure architect, business knowledge, innovator, HRM specialist,
manager and leader) is found. Also the data showed statistically significant differences between
education contribution and competencies. No relationship between competencies and gpa is found


  • BOYATZIS, R. E., 1982, The Competent Manager: A Model For Effective Performance, Wiley Publishing, New York.
  • BROCKBANK, W.; ULRICH, D., 2002, The New HR Agenda: 2002 HRCS Executive Summary, University Of Michigan Business School, Ann Harbot. Michigan.
  • BROCKBANK, Wayne; ULRICH, D; YOUNGER, J.; ULRICH, M. 2012, Recent Study Shows Impact Of HR Competencies On Business Performance, Employment Relations Today, 39(1), 1-7.
  • CAMPION, M. A. ; FINK, A. A.; RUGGEBERG, B. J.; CARR, L; PHILLIPS, G. M.; ODMAN, R. B., 2011, Doing Competencies Well: Best Practices In Competency Modeling, Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 225-262.
  • CASCIO, W. F., 2005, From Business Partner To Driving Business Success: The Next Step In The Evolution Of Human Management, Human Resource Management, 44(2), 159- 163.
  • ÇETİNKAYA, M., 2009, Yöneticilerin Yönetsel Yetkinlik Algılamalarına İlişkin Bir Araştırma", Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 219-238.
  • DEDE, N. P., 2007, İnsan Kaynakları Yöneticilerinin Değişen Rolleri ve Yetkinlikleri ve Bir Araştırma, Thesis (PhD), İstanbul University.
  • DYER, W. G., 1999, Training Human Resource Champions For The Twenty-First Century Human Resource Management, 38(2) 119-124.
  • GIANNANTONİO, C. M.; HURLEY, A. E., 2002, Executive Insight Into HR Practices and Education, Human Resource Management Review, 12(4), 491-511.
  • GÜLEŞ, H. K.; BURGESS, T. F., 2000, Günümüz İşletmelerinde Değişim Yönetimi: Yöntemler ve Uygulanabilirliği, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 101-114.
  • HENEMAN, R. L., 1999, Emphasizing Analytical Skills In HR Graduate Education: The Ohio State University ML HR Program, Human Resource Management, 38(2), 131-134.
  • HUNTER, R. H., 1999, The New HR And New HR Consultant: Developing Human Resource Consultants At Andersen Consulting, Human Resource Management, 38(2), 147-155.
  • JACKSON, S. E. and Schuler, R. S., 2003, Managing Human Resources, 8. edition, Transcontinental Printing, Quebec.
  • KONAN, A. Z., 2010, The HRD Competencies As Perceived By The Human Resource Development Professionals In Banks In Cote D'Ivoire, Thesis (PhD), Indiana State University.
  • LAWSON, T. E. and LIMBRICK, V., 1996, Critical Competencies and Developmental Experiences For Top HR Executives, Human Resource Management, 35(1), 67-85.
  • MCEVOY, G. M.; HAYTON, J. C.; WARNICK, A. P.; MUMFORD, T. V.; HANKS, S. H.; BLAHNA, M. J., 2005, A Competence-Based Model For Developing Human Resource Professionals, Journal of Management Education, 29(3), 383-402.
  • RAMLALL, S. J., 2006, Identifying and Understanding HR Competencies and Their Relationship to Organizational Practices, Applied H.R.M. Research, 11(1), 27-38.
  • RYCUS, J. S. and HUGHES, R. C., 2000, What is Competency Based Inservice Training?, Institute For Human Services, Columbus.
  • SCHOONOVER, S. C., 2003, Human Resource Competencies For The New Century, Schoonover Associates LLC.
  • SCHRAMM, J., 2006, HR Technology Competencies:New Roles For HR Professionals,SHRM Research Quarterly, 4(1), 1-11.
  • SPENCER, L.; SPENCER, S., 1993, Competence At Work: Models For Superior Performance, Wiley Publishing, New York.
  • SWANSON, R. A. And HOLTON, E. F., 2001, Foundations of Human Resource Development, Berret Koehler Publishing, San Francisco.
  • ULRICH, D. and BROCKBANK, W., 2005, The HR Value Position, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • ULRICH, D.; BROCKBANK, W.; YEUNG, A. K.; LAKE, D. G., 1995, Human Resource Competencies: An Empirical Assessment, Human Resource Management, 34(4), 473- 495. ULRICH, D.; BROCKBANK, W.; JOHNSON, D.; SANDHOLTZ, K; YOUNGER, J., 2009, İK Yetkinlikleri, (çev. Nazlı Şahinbaş Köksal), İstanbul.
  • ULRICH, D.; ALLEN, J.; BROCKBANK, W.; YOUNGER, J.; NYMAN, M., 2012, İK Dönüşümü, (çev. Emre Eren) İstanbul.
  • ÜNAL, Ö. F., 2010, Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi İle Yetkinlik Bazlı İnsan Kaynakları Yöneticisi Seçimi, Thesis (PhD), , Süleyman Demirel University.
  • Vicere, A. A., 1987, Break The Mold: Strategies For Leadership, Personnel Journal, 66(5), 67-73.
  • YEUNG, A.; BROCKBANK, W.; ULRICH, D., 1994, Lower Cost, Higher Value: Human Resource Function In Transformation, Human Resource Planning, 17(3), 1-16.
  • YEUNG, A.; WOOLCOCK, P.; SULLIVAN, J., 1996, Identifying And Developing HR Competencies For The Future: Keys To Sustaining The Transformation of HR Functions, Human Resources Planning, 19(4), 48-57.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4, 47 - 60, 30.10.2015


The changes in HR operations changed the expectations from an HR professionals in the last
decades. Today businesses need HR managers and professionals who can contribute strategically to
the organization. As a result of these developments competencies are becoming more important in the
selection process of new employees. The purpose of this research is to examine existing literature
concerning HR competencies and to shed light on what competencies university students on the way to
becoming HR professionals have. Also analyzing the perceptions of university students regarding HR
competencies and the contribution of education. Additionally the relationship between competency
level and gpa is tested. With this goal in mind a survey is conducted on 301 students of Çanakkale
Onsekiz Mart University, Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the gathered
data is analyzed. Via analysis 8 dimensions of competencies (credible activist, strategic manager,
change manager, culture and structure architect, business knowledge, innovator, HRM specialist,
manager and leader) is found. Also the data showed statistically significant differences between
education contribution and competencies. No relationship between competencies and gpa is found. 


  • BOYATZIS, R. E., 1982, The Competent Manager: A Model For Effective Performance, Wiley Publishing, New York.
  • BROCKBANK, W.; ULRICH, D., 2002, The New HR Agenda: 2002 HRCS Executive Summary, University Of Michigan Business School, Ann Harbot. Michigan.
  • BROCKBANK, Wayne; ULRICH, D; YOUNGER, J.; ULRICH, M. 2012, Recent Study Shows Impact Of HR Competencies On Business Performance, Employment Relations Today, 39(1), 1-7.
  • CAMPION, M. A. ; FINK, A. A.; RUGGEBERG, B. J.; CARR, L; PHILLIPS, G. M.; ODMAN, R. B., 2011, Doing Competencies Well: Best Practices In Competency Modeling, Personnel Psychology, 64(1), 225-262.
  • CASCIO, W. F., 2005, From Business Partner To Driving Business Success: The Next Step In The Evolution Of Human Management, Human Resource Management, 44(2), 159- 163.
  • ÇETİNKAYA, M., 2009, Yöneticilerin Yönetsel Yetkinlik Algılamalarına İlişkin Bir Araştırma", Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 219-238.
  • DEDE, N. P., 2007, İnsan Kaynakları Yöneticilerinin Değişen Rolleri ve Yetkinlikleri ve Bir Araştırma, Thesis (PhD), İstanbul University.
  • DYER, W. G., 1999, Training Human Resource Champions For The Twenty-First Century Human Resource Management, 38(2) 119-124.
  • GIANNANTONİO, C. M.; HURLEY, A. E., 2002, Executive Insight Into HR Practices and Education, Human Resource Management Review, 12(4), 491-511.
  • GÜLEŞ, H. K.; BURGESS, T. F., 2000, Günümüz İşletmelerinde Değişim Yönetimi: Yöntemler ve Uygulanabilirliği, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 14(1), 101-114.
  • HENEMAN, R. L., 1999, Emphasizing Analytical Skills In HR Graduate Education: The Ohio State University ML HR Program, Human Resource Management, 38(2), 131-134.
  • HUNTER, R. H., 1999, The New HR And New HR Consultant: Developing Human Resource Consultants At Andersen Consulting, Human Resource Management, 38(2), 147-155.
  • JACKSON, S. E. and Schuler, R. S., 2003, Managing Human Resources, 8. edition, Transcontinental Printing, Quebec.
  • KONAN, A. Z., 2010, The HRD Competencies As Perceived By The Human Resource Development Professionals In Banks In Cote D'Ivoire, Thesis (PhD), Indiana State University.
  • LAWSON, T. E. and LIMBRICK, V., 1996, Critical Competencies and Developmental Experiences For Top HR Executives, Human Resource Management, 35(1), 67-85.
  • MCEVOY, G. M.; HAYTON, J. C.; WARNICK, A. P.; MUMFORD, T. V.; HANKS, S. H.; BLAHNA, M. J., 2005, A Competence-Based Model For Developing Human Resource Professionals, Journal of Management Education, 29(3), 383-402.
  • RAMLALL, S. J., 2006, Identifying and Understanding HR Competencies and Their Relationship to Organizational Practices, Applied H.R.M. Research, 11(1), 27-38.
  • RYCUS, J. S. and HUGHES, R. C., 2000, What is Competency Based Inservice Training?, Institute For Human Services, Columbus.
  • SCHOONOVER, S. C., 2003, Human Resource Competencies For The New Century, Schoonover Associates LLC.
  • SCHRAMM, J., 2006, HR Technology Competencies:New Roles For HR Professionals,SHRM Research Quarterly, 4(1), 1-11.
  • SPENCER, L.; SPENCER, S., 1993, Competence At Work: Models For Superior Performance, Wiley Publishing, New York.
  • SWANSON, R. A. And HOLTON, E. F., 2001, Foundations of Human Resource Development, Berret Koehler Publishing, San Francisco.
  • ULRICH, D. and BROCKBANK, W., 2005, The HR Value Position, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • ULRICH, D.; BROCKBANK, W.; YEUNG, A. K.; LAKE, D. G., 1995, Human Resource Competencies: An Empirical Assessment, Human Resource Management, 34(4), 473- 495. ULRICH, D.; BROCKBANK, W.; JOHNSON, D.; SANDHOLTZ, K; YOUNGER, J., 2009, İK Yetkinlikleri, (çev. Nazlı Şahinbaş Köksal), İstanbul.
  • ULRICH, D.; ALLEN, J.; BROCKBANK, W.; YOUNGER, J.; NYMAN, M., 2012, İK Dönüşümü, (çev. Emre Eren) İstanbul.
  • ÜNAL, Ö. F., 2010, Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi İle Yetkinlik Bazlı İnsan Kaynakları Yöneticisi Seçimi, Thesis (PhD), , Süleyman Demirel University.
  • Vicere, A. A., 1987, Break The Mold: Strategies For Leadership, Personnel Journal, 66(5), 67-73.
  • YEUNG, A.; BROCKBANK, W.; ULRICH, D., 1994, Lower Cost, Higher Value: Human Resource Function In Transformation, Human Resource Planning, 17(3), 1-16.
  • YEUNG, A.; WOOLCOCK, P.; SULLIVAN, J., 1996, Identifying And Developing HR Competencies For The Future: Keys To Sustaining The Transformation of HR Functions, Human Resources Planning, 19(4), 48-57.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Serkan Özdemir

Ayten Akatay

Umut Eroğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, S., Akatay, A., & Eroğlu, U. (2015). COMPETENCIES OF HR PROFESSIONALS: A STUDY ON THE HR COMPETENCIES OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS1. Journal of Life Economics, 2(4), 47-60.