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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 177 - 190, 26.10.2018


As a rapidly developing multidisciplinary research field, neuromarketing
offers great advantage to researchers in understanding the irrational
aspects of consumer behavior. Neuromarketing methods are used to
complement the classical marketing research methods for the analysis of
subconscious dimensions of consumers’ cognitive load which occurs in
the procurement process.
In communication age that we’re in now, there are many differences in
online purchasing behavior of consumer groups whom defined as 'digital
immigrants' and 'digital natives'. Literature shows that digital natives
who met internet as soon as their birth are really familiar to online
shopping technologies, but digital immigrants are still abstemious to
online transactions.
In this research, digital natives who are stay continuously online and
digital immigrants who are still in the process of adaptation to online
world were examined through 'stress levels'. In our study, both groups
were manipulated by using "web site load speed", which is the one of the
most important stress factors in online shopping and through this
stimulus the changes in their purchasing behavior were investigated.
Stress levels were analyzed via Galvanic Skin Conductance Response, as
one of the biometric measurement techniques, and the difference between
the two groups was determined by statistical methods. We assume that;
the difference between two groups’ stress levels, should be considered as
a clue to understand the effects of shopping sites’ technical
infrastructures on consumer decision making processes and online
shopping behaviour.


  • AHN, J., and JUNG, Y., 2016, The common sense of dependence on smartphone: A comparison between digital natives and digital immigrants, New Media & Society, 18(7), 1236-1256.
  • BINSCH, O., BOTTENHEFT, C., BOTTENHEFT, L., BOONEKAMP, R., and VALK, P., 2017, Using a controlled virtual reality simulation platform to induce, measure and feedback stress responses of soldiers, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(2), 124-125.
  • BREMNER, J. D., RANDALL, P., SCOTT, T. M., BRONEN, R. A., SEIBYL, J. P., SOUTHWICK, S. M., and INNIS, R. B., 1995, MRI-based measurement of hippocampal volume in patients with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder, The American Journal Of Psychiatry, 152(7), 973.
  • CRITCHLEY, H. D., ELLIOTT, R., MATHIAS, C. J., and DOLAN, R. J., 2000, Neural activity relating to generation and representation of galvanic skin conductance responses: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(8), 3033-3040.
  • EDELBERG, R., and BURCH, N. R., 1962, Skin resistance and galvanic skin response: ınfluence of surface variables, and methodological implications, Archives Of General Psychiatry, 7(3), 163-169.
  • FERNANDES, A., HELAWAR, R., LOKESH, R., TARI, T., and SHAHAPURKAR, A. V., 2014, Determination of stress using blood pressure and galvanic skin response. Communication and Network Technologies (ICCNT) 2014 International Conference, 165-168.
  • FURINI, M., 2014, Users behavior in location-aware services: digital natives versus digital immigrants, Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol: 52, ID 678165, 1-24.
  • GERAY, H., 1997, “İletişim, Bilgi Toplumu ve Küreselleşme”, Emperyalizmin Yeni Masalı: Küreselleşme, İmge Yayınları, Ankara, ISBN: 9755331859, Işık Kansu (Yay. Haz.)
  • GRINGS, W. W., and DAWSON, M. E., 1978, Emotions and Bodily Responses A psychophysiological Approach, Academic Press, INC, 9780123037503.
  • GUNAWARDHANE, S. D., DE SILVA, P. M., KULATHUNGA, D. S., and ARUNATILEKA, S. M., 2013, Non invasive human stress detection using key stroke dynamics and pattern variations, In advances in ICT for emerging regions (ICTer), 2013 Uluslararası IEEE konferansı, 240-247.
  • GUO, R. X., DOBSON, T., and PETRINA, S., 2008, Digital natives, digital immigrants: An analysis of age and ICT competency in teacher education, Journal of educational computing research, 38(3), 235-254.
  • HEALEY, J. A., and PICARD, R. W., 2005, Detecting stress during real-world driving tasks using physiological sensors. IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 6(2), 156-166.
  • KIRK, C. P., CHIAGOURIS, L., LALA, V., and THOMAS, J. D., 2015, How do digital natives and digital immigrants respond differently to interactivity online?: A Model for Predicting Consumer Attitudes and Intentions to Use Digital Information Products, Journal of Advertising Research, 55(1), 81-94.
  • LaBARBERA, P. A., and TUCCIARONE, J. D., 1995, GSR reconsidered: A behavior-based approach to evaluating and improving the sales potency of advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 35(5), 33-53.
  • LAM, L. T., PENG, Z. W., MAI, J. C., and JING, J., 2009, Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents, Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(5), 551-555.
  • LUNDBERG, U., KADEFORS, R., MELIN, B., PALMERUD, G., HASSMÉN, P., ENGSTROM, M., ve DOHNS, I. E., 1994, Psychophysiological stress and EMG activity of the trapezius muscle, International journal of behavioral medicine, 1(4), 354-370.
  • MERLA, A., and ROMANI, G. L., 2007, Thermal signatures of emotional arousal: a functional infrared imaging study, In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 29. Uluslararası IEEE Kongresi, 247-249.
  • ÖZGİDEN, M. Ç. H., 2013, Dijital kültür sürecinde dijital yerliler ve dijital göçmenlerin twitter kullanim davranışları üzerine bir araştırma, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2(1), 172-189.
  • ÖZTÜRK, U. C., 2015, Bağlantıda kalmak ya da kalmamak işte tüm korku bu: internetsiz kalma korkusu ve örgütsel yansımaları, Journal Of International Social Research, 8(37), 629-638.
  • PALFREY, J., and GASSER, U., 2008, Born Digital, Understanding The First Generation Of Digital Natives, Published By Basic Books, A Member Of The Perseus Books Group, New York, 9780465005154.
  • PARTALA, T., and SURAKKA, V., 2003, Pupil size variation as an indication of affective processing, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59, 185-198.
  • PERALA, C. H. and STERLING, B. S., 2007, Galvanic skin response as a measure of soldier stress (No. ARL-TR-4114), U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate Aberdeen Proving Ground MD.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2009, H. sapiens digital: From digital immigrants and digital natives to digital wisdom, Innovate: journal of online education, 5(3), 1.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2001, Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1, On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2004, The emerging online life of the digital native, [Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2018].
  • RANSDELL, S., KENT, B., GAILLARD‐KENNEY, S. and LONG, J., 2011, Digital immigrants fare better than digital natives due to social reliance, British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(6), 931-938.
  • RIZZO, A., PAIR, J., GRAAP, K., MANSON, B., MCNERNEY, P. J., WIEDERHOLD, B., and SPIRA, J., 2006, A virtual reality exposure therapy application for Iraq War military personnel with post traumatic stress disorder: From training to toy to treatment, NATO Security through Science Series E Human and Societal Dynamics, 6, 235.
  • SEOANE, F., MOHINO-HERRANZ, I., FERREIRA, J., ALVAREZ, L., BUENDIA, R., AYLLÓN, D., and GIL-PITA, R., 2014, Wearable biomedical measurement systems for assessment of mental stress of combatants in real time, Sensors, 14(4), 7120-7141.
  • STEWART, D. W., and FURSE, D. H., 1982, Applying psychophysiological measures to marketing and advertising research problems, Current Issues And Research In Advertising, 5(1), 1-38.
  • TOUHAMI, Z. O., BENLAFKIH, L., JIDDANE, M., CHERRAH, Y., MALKI, H. O. E., and BENOMAR, A., 2011, Neuromarketing: Where marketing and neuroscience meet, African Journal of Business Management, 5(5), 1528-1532.
  • VILLAREJO, M. V., ZAPIRAIN, B. G., and ZORRILLA, A. M., 2012, A stress sensor based on Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) controlled by ZigBee, Sensors, 12(5), 6075-6101.
  • WANG, Q. E., MYERS, M. D., and SUNDARAM, D., 2013, Digital natives and digital immigrants, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5(6), 409-419.
  • YAMAMOTO, Y., ISSHIKI, H., and NAKAMURA, T., 1996, Instantaneous measurement of electrical parameters in a palm during electrodermal activity, IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 45(2), 483-487.
  • YILDIZ, K. A., 2012, Dijital yerliler gerçekten yerli mi yoksa dijital melez mi?, International Journal Of Social Science, 5(7), 819-833.
  • YOUNG, K. S., 1998, Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder, Cyberpsychology & behavior, 1(3), 237-244.
  • ZHAI J., Barreto A. 2006, Stress detection in computer users through non-invasive monitoring of physiological signals, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42, 495-500.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 177 - 190, 26.10.2018


Nöropazarlama, literatürde henüz çok yakın zamanda yer edinmesine karşın oldukça hızlı gelişen multidisipliner bir çalışma alanı olarak tanımlanmakta ve tüketici davranışlarının irrasyonel yönlerinin aydınlatılmasında araştırmacılara büyük avantaj sunmaktadır. Satınalma süreçlerinde tüketicilerin yürüttüğü bilişsel faaliyetlerin bilinç üstü ve bilinçaltı düzeylerdeki kırılmalarının tespiti için nöropazarlama yöntemlerinin kullanılması, klasik araştırma yöntemlerini destekleyici niteliği ve bireysel manipülasyona imkan vermemesi sebebiyle araştırmanın derinleştirilmesini mümkün kılmaktadır.
İçinde bulunduğumuz iletişim çağında, ‘dijital göçmenler’ ve ‘dijital yerliler’ olarak tanımlanan tüketici gruplarının online satın alma davranışlarında pek çok farklılık bulunmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar teknoloji ile doğar doğmaz tanışan dijital yerlilerin son derece alışkın
oldukları online alışverişe teknoloji ile erişkin dönemlerinde tanışan
dijital göçmenlerin daha mesafeli yaklaştığını göstermektedir. Bu
çalışmada sürekli çevrimiçi olmayı doğal kabul eden dijital yerliler ile
henüz adaptasyon sürecinde olan dijital göçmenlerin online alışveriş
süreçlerindeki tutumları ve süreci etkileyen faktörler ‘stres düzeyleri’
üzerinden incelenmiştir. Araştırmada her iki grup da online alışverişteki
önemli stres faktörlerinden biri olan “web sitesi yüklenme hızı”nın
uyaran olarak kullanılması ile manipüle edilmiş ve satın alma
davranışlarındaki değişimler araştırılmıştır.
Stres düzeyleri, biyometrik ölçüm tekniklerinden biri olan Galvanik Deri
İletkenliği Tepkisi kullanılarak analiz edilmiş ve iki grup arasındaki fark
istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen stres
düzeyleri farkının; hedef pazarı oluşturan iki temel grubun online
alışveriş alışkanlıklarının ve alışveriş sitelerinin teknik altyapılarının
tüketicinin satın alma kararı üzerindeki etkisinin anlaşılması için önemli
olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • AHN, J., and JUNG, Y., 2016, The common sense of dependence on smartphone: A comparison between digital natives and digital immigrants, New Media & Society, 18(7), 1236-1256.
  • BINSCH, O., BOTTENHEFT, C., BOTTENHEFT, L., BOONEKAMP, R., and VALK, P., 2017, Using a controlled virtual reality simulation platform to induce, measure and feedback stress responses of soldiers, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(2), 124-125.
  • BREMNER, J. D., RANDALL, P., SCOTT, T. M., BRONEN, R. A., SEIBYL, J. P., SOUTHWICK, S. M., and INNIS, R. B., 1995, MRI-based measurement of hippocampal volume in patients with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder, The American Journal Of Psychiatry, 152(7), 973.
  • CRITCHLEY, H. D., ELLIOTT, R., MATHIAS, C. J., and DOLAN, R. J., 2000, Neural activity relating to generation and representation of galvanic skin conductance responses: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study, Journal of Neuroscience, 20(8), 3033-3040.
  • EDELBERG, R., and BURCH, N. R., 1962, Skin resistance and galvanic skin response: ınfluence of surface variables, and methodological implications, Archives Of General Psychiatry, 7(3), 163-169.
  • FERNANDES, A., HELAWAR, R., LOKESH, R., TARI, T., and SHAHAPURKAR, A. V., 2014, Determination of stress using blood pressure and galvanic skin response. Communication and Network Technologies (ICCNT) 2014 International Conference, 165-168.
  • FURINI, M., 2014, Users behavior in location-aware services: digital natives versus digital immigrants, Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Vol: 52, ID 678165, 1-24.
  • GERAY, H., 1997, “İletişim, Bilgi Toplumu ve Küreselleşme”, Emperyalizmin Yeni Masalı: Küreselleşme, İmge Yayınları, Ankara, ISBN: 9755331859, Işık Kansu (Yay. Haz.)
  • GRINGS, W. W., and DAWSON, M. E., 1978, Emotions and Bodily Responses A psychophysiological Approach, Academic Press, INC, 9780123037503.
  • GUNAWARDHANE, S. D., DE SILVA, P. M., KULATHUNGA, D. S., and ARUNATILEKA, S. M., 2013, Non invasive human stress detection using key stroke dynamics and pattern variations, In advances in ICT for emerging regions (ICTer), 2013 Uluslararası IEEE konferansı, 240-247.
  • GUO, R. X., DOBSON, T., and PETRINA, S., 2008, Digital natives, digital immigrants: An analysis of age and ICT competency in teacher education, Journal of educational computing research, 38(3), 235-254.
  • HEALEY, J. A., and PICARD, R. W., 2005, Detecting stress during real-world driving tasks using physiological sensors. IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 6(2), 156-166.
  • KIRK, C. P., CHIAGOURIS, L., LALA, V., and THOMAS, J. D., 2015, How do digital natives and digital immigrants respond differently to interactivity online?: A Model for Predicting Consumer Attitudes and Intentions to Use Digital Information Products, Journal of Advertising Research, 55(1), 81-94.
  • LaBARBERA, P. A., and TUCCIARONE, J. D., 1995, GSR reconsidered: A behavior-based approach to evaluating and improving the sales potency of advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 35(5), 33-53.
  • LAM, L. T., PENG, Z. W., MAI, J. C., and JING, J., 2009, Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents, Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 12(5), 551-555.
  • LUNDBERG, U., KADEFORS, R., MELIN, B., PALMERUD, G., HASSMÉN, P., ENGSTROM, M., ve DOHNS, I. E., 1994, Psychophysiological stress and EMG activity of the trapezius muscle, International journal of behavioral medicine, 1(4), 354-370.
  • MERLA, A., and ROMANI, G. L., 2007, Thermal signatures of emotional arousal: a functional infrared imaging study, In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 29. Uluslararası IEEE Kongresi, 247-249.
  • ÖZGİDEN, M. Ç. H., 2013, Dijital kültür sürecinde dijital yerliler ve dijital göçmenlerin twitter kullanim davranışları üzerine bir araştırma, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2(1), 172-189.
  • ÖZTÜRK, U. C., 2015, Bağlantıda kalmak ya da kalmamak işte tüm korku bu: internetsiz kalma korkusu ve örgütsel yansımaları, Journal Of International Social Research, 8(37), 629-638.
  • PALFREY, J., and GASSER, U., 2008, Born Digital, Understanding The First Generation Of Digital Natives, Published By Basic Books, A Member Of The Perseus Books Group, New York, 9780465005154.
  • PARTALA, T., and SURAKKA, V., 2003, Pupil size variation as an indication of affective processing, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59, 185-198.
  • PERALA, C. H. and STERLING, B. S., 2007, Galvanic skin response as a measure of soldier stress (No. ARL-TR-4114), U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate Aberdeen Proving Ground MD.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2009, H. sapiens digital: From digital immigrants and digital natives to digital wisdom, Innovate: journal of online education, 5(3), 1.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2001, Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1, On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
  • PRENSKY, M., 2004, The emerging online life of the digital native, [Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2018].
  • RANSDELL, S., KENT, B., GAILLARD‐KENNEY, S. and LONG, J., 2011, Digital immigrants fare better than digital natives due to social reliance, British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(6), 931-938.
  • RIZZO, A., PAIR, J., GRAAP, K., MANSON, B., MCNERNEY, P. J., WIEDERHOLD, B., and SPIRA, J., 2006, A virtual reality exposure therapy application for Iraq War military personnel with post traumatic stress disorder: From training to toy to treatment, NATO Security through Science Series E Human and Societal Dynamics, 6, 235.
  • SEOANE, F., MOHINO-HERRANZ, I., FERREIRA, J., ALVAREZ, L., BUENDIA, R., AYLLÓN, D., and GIL-PITA, R., 2014, Wearable biomedical measurement systems for assessment of mental stress of combatants in real time, Sensors, 14(4), 7120-7141.
  • STEWART, D. W., and FURSE, D. H., 1982, Applying psychophysiological measures to marketing and advertising research problems, Current Issues And Research In Advertising, 5(1), 1-38.
  • TOUHAMI, Z. O., BENLAFKIH, L., JIDDANE, M., CHERRAH, Y., MALKI, H. O. E., and BENOMAR, A., 2011, Neuromarketing: Where marketing and neuroscience meet, African Journal of Business Management, 5(5), 1528-1532.
  • VILLAREJO, M. V., ZAPIRAIN, B. G., and ZORRILLA, A. M., 2012, A stress sensor based on Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) controlled by ZigBee, Sensors, 12(5), 6075-6101.
  • WANG, Q. E., MYERS, M. D., and SUNDARAM, D., 2013, Digital natives and digital immigrants, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 5(6), 409-419.
  • YAMAMOTO, Y., ISSHIKI, H., and NAKAMURA, T., 1996, Instantaneous measurement of electrical parameters in a palm during electrodermal activity, IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 45(2), 483-487.
  • YILDIZ, K. A., 2012, Dijital yerliler gerçekten yerli mi yoksa dijital melez mi?, International Journal Of Social Science, 5(7), 819-833.
  • YOUNG, K. S., 1998, Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder, Cyberpsychology & behavior, 1(3), 237-244.
  • ZHAI J., Barreto A. 2006, Stress detection in computer users through non-invasive monitoring of physiological signals, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42, 495-500.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4

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