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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 151 - 160, 02.05.2020


Industry 4.0 refers to the latest development of industry, which began in the 18th century in England. In this period, the industrial sector, which has passed through three important stages with the use of steam power, electricity and computer in industry, is facing the fourth stage, called Industrial 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the emergence of the concept of i the Internet of things ”. The fact that objects reach the internet and communicate with other devices, in other words, objects become “smart objects Nes has brought the concept of the Internet of objects into the agenda. Intelligent objects have a place in daily life; The mechanization of production in the agricultural, industrial and service sectors is thus interpreted as minimizing the need for human beings. The situation shows that there will be radical changes in the working principles of the sectors. The change in the production method and the need for human beings bring the questions about how the management structures of the enterprises will continue. It is envisaged that the mechanization of Industry 4.0 will be highly effective on the service sector, which is a labor-intensive sector, and the enterprises operating in the sector. In this study, it is aimed to discuss the possible changes in the management structures of the organizations operating in the media sector which are sub-sectors of the service sector during the Industry 4.0 process. In the study, the concept of Industry 4.0 was first defined and its scope was analyzed. Then media organizations and management structures were examined. Finally, evaluations and projections regarding the possible change of the management structure of media organizations within the scope of Industry 4.0 are given. Literature review and editing methods were used in the study.


  • ALÇIN, S. (2019). “Üretim İçin Yeni Bir İzlek: Sanayi 4.0”. Journal of Life Academics, 3(2), s. 19-30 https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/305119 Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • ALTINTAŞ YILMAZ, E. (2018). “Dijital Dönüşüm Uygulamalarının Kurumların Marka Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Medya ve İletişim Araştırmaları Hakemli e-Dergisi, (e-Journal of Ege University Faculty of Communication Media and Communication Research) 2, s. 1-18. https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/464395 Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • ARSLAN, K.; KIRBAŞ, İ. (2016). “Nesnelerin İnterneti Uygulamaları İçin Algılayıcı/Eyleyici Kablosuz Düğüm İlkörneği Geliştirme”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, (International Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute of Natural Sciences) Özel Sayı 1, s. 35-43. http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/makufebed/article/view/5000195368/5000170277 Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • ARTZ, L. (2016). “Transnational Media Corporations and the Global Division of Cultural Labor and Consumption”. Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, 17(2), s 25-38 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315477765_Transnational_Media_Corporations_and_the_Global_Division_of_Cultural_Labor_and_Consumption Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • BARTODZİEJ, C. J. (2017). “The Concept Industry4.0”. In: The Concept Industry 4.0. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 27-50.
  • BAYTAR, O. (2011). “Küreselleşme Dinamiklerinin Medya Sektörüne Etkileri”. Hak İş Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, (Hak İş International Journal of Labor and Society) 3, s. 234-261. http://www.ktu.edu.tr/dosyalar/iletisimarastirmalari_1fcea.pdf Date of Access: 01.07.2019
  • BBC, (2018). “Dünyanın İlk 'Yapay Zeka Spikeri' Ekrana Çıktı”. https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-46138326 Date of Access: 15.04.2019
  • CHEN, JWM.; LI, F. (2012). “Machine-to-Machine Communications: Architectures, Standards, and Applications”.  KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(2). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264846553_Machine-to-Machine_Communications_Architectures_Standards_and_Applications Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • EP. (2015). “Briefing: Industry 4 – Digitalisation for productivity and growth”, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 10s.
  • Endüstri40.com. “Siber Fiziksel Sistemler”. https://www.endustri40.com/siber-fiziksel-sistemler/ Date of Access: 08.07.2019
  • GEİSSBAUER, R.; VEDSO, J.; SCHRAUF, S. (2016). “A Strategist’s Guide to Industry 4.0”, http://www.strategy-business.com/article/A-Strategists-Guide-to-Industry-4.0?gko=7c4cf , Date of Access: 28.11.2016
  • HARRIS, J. M., (2000). “Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmanın Temel Prensipleri”. Transl. Emine Özete http://www.sdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr/makaleler/EmineOzmet2eviri.pdf Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • HERMANN, M., PENTEK, T., OTTO, B. (2015). “Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios: A Literature Review”. Working Paper, No. 01 / 2015, Technische Universität Dortmund.
  • HOLLIFIELD, C. A.; BECKER, Lee, B. ve VLAD, T. (2006). “The Effects of Political, Economic and Organizational Factors on the Performance of Broadcast Media in Developing Countries”, paper presented to the Political Communication Division of the International Association for Media and Communication Conference, Kahire, Mısır.
  • IGARASHİ, Y., UENO, M., FUJİSAKİ, T. (2012). “Proposed Node and Network Models for an M2M Internet”. World Telecommunications Congress (WTC), Mart, s. 1–6.
  • MMC, (2017). “Trumpf Building Technology Center Near Chicago”. Modern Machine Shop http://www.mmsonline.com/news/trumpf-building-technology-center-near-chicago , Date of Access: 22.01.2017
  • SputnikNews, (2019). “Çin, Dünyanın Yapay Zekalı İlk Kadın Haber Sunucusunu Tanıttı”. https://tr.sputniknews.com/bilim/201902211037790208-cin-dunyanin-yapay-zekali-kadin-haber-sunucusu/ Date of Access: 10.07.2019
  • UZKURT, C. (2010). “İnovasyon Yönetimi: İnovasyon Nedir, Nasıl Yapılır ve Nasıl Pazarlanır?” http://www.aso.org.tr/b2b/asobilgi/sayilar/4dosyatemmuzagustos2010.pdf Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • WEF, (2018). “Global Competitiveness Report 2018”. World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018.pdf Date of Access: 02.07.2019
  • WEF, (2017). “Global Competitiveness Report 2017”. World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2017-2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2017%E2%80%932018.pdf Date of Access: 02.07.2019


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 151 - 160, 02.05.2020


Industry 4.0 refers to the latest development of industry, which began in the 18th century in England. In this period, the industrial sector, which has passed through three important stages with the use of steam power, electricity and computer in industry, is facing the fourth stage, called Industrial 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the emergence of the concept of i the Internet of things ”. The fact that objects reach the internet and communicate with other devices, in other words, objects become “smart objects Nes has brought the concept of the Internet of objects into the agenda. Intelligent objects have a place in daily life; The mechanization of production in the agricultural, industrial and service sectors is thus interpreted as minimizing the need for human beings. The situation shows that there will be radical changes in the working principles of the sectors. The change in the production method and the need for human beings bring the questions about how the management structures of the enterprises will continue. It is envisaged that the mechanization of Industry 4.0 will be highly effective on the service sector, which is a labor-intensive sector, and the enterprises operating in the sector. In this study, it is aimed to discuss the possible changes in the management structures of the organizations operating in the media sector which are sub-sectors of the service sector during the Industry 4.0 process. In the study, the concept of Industry 4.0 was first defined and its scope was analyzed. Then media organizations and management structures were examined. Finally, evaluations and projections regarding the possible change of the management structure of media organizations within the scope of Industry 4.0 are given. Literature review and editing methods were used in the study.


  • ALÇIN, S. (2019). “Üretim İçin Yeni Bir İzlek: Sanayi 4.0”. Journal of Life Academics, 3(2), s. 19-30 https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/305119 Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • ALTINTAŞ YILMAZ, E. (2018). “Dijital Dönüşüm Uygulamalarının Kurumların Marka Değeri Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Medya ve İletişim Araştırmaları Hakemli e-Dergisi, (e-Journal of Ege University Faculty of Communication Media and Communication Research) 2, s. 1-18. https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/464395 Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • ARSLAN, K.; KIRBAŞ, İ. (2016). “Nesnelerin İnterneti Uygulamaları İçin Algılayıcı/Eyleyici Kablosuz Düğüm İlkörneği Geliştirme”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, (International Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute of Natural Sciences) Özel Sayı 1, s. 35-43. http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/makufebed/article/view/5000195368/5000170277 Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • ARTZ, L. (2016). “Transnational Media Corporations and the Global Division of Cultural Labor and Consumption”. Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, 17(2), s 25-38 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315477765_Transnational_Media_Corporations_and_the_Global_Division_of_Cultural_Labor_and_Consumption Date of Access: 07.07.2019
  • BARTODZİEJ, C. J. (2017). “The Concept Industry4.0”. In: The Concept Industry 4.0. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 27-50.
  • BAYTAR, O. (2011). “Küreselleşme Dinamiklerinin Medya Sektörüne Etkileri”. Hak İş Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, (Hak İş International Journal of Labor and Society) 3, s. 234-261. http://www.ktu.edu.tr/dosyalar/iletisimarastirmalari_1fcea.pdf Date of Access: 01.07.2019
  • BBC, (2018). “Dünyanın İlk 'Yapay Zeka Spikeri' Ekrana Çıktı”. https://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler-46138326 Date of Access: 15.04.2019
  • CHEN, JWM.; LI, F. (2012). “Machine-to-Machine Communications: Architectures, Standards, and Applications”.  KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(2). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264846553_Machine-to-Machine_Communications_Architectures_Standards_and_Applications Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • EP. (2015). “Briefing: Industry 4 – Digitalisation for productivity and growth”, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 10s.
  • Endüstri40.com. “Siber Fiziksel Sistemler”. https://www.endustri40.com/siber-fiziksel-sistemler/ Date of Access: 08.07.2019
  • GEİSSBAUER, R.; VEDSO, J.; SCHRAUF, S. (2016). “A Strategist’s Guide to Industry 4.0”, http://www.strategy-business.com/article/A-Strategists-Guide-to-Industry-4.0?gko=7c4cf , Date of Access: 28.11.2016
  • HARRIS, J. M., (2000). “Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmanın Temel Prensipleri”. Transl. Emine Özete http://www.sdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr/makaleler/EmineOzmet2eviri.pdf Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • HERMANN, M., PENTEK, T., OTTO, B. (2015). “Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios: A Literature Review”. Working Paper, No. 01 / 2015, Technische Universität Dortmund.
  • HOLLIFIELD, C. A.; BECKER, Lee, B. ve VLAD, T. (2006). “The Effects of Political, Economic and Organizational Factors on the Performance of Broadcast Media in Developing Countries”, paper presented to the Political Communication Division of the International Association for Media and Communication Conference, Kahire, Mısır.
  • IGARASHİ, Y., UENO, M., FUJİSAKİ, T. (2012). “Proposed Node and Network Models for an M2M Internet”. World Telecommunications Congress (WTC), Mart, s. 1–6.
  • MMC, (2017). “Trumpf Building Technology Center Near Chicago”. Modern Machine Shop http://www.mmsonline.com/news/trumpf-building-technology-center-near-chicago , Date of Access: 22.01.2017
  • SputnikNews, (2019). “Çin, Dünyanın Yapay Zekalı İlk Kadın Haber Sunucusunu Tanıttı”. https://tr.sputniknews.com/bilim/201902211037790208-cin-dunyanin-yapay-zekali-kadin-haber-sunucusu/ Date of Access: 10.07.2019
  • UZKURT, C. (2010). “İnovasyon Yönetimi: İnovasyon Nedir, Nasıl Yapılır ve Nasıl Pazarlanır?” http://www.aso.org.tr/b2b/asobilgi/sayilar/4dosyatemmuzagustos2010.pdf Date of Access: 01.06.2019
  • WEF, (2018). “Global Competitiveness Report 2018”. World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2018.pdf Date of Access: 02.07.2019
  • WEF, (2017). “Global Competitiveness Report 2017”. World Economic Forum. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR2017-2018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2017%E2%80%932018.pdf Date of Access: 02.07.2019
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Birol Akgül 0000-0002-0701-0928

Zeynep Ayer 0000-0003-4107-0171

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgül, B., & Ayer, Z. (2020). THE CHANGE IN THE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE OF MEDIA INSTITUTIONS IN THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (INDUSTRY 4.0) PROCESS. Journal of Life Economics, 7(2), 151-160. https://doi.org/10.15637/jlecon.7.010