The North American English is different from the British English in many pronunciation cases. One of these cases is known as flapping in the articulation of which the /t/ and /d/ phonemes are converted into a flap, whose sign is [D]. This pronunciation case is frequently heard in many TV broadcasts such as CNN, CNN International, and Voice of America. Flapping, triggered by a phonetic process called neutralization, causes a breakdown is communication. Even advanced students can be “confused with it” (Avery and Ehrlich 1992:42). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the working mechanism of flapping and rehabilitate its pronunciation difficulty by a sample lessons operated by the audio-articulation method.
Kuzey American İngilizcesi, Britanya İngilizcesinden sesletim açısından birçokyönden farklıdır. Bu farklılıkladan bir tanesi, tekçarpmalılık olup, /t/ ve /d/ gibi patlamalısesbirimlerin ünlülerarası bir ortamda birbirlerini aşındırarak [D] imi ile gösterilen bir sesedönüştürmeleridir. Tekçarpmalı patlamalı olan bu ses CNN, CNN International, and Voice ofAmerica gibi yayın kanallarının sunduğu haberler ve filmlerde çok duyulmaktadır.Tekçarpmalılaşma, nötürleme adı verilen bir ses süreci ile tetiklenince, konuşulanlarıanlayamama gibi bir güçlük oluşturmaktadır. İleri derecede İngilizce bilenlerin bile iletişiminibozabilmektedir(Avery and Ehrlich 1992:42). Bu makalenin amacı, nötürleşme tarafındantetiklenen bu ses olayının işleme düzeneğini ortaya çıkarmak ve neden olduğu sesletimgüçlüğünü duyseslet yöntemi kullanarak gidermektir
Demirezen, M. (2006). Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2(1), 87-100.
Demirezen M. Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. Nisan 2006;2(1):87-100.
Demirezen, Mehmet. “Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ Into [D] in Pronunciation’”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 2, sy. 1 (Nisan 2006): 87-100.
Demirezen M (01 Nisan 2006) Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 2 1 87–100.
M. Demirezen, “Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, c. 2, sy. 1, ss. 87–100, 2006.
Demirezen, Mehmet. “Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ Into [D] in Pronunciation’”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 2/1 (Nisan 2006), 87-100.
Demirezen M. Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2006;2:87–100.
Demirezen, Mehmet. “Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ Into [D] in Pronunciation’”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, c. 2, sy. 1, 2006, ss. 87-100.
Demirezen M. Flapping in North American Pronunciation: Case 1 ’The Change of /t/ and /d/ into [D] in Pronunciation’. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2006;2(1):87-100.