The Use of Technology and Its Effects on Language Learning Motivation
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 86 - 100, 26.12.2020
Semahat Aysu
This study aimed to find out the effects of technology use on the motivation level of foreign language students in the language classrooms. For this reason, an experiment was carried out in this study. There were two groups of students who were studying in Tourism and Hotel Management Program. 20 of them were in the control group while 25 of them were in the experimental group. The same questionnaire developed by the researcher was administered to both groups as a pre- test and a post-test. The results indicated that; while there were not any significant differences between two groups as a result of pre-test, students in the experimental group were highly motivated after a four-week treatment. On the other hand, there was not a significant difference in students’ motivation level in the control group.
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