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Kıbrıs Jeolojisi ve Maden Yatakları Üzerine Bazı Jeofizik İrdelemeler

Yıl 1986, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 35 - 42, 15.07.1986


Kıbrıs'ın sülfürlü cevher yataklarının varlığı eski çağlardan beri bilinmektedir. Bu yataklar, Üst Kretase yaşlı Troodos Masifi' nin en üstünde yer alan yastık lavların içerisinde bulunmaktadır. Maden yataklarını bulma ve bölgenin genel yapısını inceleme amacıyla birçok araştırıcı değişik jeofizik yöntemleri uygulamışlardır. Çevre kayaçlarından fazla bir fiziksel farklılık göstermemelerinden dolayı, sülfürlü yatakları bulmada, elektrik yöntemi dışındakiler başarılı olmamıştır. Toleyitik karakterli bazaltlardan oluşan yastık lavların manyetik özellikleri fazladır. Manyetik anomaliler yastık lavlarla ilişkili olup bu lavların kalınlaştığı yerlerde pozitif değerler verirler. Cevherleşme ile manyetik anomalilerin doğrudan bir ilişkisi yoktur. Fakat cevherli zonlar veya gossanlar (demir şapka) üzerinde negatif manyetik anomaliler yer alır. Ayrıca bu negatif anomalilerin asıl nedeni cevherleşmeyi oluşturan gabro veya benzeri intrüziflerdir.


  • ADAMİDES, N.G., 1979, The form and environment of the Kalavasos are deposits-Cyprus: in: "Ophiolites" Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 117-128.
  • BEAR, L.M., 1963, The mineral resources and mining industry of Cyprus' Geol. Sur. Cyprus, Bull., No:1, 184 p.
  • DAVİS, J. C., 1973 Statistics and data analysis in geology Wiley, New York, 550 p.
  • ERGON, M., 1977, Magnetic Studies in Cyprus and the Biga peninsula, Turkey: Ph.D. Thesis, Leicester University, England, 225 p.
  • FULLER, B.D., 1967, Two dimensional frequency analysis and grid operators: Mining Geophysics, vol 2. SEG Publications, 658-708.
  • GASS, I.G., 1968, The Troodos Massif of Cyprus a fragment Mesozoic Ocean floor: NATURE, 220, 39-42.
  • GASS, I.G., 1979, The Troodos Massif: its role in the unravelling of the ophiolite problem and its significance in the understanding of constructive plate margin processes: in " Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 23-25.
  • GASS, I.G., and Masson-Smith, D., 1963, The geology and gravity anomalies of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Roy. Soc. London, Philos. Trans., A255, 417-467.
  • GRANT, F.S., 1957, A problem in the analysis of geophysical data: GEOPHYSICS, 12, 309-344
  • GREENBAUM, D., 1972, Magmatic processes at oceanic ridges: Evidence from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Nat. Phys. Sci, 238, 18-21.
  • KHAN, M.A., SUMMERS, C., BAMFORD, S.A.D., CHORSTON, N., POSTER, K. ve VINE, F.J., 1972, A reversad refraction line in the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Nat. Phys. Sci., 238, 134-136.
  • KOULOMZİNE, TH., LAMONTAGNE Y. ve NATEAU,A.,1970, New methods for the direct interpretation of magnetic anomalies caused by inclined dikes of infinite length: GEOPHYSICS, 35, 812-830.
  • MC GRATH, H. H. ve HALL, O. H., 1959, Crustal structure in northwestern Ontario: Regional magnetic anomalise: Canad, Journ. Earth Sci., 6, 1101-1107.
  • MCKENZİL, D.P., 1976, The East Anatolion Fault: A major structure in eastern Turkey: Earth, Planet. Sei. Lett., 29, 189-193.
  • MOORES, E.M. ve VÎNE, F.J., 1971, The Troodos Massif, Cyprus and other ophiolites as oceanic crust, evaluation and implications: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A268, 443-468.
  • ÖZELÇİ, F., 1973, Gravity anomalies of the Eastern Mediterranean' Bull. Min. Res. Expl. Ins., Turkey, 80, 54-92.
  • RABINOWITZ, P.D. ve RYAN: W.B.F., 1970, Gravity anomalies and cristal shartening in the Eastern Mediterranean' TECTONOPHYSICS, 10, 585-608.
  • ROBERTSON, A.H.F., 1975, Cyprus umbers: basalt-sediment relationships on a Mesozoic ocean ridge: J. Geol. Soc. Lond., 131,511-531.
  • ROBERTSON, A.H.F., ve WOODCOCK: N. H., 1979, Tectonic settings of the Troodos Massif in the east Mediterranean in "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 36-49.
  • SEARLE, D.L., 1972, Mode of occurrence of the cupriferous pyrite deposits of Cyprus: Trans. Inst. Min. Met., 81 B, 89-97.
  • SEARLE, D.L., ve PANAYİOTOU, A., 1979 structural implications in the evolution of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus' "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Syposium, Cyprus, 50-60.
  • SHELTON, A.W. ve GASS, I.G., 1979, Rotation of the Cyprus microplate' in: "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 61-65
  • SPECTOR, A. ve GRANT, F.S., 1970, Statistical models for interpreting aeromagnetic data: GEOPHYSICS:35, 293-302.
  • TALWANI, M. ve HEİRTZLER.J.R., 1964, Computation of magnetic anomalies caused by two dimensional structure of arbitrary shape: in: Computers in the mineral industries, Part I, Geological Sciences, Stanford University Publications, I, 464-480.
  • VİNE, F.J. ve MOORES, E.M., 1969, Paleomagnetic results from the Troodos igneous massif, Cypru: Trans Am. Geophys. Union, 50, 131.
  • VİNE, FJ. POSTER, C.K. ve GASS, I.G., 1973, Aeromagnetic survey of the Troodos igneous massif, Cyprus: Nat. Phys. Sei., 244, 34-38.
  • VOGELSANG, D., 1972, Geophysical categorization of the pre-Cambrian in South India: Geophys. Prosp., 20, 317-329.
  • WONG., H.K., ZARUDZKİ, E.F.K., PHILLIPS, J.D. ve GİERNANNİ, G.F.K., 1971, Some geophysical profiles in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 82,81-100.
  • WOODSIDE, I., 1976, Regional vertical tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 47, 493-514.
  • WOODSIDE, I. and BOWİN, C.O., 1970, Gravity anomalies and inferred crustal structure in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 81,1107-1127.

Soma Geophysical Aspects of the Cyprus Geology and Ore Deposits

Yıl 1986, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 35 - 42, 15.07.1986


The existance of suhphide ore deposits of Cyprus has been known since the ancient times. These ore deposits are placed within the pillow lavas which make the uppermost sequence of the Upper Cretaceous Troodos Massif, various geophysical methods have been used by many research workers to investigate the general structure of the region and to locate ore bodies. Except the electrical methods, they haven't been successful to locate sulfide ore bodies because the lack of contrast between the ore bodies and the country rocks. The magnetic properties of the pillow lavas which are made of thoeilitic basalts, are considerable. Magnetic anomalies are associated with the pillow lavas where the positive values are given by the thick piles of these volcanic series. There is no direct relationship between the ore deposits and the magnetic anomalies. But there are negative magnetic anomalies over the mineralized zones and the gossans. Also the reason of these negative anomalies may be due to the gabbros or similar intrusives which can be the cause of mineralization.


  • ADAMİDES, N.G., 1979, The form and environment of the Kalavasos are deposits-Cyprus: in: "Ophiolites" Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 117-128.
  • BEAR, L.M., 1963, The mineral resources and mining industry of Cyprus' Geol. Sur. Cyprus, Bull., No:1, 184 p.
  • DAVİS, J. C., 1973 Statistics and data analysis in geology Wiley, New York, 550 p.
  • ERGON, M., 1977, Magnetic Studies in Cyprus and the Biga peninsula, Turkey: Ph.D. Thesis, Leicester University, England, 225 p.
  • FULLER, B.D., 1967, Two dimensional frequency analysis and grid operators: Mining Geophysics, vol 2. SEG Publications, 658-708.
  • GASS, I.G., 1968, The Troodos Massif of Cyprus a fragment Mesozoic Ocean floor: NATURE, 220, 39-42.
  • GASS, I.G., 1979, The Troodos Massif: its role in the unravelling of the ophiolite problem and its significance in the understanding of constructive plate margin processes: in " Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 23-25.
  • GASS, I.G., and Masson-Smith, D., 1963, The geology and gravity anomalies of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Roy. Soc. London, Philos. Trans., A255, 417-467.
  • GRANT, F.S., 1957, A problem in the analysis of geophysical data: GEOPHYSICS, 12, 309-344
  • GREENBAUM, D., 1972, Magmatic processes at oceanic ridges: Evidence from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Nat. Phys. Sci, 238, 18-21.
  • KHAN, M.A., SUMMERS, C., BAMFORD, S.A.D., CHORSTON, N., POSTER, K. ve VINE, F.J., 1972, A reversad refraction line in the Troodos Massif, Cyprus Nat. Phys. Sci., 238, 134-136.
  • KOULOMZİNE, TH., LAMONTAGNE Y. ve NATEAU,A.,1970, New methods for the direct interpretation of magnetic anomalies caused by inclined dikes of infinite length: GEOPHYSICS, 35, 812-830.
  • MC GRATH, H. H. ve HALL, O. H., 1959, Crustal structure in northwestern Ontario: Regional magnetic anomalise: Canad, Journ. Earth Sci., 6, 1101-1107.
  • MCKENZİL, D.P., 1976, The East Anatolion Fault: A major structure in eastern Turkey: Earth, Planet. Sei. Lett., 29, 189-193.
  • MOORES, E.M. ve VÎNE, F.J., 1971, The Troodos Massif, Cyprus and other ophiolites as oceanic crust, evaluation and implications: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A268, 443-468.
  • ÖZELÇİ, F., 1973, Gravity anomalies of the Eastern Mediterranean' Bull. Min. Res. Expl. Ins., Turkey, 80, 54-92.
  • RABINOWITZ, P.D. ve RYAN: W.B.F., 1970, Gravity anomalies and cristal shartening in the Eastern Mediterranean' TECTONOPHYSICS, 10, 585-608.
  • ROBERTSON, A.H.F., 1975, Cyprus umbers: basalt-sediment relationships on a Mesozoic ocean ridge: J. Geol. Soc. Lond., 131,511-531.
  • ROBERTSON, A.H.F., ve WOODCOCK: N. H., 1979, Tectonic settings of the Troodos Massif in the east Mediterranean in "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 36-49.
  • SEARLE, D.L., 1972, Mode of occurrence of the cupriferous pyrite deposits of Cyprus: Trans. Inst. Min. Met., 81 B, 89-97.
  • SEARLE, D.L., ve PANAYİOTOU, A., 1979 structural implications in the evolution of the Troodos Massif, Cyprus' "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Syposium, Cyprus, 50-60.
  • SHELTON, A.W. ve GASS, I.G., 1979, Rotation of the Cyprus microplate' in: "Ophiolites", Proceedings of International Ophiolite Symposium, Cyprus, 61-65
  • SPECTOR, A. ve GRANT, F.S., 1970, Statistical models for interpreting aeromagnetic data: GEOPHYSICS:35, 293-302.
  • TALWANI, M. ve HEİRTZLER.J.R., 1964, Computation of magnetic anomalies caused by two dimensional structure of arbitrary shape: in: Computers in the mineral industries, Part I, Geological Sciences, Stanford University Publications, I, 464-480.
  • VİNE, F.J. ve MOORES, E.M., 1969, Paleomagnetic results from the Troodos igneous massif, Cypru: Trans Am. Geophys. Union, 50, 131.
  • VİNE, FJ. POSTER, C.K. ve GASS, I.G., 1973, Aeromagnetic survey of the Troodos igneous massif, Cyprus: Nat. Phys. Sei., 244, 34-38.
  • VOGELSANG, D., 1972, Geophysical categorization of the pre-Cambrian in South India: Geophys. Prosp., 20, 317-329.
  • WONG., H.K., ZARUDZKİ, E.F.K., PHILLIPS, J.D. ve GİERNANNİ, G.F.K., 1971, Some geophysical profiles in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 82,81-100.
  • WOODSIDE, I., 1976, Regional vertical tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 47, 493-514.
  • WOODSIDE, I. and BOWİN, C.O., 1970, Gravity anomalies and inferred crustal structure in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 81,1107-1127.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa Ergün Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 1986
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Nisan 1986
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1986 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ergün, M. (1986). Kıbrıs Jeolojisi ve Maden Yatakları Üzerine Bazı Jeofizik İrdelemeler. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 10(3), 35-42.