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Potansiyel Mineralizasyon Kuşaklarının Uzaktan Algılama Yöntemleri ile Saptanması, Gongola, Doğu Nijerya

Yıl 1990, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 33 - 36, 15.05.1990


Yeryüzündeki maden kuşakları genellikle uzunlamasına, eğrisel veya dairesel yer şekilleri ile ilgili olarak belirirler. Bunun nedeni, magma ayrışması sürecine bağlı olarak, minerallerin zengin olduğu eriyiklerin bu zayıf noktalardan yerin üst kabuğuna geçerek ya bu var olan çizgisel şekiller boyunca veya volkanitler şeklinde katılaşmasıdır. Bu şekiller önemli jeolojik anomalilerdir ve maden içerebildikleri için derinliğine araştırılmaları gerekir. LANDSAT verilerinden potansiyel maden bölgelerinin saptanması daha önceki deneyimlerle kanıtlanmıştır. Bunlara benzer olarak bir Nijerya LANDSAT fotoğrafında yapılan değerlendirme, Doğu Nijerya'nın Gongola eyaletindeki bazı yerlerin yüksek mineralizasyon potansiyeli olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • GRANT, N.K., 1971, A compilation of Radiometric ages from Nigeria: Jour. Mining Geology, V.6, 37 54.
  • KUTINA, J., 1969, Hydrothermal ore deposits in the Western United States: A new concept of structural control of distribution: Science, V.165, 1113-1119.
  • LATHRAM, E.H. and GRYE, G„ 1973, Metallogenic significance of Alaskan geostructures seen from space: Proceedings, 8th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of environment, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1209-1211.
  • OFFIELD, T.W. et al 1977, Structure mapping on enhanced landsat images of Southern Brasil: Tectonic Control of Mineralization and speculations on Nctallogeny: Geophysics, v. 42, NO. 3, 482-500.
  • OVERSBY, V.U., 1975, Lead isotopic study of Aplites from precambrian Basement rocks near Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria, Earth Planetary Sei. letters, V. 27, 177-180.
  • ROWAL, L.C., 1975, Application of Sattelites to geologic exploration: American Scientist, v. 63, 393-403.
  • ROWAN, L.C., LATHRAM, B.H., 1980, Mineral Exploration in Remote Sensing in Geology, Editors, Siegal B.S. and Gillespie, A.R. John Willey and Sons, N.York.
  • SCHUILING, R.D., 1962, Tin Belts on the Continents round the Atlantic Ocean: Econ. Geol, v. 62, 540-550.
  • SUTHERLAND-BROWN and Others 1971, Metallogeny of the Canadian Cordillera: Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy trans., v. 74, 121-145.
  • TRASWELL, F.J. and Cope, R.N., 1963. The geology of parts of Niger and Zaria provinces: Geol. Surv. Nigeria, Bull., 29, 52 p.
  • WRIGHT, J.B., 1970 Controls of mineralization in the Older and Younger Tin fields of Nigeria. Economic Geology, V.65, 945-951.
  • VAN BREMEEN, O. et al 1976. Age and Isotopic studies of some Pan-African granites from North Central Nigeria, Precamb. Res., v.4, 307-319.

Remote Sensing Lineament Interpretation for Mineral Exploration in Gongola, East Nigeria

Yıl 1990, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 33 - 36, 15.05.1990


Most of the mineralization zones are related to linear and curvilinear features. This is due to the magma differentiation process where by the mineral rich fluids either solidify along existing lineaments (fractures) forming linear features, or intrude into the upper crust as igneous bodies forming curvilinear features. These linear features are conspicious and easily recognized on remotely sensed data which invites the attention to the anomalous geologic features for detailed investigation. Previous experiements to identify mineral target areas on LANDSAT imageries give encouraging results. Similarly, a Nigerian LANDSAT image interpretation indicates areas of high potential for mineralization in South Gongola State, Eastern Nigeria.


  • GRANT, N.K., 1971, A compilation of Radiometric ages from Nigeria: Jour. Mining Geology, V.6, 37 54.
  • KUTINA, J., 1969, Hydrothermal ore deposits in the Western United States: A new concept of structural control of distribution: Science, V.165, 1113-1119.
  • LATHRAM, E.H. and GRYE, G„ 1973, Metallogenic significance of Alaskan geostructures seen from space: Proceedings, 8th Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing of environment, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1209-1211.
  • OFFIELD, T.W. et al 1977, Structure mapping on enhanced landsat images of Southern Brasil: Tectonic Control of Mineralization and speculations on Nctallogeny: Geophysics, v. 42, NO. 3, 482-500.
  • OVERSBY, V.U., 1975, Lead isotopic study of Aplites from precambrian Basement rocks near Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria, Earth Planetary Sei. letters, V. 27, 177-180.
  • ROWAL, L.C., 1975, Application of Sattelites to geologic exploration: American Scientist, v. 63, 393-403.
  • ROWAN, L.C., LATHRAM, B.H., 1980, Mineral Exploration in Remote Sensing in Geology, Editors, Siegal B.S. and Gillespie, A.R. John Willey and Sons, N.York.
  • SCHUILING, R.D., 1962, Tin Belts on the Continents round the Atlantic Ocean: Econ. Geol, v. 62, 540-550.
  • SUTHERLAND-BROWN and Others 1971, Metallogeny of the Canadian Cordillera: Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy trans., v. 74, 121-145.
  • TRASWELL, F.J. and Cope, R.N., 1963. The geology of parts of Niger and Zaria provinces: Geol. Surv. Nigeria, Bull., 29, 52 p.
  • WRIGHT, J.B., 1970 Controls of mineralization in the Older and Younger Tin fields of Nigeria. Economic Geology, V.65, 945-951.
  • VAN BREMEEN, O. et al 1976. Age and Isotopic studies of some Pan-African granites from North Central Nigeria, Precamb. Res., v.4, 307-319.
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Murat Avcı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 1990
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 1990
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1990 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Avcı, M. (1990). Potansiyel Mineralizasyon Kuşaklarının Uzaktan Algılama Yöntemleri ile Saptanması, Gongola, Doğu Nijerya. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 14(1), 33-36.