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Farklı Ağırlıklara Sahip Karbon Elyaf Takviyeli Sandviç Kompozitlerin Mekanik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 303 - 315, 20.12.2024


Bu çalışmada, farklı elyaf ağırlıklarına sahip karbon elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemeler ve XPS köpük çekirdek kullanılarak üretilen sandviç yapıların darbe ve üç nokta eğme performansları incelenmiştir. Sandviç yapılarda 200 g/m² ve 400 g/m² ağırlığındaki karbon elyaf kullanılmıştır. Takviyeli tabakaları, XPS köpük çekirdeğin dört kat üstüne ve dört kat altına yerleştirilerek oluşturulmuştur. Darbe dayanımı testi için 30 J, 50 J ve 70 J enerji seviyelerinde düşük hızlı darbe testleri ve üç nokta eğme testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan testler sonucunda, elyaf ağırlığının artışı malzemelerin darbe dayanımı ve eğme mukavemeti üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 200 g/m² elyaf ağırlığına sahip numuneler 30 J enerji altında 1200 N maksimum kuvvet değerine ulaşırken, 400 g/m² ağırlığındaki numuneler 6400 N'lik kuvvet değerine ulaşmıştır. Benzer şekilde, 50 J ve 70 J enerji seviyelerinde daha ağır elyaflı numuneler daha yüksek maksimum kuvvet ve enerji absorpsiyonu sağlamıştır. Üç nokta eğme testlerinde de 200 g/m² elyaf ağırlığına sahip numuneler 200 N maksimum kuvvet değerine ulaşırken, 400 g/m² ağırlığındaki numuneler 450 N'e kadar çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak, elyaf ağırlığının artırılması, sandviç yapıların mekanik dayanıklılığını ve enerji absorbe kapasitesini önemli ölçüde artırmış, bu da malzemelerin mühendislik uygulamaları için kritik bir parametre olduğunu göstermektedir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışmada herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır ve tüm etik kurallara uyulmuştur.

Destekleyen Kurum

Destekleyen Kurum Yoktur


Makale değerlendirme sürecinde göstereceğiniz zaman ve emek için şimdiden teşekkür ederim. Çalışmamı inceleyeceğiniz için minnettarım.


  • Abid S. R., Abdul-Hussein M. L., Ayoob N. S., Ali S. H., Kadhum A.L., Repeated Drop-Weight Impact Tests on Self-Compacting Concrete Reinforced with Micro-Steel Fiber. Heliyon 6 (1), 2020.
  • Acanfora V., Sellitto A., Russo A., Zarrelli M., Riccio A., Experimental Investigation on 3D Printed Lightweight Sandwich Structures for Energy Absorption Aerospace Applications. Aerospace Science and Technology 137, 108276, 2023.
  • Adin H., Adin M. Ş., Effect of Particles on Tensile and Bending Properties of Jute Epoxy Composites. Materials Testing 64 (3), 401-411, 2022.
  • Alabd M. U., Temiz A., Optimization of Annealing and 3D Printing Process Parameters of PLA Parts. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 8(2), 185-201, 2024.
  • Alagesan P. K., Recent Advances of Hybrid Fiber Composites for Various Applications. Hybrid Fiber Composites 381-404, 2020.
  • ASTM D638-14, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics, 2022.
  • Bhong M., Khan T. K. H., Devade K., Vijay Krishna B., Sura S., Eftikhaar H. K., Pal Thethi H., Gupta N., Review of Composite Materials and Applications. Materials Today, Proceedings 2023.
  • Burkov M. V., Kononova A. A., Eremin A. V., Effect of SWCNT Deposition by Spraying Technique on Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Peek Laminates. Mechanics of Composite Materials 60 (3), 561-574, 2024.
  • Burley A., Aitharaju V., Enhanced Ductility in In-Layer Glass-Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Composites Produced Via Tailored Fiber Placement. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 168, 107488, 2023.
  • Ceritbinmez F., Özkan V., Saracoglu G., Yapici A., MWCNTs Doped GFRPs Drilling: Crosscheck Among Holes Obtained by Alternative Manufacturing Methods, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 118(1), 33-4, 2022.
  • Ceritbinmez F., Yapici A., Kanca E., The Effect of Nanoparticle Additive on Surface Milling in Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures, Polymers and Polymer Composites 29(9), 575-585, 2021.
  • Djafar Z., Renreng I., Jannah M., Tensile and Bending Strength Analysis of Ramie Fiber and Woven Ramie Reinforced Epoxy Composite. Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (12), 2315-2326, 2021.
  • Doğan M. A., Gemi L., Yazman Ş., Ceritbinmez F., Yapici A., Effect of Hybridization and Stacking Sequence on Damage Development in AWJ Machining of Al/FRP/Al FML Composites, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 131, 141-159, 2024.
  • Fan Y., Mechanical Performance of Advanced Composite Materials and Structures. Materials 17 (10), 2172, 2024.
  • Ferreira L. M., Aranda M. T., Muñoz-Reja M., Coelho C. A. C. P., Távara L., Ageing Effect on The Low-Velocity Impact Response of 3D Printed Continuous Fibre Reinforced Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 267, 111031, 2023.
  • Gebrehiwet L., Abate E., Negussie Y., Teklehaymanot T., Abeselom E., Application of Composite Materials In Aerospace and Automotive Industry: Review. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) 5, 697, 2023.
  • Habib A., Rajoni H., Sayeed A., Islam M., Taher A., Sajedujjaman M., Saifullah A., Sarker F., Habib A., Rajoni H., Sayeed A., Islam M., Sajedujjaman A.T.M., Sarker F., Saifullah A., Sustainable Jute Fiber Sandwich Composites with Hybridization of Short Fiber and Woven Fabric Structures in Core and Skin Layers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2400138, 1-12, 2024.
  • He W., Wang L., Liu H., Wang C., Yao L., Li Q. and Sun G., On Impact Behavior of Fiber Metal Laminate (FML) Structures: A State of The Art Review. Thin-Walled Structures 167, 1-33, 108026, 2021.
  • Ižvolt L., Kardoš J., Dobeš P., Navikas D., Comprehensive Assessment of The Effectiveness of The Application of Foam and Extruded Polystyrene In The Railway Substructure. Buildings 14 (1), 31, 2023.
  • Karpenko M., Stosiak M., Deptuła A., Urbanowicz K., Nugaras J., Królczyk G., Żak K., Performance Evaluation of Extruded Polystyrene Foam for Aerospace Engineering Applications Using Frequency Analyses. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 126, 5515-5526, 2023.
  • Khan F., Hossain N., Mim J. J., Rahman S. M., Iqbal M. J., Billah M., Chowdhury M. A., Advances of Composite Materials In Automobile Applications – A review. Journal of Engineering 2307-1877, 2024.
  • Mohamad M. A., Jumahat A., Sapiai N., Flexural Analysis of Hemp, Kenaf and Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polyester Resin. Biopolymer Composites: Production and Modification from Tropical Wood and Non-Wood Raw Materials 9 (1), 231-246, 2023.
  • Mohammadi H., Ahmad Z., Petru M., Mazlan S. A., Faizal Johari M. A., Hatami H., Rahimian Koloor S. S., An Insight From Nature: Honeycomb Pattern In Advanced Structural Design for Impact Energy Absorption. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 22, 2862-2887, 2023.
  • Mohanty A. K., Vivekanandhan S., Tripathi N., Roy P., Snowdon M. R., Drzal L. T., Misra M., Sustainable Composites for Lightweight and Flame Retardant Parts for Electric Vehicles to Boost Climate Benefits: A perspective. Composites Part C: Open Access 12, 100380, 2023.
  • Muthukumarana T. V., Arachchi M. A. V. H. M., Somarathna H. M. C. C., Raman S. N., A Review on The Variation of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Concrete. Construction and Building Materials 366, 130173, 2023.
  • Ozturk F., Cobanoglu M., Ece R. E., Recent Advancements In Thermoplastic Composite Materials in Aerospace Industry. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 37(9), 3084-3116, 2023.
  • Özcan Z., Effects of Core and Surface Materials on the Flexural Behavior of Lightweight Composites Sandwich Beams, Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 12(4), 2387-2399, 2024.
  • Şi̇mşi̇r E., Yavuz İ., Çağdaş E. M., Comparison of Energies Absorbed at Different Speeds of Polymer Materials Used in Vehicle Bumpers. Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences 4 (9), 2667-8055, 2021.
  • Tawil H., Tan C. G., Sulong N. H. R., Nazri F. M., Sherif M. M., El-Shafie A., Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Composite Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels: A Review, Buildings 12(9), 1429, 2022.
  • Wu M., Sadhukhan J., Murphy R., Bharadwaj U., Cui X., A Novel Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing Framework for Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Composite Materials in The Aviation İndustry. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 28 (5), 566-589, 2023.
  • Yavuz I. and Yildirim A., Mechanical Properties of PLA Based Closed Porous Structures Manufactured Using FDM Process. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 19 (3), 493–506, 2023.
  • Yavuz İ., Şi̇mşi̇r E., Şenol B., Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Glass Fiber Reinforced Extruded Polystyrene Core Material Composites. RSC Advances 14 (19), 13311-13320, 2024.
  • Zhang T., Yuan J., Pang H., Huang Z., Guo Y., Wei J., Yu Q., UHPC-XPS Insulation Composite Board Reinforced By Glass Fiber Mesh: Effect of Structural Design on The Heat Transfer, Mechanical Properties and Impact Resistance, Journal of Building Engineering 75, 106935, 2023.

Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights

Yıl 2024, , 303 - 315, 20.12.2024


In this study, the impact and three-point bending performances of sandwich structures produced using carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials and XPS foam core with different fiber weights were investigated. Carbon fiber weighing 200 g/m² and 400 g/m² were used in sandwich structures. The reinforced layers were formed by placing four layers above and four layers below the XPS foam core. For the impact resistance test, low-speed impact tests and three-point bending tests were performed at 30 J, 50 J, and 70 J energy levels. As a result of the tests, it was determined that the increase in fiber weight has a significant effect on the impact resistance and bending strength of the materials. While the samples with a fiber weight of 200 g/m² reached a maximum force value of 1200 N under 30 J energy, the samples with a weight of 400 g/m² reached a force value of 6400 N. Similarly, at energy levels of 50 J and 70 J, heavier fiber samples provided higher maximum force and energy absorption. In three-point bending tests, samples with a fiber weight of 200 g/m² reached a maximum force value of 200 N, while samples with a weight of 400 g/m² reached up to 450 N. As a result, increasing the fiber weight significantly increased the mechanical strength and energy absorption capacity of sandwich structures, indicating that materials are a critical parameter for engineering applications.

Etik Beyan

There is no conflict of interest in this study and all ethical rules have been followed.

Destekleyen Kurum

There is no supporting institution


Thank you in advance for your time and effort in the article evaluation process. I am grateful that you will review my work.


  • Abid S. R., Abdul-Hussein M. L., Ayoob N. S., Ali S. H., Kadhum A.L., Repeated Drop-Weight Impact Tests on Self-Compacting Concrete Reinforced with Micro-Steel Fiber. Heliyon 6 (1), 2020.
  • Acanfora V., Sellitto A., Russo A., Zarrelli M., Riccio A., Experimental Investigation on 3D Printed Lightweight Sandwich Structures for Energy Absorption Aerospace Applications. Aerospace Science and Technology 137, 108276, 2023.
  • Adin H., Adin M. Ş., Effect of Particles on Tensile and Bending Properties of Jute Epoxy Composites. Materials Testing 64 (3), 401-411, 2022.
  • Alabd M. U., Temiz A., Optimization of Annealing and 3D Printing Process Parameters of PLA Parts. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 8(2), 185-201, 2024.
  • Alagesan P. K., Recent Advances of Hybrid Fiber Composites for Various Applications. Hybrid Fiber Composites 381-404, 2020.
  • ASTM D638-14, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics, 2022.
  • Bhong M., Khan T. K. H., Devade K., Vijay Krishna B., Sura S., Eftikhaar H. K., Pal Thethi H., Gupta N., Review of Composite Materials and Applications. Materials Today, Proceedings 2023.
  • Burkov M. V., Kononova A. A., Eremin A. V., Effect of SWCNT Deposition by Spraying Technique on Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of Peek Laminates. Mechanics of Composite Materials 60 (3), 561-574, 2024.
  • Burley A., Aitharaju V., Enhanced Ductility in In-Layer Glass-Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Composites Produced Via Tailored Fiber Placement. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 168, 107488, 2023.
  • Ceritbinmez F., Özkan V., Saracoglu G., Yapici A., MWCNTs Doped GFRPs Drilling: Crosscheck Among Holes Obtained by Alternative Manufacturing Methods, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 118(1), 33-4, 2022.
  • Ceritbinmez F., Yapici A., Kanca E., The Effect of Nanoparticle Additive on Surface Milling in Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures, Polymers and Polymer Composites 29(9), 575-585, 2021.
  • Djafar Z., Renreng I., Jannah M., Tensile and Bending Strength Analysis of Ramie Fiber and Woven Ramie Reinforced Epoxy Composite. Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (12), 2315-2326, 2021.
  • Doğan M. A., Gemi L., Yazman Ş., Ceritbinmez F., Yapici A., Effect of Hybridization and Stacking Sequence on Damage Development in AWJ Machining of Al/FRP/Al FML Composites, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 131, 141-159, 2024.
  • Fan Y., Mechanical Performance of Advanced Composite Materials and Structures. Materials 17 (10), 2172, 2024.
  • Ferreira L. M., Aranda M. T., Muñoz-Reja M., Coelho C. A. C. P., Távara L., Ageing Effect on The Low-Velocity Impact Response of 3D Printed Continuous Fibre Reinforced Composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 267, 111031, 2023.
  • Gebrehiwet L., Abate E., Negussie Y., Teklehaymanot T., Abeselom E., Application of Composite Materials In Aerospace and Automotive Industry: Review. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) 5, 697, 2023.
  • Habib A., Rajoni H., Sayeed A., Islam M., Taher A., Sajedujjaman M., Saifullah A., Sarker F., Habib A., Rajoni H., Sayeed A., Islam M., Sajedujjaman A.T.M., Sarker F., Saifullah A., Sustainable Jute Fiber Sandwich Composites with Hybridization of Short Fiber and Woven Fabric Structures in Core and Skin Layers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2400138, 1-12, 2024.
  • He W., Wang L., Liu H., Wang C., Yao L., Li Q. and Sun G., On Impact Behavior of Fiber Metal Laminate (FML) Structures: A State of The Art Review. Thin-Walled Structures 167, 1-33, 108026, 2021.
  • Ižvolt L., Kardoš J., Dobeš P., Navikas D., Comprehensive Assessment of The Effectiveness of The Application of Foam and Extruded Polystyrene In The Railway Substructure. Buildings 14 (1), 31, 2023.
  • Karpenko M., Stosiak M., Deptuła A., Urbanowicz K., Nugaras J., Królczyk G., Żak K., Performance Evaluation of Extruded Polystyrene Foam for Aerospace Engineering Applications Using Frequency Analyses. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 126, 5515-5526, 2023.
  • Khan F., Hossain N., Mim J. J., Rahman S. M., Iqbal M. J., Billah M., Chowdhury M. A., Advances of Composite Materials In Automobile Applications – A review. Journal of Engineering 2307-1877, 2024.
  • Mohamad M. A., Jumahat A., Sapiai N., Flexural Analysis of Hemp, Kenaf and Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polyester Resin. Biopolymer Composites: Production and Modification from Tropical Wood and Non-Wood Raw Materials 9 (1), 231-246, 2023.
  • Mohammadi H., Ahmad Z., Petru M., Mazlan S. A., Faizal Johari M. A., Hatami H., Rahimian Koloor S. S., An Insight From Nature: Honeycomb Pattern In Advanced Structural Design for Impact Energy Absorption. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 22, 2862-2887, 2023.
  • Mohanty A. K., Vivekanandhan S., Tripathi N., Roy P., Snowdon M. R., Drzal L. T., Misra M., Sustainable Composites for Lightweight and Flame Retardant Parts for Electric Vehicles to Boost Climate Benefits: A perspective. Composites Part C: Open Access 12, 100380, 2023.
  • Muthukumarana T. V., Arachchi M. A. V. H. M., Somarathna H. M. C. C., Raman S. N., A Review on The Variation of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Concrete. Construction and Building Materials 366, 130173, 2023.
  • Ozturk F., Cobanoglu M., Ece R. E., Recent Advancements In Thermoplastic Composite Materials in Aerospace Industry. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 37(9), 3084-3116, 2023.
  • Özcan Z., Effects of Core and Surface Materials on the Flexural Behavior of Lightweight Composites Sandwich Beams, Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 12(4), 2387-2399, 2024.
  • Şi̇mşi̇r E., Yavuz İ., Çağdaş E. M., Comparison of Energies Absorbed at Different Speeds of Polymer Materials Used in Vehicle Bumpers. Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences 4 (9), 2667-8055, 2021.
  • Tawil H., Tan C. G., Sulong N. H. R., Nazri F. M., Sherif M. M., El-Shafie A., Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Composite Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels: A Review, Buildings 12(9), 1429, 2022.
  • Wu M., Sadhukhan J., Murphy R., Bharadwaj U., Cui X., A Novel Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing Framework for Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Composite Materials in The Aviation İndustry. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 28 (5), 566-589, 2023.
  • Yavuz I. and Yildirim A., Mechanical Properties of PLA Based Closed Porous Structures Manufactured Using FDM Process. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 19 (3), 493–506, 2023.
  • Yavuz İ., Şi̇mşi̇r E., Şenol B., Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Glass Fiber Reinforced Extruded Polystyrene Core Material Composites. RSC Advances 14 (19), 13311-13320, 2024.
  • Zhang T., Yuan J., Pang H., Huang Z., Guo Y., Wei J., Yu Q., UHPC-XPS Insulation Composite Board Reinforced By Glass Fiber Mesh: Effect of Structural Design on The Heat Transfer, Mechanical Properties and Impact Resistance, Journal of Building Engineering 75, 106935, 2023.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kompozit ve Hibrit Malzemeler, Malzeme Üretim Teknolojileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ercan Şimşir 0000-0001-6655-2324

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Şimşir, E. (2024). Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights. Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A, 5(2), 303-315.
AMA Şimşir E. Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights. J. Mater. Mechat. A. Aralık 2024;5(2):303-315. doi:10.55546/jmm.1552182
Chicago Şimşir, Ercan. “Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites With Different Weights”. Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A 5, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 303-15.
EndNote Şimşir E (01 Aralık 2024) Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights. Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A 5 2 303–315.
IEEE E. Şimşir, “Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights”, J. Mater. Mechat. A, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 303–315, 2024, doi: 10.55546/jmm.1552182.
ISNAD Şimşir, Ercan. “Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites With Different Weights”. Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A 5/2 (Aralık 2024), 303-315.
JAMA Şimşir E. Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights. J. Mater. Mechat. A. 2024;5:303–315.
MLA Şimşir, Ercan. “Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites With Different Weights”. Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A, c. 5, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 303-15, doi:10.55546/jmm.1552182.
Vancouver Şimşir E. Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Composites with Different Weights. J. Mater. Mechat. A. 2024;5(2):303-15.