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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 132 - 148, 15.12.2021


Sürdürülebilirlik, doğası gereği adaptasyon ve işbirliği gibi temel biyolojik karar alma süreçleri için sürekli yeni düşünme yollarını gerektiren karmaşık ve inovatif bir kavramdır. Nörobilim ise; beyin görüntülemedeki teknolojik yenilikler ile birlikte gün geçtikçe kullanımı yaygınlaşan sinir sistemlerinin ve beynin işlevleri ile tepkilerini araştıran bilimsel bir alandır. Nörobilim özellikle sağlık, mühendislik, sosyal bilimler ve sanat ile birlikte inter disipliner bir alan olarak nöropsikoloji, nöroekonomi, nörososyoloji, nörobilişim, nöropolitika, nöropazarlama vb. yeni alanların ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Ancak, her ne kadar nöral bağlantıların büyük bir çoğunluğu organizmanın ya da organizasyonun devamlılığı için işletilse de maalesef sürdürülebilirlik literatüründe nörobilim bulgu, teknik ve yaklaşımlarını kullanan araştırmalara rastlanmamıştır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, sürdürülebilirlik alanında nörobilim ile karşılıklı ilişkiselliğini ortaya koyan interdisipliner yeni bir alan olarak nörosürdürülebilirlik kavramı ile bu boşluğu doldurmakta ve gelecekteki araştırmalar için stratejik unsurlar ve çıkarımlar ortaya koymaktadır.


  • REFERENCES AdoptionUK. (2021). The Impact of Attachment and Trauma on Learning. Retrieved from AdoptionUK:
  • Akil, H., Rita, B.-G., Cardozo, D., Koroshetz, W., Norris, S., Sherer, T., . . . Thiels, E. (2016). Neuroscience Training for the 21st Century. Neuron, 917-926.
  • Anuar, N., Isa, S., & Mansor, A. (2021). Subconscıous Response On Marketıng Mıx For Green And Non-Green Goods: A Neuromarketıng Study. Global Goals, Local Actions: Looking Back and Moving Forward 2021, (p. 73). Retrieved from
  • Aoki, R., Ito, A., Izuma, K., & Saijo, T. (2020). How can neuroscience contribute to the science of intergenerational sustainability? Kochi University of Technology, School of Economics and Management, 1-45. Retrieved from
  • Balconi, M., Sebastiani , R., & Angioletti, L. (2019). A Neuroscientific Approach to Explore Consumers’ Intentions Towards Sustainability within the Luxury Fashion Industry. Sustainability, 11(18), 5105. doi:
  • Bamberg, S., & Schulte, M. (2019). To Explain Behavior Change We Need to Research All Stages of This Process: Where Environmental Psychology Needs to Connect the Dots. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 330-338.
  • Berman, M., Hayes, D., & Krpan, K. (2015). Environmental Neuroscience and Environmental Psychology. Oxford Bibliographies. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199828340-0174 Berman, M., Kardan, O., Kotabe, H., Nusbaum , H., & London , S. (2019). The promise of environmental neuroscience. Nature Human Behaviour 2, 414–417. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0577-7
  • Berman, M., Stier, A., & Akcelik, G. (2019). Environmental neuroscience. American Psychologist, 74(9), 1039–1052. doi:
  • Boer, B., Molder, H., & Verbeek, P.-P. (2020). Constituting ‘Visual Attention’: On the Mediating Role of Brain Stimulation and Brain Imaging Technologies in Neuroscientific Practice. Science as Culture, 503-523.
  • Cabezas, H. (2012). Introduction. In H. Cabezas, & U. Diwekar, Sustainability: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives (pp. 3-6). Bentham Science Publishers. doi:10.2174/97816080510381120101
  • Caradonna, J. L. (2014). Sustainability: A History. Oxford University Press.
  • Constantinescu, M., Orindaru, A., Pachitanu, A., Rosca, L., Caescu, S.-C., & Orzan, M. (2019). Attitude Evaluation on Using the Neuromarketing Approach in Social Media: Matching Company’s Purposes and Consumer’s Benefits for Sustainable Business Growth. Sustainability, 11(24). doi:10.3390/su11247094
  • De Oliveira, J. (2014). Neuromarketing and sustainability: challenges and opportunities for Latin America. Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development, 1(1), 35-42.
  • European Commission. (2002). The world summit on sustainable development. People, planet, prosperity. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Fleming, S., Huijgen , J., & Dolan, R. (2012). Prefrontal Contributions to Metacognition in Perceptual Decision Making. The Journal of Neuroscience, 6117–6125.
  • Folwarczny, M., Pawar, S., Sigurdsson, V., & Fagerstrøm, A. (2019). Using neuro-IS/consumer neuroscience tools to study healthy food choices: a review. Procedia Computer Science, 532–537.
  • Gonzalez, R., & G Berman, M. (2010). The Value of Brain Imaging in Psychological Research: The Value of Brain Imaging in Psychological Research. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 111-119.
  • Hu, M. (2017). Neuroscience for Engineering Sustainability: Measuring Cognition During Design Ideation and Systems Thinking Among Students in Engineering. Master of Science Thesis in Civil Engineering . Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • IISD. (2021). Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  • Institud Für Bildungsmanagement. (2021). Education Management for Sustainable Development. Retrieved 2021, from
  • Jaak, P. (1990). A role for "affective neuroscience" in understanding stress: the case of separation distress circuitry. In P.-A. S, & O. A, Psychobiology of Stress (pp. 41-58). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
  • Kahle, L., & Gürel-Atay, E. (2014). Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy. New York: M.E. Sharpe. doi:ISBN 978-0-7656-3680-5
  • Keifer, J., & Summers, C. (2021). The Neuroscience Community Has a Role in Environmental Conservation. ENEURO, 8(2), 1-5. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0454-20.2021
  • Kuhlman, T., & Farrington, J. (2010). What is Sustainability? Sustainability, 2(11), 3437. doi:10.3390/su2113436
  • Lawn, P. A. (2000). Toward Sustainable Development: An Ecological Economics Approach. In International Society for Ecological Economics. Lewis Publishers.
  • Madan, C., MacIntyre, T., Beckmann, J., & Cappuccio, M. (2020). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Nature. In A. Donnelly, & T. MacIntyre, Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green and Blue Exercise (p. 111). New York: Routledge.
  • Magdalena, S. (2019). Neuroscience in Linguistic Patterns of Communication Campaigns for Environmental Sustainability. PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU, 14(1), 109-118. Retrieved from
  • Martínez-Selva, J., Sánchez-Navarro, J., Bechara, A., & Román, F. (2006). Brain mechanisms involved in decision making. Revista de Neurologia , 411-418.
  • McDonald, P. (2018). Sustainability management: research insights from social cognitive neuroscience. Business Strategy and The Environment, 1355-1367. doi:
  • Medical News. (2021). What is neuroscience? Retrieved from
  • Merriam-Webster. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Moghadam, S., Khodadad, F., & Khazaeinezhad, V. (2019). An Algorithmic Model of Decision Making in the Human Brain. Basic Clin Neurosci., 443-449.
  • Murhy, F., & McDonagh, P. (2016). Envisioning sustainabilities : towards an anthropology of sustainability. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Nijenhuis, G. (2012). Setting guidelines for identifying sustainable transport challenges in medium-sized cities in Indonesia. Netherlands: University of Twente Civil Engineering and Management. Retrieved from
  • Nilashi, M., Yadegaridehkordi , E., Samad, S., Mardani , A., Ahani, A., Aljojo , N., . . . Tajuddin , T. (2020). Decision to Adopt Neuromarketing Techniques for Sustainable Product Marketing: A Fuzzy Decision-Making Approach. Symmetry, 12(2), 305. doi:
  • Oliveira, J., Giraldi, J., Jabbour , C., Netto, C., & Betti, K. (2014). Improving business innovation and research through the application of neuromarketing with ethics: a framework. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 9(1), 52-64. doi:
  • Paehlke, R. C., & Paehlke, R. (2004). Democracy's dilemma: environment, social equity, and the global economy. MIT Press.
  • Pagan , N., Pagan, K., Giraldi, J., Stefanelli, N., & de Oliveira, J. (2020). Application of Neuroscience in the Area of Sustainability: Mapping the Territory. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Managemen, 61-77.
  • Pittenger, C., & Duman, R. (2008). Stress, Depression, and Neuroplasticity: A Convergence of Mechanisms. Neuropsychopharmacology, 88-109.
  • Portney, K. E. (2015). Sustainability. London: The MIT Press.
  • Pozharliev, R., Verbeke, W., & Bagozzi, R. (2017). Social Consumer Neuroscience: Neurophysiological Measures of Advertising Effectiveness in a Social Context. Journal of Advertising, 351-362.
  • Purvis, B., Mao, Y., & Robinson, D. (2019). Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins. Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science), 14(3), 681–695. doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0627-5
  • Quevedo, A., Quevedo, D., Figueiró, P., & Fernandes, E. (2020). Neuromarketing as an Environmental Awareness Tool: The Sustainable Consumption. In V. Chkoniya, A. Madsen, & P. Bukhrashvili , Anthropological Approaches to Understanding Consumption Patterns and Consumer Behavior (pp. 404-427). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3115-0.ch022
  • Rolsten, H. (1994). Winning and Losing in Environmental Ethics. In F. F. Hartel, Ethics and Environmental Policy: Theory meets Practice (pp. 217-234). Athens: University of.
  • Romanelli, M., & Ionescu, A. (2019). Rediscovering Neuromarketing for Sustainable Companies. Strategica International Academic Conferance (pp. 251-260). Bucharest: Tritonic Publishing House.
  • Sánchez-Fernández, J., & Casado-Aranda, L.-A. (2020). Consumer Neuroscience and Sustainable Marketing. Sustainability.
  • Schwartz, J., Gaito, P., & Lennick, D. (2021). “That’s the Way We (Used to) Do Things Around Here”. Retrieved from Strategy+Business:
  • Scott Cato, M. (2009). Green Economics. London: Earthscan.
  • Seghezzo, L. (2009). The five dimensions of sustainability. Environmental Politics, 18(4), 539-556. doi:10.1080/09644010903063669
  • Shahand, S., Duffelen, J., & Olabarriaga, S. (2015). Reflections on science gateways sustainability through the business model canvas: case study of a neuroscience gateway. Concurrency and Computation, 4269-4281. doi:
  • Squire, L., Berg, D., Bloom, F., Lac, S., Ghosh, A., C. Spitzer, N., & Squire, L. (2008). Fundamental Neuroscience (3rd ed.). Academic Press.
  • UNESCO. (2021). Sustainable Development. Retrieved from United Nations. (2021). Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from
  • Varlese, M., Misso, R., Koliouska, C., & Andreopoulou, Z. (2020). Food, internet and neuromarketing in the context of well-being sustainability. International Journal of Technology Marketing. doi:10.1504/IJTMKT.2020.111500
  • Vezich, I., Gunter , B., & Matthew , M. (2017). The mere green effect: An fMRI study of pro-environmental advertisements. Social Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience. doi:10.1080/17470919.2016.1182587
  • Vries, B. J. (Cambridge University Press). Quality of Life: On Values, Knowledge and Worldviews. Sustainability Science, 146-178. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511794469.007
  • Walla , P., Koller, M., & Meier, J. (2014). Consumer neuroscience to inform consumers—physiological methods to identify attitude formation related to over-consumption and environmental damage. Front. Hum. Neurosc. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00304
  • WCED, W. C. (1987). Our Common Future. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Wikipedia. (2021). Neurscience. Retrieved from
  • Wilderer, P. A. (2007). Sustainable water resource management: the science behind the scene. Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science)Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science), 2(1), 1-4. doi:10.1007/s11625-007-0022-0
  • Wolfe, U., & Lindeborg, H. (2018). Neuroscience and Sustainability: An Online Module on “Environmental Neuroscience”. JUNE Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, A20–A25.
  • XUE, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z.-L., & Dong, Q. (2010). Brain Imaging Techniques and Their Applications in Decision-Making Research. Xin Li Xue Bao, 120-137.
  • Zhao, R. (2019). Neuroscience as an Insightful Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Development. Iran Journal of Public Health, 48(10), 1933–1934.
  • Zheng, C., Shuchen, X., & Yuhan, L. (2017). From Cognitive Behavior Science To Environmental Neuroscience: Evidence-Based Design For In-Situ Environmental Experience Augmentation. Urbanism and Architecture, 41-45.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 132 - 148, 15.12.2021


Sustainability is a complex and innovative concept that inherently requires the new ways of thinking constantly for basic biological decision-making processes such as adaptation and collaboration. Neuroscience; is a scientific field that investigates the functions and responses of nervous systems and the brain, which are becoming more and more widely used with technological innovations in brain imaging. As an interdisciplinary field neuroscience is especially along with health, engineering, social sciences and art, has led to the emergence of new fields such as neuropsychology, neuroeconomics, neurosociology, neuroinformatics, neuropolitics, neuromarketing, etc. Although a vast majority of neural connections are operated for the continuity of an organism or an organization, unfortunately there have been no extensive studies in sustainability literature that use neuroscience findings, techniques and approaches. In this context, this study fill this gap with the concept of neurosustainability as a new interdisciplinary field that demonstrates its relationship with neuroscience in the field of sustainability and reveal strategic elements and implications for future research.


  • REFERENCES AdoptionUK. (2021). The Impact of Attachment and Trauma on Learning. Retrieved from AdoptionUK:
  • Akil, H., Rita, B.-G., Cardozo, D., Koroshetz, W., Norris, S., Sherer, T., . . . Thiels, E. (2016). Neuroscience Training for the 21st Century. Neuron, 917-926.
  • Anuar, N., Isa, S., & Mansor, A. (2021). Subconscıous Response On Marketıng Mıx For Green And Non-Green Goods: A Neuromarketıng Study. Global Goals, Local Actions: Looking Back and Moving Forward 2021, (p. 73). Retrieved from
  • Aoki, R., Ito, A., Izuma, K., & Saijo, T. (2020). How can neuroscience contribute to the science of intergenerational sustainability? Kochi University of Technology, School of Economics and Management, 1-45. Retrieved from
  • Balconi, M., Sebastiani , R., & Angioletti, L. (2019). A Neuroscientific Approach to Explore Consumers’ Intentions Towards Sustainability within the Luxury Fashion Industry. Sustainability, 11(18), 5105. doi:
  • Bamberg, S., & Schulte, M. (2019). To Explain Behavior Change We Need to Research All Stages of This Process: Where Environmental Psychology Needs to Connect the Dots. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 330-338.
  • Berman, M., Hayes, D., & Krpan, K. (2015). Environmental Neuroscience and Environmental Psychology. Oxford Bibliographies. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199828340-0174 Berman, M., Kardan, O., Kotabe, H., Nusbaum , H., & London , S. (2019). The promise of environmental neuroscience. Nature Human Behaviour 2, 414–417. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0577-7
  • Berman, M., Stier, A., & Akcelik, G. (2019). Environmental neuroscience. American Psychologist, 74(9), 1039–1052. doi:
  • Boer, B., Molder, H., & Verbeek, P.-P. (2020). Constituting ‘Visual Attention’: On the Mediating Role of Brain Stimulation and Brain Imaging Technologies in Neuroscientific Practice. Science as Culture, 503-523.
  • Cabezas, H. (2012). Introduction. In H. Cabezas, & U. Diwekar, Sustainability: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives (pp. 3-6). Bentham Science Publishers. doi:10.2174/97816080510381120101
  • Caradonna, J. L. (2014). Sustainability: A History. Oxford University Press.
  • Constantinescu, M., Orindaru, A., Pachitanu, A., Rosca, L., Caescu, S.-C., & Orzan, M. (2019). Attitude Evaluation on Using the Neuromarketing Approach in Social Media: Matching Company’s Purposes and Consumer’s Benefits for Sustainable Business Growth. Sustainability, 11(24). doi:10.3390/su11247094
  • De Oliveira, J. (2014). Neuromarketing and sustainability: challenges and opportunities for Latin America. Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development, 1(1), 35-42.
  • European Commission. (2002). The world summit on sustainable development. People, planet, prosperity. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
  • Fleming, S., Huijgen , J., & Dolan, R. (2012). Prefrontal Contributions to Metacognition in Perceptual Decision Making. The Journal of Neuroscience, 6117–6125.
  • Folwarczny, M., Pawar, S., Sigurdsson, V., & Fagerstrøm, A. (2019). Using neuro-IS/consumer neuroscience tools to study healthy food choices: a review. Procedia Computer Science, 532–537.
  • Gonzalez, R., & G Berman, M. (2010). The Value of Brain Imaging in Psychological Research: The Value of Brain Imaging in Psychological Research. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 111-119.
  • Hu, M. (2017). Neuroscience for Engineering Sustainability: Measuring Cognition During Design Ideation and Systems Thinking Among Students in Engineering. Master of Science Thesis in Civil Engineering . Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • IISD. (2021). Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  • Institud Für Bildungsmanagement. (2021). Education Management for Sustainable Development. Retrieved 2021, from
  • Jaak, P. (1990). A role for "affective neuroscience" in understanding stress: the case of separation distress circuitry. In P.-A. S, & O. A, Psychobiology of Stress (pp. 41-58). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
  • Kahle, L., & Gürel-Atay, E. (2014). Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy. New York: M.E. Sharpe. doi:ISBN 978-0-7656-3680-5
  • Keifer, J., & Summers, C. (2021). The Neuroscience Community Has a Role in Environmental Conservation. ENEURO, 8(2), 1-5. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0454-20.2021
  • Kuhlman, T., & Farrington, J. (2010). What is Sustainability? Sustainability, 2(11), 3437. doi:10.3390/su2113436
  • Lawn, P. A. (2000). Toward Sustainable Development: An Ecological Economics Approach. In International Society for Ecological Economics. Lewis Publishers.
  • Madan, C., MacIntyre, T., Beckmann, J., & Cappuccio, M. (2020). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Nature. In A. Donnelly, & T. MacIntyre, Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green and Blue Exercise (p. 111). New York: Routledge.
  • Magdalena, S. (2019). Neuroscience in Linguistic Patterns of Communication Campaigns for Environmental Sustainability. PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU, 14(1), 109-118. Retrieved from
  • Martínez-Selva, J., Sánchez-Navarro, J., Bechara, A., & Román, F. (2006). Brain mechanisms involved in decision making. Revista de Neurologia , 411-418.
  • McDonald, P. (2018). Sustainability management: research insights from social cognitive neuroscience. Business Strategy and The Environment, 1355-1367. doi:
  • Medical News. (2021). What is neuroscience? Retrieved from
  • Merriam-Webster. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Moghadam, S., Khodadad, F., & Khazaeinezhad, V. (2019). An Algorithmic Model of Decision Making in the Human Brain. Basic Clin Neurosci., 443-449.
  • Murhy, F., & McDonagh, P. (2016). Envisioning sustainabilities : towards an anthropology of sustainability. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Nijenhuis, G. (2012). Setting guidelines for identifying sustainable transport challenges in medium-sized cities in Indonesia. Netherlands: University of Twente Civil Engineering and Management. Retrieved from
  • Nilashi, M., Yadegaridehkordi , E., Samad, S., Mardani , A., Ahani, A., Aljojo , N., . . . Tajuddin , T. (2020). Decision to Adopt Neuromarketing Techniques for Sustainable Product Marketing: A Fuzzy Decision-Making Approach. Symmetry, 12(2), 305. doi:
  • Oliveira, J., Giraldi, J., Jabbour , C., Netto, C., & Betti, K. (2014). Improving business innovation and research through the application of neuromarketing with ethics: a framework. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 9(1), 52-64. doi:
  • Paehlke, R. C., & Paehlke, R. (2004). Democracy's dilemma: environment, social equity, and the global economy. MIT Press.
  • Pagan , N., Pagan, K., Giraldi, J., Stefanelli, N., & de Oliveira, J. (2020). Application of Neuroscience in the Area of Sustainability: Mapping the Territory. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Managemen, 61-77.
  • Pittenger, C., & Duman, R. (2008). Stress, Depression, and Neuroplasticity: A Convergence of Mechanisms. Neuropsychopharmacology, 88-109.
  • Portney, K. E. (2015). Sustainability. London: The MIT Press.
  • Pozharliev, R., Verbeke, W., & Bagozzi, R. (2017). Social Consumer Neuroscience: Neurophysiological Measures of Advertising Effectiveness in a Social Context. Journal of Advertising, 351-362.
  • Purvis, B., Mao, Y., & Robinson, D. (2019). Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins. Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science), 14(3), 681–695. doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0627-5
  • Quevedo, A., Quevedo, D., Figueiró, P., & Fernandes, E. (2020). Neuromarketing as an Environmental Awareness Tool: The Sustainable Consumption. In V. Chkoniya, A. Madsen, & P. Bukhrashvili , Anthropological Approaches to Understanding Consumption Patterns and Consumer Behavior (pp. 404-427). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3115-0.ch022
  • Rolsten, H. (1994). Winning and Losing in Environmental Ethics. In F. F. Hartel, Ethics and Environmental Policy: Theory meets Practice (pp. 217-234). Athens: University of.
  • Romanelli, M., & Ionescu, A. (2019). Rediscovering Neuromarketing for Sustainable Companies. Strategica International Academic Conferance (pp. 251-260). Bucharest: Tritonic Publishing House.
  • Sánchez-Fernández, J., & Casado-Aranda, L.-A. (2020). Consumer Neuroscience and Sustainable Marketing. Sustainability.
  • Schwartz, J., Gaito, P., & Lennick, D. (2021). “That’s the Way We (Used to) Do Things Around Here”. Retrieved from Strategy+Business:
  • Scott Cato, M. (2009). Green Economics. London: Earthscan.
  • Seghezzo, L. (2009). The five dimensions of sustainability. Environmental Politics, 18(4), 539-556. doi:10.1080/09644010903063669
  • Shahand, S., Duffelen, J., & Olabarriaga, S. (2015). Reflections on science gateways sustainability through the business model canvas: case study of a neuroscience gateway. Concurrency and Computation, 4269-4281. doi:
  • Squire, L., Berg, D., Bloom, F., Lac, S., Ghosh, A., C. Spitzer, N., & Squire, L. (2008). Fundamental Neuroscience (3rd ed.). Academic Press.
  • UNESCO. (2021). Sustainable Development. Retrieved from United Nations. (2021). Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from
  • Varlese, M., Misso, R., Koliouska, C., & Andreopoulou, Z. (2020). Food, internet and neuromarketing in the context of well-being sustainability. International Journal of Technology Marketing. doi:10.1504/IJTMKT.2020.111500
  • Vezich, I., Gunter , B., & Matthew , M. (2017). The mere green effect: An fMRI study of pro-environmental advertisements. Social Neuroscience, Social Neuroscience. doi:10.1080/17470919.2016.1182587
  • Vries, B. J. (Cambridge University Press). Quality of Life: On Values, Knowledge and Worldviews. Sustainability Science, 146-178. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511794469.007
  • Walla , P., Koller, M., & Meier, J. (2014). Consumer neuroscience to inform consumers—physiological methods to identify attitude formation related to over-consumption and environmental damage. Front. Hum. Neurosc. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00304
  • WCED, W. C. (1987). Our Common Future. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Wikipedia. (2021). Neurscience. Retrieved from
  • Wilderer, P. A. (2007). Sustainable water resource management: the science behind the scene. Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science)Sustain Sci (Sustainability Science), 2(1), 1-4. doi:10.1007/s11625-007-0022-0
  • Wolfe, U., & Lindeborg, H. (2018). Neuroscience and Sustainability: An Online Module on “Environmental Neuroscience”. JUNE Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, A20–A25.
  • XUE, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z.-L., & Dong, Q. (2010). Brain Imaging Techniques and Their Applications in Decision-Making Research. Xin Li Xue Bao, 120-137.
  • Zhao, R. (2019). Neuroscience as an Insightful Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Development. Iran Journal of Public Health, 48(10), 1933–1934.
  • Zheng, C., Shuchen, X., & Yuhan, L. (2017). From Cognitive Behavior Science To Environmental Neuroscience: Evidence-Based Design For In-Situ Environmental Experience Augmentation. Urbanism and Architecture, 41-45.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi, İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Fulya Şenbağcı Özer 0000-0002-1009-2872

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Şenbağcı Özer, F. (2021). NEUROSCIENCE FOR UNDERSTANDING AND DEVELOPING SUSTAINABILITY: NEUROSUSTAINABILITY. Journal of Business Innovation and Governance, 4(2), 132-148.

Creative Commons Lisansı
Journal of Business, Innovation and Governance Creative Commons Atıf-Gayri Ticari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.