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Gemi İnşa Sektörüne Yönelik İşletme ve Yönetim Alanında Yapılan Çalışmalara İlişkin Bibliyometrik Analiz

Yıl 2024, , 151 - 166, 31.08.2024


Tersanelerde ortaya çıkan gerek mühendislik ve işletme alanlarını ilgilendiren sorunların çözümü ve gerekse diğer bilim dalları ile ilişkili sorunların çözümü büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda geçmişten günümüze Gemi inşa alanı ile ilgili birçok farklı disiplinde çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmalar ulusal ve uluslararası alanda farklı dergilerde yayınlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı “Web Of Science (WOS)” ta taranan Gemi İnşa Sanayi ile ilgili son 11 yılda yapılmış olan tüm alanlarda 2091, işletme ve yönetim alanında ise 41 adet makalenin bibliyometrik analizini yapmaktır. Böylelikle araştırmacılara bu alanda yapılacak çalışmalara hızlı ve kolay ulaşım konusunda katkı sağlarken ayrıca yapılacak yeni akademik çalışmalar ile ilgilide yol gösterici olması hedeflenmiştir.


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mappinganalysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
  • Autsadee, Y., Jeevan, J., Othman, M. R. B., & Salleh, N. H. M. (2023). Evolution and current trends of human resource development in the maritime industry through performance analysis and science mapping procedures. Journal of Maritime Research, 20(2), 148-161.
  • Braglia, M., & Frosolini, M. (2014). An integrated approach to implement project management information systems within the extended enterprise. International Journal of Project Management, 32(1), 18-29.
  • Broadus, R. (1987). Toward a Definition of “Bibliometrics. Scientometrics 12(5-6), 373–379.
  • Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Maglietta, A., & Oropallo, E. (2023). Sailing through a digital and resilient shipbuilding supply chain: An empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 158, 113686.
  • De Toni, A. F., & Pessot, E. (2021). Investigating organizational learning to master project complexity: An embedded case study. Journal of Business Research, 129, 541-554.
  • Egan, L., Mohammadpour, J., & Salehi, F. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of scientific research trends in monitoring systems for measuring ship emissions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(21), 60254-60267.
  • Ellili, N., Nobanee, H., Alodat, A. Y., Dilshad, M. N., & Nuzhat, S. (2023). Mapping marine insurance: a bibliometric review: a taxonomical study using bibliometric visualization and systematic analysis. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-18.
  • Emblemsvåg, J. (2020). On Quality 4.0 in project-based industries. The TQM Journal, 32(4), 725-739.
  • Ferreira, F. D. A. L., Scavarda, L. F., Ceryno, P. S., & Leiras, A. (2018). Supply chain risk analysis: a shipbuilding industry case. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 21(5), 542-556.
  • Güneş, Ü. (2021). Bibliometric analysis for the field of ocean engineering. Gemi ve Deniz Teknolojisi, (219), 124-141.
  • Hammervoll, T., Halse, L. L., & Engelseth, P. (2014). The role of clusters in global maritime value networks. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 44(1/2), 98-112.
  • Jović, M., Tijan, E., Brčić, D., & Pucihar, A. (2022). Digitalization in maritime transport and seaports: Bibliometric, content and thematic analysis. Journal of marine science and engineering, 10(4), 486.
  • Kabil, M., Priatmoko, S., Magda, R., & Dávid, L. D. (2021). Blue economy and coastal tourism: A comprehensive visualization bibliometric analysis. Sustainability, 13(7), 3650.
  • Kołakowski, P., Gil, M., Wróbel, K., & Ho, Y. S. (2022). State of play in technology and legal framework of alternative marine fuels and renewable energy systems: A bibliometric analysis. Maritime Policy & Management, 49(2), 236-260.
  • Kostyrko, T. M., & Korolova, T. D. (2021, December). Bibliometric analysis of publications of scientists in open access journals as a tool to increase the publishing activity of the university. In University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings (No. 6, pp. 108-117).
  • Lehtinen, J., & Ahola, T. (2010). Is performance measurement suitable for an extended enterprise?. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 30(2), 181-204.
  • Levering, R., Ligthart, R., Noorderhaven, N., & Oerlemans, L. (2013). Continuity and change in interorganizational project practices: The Dutch shipbuilding industry, 1950–2010. International Journal of Project Management, 31(5), 735-747.
  • Li, T., Chen, Q., Xi, Y., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023). A 40-year bibliometric analysis of maritime English research: Insights and implications. Sustainability, 15(5), 4348.
  • Li, Z., Zhang, D., Han, B., & Wan, C. (2023). Risk and reliability analysis for maritime autonomous surface ship: A bibliometric review of literature from 2015 to 2022. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 187, 107090.
  • Liang, T. P., & Liu, Y. H. (2018). Research landscape of business intelligence and big data analytics: A bibliometrics study. Expert Systems with Applications, 111, 2-10.
  • Lyu, P., Liu, X., & Yao, T. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of literature on bibliometrics in recent half-century. Journal of Information Science, 01655515231191233.
  • Mello, M. H., Strandhagen, J. O., & Alfnes, E. (2015). Analyzing the factors affecting coordination in engineer-to-order supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(7), 1005-1031.
  • Mio, A., Fermeglia, M., & Favi, C. (2022). A critical review and normalization of the life cycle assessment outcomes in the naval sector. Bibliometric analysis and characteristics of the studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 371, 133268.
  • Razmjooei, D., Alimohammadlou, M., Ranaei Kordshouli, H. A., & Askarifar, K. (2023). Industry 4.0 research in the maritime industry: A bibliometric analysis. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 22(3), 385-416.
  • Reyes-Gonzalez, L., Gonzalez-Brambila, C. N., & Veloso, F. (2016). Using co-authorship and citation analysis to identify research groups: A new way to assess performance. Scientometrics, 108, 1171-1191.
  • Ruuska, I., Ahola, T., Martinsuo, M., & Westerholm, T. (2013). Supplier capabilities in large shipbuilding projects. International Journal of Project Management, 31(4), 542-553.
  • Saputra, R. W., & Siregar, M. S. (2022). Mapping visualization of maritime technology study in Indonesia with blibiometric analysis using Vosviewer. Jurnal Pendidikan Multimedia (EDSENCE), 4(01), 1-10.
  • Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., Zain, R. M., Ramli, A., & Mohd Zain, M. Z. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 15(3), 330-356.
  • Shonhe, L. (2020). Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of librarians: A bibliometric analysis of research productivity viewed through WoS. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(2), 102106.
  • Solli-Sæther, H., Karlsen, J. T., & Van Oorschot, K. (2015). Strategic and cultural misalignment: Knowledge sharing barriers in project networks. Project Management Journal, 46(3), 49-60.
  • Wagner, N. (2019). Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Green Shipping Practices. In Challenges of Urban Mobility, Transport Companies and Systems: 2018 Transport Conference (pp. 323-332). Springer International Publishing.
  • Yang, Y., Gai, T., Cao, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., & Wu, J. (2023). Application of group decision making in shipping industry 4.0: Bibliometric analysis, trends, and future directions. Systems, 11(2), 69.

Bibliometric Analysis of Studies Conducted in the Field of Business and Management for the Shipbuilding Industry

Yıl 2024, , 151 - 166, 31.08.2024


The resolution of problems that arise in shipyards, both in engineering and management fields, as well as issues related to other branches of science, is of great importance. In this context, numerous studies have been conducted in variousdisciplines regarding the field of shipbuilding from past to present. The studies have been published in different national and international journals. The aim of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of 2,091 articles in all fields and 41 articles specifically in the field of business and management related to the Shipbuilding Industry, as indexed in the "Web of Science (WOS)" over the past 11 years Thus, this study aims to provide researchers with quick and easy access to studies in this field, while also offering guidance for new academic research.


  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mappinganalysis. Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.
  • Autsadee, Y., Jeevan, J., Othman, M. R. B., & Salleh, N. H. M. (2023). Evolution and current trends of human resource development in the maritime industry through performance analysis and science mapping procedures. Journal of Maritime Research, 20(2), 148-161.
  • Braglia, M., & Frosolini, M. (2014). An integrated approach to implement project management information systems within the extended enterprise. International Journal of Project Management, 32(1), 18-29.
  • Broadus, R. (1987). Toward a Definition of “Bibliometrics. Scientometrics 12(5-6), 373–379.
  • Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Maglietta, A., & Oropallo, E. (2023). Sailing through a digital and resilient shipbuilding supply chain: An empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 158, 113686.
  • De Toni, A. F., & Pessot, E. (2021). Investigating organizational learning to master project complexity: An embedded case study. Journal of Business Research, 129, 541-554.
  • Egan, L., Mohammadpour, J., & Salehi, F. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of scientific research trends in monitoring systems for measuring ship emissions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(21), 60254-60267.
  • Ellili, N., Nobanee, H., Alodat, A. Y., Dilshad, M. N., & Nuzhat, S. (2023). Mapping marine insurance: a bibliometric review: a taxonomical study using bibliometric visualization and systematic analysis. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-18.
  • Emblemsvåg, J. (2020). On Quality 4.0 in project-based industries. The TQM Journal, 32(4), 725-739.
  • Ferreira, F. D. A. L., Scavarda, L. F., Ceryno, P. S., & Leiras, A. (2018). Supply chain risk analysis: a shipbuilding industry case. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 21(5), 542-556.
  • Güneş, Ü. (2021). Bibliometric analysis for the field of ocean engineering. Gemi ve Deniz Teknolojisi, (219), 124-141.
  • Hammervoll, T., Halse, L. L., & Engelseth, P. (2014). The role of clusters in global maritime value networks. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 44(1/2), 98-112.
  • Jović, M., Tijan, E., Brčić, D., & Pucihar, A. (2022). Digitalization in maritime transport and seaports: Bibliometric, content and thematic analysis. Journal of marine science and engineering, 10(4), 486.
  • Kabil, M., Priatmoko, S., Magda, R., & Dávid, L. D. (2021). Blue economy and coastal tourism: A comprehensive visualization bibliometric analysis. Sustainability, 13(7), 3650.
  • Kołakowski, P., Gil, M., Wróbel, K., & Ho, Y. S. (2022). State of play in technology and legal framework of alternative marine fuels and renewable energy systems: A bibliometric analysis. Maritime Policy & Management, 49(2), 236-260.
  • Kostyrko, T. M., & Korolova, T. D. (2021, December). Bibliometric analysis of publications of scientists in open access journals as a tool to increase the publishing activity of the university. In University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development. Conference Proceedings (No. 6, pp. 108-117).
  • Lehtinen, J., & Ahola, T. (2010). Is performance measurement suitable for an extended enterprise?. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 30(2), 181-204.
  • Levering, R., Ligthart, R., Noorderhaven, N., & Oerlemans, L. (2013). Continuity and change in interorganizational project practices: The Dutch shipbuilding industry, 1950–2010. International Journal of Project Management, 31(5), 735-747.
  • Li, T., Chen, Q., Xi, Y., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023). A 40-year bibliometric analysis of maritime English research: Insights and implications. Sustainability, 15(5), 4348.
  • Li, Z., Zhang, D., Han, B., & Wan, C. (2023). Risk and reliability analysis for maritime autonomous surface ship: A bibliometric review of literature from 2015 to 2022. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 187, 107090.
  • Liang, T. P., & Liu, Y. H. (2018). Research landscape of business intelligence and big data analytics: A bibliometrics study. Expert Systems with Applications, 111, 2-10.
  • Lyu, P., Liu, X., & Yao, T. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of literature on bibliometrics in recent half-century. Journal of Information Science, 01655515231191233.
  • Mello, M. H., Strandhagen, J. O., & Alfnes, E. (2015). Analyzing the factors affecting coordination in engineer-to-order supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(7), 1005-1031.
  • Mio, A., Fermeglia, M., & Favi, C. (2022). A critical review and normalization of the life cycle assessment outcomes in the naval sector. Bibliometric analysis and characteristics of the studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 371, 133268.
  • Razmjooei, D., Alimohammadlou, M., Ranaei Kordshouli, H. A., & Askarifar, K. (2023). Industry 4.0 research in the maritime industry: A bibliometric analysis. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 22(3), 385-416.
  • Reyes-Gonzalez, L., Gonzalez-Brambila, C. N., & Veloso, F. (2016). Using co-authorship and citation analysis to identify research groups: A new way to assess performance. Scientometrics, 108, 1171-1191.
  • Ruuska, I., Ahola, T., Martinsuo, M., & Westerholm, T. (2013). Supplier capabilities in large shipbuilding projects. International Journal of Project Management, 31(4), 542-553.
  • Saputra, R. W., & Siregar, M. S. (2022). Mapping visualization of maritime technology study in Indonesia with blibiometric analysis using Vosviewer. Jurnal Pendidikan Multimedia (EDSENCE), 4(01), 1-10.
  • Selvaduray, M., Bandara, Y. M., Zain, R. M., Ramli, A., & Mohd Zain, M. Z. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of maritime tourism research. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 15(3), 330-356.
  • Shonhe, L. (2020). Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of librarians: A bibliometric analysis of research productivity viewed through WoS. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(2), 102106.
  • Solli-Sæther, H., Karlsen, J. T., & Van Oorschot, K. (2015). Strategic and cultural misalignment: Knowledge sharing barriers in project networks. Project Management Journal, 46(3), 49-60.
  • Wagner, N. (2019). Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Green Shipping Practices. In Challenges of Urban Mobility, Transport Companies and Systems: 2018 Transport Conference (pp. 323-332). Springer International Publishing.
  • Yang, Y., Gai, T., Cao, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., & Wu, J. (2023). Application of group decision making in shipping industry 4.0: Bibliometric analysis, trends, and future directions. Systems, 11(2), 69.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Şükrü Satılmış 0000-0003-3674-8291

Selami Özcan 0000-0002-0882-427X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 14 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Satılmış, Ş., & Özcan, S. (2024). Gemi İnşa Sektörüne Yönelik İşletme ve Yönetim Alanında Yapılan Çalışmalara İlişkin Bibliyometrik Analiz. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 12(2), 151-166.