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The Relationship Between Career Adaptability and Perceived Job Stress in Hotel Businesses: The Mediating Effect of Boreout Syndrome

Yıl 2023, , 105 - 118, 30.12.2023


The situation where the employee feels unhappy because the work he/she does in the organization is monotonous or below his/her capacity is called Boreout Syndrome. This situation causes the employee to feel bored and have negative feelings about his/her job. In this context, the aim of this research is to examine the relationships between boreout syndrome, career adaptability and perceived job stress of employees in hotel businesses and determine whether boreout has a mediating role in the effect of career adaptability on perceived job stress in hotel employees. The research data was obtained through face-to-face and online survey technique from employees of 4 and 5-star hotels in Eskişehir between 11.05.2023 and 16.09.2023 through convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics, factor and regression analyzes were performed on 358 the survey data. The findings show that career adaptability negatively affects boreout and perceived job stress in hotel employees, while boreout positively affects perceived job stress. Additionally, it is determined that boreout has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between career adaptability and perceived job stress. As a result, it is recommended that department managers in the hotel business should be fair in the distribution of tasks for their employees and direct them in line with their abilities.


  • Abubakar, A. M. (2020). Using hybrid SEM – artificial intelligence: Approach to examine the nexus between boreout, generation, career, life and job satisfaction. Personnel Review, 49(1), 67–86.
  • Abubakar, A. M., Rezapouraghdam, H., Behravesh, E., & Megeirhi, H. A. (2022). Burnout or boreout: A meta-analytic review and synthesis of burnout and boreout literature in hospitality and tourism. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 31(4), 458-503.
  • Akdeniz, T. (2017). Boreout sendromu, First Mediterranean International Conference on Social Sciences, May 19-22, Podgorica, Sarayevo.
  • Andron, E. (2019). ‘Boreout’ syndrome: The causes, consequences and cures. consequences-and-cures (Erişim tarihi: 12.09.2023).
  • Bailey, C. & Madden, A. (2016). What makes work meaningful-or meaningless? MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(4), 1-17.
  • Baker Stuart (2022, June 14). The boredom boom workplace bore-out and how to stop it,
  • Banerjee, S. & Mehta, P. (2016). Determining the antecedents of job stress and their impact on job performance: A study among faculty members. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(2), 7.
  • Başar, Ö. Ü. U. (2022). Bilinçli farkındalık (trait mindfulness) ve iş yerinde bezginlik (boreout) arasındaki ilişki üzerine kesitsel bir araştırma. 30. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 26-28 Mayıs, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • Cohen, S., Kamarck, T. & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4), 385-396.
  • Cürten, S. (2013). Boreout-syndrom und coaching. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 20(4), 473–478.
  • Çizel, R. (2018). Gender and emotional intelligence as predictors of tourism faculty students’ career adaptability. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 6(2), 188-204.
  • Fairbrother, K., & Warn, J. (2003). Workplace dimensions, stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(1), 8-21.
  • Fiori, M., Bollmann, G., & Rossier, J. (2015). Exploring the path through which career adaptability increases job satisfaction and lowers job stress: The role of affect. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 113-121.
  • Fielder, C. (2015). ‘Boreout’-What it is and how to avoid it. Professional Development, 24(3), 55-56.
  • Halbesleben, J.R., Wheeler, A.R. & Paustian-Underdahl, S.C. (2013). The impact of furloughs on emotional exhaustion, self-rated performance, and recovery experiences, Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(3), 492-503.
  • Harju, L., Hakanen, J. J., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2014). Job boredom and its correlates in 87 Finnish organizations. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56(9), 911-918.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989). Conservation of resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing stress. American Psychologist, 44(3), 513–524.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: Advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337-421.
  • Jones, G., Moore, K. A., Porter, J., & Morgan, D. (2018). Why does the psychological contract matter? Implications for leadership practice, workplace stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety: Theories and realities, İçinde (ss. 33- 44). Logos Verlag.
  • Johnston, C. S., Luciano, E. C., Maggiori, C., Ruch, W., & Rossier, J. (2013). Validation of the German version of the career adapt-abilities scale and its relation to orientations to happiness and work stress. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 295–304.
  • Kara, F. M., Sarol, H., Gürbüz, B., & Gürkan, R. K. (2023). Boreout at the office: The role of leisure boredom in predicting job burnout and social media addiction. Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns, 4(2).
  • Karadal, H., Abubakar, A. M., & Erdem, A. T. (2018). Boreout, kariyer uyumluluğu ve aile-iş zenginleştirme etkileşimi: Selçuk Üniversitesi örneği. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(35), 41-63.
  • Karadal, H. & Erdem, A. T. (2018). Boreout sendromunun kariyer uyumluluğu ve kariyer iyimserliği arasındaki ilişki bağlamında analizi üzerine bir uygulama, International Journal of Academic Value Studies, 4(18), 30-38.
  • Karatepe, O. M., & Kim, T. T. (2020). Investigating the selected consequences of boreout among cabin crew. Journal of Air Transport Management, 82, 101739.
  • Konak, S., & Kılıç, Ö. (2023). Otel işletmelerinde çalışanların boreout sendromu ile demografik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, 9th International Black Sea Coastline Countries Scientific Research Conference. 10-11 Ağustos, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Küçükusta, D. (2007). Konaklama işletmelerinde iş-yaşam dengesinin çalışma yaşamı kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2023).
  • Lind, D., Marchal, W. & Wathen, S. (2005). Statistical techniques in business & economics. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Maher, S. (2022). Remote working and Boreout during Covid-19: The extent of remote working and the role of work characteristics and personal factors in contributing to Boreout (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),
  • Utrecht University.
  • Merdan, E., Erdem, A. T., & Gümüşsoy, Y. (2022). The mediator role of cyberloafing on the effect of boreout syndrome on counterproductive work behaviour. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(1), 176.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket programlarla istatistiksel veri analizi. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Özsungur, F. (2020a). The effects of boreout on stress, depression and anxiety in the workplace, BMIJ, 8(2), 1391-1423.
  • Özsungur, F. (2020b). The effects of mobbing in the workplace on service innovation performance: The mediating role of boreout, Journal of Business Research-Turk, 12(1), 28-42.
  • Rothlin, P., & Werder, P. R. (2007). Diagnosis boreout: How a lack of challenge at work can make you ill. Redline Wirtschaft.
  • Rottinghaus, P. J., Day, S. X., & Borgen, F. H. (2005). The career futures inventory: A measure of career-related adaptability and optimism. Journal of Career Assessment, 13(1), 3-24.
  • Schaufeli, W., & Salanova, M. (2014). Burnout, boredom and engagement at the workplace. M. C. W. Peeters, Jan de Jonge and Toon W. Taris (Ed.) An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology, İçinde (ss. 293-320), John Wiley & Sons.
  • Safavi, H. P. & Bouzari, M. (2019). The association of psychological capital, career adaptability and career competency among hotel frontline employees. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 65-74.
  • Santiago, J. M. C., Vega, A. V., & Alvarado, R. A. V. (2020). The Predictors of job burnout on job boredom in a sample of workers in the banking industry of Puerto Ricol. Informes Psicologicos, 20(1), 167-181.
  • Santilli, S., Nota, L., Ginevra, M.C. & Soresi, S. (2014). Career adaptability, hope and life satisfaction in workers with intellectual disability. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 85, 67-74.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1997). Career adaptability: An integrative construct for life-span, life-space theory. The Career Development Quarterly, 45, 247–259.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. S. D. Brown, & R. T. Lent (Ed.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, İçinde (ss. 42–70). Wiley.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career adaptabilities scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 661–673.
  • Shahbazi, F., Yousefi, Y. & Faramarzi, S. (2014). The relationships between career adaptability and approaches to learning (deep, surface and strategic) with school burnout. Unique Journal of Educational Research. 2(1), 9-14.
  • Statt, D.A. (2004). Psychology and the world of work. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Stock, R. M. (2015). Is boreout a threat to frontline employees' innovative work behavior?. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(4), 574-592.
  • Stock, R. M. (2016). Understanding the relationship between frontline employee boreout and customer orientation. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4259-4268.
  • Sürücü, L., & Yıkılmaz, İ. (2022). Boreout (iş yerinde sıkılma) ölçeğinin Türkçe formu: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 72, 64-77.
  • Tiberio, M. (2015, June 14). Bore-out: When boredom at work is making you sick.
  • Tuna, M., Kanten, P., Yeşiltaş, M., Kanten, S., & Alparslan, A. M. (2014). The effect of academic advising on career adaptabilities: A study on tourism and hotel management’students. The Macrotheme Review, 3(8), 139-155.
  • Zacher, H. (2014). Career adaptability predicts subjective career success above and beyond personality traits and core self-evaluations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(1), 21-30.

Otel Çalışanlarında Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Algılanan İş Stresine Etkisinde İş Yerinde Sıkılmanın Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2023, , 105 - 118, 30.12.2023


Örgütte işgörenin yaptığı işin monoton olması veya kapasitesi altında olması nedeniyle kendini mutsuz hissetmesi durumu iş yerinde sıkılma sendromu (Boreout Sendromu) olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu durum işgörende can sıkıntısına ve işiyle ilgili olumsuz duygular beslemesine neden olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmanın amacı, otel işletmelerinde çalışanların iş yerinde sıkılma sendromu, kariyer uyumluluğu ile algılanan iş stresi arasındaki ilişkileri incelemektir. Ayrıca, otel çalışanlarında kariyer uyumluluğunun algılanan iş stresine etkisinde iş yerinde sıkılmanın aracılık rolü olup olmadığını belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma verisi, 11.05.2023-16.09.2023 tarihleri arasında Eskişehir ilinde yer alan 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otel işletmesi çalışanlarından kolayda örneklem yöntemi ile yüz yüze ve çevrim içi anket tekniği aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen 358 anket verisinin betimsel istatistik, faktör ve regresyon analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular, otel çalışanlarında kariyer uyumluluğunun iş yerinde sıkılmayı ve algılanan iş stresini negatif yönde etkilediğini, iş yerinde sıkılmanın algılanan iş stresini ise pozitif yönde etkilediğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, kariyer uyumluluğu ile algılanan iş stresi arasındaki ilişkide iş yerinde sıkılmanın kısmi aracılık etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, otel işletmesinde departman yöneticilerinin çalışanlarına yönelik görev dağılımında adaletli olmaları ve onları yetenekleri doğrultusunda yönlendirmeleri önerilmektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Abubakar, A. M. (2020). Using hybrid SEM – artificial intelligence: Approach to examine the nexus between boreout, generation, career, life and job satisfaction. Personnel Review, 49(1), 67–86.
  • Abubakar, A. M., Rezapouraghdam, H., Behravesh, E., & Megeirhi, H. A. (2022). Burnout or boreout: A meta-analytic review and synthesis of burnout and boreout literature in hospitality and tourism. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 31(4), 458-503.
  • Akdeniz, T. (2017). Boreout sendromu, First Mediterranean International Conference on Social Sciences, May 19-22, Podgorica, Sarayevo.
  • Andron, E. (2019). ‘Boreout’ syndrome: The causes, consequences and cures. consequences-and-cures (Erişim tarihi: 12.09.2023).
  • Bailey, C. & Madden, A. (2016). What makes work meaningful-or meaningless? MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(4), 1-17.
  • Baker Stuart (2022, June 14). The boredom boom workplace bore-out and how to stop it,
  • Banerjee, S. & Mehta, P. (2016). Determining the antecedents of job stress and their impact on job performance: A study among faculty members. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(2), 7.
  • Başar, Ö. Ü. U. (2022). Bilinçli farkındalık (trait mindfulness) ve iş yerinde bezginlik (boreout) arasındaki ilişki üzerine kesitsel bir araştırma. 30. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 26-28 Mayıs, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • Cohen, S., Kamarck, T. & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4), 385-396.
  • Cürten, S. (2013). Boreout-syndrom und coaching. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 20(4), 473–478.
  • Çizel, R. (2018). Gender and emotional intelligence as predictors of tourism faculty students’ career adaptability. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 6(2), 188-204.
  • Fairbrother, K., & Warn, J. (2003). Workplace dimensions, stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(1), 8-21.
  • Fiori, M., Bollmann, G., & Rossier, J. (2015). Exploring the path through which career adaptability increases job satisfaction and lowers job stress: The role of affect. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 113-121.
  • Fielder, C. (2015). ‘Boreout’-What it is and how to avoid it. Professional Development, 24(3), 55-56.
  • Halbesleben, J.R., Wheeler, A.R. & Paustian-Underdahl, S.C. (2013). The impact of furloughs on emotional exhaustion, self-rated performance, and recovery experiences, Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(3), 492-503.
  • Harju, L., Hakanen, J. J., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2014). Job boredom and its correlates in 87 Finnish organizations. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56(9), 911-918.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989). Conservation of resources: A new attempt at conceptualizing stress. American Psychologist, 44(3), 513–524.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001). The influence of culture, community, and the nested‐self in the stress process: Advancing conservation of resources theory. Applied Psychology, 50(3), 337-421.
  • Jones, G., Moore, K. A., Porter, J., & Morgan, D. (2018). Why does the psychological contract matter? Implications for leadership practice, workplace stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety: Theories and realities, İçinde (ss. 33- 44). Logos Verlag.
  • Johnston, C. S., Luciano, E. C., Maggiori, C., Ruch, W., & Rossier, J. (2013). Validation of the German version of the career adapt-abilities scale and its relation to orientations to happiness and work stress. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 295–304.
  • Kara, F. M., Sarol, H., Gürbüz, B., & Gürkan, R. K. (2023). Boreout at the office: The role of leisure boredom in predicting job burnout and social media addiction. Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns, 4(2).
  • Karadal, H., Abubakar, A. M., & Erdem, A. T. (2018). Boreout, kariyer uyumluluğu ve aile-iş zenginleştirme etkileşimi: Selçuk Üniversitesi örneği. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(35), 41-63.
  • Karadal, H. & Erdem, A. T. (2018). Boreout sendromunun kariyer uyumluluğu ve kariyer iyimserliği arasındaki ilişki bağlamında analizi üzerine bir uygulama, International Journal of Academic Value Studies, 4(18), 30-38.
  • Karatepe, O. M., & Kim, T. T. (2020). Investigating the selected consequences of boreout among cabin crew. Journal of Air Transport Management, 82, 101739.
  • Konak, S., & Kılıç, Ö. (2023). Otel işletmelerinde çalışanların boreout sendromu ile demografik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi, 9th International Black Sea Coastline Countries Scientific Research Conference. 10-11 Ağustos, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Küçükusta, D. (2007). Konaklama işletmelerinde iş-yaşam dengesinin çalışma yaşamı kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, (Erişim tarihi: 20.11.2023).
  • Lind, D., Marchal, W. & Wathen, S. (2005). Statistical techniques in business & economics. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  • Maher, S. (2022). Remote working and Boreout during Covid-19: The extent of remote working and the role of work characteristics and personal factors in contributing to Boreout (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi),
  • Utrecht University.
  • Merdan, E., Erdem, A. T., & Gümüşsoy, Y. (2022). The mediator role of cyberloafing on the effect of boreout syndrome on counterproductive work behaviour. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(1), 176.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket programlarla istatistiksel veri analizi. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Özsungur, F. (2020a). The effects of boreout on stress, depression and anxiety in the workplace, BMIJ, 8(2), 1391-1423.
  • Özsungur, F. (2020b). The effects of mobbing in the workplace on service innovation performance: The mediating role of boreout, Journal of Business Research-Turk, 12(1), 28-42.
  • Rothlin, P., & Werder, P. R. (2007). Diagnosis boreout: How a lack of challenge at work can make you ill. Redline Wirtschaft.
  • Rottinghaus, P. J., Day, S. X., & Borgen, F. H. (2005). The career futures inventory: A measure of career-related adaptability and optimism. Journal of Career Assessment, 13(1), 3-24.
  • Schaufeli, W., & Salanova, M. (2014). Burnout, boredom and engagement at the workplace. M. C. W. Peeters, Jan de Jonge and Toon W. Taris (Ed.) An Introduction to Contemporary Work Psychology, İçinde (ss. 293-320), John Wiley & Sons.
  • Safavi, H. P. & Bouzari, M. (2019). The association of psychological capital, career adaptability and career competency among hotel frontline employees. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 65-74.
  • Santiago, J. M. C., Vega, A. V., & Alvarado, R. A. V. (2020). The Predictors of job burnout on job boredom in a sample of workers in the banking industry of Puerto Ricol. Informes Psicologicos, 20(1), 167-181.
  • Santilli, S., Nota, L., Ginevra, M.C. & Soresi, S. (2014). Career adaptability, hope and life satisfaction in workers with intellectual disability. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 85, 67-74.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1997). Career adaptability: An integrative construct for life-span, life-space theory. The Career Development Quarterly, 45, 247–259.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. S. D. Brown, & R. T. Lent (Ed.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, İçinde (ss. 42–70). Wiley.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career adaptabilities scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 661–673.
  • Shahbazi, F., Yousefi, Y. & Faramarzi, S. (2014). The relationships between career adaptability and approaches to learning (deep, surface and strategic) with school burnout. Unique Journal of Educational Research. 2(1), 9-14.
  • Statt, D.A. (2004). Psychology and the world of work. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Stock, R. M. (2015). Is boreout a threat to frontline employees' innovative work behavior?. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(4), 574-592.
  • Stock, R. M. (2016). Understanding the relationship between frontline employee boreout and customer orientation. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4259-4268.
  • Sürücü, L., & Yıkılmaz, İ. (2022). Boreout (iş yerinde sıkılma) ölçeğinin Türkçe formu: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 72, 64-77.
  • Tiberio, M. (2015, June 14). Bore-out: When boredom at work is making you sick.
  • Tuna, M., Kanten, P., Yeşiltaş, M., Kanten, S., & Alparslan, A. M. (2014). The effect of academic advising on career adaptabilities: A study on tourism and hotel management’students. The Macrotheme Review, 3(8), 139-155.
  • Zacher, H. (2014). Career adaptability predicts subjective career success above and beyond personality traits and core self-evaluations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(1), 21-30.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm Yönetimi, Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Seher Konak 0000-0002-6847-9754

Özel Kılıç 0000-0002-7712-703X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Konak, S., & Kılıç, Ö. (2023). Otel Çalışanlarında Kariyer Uyumluluğunun Algılanan İş Stresine Etkisinde İş Yerinde Sıkılmanın Aracılık Rolü. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Issues, 5(2), 105-118.