Edebi metinlerde karakterlerinin eylemleri ve konuşmaları gerçekleştiği yerlerinin haritalanması yazarın sosyal bağlamların sunmasını sağlar. Yazarların niyetlerine ve anlatılan olayların niteliğine bağlı olarak belirlenmiş hayali mekanlar, yerel noktaları, kırsal manzaralar, kentsel alanlar veya iş yerleri gösterebilir. Çeşitli romanlarda, hayali kişilikler eğitim alanlarıyla bağlılantılı olduğunda yazarın anlatı açıklaması eğitici sahneleri tasvir edebilir. Bu nedenle, belirli bir topluluğun pedagojik kaygılarını yansıtması ve okuyucuları belirli akademik alanlarla ilgili epistemik bakiş açıları hakkında bilgilendirmesi için edebi alanlar kurgusal sınıflar şeklini alabilir. Bu yüzden, bu makale edebi düzyazıdaki öğretici sahnelerin tanımlanması yoluyla öğrenme ortamların sanatsal görselleştirmesinin keşfetmesi amaçlamaktadır. Farklı eğitim bağlamlarını içeren hayali sınıfların çeşitli imajlarını belirtmek için alıntılanan pasajlar yetişken edebiyatı, çocuk romanları ve genç yetişken edebiyatı da dehil olmak üzere türlü edebi eserlerden alınmıştır. Verilen alıntıların incelenmesi için üslup ve söylem yönlerini ve karakterin konuşma tarzlarını hedef alan çeşitli analiz tekniklerin kullanımına dayanılmaktadır. İlk olarak, bu çalışma eğitim ortamların farklı boyutlarının önemi ve tarih boyunca dersliklerin ortaya çıkışı ve gelişiminin kısa ve öz bir anlatımı sunulmaktadır. Daha sonra, kurgu eserlerinde eğitim ortamların yansımalarının tarihsel bir taslağı verilmektedir. Ayrıca, kurgusal sınıfların gerçek veya prospectif öğrenme alanlarınin görüntülerini nasıl temsil edebileceğini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla birkaç romandan çeşitli örneklerin sağlanması vasitasıyla edebi öğrenme alanların farklı yüzü gösterilmektedir. Esasen bu araştırma çalışması romanlardaki öğrenme mekanlarının belirlenmesi, gerçek yaşam durumlarını simüle eden pedagojik ortamların farklı boyutlarını yansıtan birkaç örneğin bir tür estitik haritalaması işlev gördüğü düşüncesini aktarmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Bardige, A. (2007). New Physical Ideas are Here Needed: Revolutionizing Education. USA: Lulu.com
Barnett, R. (2007). A will to Learn: Being a Student in an Age of Uncertainty. England: McGraw Hill Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
Bronte, C. (1857). The professor: A Tale. New York: Harper & Brothers.
Bruce, M., & Miller, H. B. (2007). Straight Talk to Beginning Teachers. USA: Journey Publications LLC.
Burnett, F. H. (1905). A Little Princess. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Chapman, C., & King, R. (2009). Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Writing in the Content Areas. USA: Corwin.
Chatzikyriakidou, K., & McCartney, M. (2022). Integrating the Five Core Concepts of Biology into Course Syllabi to Advance Student Science Epistemology and Experimentation Skills. In N. J. Pelaez, S. M. Gardner & T. R.
Anderson (Eds.) Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences: Putting Research into Practice to Drive Instructional Change. (pp. 69-87). Switzerland: Springer.
Connor, S. (1996). The English Novel in History, 1950-1995. UK: Routledge.
Cordner, S. (2016). Education in Nineteenth Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation. UK: Routledge.
Dockterman, D. (2002). Easy Ways to Make Technology Work for You: From Grade Books to Graphic Organizers. USA: scholastic Inc.
Everston, C. M. & Poole, I. R. (2008). Proactive Classroom Management. In T. L. Good (Ed.) 21st Century
Education: A Reference Handbook. (pp. 131-139). USA: Sage Publication Inc.
Forest, J. J. F. (2013). University Teachers and Instruction: Important Themes for a Global Discussion. In J.J.F.
Forest (Ed.) University Teaching: International Perspectives. (pp. 35-72). New York: Routledge.
Gargano, E. (2008). Reading Victorian Schoolrooms: Childhood and Education in Nineteenth Century Fiction. New York: Routledge.
Goddard, C. (2010). Grammar of Schooling. In G. Kridel (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Studies. (pp. 415-416). USA: Sage publications, Inc.
Grenby, M. D. (2008). Children’s Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
Gruner, E. R. (2011). Education. In P. Nel & L. Paul (Eds.) Keywords for Children’s Literature. (pp. 70-74). USA: New York University Press.
Hindman, S. (2012). Think Like a Scientist in the Classroom. USA: Cherry Lake Publishing.
Hofkens, T. L. & Pianta R. C. (2022). Teacher-Student Relationships, Engagement in School and Student
Outcomes. In A. L. Reschly & S. L. Christenson (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. (pp. 431-449). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Kay, K. & Greenhill, V. (2011). Twenty-First Century Students Need 21st Century Skills. In G. Wan & D. M. Gut (Eds.)
Bringing Schools into the 21st Century. (pp. 41-65). Dordrecht Heidelberg London. New York: Springer.
Lewis, C. (2015). Education through the Years: How Going to School has Changed in Living Memory. London: Raintree.
Lombardozzi, C. (2015). Learning Environments by Design. USA. ATS Press.
Mallan, K. (2019). School Design and Wellbeing: Spatial and Literary Meeting Points. In H. Hughes, J. Franz & J.
Willis (Eds.) School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning. (pp.55-73). Singapore: Springer.
Medway, F. J. (1992). Rapprochement of Social Psychology and School Psychology: A Historical Analysis. In F. J.
Medway & T. P. Cafferty (Eds.). School Psychology: A Social Psychological Perspective. (pp. 5-23). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum associates, Inc.
Montgomery, L. M. (1923). Emily of New Moon. New York: A.L.Burt Company.
Pehkonen, E., Ahtee, M. & L., Ann. (2016). Pupils’ Drawings as a Research Tool in Mathematical Problem-Solving
Lessons. In P. Felmer, E. Pehkonen & Jeremy Kilpatrick (Eds.) Posing and Solving Mathematical Problems:
Advances and New Perspectives. (pp. 167-188). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Ray, S. (2004). School Stories In P. Hunt (Ed.) International Companion Encyclopaedia of Children’s Literature. (pp. 467-480). UK: Routledge.
Reef, C. (2009). Education and Learning in America. USA: Infobase Publishing.
Rothstein-Fisch, C. & Trumbull, E. (2008). Managing Diverse Classrooms: How to Build on Students’ Cultural Strengths. USA: ASCD.
Russel, M. (2006). Technology and Assessment: The Tale of Two Interpretations. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Ryan, A. M., Tocci, C. & Moon, S. (2020). The Curriculum Foundations Reader. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sales, G. C. (2005). Developing Online Faculty Competencies. In C. Howard, J. V. Boettcher, L. Justice, K. Shenk,
P. L. Rogers and G. A. Berg (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning. (pp. 547-553). USA: Idea Group Reference.
Tally, R. T. (2017). Introduction. The Reassertion of Space in Literary Studies. In R. T. Tally (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space. (pp. 1-6). UK: Routledge.
Troen, V. & Boles, K C. (2003). Who’s Teaching Your Children?: Why the Teacher Crisis is Worse Than You Think and What Can Be Done About It. USA: Yale University Press.
Twain, M. (1881). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. USA: The American Publishing Company.
Webster, J. (1912). Daddy-Long-Legs. New York: The Century Co.
Willis, J. (2017). Architecture and the School in the Twentieth-Century. In K. Darian-Smith & Julie Willis (Eds.)
Designing Schools: Space, Place and Pedagogy. UK: Routledge.
Wyeld, T. (2016). Using Video Tutorials to Learn Maya 3D for Creative Outcomes: A Case Study in Increasing Student Satisfaction by Reducing Cognitive Load. In A. Ursyn (Ed.) Knowledge Visualization and Visual Literacy in Science Education. (pp. 219-254). USA: IGI Global.
Yu, N. (1996). Imagery. In T. Enos (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age. (p. 343). USA: Routledge.
Quintessential Delineations of Learning Spaces in English Prose Fiction
The mapping of places in literary texts enables the writer to present the social contexts wherein the characters’ actions and conversations take place; the delineated imaginary spaces may denote domestic spots, country-side landscapes, urban areas or work places depending on the writers’ intentions and the nature of the narrated events. In various novels, the author’s narrative description may depict educational scenes whenever the fictitious personalities are affiliated to educational spheres. Accordingly, literary spaces may take the form of fictional classrooms to reflect the pedagogical concerns of a particular community and enlighten the readers about the epistemic perspectives related to certain academic realms. Consequently, the present article aims at exploring the artistic visualisation of learning environments via the description of instructional sceneries within literary prose. In order to denote miscellaneous illustrations of fictitious classrooms involving different educational contexts, the quoted passages are extracted from a variety of literary works including adult fiction, children’s novels and young adult fiction. The study of the furnished excerpts relies on the use of various techniques of analysis targeting aspects of style and discourse as well as the characters’ speech styles. This manuscript initially presents the significance of the distinct dimensions of educational atmospheres as well as a succinct account of the emergence and development of classrooms throughout history. Subsequently, it furnishes a historical sketch of the reflections of educational settings in fictional works. Then, different facets of literary learning spaces are illustrated through the provision of various examples elicited from several novels to reveal how fictional classrooms can represent images of actual or prospective educational climates. Indeed, this research work attempts to convey the idea that the delineation of learning spaces in narratives constitutes a sort of an aesthetic mapmaking of a set of instances simulating real-life situations.
Bardige, A. (2007). New Physical Ideas are Here Needed: Revolutionizing Education. USA: Lulu.com
Barnett, R. (2007). A will to Learn: Being a Student in an Age of Uncertainty. England: McGraw Hill Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
Bronte, C. (1857). The professor: A Tale. New York: Harper & Brothers.
Bruce, M., & Miller, H. B. (2007). Straight Talk to Beginning Teachers. USA: Journey Publications LLC.
Burnett, F. H. (1905). A Little Princess. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Chapman, C., & King, R. (2009). Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Writing in the Content Areas. USA: Corwin.
Chatzikyriakidou, K., & McCartney, M. (2022). Integrating the Five Core Concepts of Biology into Course Syllabi to Advance Student Science Epistemology and Experimentation Skills. In N. J. Pelaez, S. M. Gardner & T. R.
Anderson (Eds.) Trends in Teaching Experimentation in the Life Sciences: Putting Research into Practice to Drive Instructional Change. (pp. 69-87). Switzerland: Springer.
Connor, S. (1996). The English Novel in History, 1950-1995. UK: Routledge.
Cordner, S. (2016). Education in Nineteenth Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation. UK: Routledge.
Dockterman, D. (2002). Easy Ways to Make Technology Work for You: From Grade Books to Graphic Organizers. USA: scholastic Inc.
Everston, C. M. & Poole, I. R. (2008). Proactive Classroom Management. In T. L. Good (Ed.) 21st Century
Education: A Reference Handbook. (pp. 131-139). USA: Sage Publication Inc.
Forest, J. J. F. (2013). University Teachers and Instruction: Important Themes for a Global Discussion. In J.J.F.
Forest (Ed.) University Teaching: International Perspectives. (pp. 35-72). New York: Routledge.
Gargano, E. (2008). Reading Victorian Schoolrooms: Childhood and Education in Nineteenth Century Fiction. New York: Routledge.
Goddard, C. (2010). Grammar of Schooling. In G. Kridel (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Curriculum Studies. (pp. 415-416). USA: Sage publications, Inc.
Grenby, M. D. (2008). Children’s Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
Gruner, E. R. (2011). Education. In P. Nel & L. Paul (Eds.) Keywords for Children’s Literature. (pp. 70-74). USA: New York University Press.
Hindman, S. (2012). Think Like a Scientist in the Classroom. USA: Cherry Lake Publishing.
Hofkens, T. L. & Pianta R. C. (2022). Teacher-Student Relationships, Engagement in School and Student
Outcomes. In A. L. Reschly & S. L. Christenson (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. (pp. 431-449). Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Kay, K. & Greenhill, V. (2011). Twenty-First Century Students Need 21st Century Skills. In G. Wan & D. M. Gut (Eds.)
Bringing Schools into the 21st Century. (pp. 41-65). Dordrecht Heidelberg London. New York: Springer.
Lewis, C. (2015). Education through the Years: How Going to School has Changed in Living Memory. London: Raintree.
Lombardozzi, C. (2015). Learning Environments by Design. USA. ATS Press.
Mallan, K. (2019). School Design and Wellbeing: Spatial and Literary Meeting Points. In H. Hughes, J. Franz & J.
Willis (Eds.) School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning. (pp.55-73). Singapore: Springer.
Medway, F. J. (1992). Rapprochement of Social Psychology and School Psychology: A Historical Analysis. In F. J.
Medway & T. P. Cafferty (Eds.). School Psychology: A Social Psychological Perspective. (pp. 5-23). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum associates, Inc.
Montgomery, L. M. (1923). Emily of New Moon. New York: A.L.Burt Company.
Pehkonen, E., Ahtee, M. & L., Ann. (2016). Pupils’ Drawings as a Research Tool in Mathematical Problem-Solving
Lessons. In P. Felmer, E. Pehkonen & Jeremy Kilpatrick (Eds.) Posing and Solving Mathematical Problems:
Advances and New Perspectives. (pp. 167-188). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Ray, S. (2004). School Stories In P. Hunt (Ed.) International Companion Encyclopaedia of Children’s Literature. (pp. 467-480). UK: Routledge.
Reef, C. (2009). Education and Learning in America. USA: Infobase Publishing.
Rothstein-Fisch, C. & Trumbull, E. (2008). Managing Diverse Classrooms: How to Build on Students’ Cultural Strengths. USA: ASCD.
Russel, M. (2006). Technology and Assessment: The Tale of Two Interpretations. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Ryan, A. M., Tocci, C. & Moon, S. (2020). The Curriculum Foundations Reader. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sales, G. C. (2005). Developing Online Faculty Competencies. In C. Howard, J. V. Boettcher, L. Justice, K. Shenk,
P. L. Rogers and G. A. Berg (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning. (pp. 547-553). USA: Idea Group Reference.
Tally, R. T. (2017). Introduction. The Reassertion of Space in Literary Studies. In R. T. Tally (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space. (pp. 1-6). UK: Routledge.
Troen, V. & Boles, K C. (2003). Who’s Teaching Your Children?: Why the Teacher Crisis is Worse Than You Think and What Can Be Done About It. USA: Yale University Press.
Twain, M. (1881). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. USA: The American Publishing Company.
Webster, J. (1912). Daddy-Long-Legs. New York: The Century Co.
Willis, J. (2017). Architecture and the School in the Twentieth-Century. In K. Darian-Smith & Julie Willis (Eds.)
Designing Schools: Space, Place and Pedagogy. UK: Routledge.
Wyeld, T. (2016). Using Video Tutorials to Learn Maya 3D for Creative Outcomes: A Case Study in Increasing Student Satisfaction by Reducing Cognitive Load. In A. Ursyn (Ed.) Knowledge Visualization and Visual Literacy in Science Education. (pp. 219-254). USA: IGI Global.
Yu, N. (1996). Imagery. In T. Enos (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age. (p. 343). USA: Routledge.
Zıdane, R. (2024). Quintessential Delineations of Learning Spaces in English Prose Fiction. International Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 2(2), 74-87. https://doi.org/10.70870/joinesp.1556955