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A Study on the Impact on Innovation Strategies of Supply Chain Management

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 95 - 122, 01.02.2013


Today, the acceleration of global competition, companies restructure themselves, to keep pace with changes in the market, the new products offer high quality and low cost have forced different. Because of the difficulty in the competitive environment, the shortening of product life-spans have increased the importance of supply chain management. This is due to the importance for businesses to be ahead of their competitors have to know the impact of supply chain management innovation strategies. This study examined the impact of supply chain management innovation strategies. This formed the basis of data for the first 500 companies in Istanbul Chamber of Industry survey was conducted in 2009. The data obtained from the frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation, structural equation modeling analyzes were performed. Affected the result of the analysis of supply chain management innovation strategies.


  • Alegre, J., Lapiedra, R., ve Chiva, R. (2006). “A Measurement Scale for Product Innovation Performance”. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), 333-346.
  • Anholt, S. (2004). Global Markaların Yerel Çuvallamaları (Çev. Gonca Canan) (2. Baskı). İstanbul:MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Arıkbay, C. ve Bozkurt, R. (2002). “Kalite Yönetim Sistemlerine İlişkin ISO 9000:2000 Uluslararası Standartları ve Getirdikleri”. Verimlilik Dergisi, 3, 83-118.
  • Attaran, M. ve Attaran, S. (2004). “The Rebirth Of Re-Engineering, XEngineering”. Business Process Management Journal, 10(4), 416-432.
  • Ayrıçay, Y., Uğurlu, M. ve Uğurlu, Ö.Y. (2009). “Kalite Yönetim Uygulamalarının Finansal Performans Üzerine Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Analiz”. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 42, 169- 180.
  • Bekaroğlu, B.Ş. (2005). “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Uygulamalarının ve ISO 9000 Kalite Güvencesine Sahip Olmanın Hastane Performansına Etkileri: İstanbul’daki Özel Hastaneler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 5(9), 18-32.
  • Benner, M.J. ve Tushman, M. (2002). “Process Management and Technological Innovation: A Longitudinal Study of The Photography and Paint Industries”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47, 676-706.
  • Brealey, R.A. Myers, S.C. ve Marcus, A.C. (2007). Fundemantals Of Corporate finance, (Fifth Edition). Irwin:McGraw- Hill.
  • Bstieler, L. (2006). “Trust Formation in Collaborative New Product Development”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(1), 56-72.
  • Cerdan, A.L.M., Acosta, P.S. ve Nicolas, C.L. (2008). “How Do Collaborative Technologies Affect Innovation in SMEs?”. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 4(4), 33-50.
  • Chapman, R.L., Soosay, C. ve Kandampully, M. (2003). “Innovation in Logistic Services and the New Business Model. A Conceptual Framework”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 33(7), 630-637.
  • Chen, I.J. ve Paulraj, A. (2004). “Towards a Theory of Supply Chain Management: The Constructs and Measurements”. Journal of Operations Management, 22(2), 119-150.
  • Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M. ve Pagh, J.D. (1997). “Supply Chain Management: More Than a New Name for Logistics”. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 8(1), 1-14.
  • Corbett, C.J., Montes, M.J.S. ve Kirsch, D.A. (2005). “The Financial Impact of ISO 9000 Certifiation in the United States: An Empirical Analysis”. Management Science, 51(7), 1046-1059.
  • Erdil, O. ve Baydar, M. (2007). “Ürün Özelliklerinin Seçimi: İleri teknoloji Ürün Pazarında Tüketici İhtiyaçları Ve Üretici Kalite Geliştirme Harcamalarının Eşzamanlı Optimizasyonu”. ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(5), 21-35.
  • Galbreath, J. ve Rogers, T. (1999). “Customer Relationship Leadership: A Leadership and Motivation Model for the Twenty-First Century Business”. The TQM Magazine, 11(3), 162-171.
  • Govil, M. ve Proth, J.M. (2002). Supply Chain Design and Management: Strategic and Tactical Perspectives. California:Academic Press.
  • Gulati, R., ve Sytch, M. (2007). “Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on a Manufacturer's Performance in Procurement Relationships”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(1), 32- 69.
  • Hagedoorn, J. ve Duysters, G. (2002). “The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Technological Performance of Companies in a High-Tech Environment”. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 14(1), 67-85.
  • Han, J.K., Kim, N. ve Kim, H.B. (2001). “Entry Barriers: A Dull-, One-, or Two-Edged Sword for Incumbents? Unraveling The Paradox from a Contingency Perspective”. Journal of Marketing, 65, 1-15.
  • He, Z. ve Wong, P. (2004). “Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of The Ambidexterity Hypothesis”. Organization Science, 15, 481-494.
  • Henderson, A.D. (1999). “Firm Strategy and Age Dependence: A Contingent View of Liabilities of Newness, Adolescence and Obsolescence”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 281- 314.
  • Hua, S.Y.G. (2001). Sequential Product Development and Change Intensity In Firm-Supplier Innovations: An Emprical Study of The PC Industry. (Ph.D.). Madison:University Of Wisconsin.
  • Jean, R. ve Sinkovics, R.R. (2010). “Relationship Learning and Performance Enhancement Via Advanced Information Technology”. International Marketing Review, 27(2), 200-222.
  • Johnson, P.F. ve Leenders, M.R. (2003). “Gaining and Losing Pieces of The Supply Chain”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(1), 27-39.
  • Johnson, P.F. ve Leenders, M.R. (2008). “Building a Corporate Supply Function”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44(3), 39-52.
  • Kang, N., Kim, J. ve Park, Y. (2007). “Integration Of Marketing Domain and R&D Domain In NPD Design Process”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(6), 780-801.
  • Katila, R. ve Ahuja, G. (2002). “Something Old, Something New: A Longitudinal Study of Search Behavior and New Product Introduction”. Academy of Management Journal, 45, 1183-1194.
  • Keskin, M.H. (2008). Lojistik Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi (2.Baskı). Ankara:Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Koc, T. (2007). “The Impact of ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems on Manufacturing”. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 186(1-3), 207-213.
  • Kwon, I.W.G. ve Suh, T. (2005). “Trust, Commitment and Relationships in Supply Chain Management: A Path Analysis”. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(1), 26-33.
  • Lau, A.K.W., Tang, E. ve Yam, R.C.M. (2010). “Effects of Supplier and Customer Integration on Product Innovation and Performance: Empirical Evidence in H. Kong Manufacturers”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(5), 761-777.
  • Lawson, B., Petersen, K.J., Cousins, P.D. ve Handfield, R.B. (2009). “Knowledge Sharing in Interorganizational Product Development Teams: The Effect of Formal and Informal Socialization Mechanisms”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 156-172.
  • Lima, M.A.M., Resende, M. ve Hasenclever, M. (2000). “Quality Certification and Performance of Brazilian Firms: An Empirical Study”. International Journal of Production Economies, 66, 143-147.
  • Mentzer, J.T., Min, S. ve Zacharia, Z.G. (2000). “The Nature of Interfirm Partnering in Supply Chain Management”. Journal of Retailing, 76(4), 549-568.
  • Miguel, A.P.C. (2007). “Innovative New Product Development: A Study of Selected QFD Case Studies”. The TQM Magazine, 19(6), 617-625.
  • Morgan, N.A. ve Vorhies, D.W. (2001). “Product Quality Alignment And Business Unit Performance”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18(6), 396-407.
  • Narasimhan, R. ve Das, A. (2001). “The Impact of Purchasing Integration and Practices on Manufacturing Performance”. Journal of Operations Management, 19(5), 593-609.
  • Parker, G.G. ve Anderson, E.G. (2002). “From Buyer to Integrator: The Transformation of The Supply-Chain Manager in The Vertically Disintegrating Firm”. Production and Operations Management, 11(1), 75-91.
  • Peng, X. (2007). Improvement and Innovation Capabilities In Manufacturing: Linking Practice Bundles To Strategic Goals And Supplier Collaboration. (Ph.D.). The University Of Minnesota.
  • Pulman, M.E., Moore, W.L. ve Wardell, D.G. (2002). “A Comparison of Quality Function Deployment and Conjoint Analysis in New Product Design”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19(5), 354-364.
  • Reinartz, W., Dellaert, B., Krafft, M., Kumard, V. ve Varadarajan, R. (2011). “Retailing Innovations in a Globalizing Retail Market Environment”. Journal of Retailing, 87, 53-66.
  • Roy, S., Sivakumar, K. ve Wilkinson, I.F. (2004). “Innovation Generation in Supply Chain Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions”. Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 32(1), 61-79.
  • Salavou, H. ve Avlonitis, G. (2008). “Product Innovativeness and Performance: A Focus on SMEs”. Management Decision, 46(7), 969-985.
  • Sammarra, A. ve Biggiero, L. (2008). “Heterogeneity and Specificity of Inter-Firm Knowledge Flows in Innovation Networks”. Journal of Management Studies, 45(4), 800-829.
  • Saylı, H., Kurt, M. ve Baytok, A. (2006) “Şebeke (Network) Organizasyon Yapılarının Rekabet Gücü Kazandırma Rolü ve Afyon Mermer Sektöründe Bir Uygulama Örneği”, 14. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Atatürk Üniversitesi, 25 -27 Mayıs, Erzurum.
  • Sethi, R. ve Sethi, A. (2009). “Can Quality-Oriented Firms Develop Innovative New Products?”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 206-221.
  • Sharp, B.M. (2009). Multilevel Absorptive Capacity And Radical Innovation. (Ph.D.). West Lafayette:Purdue University.
  • Simmons, B.L. ve White, M.A. (1999). “The Relationship Between ISO 9000 and Business Performance: Does Registration Really Matter?”. Journal of Managerial Issues, 11(3), 330- 343.
  • Swan, K.S., Kotabe, M. ve Allred, B.B. (2005). “Exploring Robust Design Capabilities, Their Role in Creating Global Products, and Their Relationship to Firm Performance”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(2), 144-164.
  • Swink, M. (2006). “Building Collaborative Innovation Capability”. Research Technology Management, 49(2), 37-47.
  • Tarn, J.M., Razi, M.A., Wen, H.J. ve Perez, A.A. (2003). “E-fulfilment: Strategy and Operational Requirements”. Logistics Information Management, 16(5), 359-372.
  • Terziovski, M., Power, D. ve Sohal, A. (2003). “The Longitudinal Effects of the ISO 9000 Certification Process on Business Performance”. European Journal of Operations Research, 146, 580-595.
  • Tinoco, J.K. (2007). Accomplishment of Dual Focus in Exploration and Exploitation: The Influential Role of The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Process. (Ph.D.). The University of Central Florida.
  • Topçu, Y. (2004). “Gıda Sanayinde Üretim Ve Pazarlama Politikalarının Toplam Kalite Yöntemiyle Entegre Edilebilirliğinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 10, 27- 41.
  • Ünüvar, M. (2007). Bütünleşik Tedarik Zinciri Yönetim Uygulamalarının Örgütsel Yapıya Etkisi. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İzmir:Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
  • Vallee, M. (2003). “System Thinking for Quality Management and Continuous Improvement in Mining”. CIM Bulletin, 96, 48-58.
  • Vincent, L.H., Bharadwaj, S.G. ve Challagalla, G.N. (2004). “Does Innovation Mediate Firm Performance?: A Meta-Analysis of Determinants and Consequences of Organizational Innovation”, Unpublished Manuscript.
  • Whipple, J.M. ve Frankel, R. (2000). “Strategic Alliance Success Factors”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 36(3), 21-28.
  • Yurt, Ö. (2007). The Impact Of Services Supply Chain Orientation On Perceived Industrial Service Qualıty: An Empirical Analysis. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İzmir: İzmir University Of Economics.

Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Inovasyon Stratejilerine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 95 - 122, 01.02.2013


Günümüzde küresel rekabetin hızlanması, firmaları kendilerini yeniden yapılandırmak, pazardaki değişmelere ayak uydurmak, yüksek kalitede ve düşük maliyette birbirinden farklı yeni ürünleri sunmak zorunda bırakmıştır. Rekabet koşullarında yaşanan zorluk nedeniyle ürün yaşam sürelerinin kısalması tedarik zinciri yönetiminin önemi artmıştır. Bu öneminden dolayı işletmeler rakiplerinden önde olmak için tedarik zinciri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejilerine etkisini bilmek zorundadırlar. Bu çalışmada tedarik zinciri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejilerine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Bunun için İstanbul Sanayi Odasının 2009 verilerine dayanarak oluşturduğu ilk 500 firmaya anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere frekans dağılımı, ortalama ve standart sapma, yapısal eşitlik modelleme analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda tedarik zinciri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejilerini etkilediği görülmüştür.


  • Alegre, J., Lapiedra, R., ve Chiva, R. (2006). “A Measurement Scale for Product Innovation Performance”. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), 333-346.
  • Anholt, S. (2004). Global Markaların Yerel Çuvallamaları (Çev. Gonca Canan) (2. Baskı). İstanbul:MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Arıkbay, C. ve Bozkurt, R. (2002). “Kalite Yönetim Sistemlerine İlişkin ISO 9000:2000 Uluslararası Standartları ve Getirdikleri”. Verimlilik Dergisi, 3, 83-118.
  • Attaran, M. ve Attaran, S. (2004). “The Rebirth Of Re-Engineering, XEngineering”. Business Process Management Journal, 10(4), 416-432.
  • Ayrıçay, Y., Uğurlu, M. ve Uğurlu, Ö.Y. (2009). “Kalite Yönetim Uygulamalarının Finansal Performans Üzerine Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Analiz”. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 42, 169- 180.
  • Bekaroğlu, B.Ş. (2005). “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Uygulamalarının ve ISO 9000 Kalite Güvencesine Sahip Olmanın Hastane Performansına Etkileri: İstanbul’daki Özel Hastaneler Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 5(9), 18-32.
  • Benner, M.J. ve Tushman, M. (2002). “Process Management and Technological Innovation: A Longitudinal Study of The Photography and Paint Industries”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47, 676-706.
  • Brealey, R.A. Myers, S.C. ve Marcus, A.C. (2007). Fundemantals Of Corporate finance, (Fifth Edition). Irwin:McGraw- Hill.
  • Bstieler, L. (2006). “Trust Formation in Collaborative New Product Development”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(1), 56-72.
  • Cerdan, A.L.M., Acosta, P.S. ve Nicolas, C.L. (2008). “How Do Collaborative Technologies Affect Innovation in SMEs?”. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 4(4), 33-50.
  • Chapman, R.L., Soosay, C. ve Kandampully, M. (2003). “Innovation in Logistic Services and the New Business Model. A Conceptual Framework”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 33(7), 630-637.
  • Chen, I.J. ve Paulraj, A. (2004). “Towards a Theory of Supply Chain Management: The Constructs and Measurements”. Journal of Operations Management, 22(2), 119-150.
  • Cooper, M.C., Lambert, D.M. ve Pagh, J.D. (1997). “Supply Chain Management: More Than a New Name for Logistics”. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 8(1), 1-14.
  • Corbett, C.J., Montes, M.J.S. ve Kirsch, D.A. (2005). “The Financial Impact of ISO 9000 Certifiation in the United States: An Empirical Analysis”. Management Science, 51(7), 1046-1059.
  • Erdil, O. ve Baydar, M. (2007). “Ürün Özelliklerinin Seçimi: İleri teknoloji Ürün Pazarında Tüketici İhtiyaçları Ve Üretici Kalite Geliştirme Harcamalarının Eşzamanlı Optimizasyonu”. ZKÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(5), 21-35.
  • Galbreath, J. ve Rogers, T. (1999). “Customer Relationship Leadership: A Leadership and Motivation Model for the Twenty-First Century Business”. The TQM Magazine, 11(3), 162-171.
  • Govil, M. ve Proth, J.M. (2002). Supply Chain Design and Management: Strategic and Tactical Perspectives. California:Academic Press.
  • Gulati, R., ve Sytch, M. (2007). “Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on a Manufacturer's Performance in Procurement Relationships”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 52(1), 32- 69.
  • Hagedoorn, J. ve Duysters, G. (2002). “The Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Technological Performance of Companies in a High-Tech Environment”. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 14(1), 67-85.
  • Han, J.K., Kim, N. ve Kim, H.B. (2001). “Entry Barriers: A Dull-, One-, or Two-Edged Sword for Incumbents? Unraveling The Paradox from a Contingency Perspective”. Journal of Marketing, 65, 1-15.
  • He, Z. ve Wong, P. (2004). “Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of The Ambidexterity Hypothesis”. Organization Science, 15, 481-494.
  • Henderson, A.D. (1999). “Firm Strategy and Age Dependence: A Contingent View of Liabilities of Newness, Adolescence and Obsolescence”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 281- 314.
  • Hua, S.Y.G. (2001). Sequential Product Development and Change Intensity In Firm-Supplier Innovations: An Emprical Study of The PC Industry. (Ph.D.). Madison:University Of Wisconsin.
  • Jean, R. ve Sinkovics, R.R. (2010). “Relationship Learning and Performance Enhancement Via Advanced Information Technology”. International Marketing Review, 27(2), 200-222.
  • Johnson, P.F. ve Leenders, M.R. (2003). “Gaining and Losing Pieces of The Supply Chain”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 39(1), 27-39.
  • Johnson, P.F. ve Leenders, M.R. (2008). “Building a Corporate Supply Function”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 44(3), 39-52.
  • Kang, N., Kim, J. ve Park, Y. (2007). “Integration Of Marketing Domain and R&D Domain In NPD Design Process”. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(6), 780-801.
  • Katila, R. ve Ahuja, G. (2002). “Something Old, Something New: A Longitudinal Study of Search Behavior and New Product Introduction”. Academy of Management Journal, 45, 1183-1194.
  • Keskin, M.H. (2008). Lojistik Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi (2.Baskı). Ankara:Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Koc, T. (2007). “The Impact of ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems on Manufacturing”. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 186(1-3), 207-213.
  • Kwon, I.W.G. ve Suh, T. (2005). “Trust, Commitment and Relationships in Supply Chain Management: A Path Analysis”. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(1), 26-33.
  • Lau, A.K.W., Tang, E. ve Yam, R.C.M. (2010). “Effects of Supplier and Customer Integration on Product Innovation and Performance: Empirical Evidence in H. Kong Manufacturers”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(5), 761-777.
  • Lawson, B., Petersen, K.J., Cousins, P.D. ve Handfield, R.B. (2009). “Knowledge Sharing in Interorganizational Product Development Teams: The Effect of Formal and Informal Socialization Mechanisms”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 156-172.
  • Lima, M.A.M., Resende, M. ve Hasenclever, M. (2000). “Quality Certification and Performance of Brazilian Firms: An Empirical Study”. International Journal of Production Economies, 66, 143-147.
  • Mentzer, J.T., Min, S. ve Zacharia, Z.G. (2000). “The Nature of Interfirm Partnering in Supply Chain Management”. Journal of Retailing, 76(4), 549-568.
  • Miguel, A.P.C. (2007). “Innovative New Product Development: A Study of Selected QFD Case Studies”. The TQM Magazine, 19(6), 617-625.
  • Morgan, N.A. ve Vorhies, D.W. (2001). “Product Quality Alignment And Business Unit Performance”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18(6), 396-407.
  • Narasimhan, R. ve Das, A. (2001). “The Impact of Purchasing Integration and Practices on Manufacturing Performance”. Journal of Operations Management, 19(5), 593-609.
  • Parker, G.G. ve Anderson, E.G. (2002). “From Buyer to Integrator: The Transformation of The Supply-Chain Manager in The Vertically Disintegrating Firm”. Production and Operations Management, 11(1), 75-91.
  • Peng, X. (2007). Improvement and Innovation Capabilities In Manufacturing: Linking Practice Bundles To Strategic Goals And Supplier Collaboration. (Ph.D.). The University Of Minnesota.
  • Pulman, M.E., Moore, W.L. ve Wardell, D.G. (2002). “A Comparison of Quality Function Deployment and Conjoint Analysis in New Product Design”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19(5), 354-364.
  • Reinartz, W., Dellaert, B., Krafft, M., Kumard, V. ve Varadarajan, R. (2011). “Retailing Innovations in a Globalizing Retail Market Environment”. Journal of Retailing, 87, 53-66.
  • Roy, S., Sivakumar, K. ve Wilkinson, I.F. (2004). “Innovation Generation in Supply Chain Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions”. Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 32(1), 61-79.
  • Salavou, H. ve Avlonitis, G. (2008). “Product Innovativeness and Performance: A Focus on SMEs”. Management Decision, 46(7), 969-985.
  • Sammarra, A. ve Biggiero, L. (2008). “Heterogeneity and Specificity of Inter-Firm Knowledge Flows in Innovation Networks”. Journal of Management Studies, 45(4), 800-829.
  • Saylı, H., Kurt, M. ve Baytok, A. (2006) “Şebeke (Network) Organizasyon Yapılarının Rekabet Gücü Kazandırma Rolü ve Afyon Mermer Sektöründe Bir Uygulama Örneği”, 14. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Atatürk Üniversitesi, 25 -27 Mayıs, Erzurum.
  • Sethi, R. ve Sethi, A. (2009). “Can Quality-Oriented Firms Develop Innovative New Products?”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 206-221.
  • Sharp, B.M. (2009). Multilevel Absorptive Capacity And Radical Innovation. (Ph.D.). West Lafayette:Purdue University.
  • Simmons, B.L. ve White, M.A. (1999). “The Relationship Between ISO 9000 and Business Performance: Does Registration Really Matter?”. Journal of Managerial Issues, 11(3), 330- 343.
  • Swan, K.S., Kotabe, M. ve Allred, B.B. (2005). “Exploring Robust Design Capabilities, Their Role in Creating Global Products, and Their Relationship to Firm Performance”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22(2), 144-164.
  • Swink, M. (2006). “Building Collaborative Innovation Capability”. Research Technology Management, 49(2), 37-47.
  • Tarn, J.M., Razi, M.A., Wen, H.J. ve Perez, A.A. (2003). “E-fulfilment: Strategy and Operational Requirements”. Logistics Information Management, 16(5), 359-372.
  • Terziovski, M., Power, D. ve Sohal, A. (2003). “The Longitudinal Effects of the ISO 9000 Certification Process on Business Performance”. European Journal of Operations Research, 146, 580-595.
  • Tinoco, J.K. (2007). Accomplishment of Dual Focus in Exploration and Exploitation: The Influential Role of The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Process. (Ph.D.). The University of Central Florida.
  • Topçu, Y. (2004). “Gıda Sanayinde Üretim Ve Pazarlama Politikalarının Toplam Kalite Yöntemiyle Entegre Edilebilirliğinin Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 10, 27- 41.
  • Ünüvar, M. (2007). Bütünleşik Tedarik Zinciri Yönetim Uygulamalarının Örgütsel Yapıya Etkisi. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İzmir:Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
  • Vallee, M. (2003). “System Thinking for Quality Management and Continuous Improvement in Mining”. CIM Bulletin, 96, 48-58.
  • Vincent, L.H., Bharadwaj, S.G. ve Challagalla, G.N. (2004). “Does Innovation Mediate Firm Performance?: A Meta-Analysis of Determinants and Consequences of Organizational Innovation”, Unpublished Manuscript.
  • Whipple, J.M. ve Frankel, R. (2000). “Strategic Alliance Success Factors”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 36(3), 21-28.
  • Yurt, Ö. (2007). The Impact Of Services Supply Chain Orientation On Perceived Industrial Service Qualıty: An Empirical Analysis. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İzmir: İzmir University Of Economics.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Polat Can Bu kişi benim

Aysel Erciş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Can, P., & Erciş, . A. (2013). Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminin Inovasyon Stratejilerine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(2), 95-122.