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Analysıng Teachıng Materıals at Socıal Studıes Teachıng Programs ın Turkey

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 46 - 63, 30.05.2022


The aim of this research is to state historical development of the teaching materials at the social studies teaching programs ( 1924, 1930, 1948, 1968, 1990, 2005, 2018). For this reason, it has a historical research feature. This study is figured with circumstances that is qualitative research method. Datas are collected with the method of the document review and it is analysed according to the descriptive analyse technique . In consequence of these analysis, it has coded intended to the names of the materials, and then it is sum up and interpreted. According to the these findings there are 6 teaching materials at 1924 first school program. It is determined 33 teaching materials in 1930, 51 ones in 1948, 43 ones in 1968, 13 ones in 1990, 70 teaching materials in 2005, 21 ones in 2018. It can be said that educatıon conditions and opportunities are effective in the historical development of the materials that used in teaching programs in social studies. It is determined that material numbers have increased from past to nowadays. It ıs seen that the materials used from 1924 to 1990 has the similar material names. Hovewer it can said that various materials are added to the program with the help of 2005 social studies programmes and the developments of the education and and digital programmes. In accordance with these results, the reflexions of materials are stated in the program can be examined comperatively.


  • Alataş, O., Dağhan, S., Erkuş, S., Aydın, K., Erkuş, S. and Uğurluk, H. (2022). The Effects of eba support edapplications on students attitudes and succes towards social studies course Uluder, 1(2), s. 57-75.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. and Demirel, F. (2014). Scientific research methods. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design choosing among five approaches. Sage Publications.
  • Çelik, A. and Çetin, T. (2019). The use of Evliya Çelebi seyahatnamesi ın socıal studıes teachıng. MANAS Journal of Social Research, 8(3), s. 2336-2359.
  • Çelikkaya, T. (2013). The Applıcatıon levels of ınstructıonal tools and materıals by socıal studıes teachers. Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Education, 32(1).
  • Çiftçi, Ü. (2002). The effect of using materials in social studies 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes on student achievement and attitudes. (Unpublished master's thesis). Selcuk University, Institute of Educational Sciences. Konya.
  • Demiralp, N. (2007). Materıals ın geography educatıon and the geography currıculum 2005. Journal of Education Kastamonu, 15(1), s. 373-384.
  • Fidan, M., Sarıaslan, E. and Yılmaz, A. (2022). Evaluation of teacher and student views on Turkish lesson materials used in distance education processes. RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, (26), s. 350-368.
  • Fidan, N. K. (2008). Teachers' views with regard to the use of tools and materials in the primary level. Theoretical Education Science, 1(1), s. 48-61.
  • Forster, N. (1995). The analysis of company documentation. İn C. Cassel and G. Symon (Eds.), Qualitative methods in organizational research: A practical guide. Sage Publications.
  • Gez, A. and Çinpolat, E. (2022). Examınatıon of graduate theses on lıterary works ın the fıeld of socıal studıes educatıon. Journal of National Education, 51(233), s. 535-555.
  • Göğebakan, Y. (2018). The Importance of using museums in education and training as alternative learning spaces. Journal of the Fine Arts Institute, (40) , s. 9-41.
  • Kaymakcı, S. (2011). The material dimension of the social studies curriculum. R. Turan and diğ. (Eds). New approaches in teaching social studies II, 152-162. Pegem Akademi Publishing.
  • Korkmaz, S. and Uyğur, A. (2021). Tools and materials used in the teaching of geography subjects in social studies curriculums from the republic to today. Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, 4(1), s. 34-47.
  • Lee. K. (2002). Digital history in the history/social studies classroom. The History Teacher, 35(4). pp. 503-517.
  • Mason, C., Berson, M., Diem, R., Hicks, D., Lee, J., and Dralle, T. (2000). Guidelines for using technology to prepare social studies teachers. Contemporary İssues in Technology and Teacher Education, 1(1), s. 107-116.
  • Mcgowan, T. and Guzzettı, B. (2003). Promoting social studies understanding through literature-based instruction. (Trans: A. Doğanay). Cukurova University Journal of the Social Sciences Institute. 11(11), s. 35-44.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). A guide to qualitative research design and practice. (Çev. Ed. S. Turan). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Publishing.
  • Miles, M.B. and Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis. USA: Sage Publications.
  • Ministry of Education (1924). Primary school curriculum. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • Ministry of Education (1930). Primary school curriculum İstanbul: Devlet Matbaaları Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1948). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1968). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1990). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (2005). Primary education social studies course curriculum and guide. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (2018). Primary education social studies course curriculum and guide. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Nalçacı, A. and Ercoşkun, M. H. (2005). The Materials used in primary education social studies lesson. Journal of the Faculty of Education Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir, (11), s. 141-154.
  • Nokelainen, P. (2006). An empirical assessment of pedagogical usability criteria for digital learning material with elementary school students. Educational Technology and Society, 9(2), s. 178-197.
  • Önder, E. (2022). Analysis of secondary school science textbooks in terms of material accessibility and teacher opinions on material use. . (Unpublished master's thesis), Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology. Edirne.
  • Öner, S. and Öner, M. (2022). Opinions of social studies teacher candidates on distance teaching practices during the pandemic period: problems, suggestions and use of materials in geography teaching. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education (IGGE), 45, s. 36-52.
  • Özensoy, A. U. (2022). Usıng travel books ın socıal studıes teachıng. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 21(81), s. 43-60.
  • Öztürk, M. K. (2002). The use and importance of tools, materials and materials in geography teaching in high schools. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education. 22(22).
  • Saban. A. (2013). Learning-teaching process. İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Publishing.
  • Sormaz, M. (2019). Evaluation of geography education in Sweden in terms of curriculum, method and equipment. (Unpublished master's thesis), Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences. İstanbul.
  • Şanlı, S. (2018). Views of middle school students on teaching aids used in social studies courses. Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, 1(1), s. 52-64.
  • Şimşek, A. (2003). The use of visual materials in history teaching. G.U. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty. 4(1), s. 144-155. TDK. (2021).
  • Ulusoy, K. and Gülüm, K. (2009). To use of teachers to the teachıng materıals whıle studyıng hıstory and geography subjects ın socıal scıence lessons. Journal of Ahi Evran University Kirsehir Education Faculty, 10(2), s. 85-99.
  • Yalçın, A. (2016). Examination of social studies programs according to social studies teaching approaches from the republic to the present. (Unpublished Master's Thesis), Akdeniz University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Antalya.
  • Yalçın, A. and Akhan, N. E. (2019). An ınvestigation into the social studies programs from the early republic to the present in terms of social studies teaching approaches. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(3), s. 842-873.
  • Yanpar Şahin, T. (2016). Opinions of 5 grade students about different kind of materials and concept maps prepared by themselves based on constructivist aproach ın social studies. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 2(1).
  • Yanpar, T. (2006). Instructional technologies and material design. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Yeşiltaş E. (2012). Teaching materials and technologies in social studies teaching. M. Safran (Editör), social studies teaching. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publishing.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yusufoğlu, A. and Gençtürk Güven, E.(2021). An assessment of pre-service social studies teacher’s technological pedagogical content knowledge. TAY Journal, 5(2), 181-203.

Türkiye’de Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretim Programlarında Yer Verilen Öğretim Materyallerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 46 - 63, 30.05.2022


Bu araştırmanın amacı, sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretim programlarında (1924, 1930, 1948, 1968, 1990, 2005, 2018), öğretim materyallerinin tarihsel gelişimini belirlemektir. Bu nedenle tarihsel bir araştırma özelliğine sahiptir. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışmasıyla desenlenmiştir. Veriler, doküman incelemesi yöntemi ile toplanmış ve betimsel analiz tekniğine göre çözümlenmiştir. Bu analizler sonucunda, materyal isimlerine yönelik kodlamalar yapılmış daha sonra özetlenip yorumlanmıştır. Bu bulgulara göre 1924 ilk mektep programında, 6 öğretim materyali yer aldığı belirlenmiştir. 1930’da 33, 1948’de 51, 1968’de 43, 1990’da 13, 2005’te 70, 2018’de 21 öğretim materyali tespit edilmiştir. Sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretim programlarında kullanılan materyallerin tarihsel gelişiminde, dönemin eğitim koşulları ve imkânları etkili olduğu söylenebilir. Programlarda, materyal sayısının geçmişten günümüze doğru arttığı tespit edilmiştir. 1924’ten 1990’a kadar kullanılan materyallerin birbirine yakın materyal isimleri olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak 2005 sosyal bilgiler programı ile birlikte eğitim ve dijital teknolojilerinin gelişmesine bağlı olarak çeşitli materyallerin programa eklendiği söylenebilir. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, programda belirtilen materyallerin ders kitaplarına yansımaları karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde incelenebilir.


  • Alataş, O., Dağhan, S., Erkuş, S., Aydın, K., Erkuş, S. and Uğurluk, H. (2022). The Effects of eba support edapplications on students attitudes and succes towards social studies course Uluder, 1(2), s. 57-75.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. and Demirel, F. (2014). Scientific research methods. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design choosing among five approaches. Sage Publications.
  • Çelik, A. and Çetin, T. (2019). The use of Evliya Çelebi seyahatnamesi ın socıal studıes teachıng. MANAS Journal of Social Research, 8(3), s. 2336-2359.
  • Çelikkaya, T. (2013). The Applıcatıon levels of ınstructıonal tools and materıals by socıal studıes teachers. Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Education, 32(1).
  • Çiftçi, Ü. (2002). The effect of using materials in social studies 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes on student achievement and attitudes. (Unpublished master's thesis). Selcuk University, Institute of Educational Sciences. Konya.
  • Demiralp, N. (2007). Materıals ın geography educatıon and the geography currıculum 2005. Journal of Education Kastamonu, 15(1), s. 373-384.
  • Fidan, M., Sarıaslan, E. and Yılmaz, A. (2022). Evaluation of teacher and student views on Turkish lesson materials used in distance education processes. RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, (26), s. 350-368.
  • Fidan, N. K. (2008). Teachers' views with regard to the use of tools and materials in the primary level. Theoretical Education Science, 1(1), s. 48-61.
  • Forster, N. (1995). The analysis of company documentation. İn C. Cassel and G. Symon (Eds.), Qualitative methods in organizational research: A practical guide. Sage Publications.
  • Gez, A. and Çinpolat, E. (2022). Examınatıon of graduate theses on lıterary works ın the fıeld of socıal studıes educatıon. Journal of National Education, 51(233), s. 535-555.
  • Göğebakan, Y. (2018). The Importance of using museums in education and training as alternative learning spaces. Journal of the Fine Arts Institute, (40) , s. 9-41.
  • Kaymakcı, S. (2011). The material dimension of the social studies curriculum. R. Turan and diğ. (Eds). New approaches in teaching social studies II, 152-162. Pegem Akademi Publishing.
  • Korkmaz, S. and Uyğur, A. (2021). Tools and materials used in the teaching of geography subjects in social studies curriculums from the republic to today. Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, 4(1), s. 34-47.
  • Lee. K. (2002). Digital history in the history/social studies classroom. The History Teacher, 35(4). pp. 503-517.
  • Mason, C., Berson, M., Diem, R., Hicks, D., Lee, J., and Dralle, T. (2000). Guidelines for using technology to prepare social studies teachers. Contemporary İssues in Technology and Teacher Education, 1(1), s. 107-116.
  • Mcgowan, T. and Guzzettı, B. (2003). Promoting social studies understanding through literature-based instruction. (Trans: A. Doğanay). Cukurova University Journal of the Social Sciences Institute. 11(11), s. 35-44.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). A guide to qualitative research design and practice. (Çev. Ed. S. Turan). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Publishing.
  • Miles, M.B. and Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis. USA: Sage Publications.
  • Ministry of Education (1924). Primary school curriculum. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • Ministry of Education (1930). Primary school curriculum İstanbul: Devlet Matbaaları Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1948). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1968). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (1990). Primary school program. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (2005). Primary education social studies course curriculum and guide. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Ministry of Education (2018). Primary education social studies course curriculum and guide. Ankara: Education of National Publishing.
  • Nalçacı, A. and Ercoşkun, M. H. (2005). The Materials used in primary education social studies lesson. Journal of the Faculty of Education Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir, (11), s. 141-154.
  • Nokelainen, P. (2006). An empirical assessment of pedagogical usability criteria for digital learning material with elementary school students. Educational Technology and Society, 9(2), s. 178-197.
  • Önder, E. (2022). Analysis of secondary school science textbooks in terms of material accessibility and teacher opinions on material use. . (Unpublished master's thesis), Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology. Edirne.
  • Öner, S. and Öner, M. (2022). Opinions of social studies teacher candidates on distance teaching practices during the pandemic period: problems, suggestions and use of materials in geography teaching. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education (IGGE), 45, s. 36-52.
  • Özensoy, A. U. (2022). Usıng travel books ın socıal studıes teachıng. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 21(81), s. 43-60.
  • Öztürk, M. K. (2002). The use and importance of tools, materials and materials in geography teaching in high schools. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Education. 22(22).
  • Saban. A. (2013). Learning-teaching process. İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Publishing.
  • Sormaz, M. (2019). Evaluation of geography education in Sweden in terms of curriculum, method and equipment. (Unpublished master's thesis), Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences. İstanbul.
  • Şanlı, S. (2018). Views of middle school students on teaching aids used in social studies courses. Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, 1(1), s. 52-64.
  • Şimşek, A. (2003). The use of visual materials in history teaching. G.U. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty. 4(1), s. 144-155. TDK. (2021).
  • Ulusoy, K. and Gülüm, K. (2009). To use of teachers to the teachıng materıals whıle studyıng hıstory and geography subjects ın socıal scıence lessons. Journal of Ahi Evran University Kirsehir Education Faculty, 10(2), s. 85-99.
  • Yalçın, A. (2016). Examination of social studies programs according to social studies teaching approaches from the republic to the present. (Unpublished Master's Thesis), Akdeniz University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Antalya.
  • Yalçın, A. and Akhan, N. E. (2019). An ınvestigation into the social studies programs from the early republic to the present in terms of social studies teaching approaches. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 12(3), s. 842-873.
  • Yanpar Şahin, T. (2016). Opinions of 5 grade students about different kind of materials and concept maps prepared by themselves based on constructivist aproach ın social studies. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 2(1).
  • Yanpar, T. (2006). Instructional technologies and material design. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Yeşiltaş E. (2012). Teaching materials and technologies in social studies teaching. M. Safran (Editör), social studies teaching. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publishing.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yusufoğlu, A. and Gençtürk Güven, E.(2021). An assessment of pre-service social studies teacher’s technological pedagogical content knowledge. TAY Journal, 5(2), 181-203.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Research Article

Ali Yalçın 0000-0001-8421-3924

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçın, A. (2022). Analysıng Teachıng Materıals at Socıal Studıes Teachıng Programs ın Turkey. Journal of Social Sciences And Education, 5(1), 46-63.