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Koyunlarda Melatonin Uygulamasının Üreme Hormonları ve Eşeysel Davranışlara Etkisi

Yıl 2025, , 221 - 232, 29.01.2025


Koyun gibi mevsime bağlı kızgınlık gösteren hayvanlarda, mevsim dışı kuzulatma uygulamaları ve östrusların senkronizasyonu sürü yönetimi ve işletme ekonomisi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, aşım sezonu öncesi uygulanan melatonin implantının Tahirova koyunlarında melatonin, östrojen ve progesteron hormon seviyeleri ve eşeysel davranışlara etkisi belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada 1-4 yaşları arasında 60 baş Tahirova ırkı koyun ve 1-2 yaşlı 6 baş koç kullanılmıştır. 26 Haziran’da koyun (18 mg doz/koyun) ve koçların (54 mg doz/koç) yarısına melatonin implantı uygulanmıştır. Melatonin implantından 15 gün sonra koyun (530 g/koyun) ve koçların (660 g/koç) tamamına klasik yöntemle dane yemle ek yemleme (flushing) uygulaması 60 gün süreyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. 1 Ağustos’ta koç katımı ile kızgınlıkları tespit edilen koyunlar bireysel bölmelere alınarak elde aşım yöntemiyle çiftleştirmeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde aşım sırasında koyunlarda koklama, koçun skrotumuna dokunma, koçun etrafında dönme, koça dönüp bakma ve kuyruk sallama davranış sıklığı alınırken, koça ait olan eşeysel davranışlarda kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca gözlemlerde 1 dakikalık aralıklarla etkileşimin olup olmadığı, koyunların eşeysel etkileşim oranı, toplam eşeysel etkileşim sıklığı, eşeysel etkileşim başına düşen süre ve toplam eşeysel etkileşim süresi belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada başlangıç, 21., 42., 63., 94. ve 129. günlerde kan alımı yapılmıştır. Kan serum örneklerinde Elisa yöntemi ile hormon analizleri ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 63. günde melatonin hormon konsantrasyonu uygulama (MT) grubunda kontrol (C) grubundan daha yüksek olmuştur (P=0,0476). Koyun eşeysel etkileşim oranı kontrol grubuna göre uygulama grubunda önemli ölçüde artırmıştır (P=0,0045). Koç katımı ile gebe kalma oranı uygulama grubunda kontrol grubundan daha kısa gerçekleşmiştir (P≤0,05). Sonuçta, Tahirova süt koyunlarında aşım sezonu öncesi melatonin implantı uygulaması 63. günde melatonin hormon konsantrasyonunda önemli ölçüde artış sağlamış ve gebe kalma süresini ise önemli düzeyde kısaltmıştır.

Etik Beyan

All animal handling and experimental procedures were performed by the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) on animal use (no. 2018/05-11).

Destekleyen Kurum

Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University for supporting this study (project number: FYL-2019-3063)

Proje Numarası

project number: FYL-2019-3063


The authors thank Agriculture Engineer Nazif Yazgan, Dr. Hande Işıl Akbağ and Dr. Türker Savaş's contribution to the study.


  • Abecia, J. A., Araya J., Chemineau, P., Palacios, C., Keller, M. and Delgadillo, J. A. (2018). Photoperiod-melatonin-induced, sexually-activated rams increase pregnancy rate and number of lambs per ewe in a ram effect. Large Animal Review, 24: 31-35.
  • Abecia, J. A., Palacin, I., Forcada, F. and Valares, J. A. (2006). The effect of melatonin treatment on the ovarian response of ewes to the ram effect. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 31: 52-62.
  • Alaçam, E. (2007). Production of a radioimmunoassay kit for blood progesterone hormone measurements in cows, sheep and dogs and its use in various physio-pathological cases. Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi (2005-08-10-070) Project Report, Ankara (In Turkish).
  • Al-Tai, S. N. N., Alkalby, J. M. A. and Al-Shwilly, H. A. J. (2021). Profile Of reproductive hormones secretion during estrus and pregnancy associated with different estrus synchronization methods in Awassi ewes in non-breeding season. Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 8(6): 1934-1947.
  • Arsoy, D. and Sağmanlıgil, V. (2018). Reproductive cycles in white Karaman ewes: comparison of ovarian hormone secretion and reproductive behavior in non-pregnant and pregnant ewes in semi-intensive conditions. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 40: e39908.
  • Carcangiu, V., Mura, M.C., Parmeggiani, A., Piccione, G., Bini, P. P., Cosso, G. and Luridina, S. (2013). Daily rhythm of blood melatonin concentrations in sheep of different ages. Biological Rhythm Research, 44(6): 908-915.
  • Casao, A., Vega, S., Palacin, I., Perez-Pe, R., Lavina, A., Quintin, F. J., Sevilla, E., Abecia, J. A., Cebrian-Perez, J. A., Forcada, F. and Muino-Blanco, T. (2008). Effects of melatonin implants during non-breeding season on sperm motility and reproductive parameters in Rasa Aragonesa Rams. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45: 425-432.
  • Clarke, I. J., Smith, J. T., Caraty, A., Goodman, R. L. and Lehman, M. N. (2009). Kisspeptin and seasonality in sheep. Peptides, 30(1):154-63.
  • Çevik, M. and Yurdaydın, N. (1998). Effect of photoperiodism on fertility in domestic animals. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü. Dergisi, 38(1): 69-78. (In Turkish).
  • Elhadi, A., Salama, A. A. K., Such, X. and Caja, G. (2022). Responses to melatonin of 2 breeds of dairy ewes in early lactation under autumn photoperiod conditions. Journal of Dairy Science, 105: 2587-2596.
  • Goodman, R. L. and Inskeep, E. K. (2015). Control of the Ovarian Cycle of the Sheep. In: Knobil and Neill’s Physiology of Reproduction 4th Edition Volume 2. Eds: Plant T. M. and Zelenik, A. J., Elsevier, London, U.K.
  • Hafez, E. S. E. (1993). Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Edition. Lea & Feibeger., Philadelphia, USA.
  • Kalkan, C. and Horoz, H. (1997). Pubertal and Sexual Cycles. In: Parturition and Infertility In Domestic Animals. Eds: Alaçam, E., Medisan, Ankara, Türkiye. (In Turkish).
  • Kleemann, D. O., Kelly, J. M., Arney, L. J., Len, J., Tilbrook, A. J. and Walker, S. K. (2021). Sexual behaviour, semen quality and fertility of young Border Leicester rams administered melatonin during spring. Animal Reproduction Science, 231: 106804
  • Koca, A. and Özbeyaz, C. (2019). The effects of progesterone and estrogen hormone levels on some reproductive characteristics of the Akkaraman sheep. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(Suppl 2): 424-430.
  • Konyalı, A., Tölü, C., Ayağ, B. S. and Akbağ, H. I. (2011). Observations on hand-mating behaviors, several physiological and hematological parameters in Turkish dairy goats. Animal Science Journal, 82: 251-258.
  • Lincoln, G. A. and Clarke, I. J. (1997). Refractoriness to a static melatonin signal develops in the pituitary gland for the control of prolactin secretion in the ram. Biology of Reproduction, 57: 460-467.
  • Lincoln, G. A. and Ebling, F. J. P. (1985). Effect of constant-release implants of melatonin on seasonal cycles in reproduction, prolactin secretion and moulting in rams. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility, 73: 241-253.
  • McEvoy, T. G., Robinson, J. J., Aitken, R. P. and Robertson, I. S. (1998). Melatonin treatment of embryo donor and recipient ewes during anestrus affects their endocrine status, but not ovulation rate, embryo survival. Theriogenoiogy, 49: 943-955.
  • NRC (2007). Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants, National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington, DC., U.S.A.
  • Rekik, M., Taboubi, R., Ben Salem, I., Fehri, Y., Sakly, C., Lassoued, N. and Hilali M. E. (2015). Melatonin administration enhances the reproductive capacity of young rams under a southern Mediterranean environment. Animal Science Journal, 86: 666-672.
  • Öziş Altınçekiç, Ş. and Koyuncu, M. (2017). Comparison of effects of CIDR and prostaglandin applications on the reproductive performance of Kıvırcık ewes in anestrous. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 14(01): 9-15 (In Turkish).
  • SAS (2021). Statistical Analysis System, SAS/STAT® 9.3 User's Guide. Cary, NC.
  • Sasa, A., Rodrigues, P. A., Nonaka, K. O., Balieiro, J. C. de C. and Coelho, L. A. (2016). Plasma melatonin and progesterone profiles of Suffolk and Romney Marsh ewes implanted with melatonin during anoestrus season at lower latitudes in Southern Hemisphere. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 44(1): 1378.
  • Song, Y., Wu, H., Wang, X., Haire, A., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Lian, Z., Fu, J., Liu, G. and Wusiman, A. (2019). Melatonin improves the efficiency of super-ovulation and timed artificial insemination in sheep. Peer J, 7: e6750.
  • Sönmez, R., Kaymakçı, M., Eliçin, A., Tuncel, E., Wassmuth, R. and Taşkın, T. (2009). Sheep breeding studies in Turkey. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, 12-13 February, p. 7-24, İzmir, Türkiye (In Turkish).
  • Tamarkin, L., Baird, C. J. and Almedia, O. F. (1985). Melatonin: A coordinating signal for mammalian reproduction? Science, 227: 714-720.
  • Tölü, C. and Savaş, T. (2010). Comparison of Gökçeada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen goat genotypes for reproduction traits. Journal of Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty, 7(2): 113-121 (In Turkish).
  • Tölü, C., Yazgan, N., Akbağ, H. I. and Savaş, T. (2024). Effects of melatonin implant on hormone profile and mating behaviour in rams. Hayvansal Üretim, 65(1): 29-36.
  • Tölü, C., Yazgan, N., Akbağ, H. I., Yurtman, İ. Y. and Savaş T. (2022). Effects of melatonin implants on reproductive performance of dairy sheep and dairy goats. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57: 665–672.
  • Uyanık, F., Güvenç, K., Gültekin, M. and Gürbulak, K. (2009). Serum leptin and progesterone levels during gestation in ewes. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University, 6(1): 31-36 (In Turkish).
  • Yılmazer, C., Çevik, M. and Koçyiğit, A. (2018). Effects of subcutaneous melatonin implants and short-term intravaginal progestagen treatments on estrus induction and fertility of Kıvırcık ewes on seasonal anestrus. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(2): 353-359.
  • Zarazaga, L. A., Gatica, M. C., Celi, I., Guzman, J. L. and Malpaux, B. (2009). Effect of melatonin implants on sexual activity in Mediterranean goat females without separation from males. Theriogenology, 72: 910-918.

Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep

Yıl 2025, , 221 - 232, 29.01.2025


In seasonal oestrus animals such as sheep, out-off-season lambing practices and synchronization of oestrus are important in terms of herd management and farm economics. The present study aimed to determine the effects of melatonin implants administered before the breeding season on melatonin, estrogen, progesterone hormone concentrations, and sexual behavior in Tahirova sheep. The study was conducted on 60 Tahirova dairy ewes, aged 1-4 years, and 6 head rams, aged 1-2 years. On June 26, melatonin implants were administered to half of the ewes (18 mg dose/ewe) and rams (54 mg dose/ram). Fifteen days after the implantation of melatonin, all the ewes (530 g/ewe) and rams (660 g/ram) were given supplemental feeding (flushing) with grain feed for a period of 60 days. On August 1, the ewes exhibiting signs of estrus following the introduction of a ram were relocated to individual paddocks, where mating was conducted using the hand-mating method. The frequency of sniffing, touching the ram's scrotum, turning the ram, head-turning, and tail wagging was recorded during the hand-mating procedure. Additionally, the sexual behaviors exhibited by the ram were documented. Furthermore, an investigation was conducted to ascertain whether an interaction occurred within the first minute. The intervals, sexual interaction rate of the ewe, total frequency of sexual interaction, time per sexual interaction, and total sexual interaction time were observed. Blood samples were collected regularly on the initial day, the 21st day, the 42nd day, the 63rd day, the 94th day, and the 129th day for subsequent hormone analysis. Hormonal analyses were conducted using the ELISA method on blood serum samples. The melatonin hormone concentration was observed to be higher in the treatment (MT) group than in the control (C) group on the 63rd day (P=0.0476). The sexual interaction rate of the MT group was found to increase significantly in comparison to the C group (P=0.0045). Additionally, the gestation rate was shorter in the MT group than in the C group (P≤0.05). It can thus be concluded that the melatonin implant, when applied before the breeding season, significantly increases melatonin hormone concentrations on the 63rd day and significantly shortens the periods of gestation in Tahirova dairy sheep.

Etik Beyan

All animal handling and experimental procedures were performed by the Committee on Animal Research and Ethics of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) on animal use (no. 2018/05-11).

Destekleyen Kurum

Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University for supporting this study.

Proje Numarası

project number: FYL-2019-3063


The authors thank Agriculture Engineer Nazif Yazgan, Dr. Hande Işıl Akbağ and Dr. Türker Savaş's contribution to the study. The authors wish to acknowledge the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University for supporting this study (project number: FYL-2019-3063).


  • Abecia, J. A., Araya J., Chemineau, P., Palacios, C., Keller, M. and Delgadillo, J. A. (2018). Photoperiod-melatonin-induced, sexually-activated rams increase pregnancy rate and number of lambs per ewe in a ram effect. Large Animal Review, 24: 31-35.
  • Abecia, J. A., Palacin, I., Forcada, F. and Valares, J. A. (2006). The effect of melatonin treatment on the ovarian response of ewes to the ram effect. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 31: 52-62.
  • Alaçam, E. (2007). Production of a radioimmunoassay kit for blood progesterone hormone measurements in cows, sheep and dogs and its use in various physio-pathological cases. Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi (2005-08-10-070) Project Report, Ankara (In Turkish).
  • Al-Tai, S. N. N., Alkalby, J. M. A. and Al-Shwilly, H. A. J. (2021). Profile Of reproductive hormones secretion during estrus and pregnancy associated with different estrus synchronization methods in Awassi ewes in non-breeding season. Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, 8(6): 1934-1947.
  • Arsoy, D. and Sağmanlıgil, V. (2018). Reproductive cycles in white Karaman ewes: comparison of ovarian hormone secretion and reproductive behavior in non-pregnant and pregnant ewes in semi-intensive conditions. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 40: e39908.
  • Carcangiu, V., Mura, M.C., Parmeggiani, A., Piccione, G., Bini, P. P., Cosso, G. and Luridina, S. (2013). Daily rhythm of blood melatonin concentrations in sheep of different ages. Biological Rhythm Research, 44(6): 908-915.
  • Casao, A., Vega, S., Palacin, I., Perez-Pe, R., Lavina, A., Quintin, F. J., Sevilla, E., Abecia, J. A., Cebrian-Perez, J. A., Forcada, F. and Muino-Blanco, T. (2008). Effects of melatonin implants during non-breeding season on sperm motility and reproductive parameters in Rasa Aragonesa Rams. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45: 425-432.
  • Clarke, I. J., Smith, J. T., Caraty, A., Goodman, R. L. and Lehman, M. N. (2009). Kisspeptin and seasonality in sheep. Peptides, 30(1):154-63.
  • Çevik, M. and Yurdaydın, N. (1998). Effect of photoperiodism on fertility in domestic animals. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü. Dergisi, 38(1): 69-78. (In Turkish).
  • Elhadi, A., Salama, A. A. K., Such, X. and Caja, G. (2022). Responses to melatonin of 2 breeds of dairy ewes in early lactation under autumn photoperiod conditions. Journal of Dairy Science, 105: 2587-2596.
  • Goodman, R. L. and Inskeep, E. K. (2015). Control of the Ovarian Cycle of the Sheep. In: Knobil and Neill’s Physiology of Reproduction 4th Edition Volume 2. Eds: Plant T. M. and Zelenik, A. J., Elsevier, London, U.K.
  • Hafez, E. S. E. (1993). Reproduction in Farm Animals. 6th Edition. Lea & Feibeger., Philadelphia, USA.
  • Kalkan, C. and Horoz, H. (1997). Pubertal and Sexual Cycles. In: Parturition and Infertility In Domestic Animals. Eds: Alaçam, E., Medisan, Ankara, Türkiye. (In Turkish).
  • Kleemann, D. O., Kelly, J. M., Arney, L. J., Len, J., Tilbrook, A. J. and Walker, S. K. (2021). Sexual behaviour, semen quality and fertility of young Border Leicester rams administered melatonin during spring. Animal Reproduction Science, 231: 106804
  • Koca, A. and Özbeyaz, C. (2019). The effects of progesterone and estrogen hormone levels on some reproductive characteristics of the Akkaraman sheep. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 22(Suppl 2): 424-430.
  • Konyalı, A., Tölü, C., Ayağ, B. S. and Akbağ, H. I. (2011). Observations on hand-mating behaviors, several physiological and hematological parameters in Turkish dairy goats. Animal Science Journal, 82: 251-258.
  • Lincoln, G. A. and Clarke, I. J. (1997). Refractoriness to a static melatonin signal develops in the pituitary gland for the control of prolactin secretion in the ram. Biology of Reproduction, 57: 460-467.
  • Lincoln, G. A. and Ebling, F. J. P. (1985). Effect of constant-release implants of melatonin on seasonal cycles in reproduction, prolactin secretion and moulting in rams. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility, 73: 241-253.
  • McEvoy, T. G., Robinson, J. J., Aitken, R. P. and Robertson, I. S. (1998). Melatonin treatment of embryo donor and recipient ewes during anestrus affects their endocrine status, but not ovulation rate, embryo survival. Theriogenoiogy, 49: 943-955.
  • NRC (2007). Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants, National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington, DC., U.S.A.
  • Rekik, M., Taboubi, R., Ben Salem, I., Fehri, Y., Sakly, C., Lassoued, N. and Hilali M. E. (2015). Melatonin administration enhances the reproductive capacity of young rams under a southern Mediterranean environment. Animal Science Journal, 86: 666-672.
  • Öziş Altınçekiç, Ş. and Koyuncu, M. (2017). Comparison of effects of CIDR and prostaglandin applications on the reproductive performance of Kıvırcık ewes in anestrous. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 14(01): 9-15 (In Turkish).
  • SAS (2021). Statistical Analysis System, SAS/STAT® 9.3 User's Guide. Cary, NC.
  • Sasa, A., Rodrigues, P. A., Nonaka, K. O., Balieiro, J. C. de C. and Coelho, L. A. (2016). Plasma melatonin and progesterone profiles of Suffolk and Romney Marsh ewes implanted with melatonin during anoestrus season at lower latitudes in Southern Hemisphere. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 44(1): 1378.
  • Song, Y., Wu, H., Wang, X., Haire, A., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Lian, Z., Fu, J., Liu, G. and Wusiman, A. (2019). Melatonin improves the efficiency of super-ovulation and timed artificial insemination in sheep. Peer J, 7: e6750.
  • Sönmez, R., Kaymakçı, M., Eliçin, A., Tuncel, E., Wassmuth, R. and Taşkın, T. (2009). Sheep breeding studies in Turkey. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, 12-13 February, p. 7-24, İzmir, Türkiye (In Turkish).
  • Tamarkin, L., Baird, C. J. and Almedia, O. F. (1985). Melatonin: A coordinating signal for mammalian reproduction? Science, 227: 714-720.
  • Tölü, C. and Savaş, T. (2010). Comparison of Gökçeada, Maltese and Turkish Saanen goat genotypes for reproduction traits. Journal of Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty, 7(2): 113-121 (In Turkish).
  • Tölü, C., Yazgan, N., Akbağ, H. I. and Savaş, T. (2024). Effects of melatonin implant on hormone profile and mating behaviour in rams. Hayvansal Üretim, 65(1): 29-36.
  • Tölü, C., Yazgan, N., Akbağ, H. I., Yurtman, İ. Y. and Savaş T. (2022). Effects of melatonin implants on reproductive performance of dairy sheep and dairy goats. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57: 665–672.
  • Uyanık, F., Güvenç, K., Gültekin, M. and Gürbulak, K. (2009). Serum leptin and progesterone levels during gestation in ewes. Journal of The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Erciyes University, 6(1): 31-36 (In Turkish).
  • Yılmazer, C., Çevik, M. and Koçyiğit, A. (2018). Effects of subcutaneous melatonin implants and short-term intravaginal progestagen treatments on estrus induction and fertility of Kıvırcık ewes on seasonal anestrus. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(2): 353-359.
  • Zarazaga, L. A., Gatica, M. C., Celi, I., Guzman, J. L. and Malpaux, B. (2009). Effect of melatonin implants on sexual activity in Mediterranean goat females without separation from males. Theriogenology, 72: 910-918.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvan Üreme ve Islahı, Küçükbaş Hayvan Yetiştirme ve Islahı
Bölüm Makaleler

Nesrin Öztürk 0000-0001-5073-502X

Cemil Tölü 0000-0002-6135-4502

Proje Numarası project number: FYL-2019-3063
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 14 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, N., & Tölü, C. (2025). Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 221-232.
AMA Öztürk N, Tölü C. Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep. JOTAF. Ocak 2025;22(1):221-232. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1524295
Chicago Öztürk, Nesrin, ve Cemil Tölü. “Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22, sy. 1 (Ocak 2025): 221-32.
EndNote Öztürk N, Tölü C (01 Ocak 2025) Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 1 221–232.
IEEE N. Öztürk ve C. Tölü, “Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep”, JOTAF, c. 22, sy. 1, ss. 221–232, 2025, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1524295.
ISNAD Öztürk, Nesrin - Tölü, Cemil. “Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22/1 (Ocak 2025), 221-232.
JAMA Öztürk N, Tölü C. Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep. JOTAF. 2025;22:221–232.
MLA Öztürk, Nesrin ve Cemil Tölü. “Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 221-32, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1524295.
Vancouver Öztürk N, Tölü C. Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Reproductive Hormones and Sexual Behaviors in Sheep. JOTAF. 2025;22(1):221-32.