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Sınırlı ve Serbest Süt İçirmenin Buzağıların Gelişimi ve Sağlığı Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 1033 - 1044


Son yıllarda, hayvan refahı ve hayvan gereksinimleri ile ilgili tüketicilerdeki endişeler, buzağı yetiştirmenin yeni yollarını bulma arzusunu arttırmıştır. Bu nedenle çalışmanın amacı, süt içirme miktarının grup halinde yetiştirilen buzağıların süt içme dönemindeki büyüme, yem tüketimi ve kan değişkenleri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada 5 günlük yaşta 10 Holstein buzağı (her grupta 5 buzağı) kullanılmıştır. Denemenin ilk 19 gününde buzağılar otomatik yemleme robotuna alıştırılmıştır. Buzağılar tekrar tartılarak deneme başı canlı ağırlıkları belirlenmiştir. Buzağılar 60 günlük yaşta sütten kesilmişler ve deneme sonlandırılmıştır. Deneme toplam 36 gün sürmüştür. Birinci grupta bulunan (G1) buzağıların, sabah 2 L ve akşam 2 L olmak üzere toplam 4 L/gün süt ikame yemi tüketmelerine müsaade edilmiştir. İkinci grupta bulunan (G2) buzağıların ise doğal emzirme davranışı olan sabah (05:00-08:00), öğlen (10.00-13:00) ve akşam (16:00-20:00) olmak üzere azami 12 L/gün süt ikame yemi tüketmelerine müsaade edilmiştir. Grupların canlı ağırlıkları, toplam ve günlük canlı ağırlık artışları ve vücut ölçüleri ortalamaları arasında önemli farklılık bulunamamıştır. Ancak G1’de bulunan buzağıların, G2’de bulunan buzağılara nazaran daha fazla buzağı başlangıç yemi tükettikleri belirlenmiştir (P<0.05). Yemden yararlanma oranında G2’de bulunan buzağıların lehine önemli olmayan bir iyileşme elde edilmiştir. Biyokimya kan değişkenlerinden serum glikoz konsantrasyonlarında G2’de bulunan buzağılarda önemli artış elde edilmiştir (P<0.05). Hematolojik kan değişkenlerinden Hemoglobin, hematokrit, ve eritrosit değerleri G2’de bulunan buzağılarda artma eğilimi göstermiştir. Ancak, oksidatif stres, antioksidatif savunma mekanizması ve bağışıklık sistemi üzerine süt içirme miktarının önemli bir etkisi gözlenmemiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar, süt içirme miktarının buzağıların süt içme dönemindeki gelişimleri ve sağlıkları üzerine önemli etkisinin olmadığını göstermiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Anonymous (2011). Calf health. (Accessed Date: 29.03.2024).
  • Anonymous (2016). Buzağı Bakım ve Beslenmesi.ılık/Büyükbaş%20Hayvancılık/2016%20Yılı/Buzağı%20ve%20Beslenmesi.pdf (Accessed Date: 29.03.2024) (In Turkish).
  • AOAC (2005). Official Metehods of Analysis. 18th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists; Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Appleby, M. C., Weary, D. M. and Chua B. (2001). Performance and feding behaviour of calves on ad libitum milk from artificial teats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 191-201.
  • Bar-Peled, U., Robinzon, B., Maltz, E., Tagari, H., Folman, Y., Bruckental, I., Voet, H., Gacitua, H. and Lehrer A. R. (1997). Increased weight gain and effects on production parameters of Holstein heifer calves that were allowed to suckle from birth to six weeks of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 80: 2523-2528.
  • Bartlett, K. S., McKeith, F. K., VandeHaar, M. J., Dahl, G. E. and Drackley, J. K. (2006). Performance and feeding behavior of calves on ad libitum milk from artificial teats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 191-201.
  • Borderas, T. F., de Passille, A. M. B. and Rushen, J. (2009). Feeding behaviour of calves fed small or large amounts of milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 2843-2852.
  • Day, M. L., Imakawa, K., Clutter, A. C., Wolfe, P. L., Zalesky, D. D., Nielsen, M. K. and Kinder, L. E. (1987). Suckling behavior of calves with dams varying in milk production. Journal of Animal Science, 65: 1207-1212.
  • de Passille, A. M. B., Borderas, T. F. and Rushen, J. (2011). Weaning age of calves fed a high milk allowance by automated feeders: Effects on feed, water, and energy intake, behavioural signs of hunger, and weight gains. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3): 1401-1408.
  • de Passille, A. M. B. and Rushen, J. (2006). What components of milk stimulate sucking in calves? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 101: 243-252.
  • de Paula Vieira, A., Guesdon, V., de Passille, A. M. B., von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. and Weary, D. M. (2008). Behavioural indicators of hunger in dairy calves. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(2-4): 180-189.
  • de Paula, M., Oltramari, C., Silva, J., Gallo, M., Mourao, G. and Bittar, C. (2017). Intensive liquid feeding of dairy calves with a medium crude protein milk replacer: effects on performance, rumen, and blood parameters. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(6): 4448-4456.
  • Dennis, T., Suarez-Mena, F., Hill, T., Quigley, J., Schlotterbeck, R. and Hulbert, L. (2018). Effect of milk replacer feeding rate, age at weaning, and method of reducing milk replacer to weaning on digestion, performance, rumination, and activity in dairy calves to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(1): 268-278.
  • Dennis, T., Suarez-Mena, F., Hu, W., Hill, T., Quigley, J. and Schlotterbeck, R. (2019). Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and long-term antibiotic inclusion in milk replacer on performance and nutrient digestibility of Holstein dairy calves up to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(3): 2094-2102.
  • Diaz, M. C., Van Amburgh, M. E., Smith, J. M., Kelsey, J. M. and Hutten, E. L. (2001). Composition of growth of Holstein calves fed milk replacer from birth to 105-kilogram body weight. Journal of Dairy Science, 84: 830-842.
  • Drackley, J. K. (2005). Early growth effect on subsequent health and performance of dairy heifers. In: Calf and Heifer Rearing: Principles of Rearing the Modern Dairy Heifer from Calf to Calving, Eds: Garnsworthy, P. C., Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.
  • Gelsinger, S., Heinrichs, A. and Jones, C. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of preweaned calf nutrition and growth on first-lactation performance. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(8): 6206-6214.
  • Hartel, H., Hepola, H., Seppanen, N., Rauhala, R., Sankari, S., Soveri, T., Saloniemi, H. and Syrjala-Qvist, L. (2002). Pikkuvasikoiden hapanmaitojuotto. Suomen Elainlaakarilehti, 2: 84-89 (In Finnish).
  • Hill, T., Quigley, J., Bateman, I. I. H., Suarez-Mena, F., Dennis, T. and Schlotterbeck, R. (2016). Effect of milk replacer program on calf performance and digestion of nutrients in dairy calves to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(10): 8103-8110.
  • Hill, T. M., Bateman, H. G., Aldrich, J. M. and Schlotterbeck, R. L. (2010). Effect of milk replacer program on digestion of nutrients in dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(3): 1105-1115.
  • Huuskonen, A. and Khalili, H. (2008). Computer-controlled milk replacer feeding strategies for group-reared dairy calves. Livestock Science, 113(2-3): 302-306.
  • Jafari, A., Azarfar, A., Alugongo, G. M., Ghorbani, G. R., Mirzaei, M., Fadayifar, A., Omidi-Mirzaei, H., Cao, Z., Drackley, J. K. and Ghaffari, M. H. (2021). Milk feeding quantity and feeding frequency: effects growth performance, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites of Holstein dairy calves. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 20(1): 336-351.
  • Jasper, J. and Weary, D. M. (2002). Effects of ad libitum milk intake on dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 85: 3054-3058.
  • Jensen, M. B. (2006). Computer-controlled milk feeding of group-housed calves: the effect of milk allowance and weaning type. Journal of Dairy Science ,89(1): 201-206.
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  • Khan, M., Weary, D. and Von Keyserlingk, M. (2011). Invited review: Effects of milk ration on solid feed intake, weaning, and performance in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3): 1071-1081.
  • Khan, M. A., Lee, H., Lee, W., Kim, H., Ki, K., Hur, T., Suh, G., Kang, S. and Choi, Y. (2007b). Structural growth, rumen development, and metabolic and immune responses of Holstein male calves fed milk through step-down and conventional methods. Journal of Dairy Science, 90(7): 3376-3387.
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The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 1033 - 1044


In recent years, there has been a growing concern among consumers regarding animal welfare and their requirements, leading to an increased interest in exploring new approaches to calf rearing. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of milk feeding levels on the growth, feed intake, and blood variables of group-raised calves during the suckling period. Ten Holstein calves, 5 in each group, were used in the study when they were five years old. The calves were acclimated to an automated feeder during the initial 19 days of the experiment, and their initial LWs were recorded after weighing them again. The study concluded upon weaning the calves when they were sixty years old, with a total duration of 36 days The calves in the first group (G1) were provided with a total of 4 L/day of milk replacer, divided into 2 L servings in the morning and evening. Conversely, calves in the second group (G2) were allowed a maximum intake of 12 L/day of milk replacer, mimicking the natural sucking behaviour, with feedings in the morning (05:00-08:00), midday (10:00-13:00), and evening (16:00-20:00). Despite no significant differences in the LW, total and daily LW gains, and body measurements averages between of the groups, calves in G1 consumed more starter feed compared to those in G2 (P<0.05). There was a non-significant improvement in feed efficiency in favor of calves in G2. Additionally, significant increases were noted in serum glucose concentrations among the biochemical variables in G2 (P<0.05). Furthermore, hematological blood variables, including haemoglobin, haematocrit, and erythrocyte values, tended to increase in calves in G2. However, there was no significant effect of milk feeding levels observed on oxidative stress, antioxidative defense mechanisms and immune response. In conclusion, the results from this study suggest that the amount of milk feeding does not exert a significant effect on the growth and health of the calves during the milk-feeding period.

Etik Beyan

The study was approved by the Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee of Isparta University of Applied Sciences with its decision dated 27.05.2021 and numbered 002.

Destekleyen Kurum

Isparta University of Applied Sciences Scientific Research Proejcts Coordination Unit

Proje Numarası



We thank to Baran Medikal Ltd (Ankara, Türkiye) for their assistance in the analysis of oxidative stress markers, antioxidative defense mechanism enzymes and immunoglobulins.


  • Anonymous (2011). Calf health. (Accessed Date: 29.03.2024).
  • Anonymous (2016). Buzağı Bakım ve Beslenmesi.ılık/Büyükbaş%20Hayvancılık/2016%20Yılı/Buzağı%20ve%20Beslenmesi.pdf (Accessed Date: 29.03.2024) (In Turkish).
  • AOAC (2005). Official Metehods of Analysis. 18th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists; Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Appleby, M. C., Weary, D. M. and Chua B. (2001). Performance and feding behaviour of calves on ad libitum milk from artificial teats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 191-201.
  • Bar-Peled, U., Robinzon, B., Maltz, E., Tagari, H., Folman, Y., Bruckental, I., Voet, H., Gacitua, H. and Lehrer A. R. (1997). Increased weight gain and effects on production parameters of Holstein heifer calves that were allowed to suckle from birth to six weeks of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 80: 2523-2528.
  • Bartlett, K. S., McKeith, F. K., VandeHaar, M. J., Dahl, G. E. and Drackley, J. K. (2006). Performance and feeding behavior of calves on ad libitum milk from artificial teats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 74: 191-201.
  • Borderas, T. F., de Passille, A. M. B. and Rushen, J. (2009). Feeding behaviour of calves fed small or large amounts of milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 92: 2843-2852.
  • Day, M. L., Imakawa, K., Clutter, A. C., Wolfe, P. L., Zalesky, D. D., Nielsen, M. K. and Kinder, L. E. (1987). Suckling behavior of calves with dams varying in milk production. Journal of Animal Science, 65: 1207-1212.
  • de Passille, A. M. B., Borderas, T. F. and Rushen, J. (2011). Weaning age of calves fed a high milk allowance by automated feeders: Effects on feed, water, and energy intake, behavioural signs of hunger, and weight gains. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3): 1401-1408.
  • de Passille, A. M. B. and Rushen, J. (2006). What components of milk stimulate sucking in calves? Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 101: 243-252.
  • de Paula Vieira, A., Guesdon, V., de Passille, A. M. B., von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. and Weary, D. M. (2008). Behavioural indicators of hunger in dairy calves. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(2-4): 180-189.
  • de Paula, M., Oltramari, C., Silva, J., Gallo, M., Mourao, G. and Bittar, C. (2017). Intensive liquid feeding of dairy calves with a medium crude protein milk replacer: effects on performance, rumen, and blood parameters. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(6): 4448-4456.
  • Dennis, T., Suarez-Mena, F., Hill, T., Quigley, J., Schlotterbeck, R. and Hulbert, L. (2018). Effect of milk replacer feeding rate, age at weaning, and method of reducing milk replacer to weaning on digestion, performance, rumination, and activity in dairy calves to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(1): 268-278.
  • Dennis, T., Suarez-Mena, F., Hu, W., Hill, T., Quigley, J. and Schlotterbeck, R. (2019). Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and long-term antibiotic inclusion in milk replacer on performance and nutrient digestibility of Holstein dairy calves up to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(3): 2094-2102.
  • Diaz, M. C., Van Amburgh, M. E., Smith, J. M., Kelsey, J. M. and Hutten, E. L. (2001). Composition of growth of Holstein calves fed milk replacer from birth to 105-kilogram body weight. Journal of Dairy Science, 84: 830-842.
  • Drackley, J. K. (2005). Early growth effect on subsequent health and performance of dairy heifers. In: Calf and Heifer Rearing: Principles of Rearing the Modern Dairy Heifer from Calf to Calving, Eds: Garnsworthy, P. C., Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.
  • Gelsinger, S., Heinrichs, A. and Jones, C. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of preweaned calf nutrition and growth on first-lactation performance. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(8): 6206-6214.
  • Hartel, H., Hepola, H., Seppanen, N., Rauhala, R., Sankari, S., Soveri, T., Saloniemi, H. and Syrjala-Qvist, L. (2002). Pikkuvasikoiden hapanmaitojuotto. Suomen Elainlaakarilehti, 2: 84-89 (In Finnish).
  • Hill, T., Quigley, J., Bateman, I. I. H., Suarez-Mena, F., Dennis, T. and Schlotterbeck, R. (2016). Effect of milk replacer program on calf performance and digestion of nutrients in dairy calves to 4 months of age. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(10): 8103-8110.
  • Hill, T. M., Bateman, H. G., Aldrich, J. M. and Schlotterbeck, R. L. (2010). Effect of milk replacer program on digestion of nutrients in dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 93(3): 1105-1115.
  • Huuskonen, A. and Khalili, H. (2008). Computer-controlled milk replacer feeding strategies for group-reared dairy calves. Livestock Science, 113(2-3): 302-306.
  • Jafari, A., Azarfar, A., Alugongo, G. M., Ghorbani, G. R., Mirzaei, M., Fadayifar, A., Omidi-Mirzaei, H., Cao, Z., Drackley, J. K. and Ghaffari, M. H. (2021). Milk feeding quantity and feeding frequency: effects growth performance, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites of Holstein dairy calves. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 20(1): 336-351.
  • Jasper, J. and Weary, D. M. (2002). Effects of ad libitum milk intake on dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science, 85: 3054-3058.
  • Jensen, M. B. (2006). Computer-controlled milk feeding of group-housed calves: the effect of milk allowance and weaning type. Journal of Dairy Science ,89(1): 201-206.
  • Kelada, S. N. P., Aylor, D. L., Peck, B. C. E., Ryan, J. F., Tavarez, U., Buus, R. J., Miller, D. R., Chesler, E. J., Threadgill, D. W., Churchill, G. A., Vilhena, F. P. -M. and Collins, F. S. (2012). Genetic analysis of hematological parameters in incipient lines of the collaborative cross. Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2: 157-165.
  • Khan, M., Weary, D. and Von Keyserlingk, M. (2011). Invited review: Effects of milk ration on solid feed intake, weaning, and performance in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(3): 1071-1081.
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Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hayvan Yetiştirme
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Öztop 0000-0002-4865-5618

Serkan Özkaya 0000-0003-3389-0188

Proje Numarası 2020-YL1-0107
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztop, İ., & Özkaya, S. (2024). The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(4), 1033-1044.
AMA Öztop İ, Özkaya S. The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves. JOTAF. Eylül 2024;21(4):1033-1044. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1404962
Chicago Öztop, İbrahim, ve Serkan Özkaya. “The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21, sy. 4 (Eylül 2024): 1033-44.
EndNote Öztop İ, Özkaya S (01 Eylül 2024) The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 4 1033–1044.
IEEE İ. Öztop ve S. Özkaya, “The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves”, JOTAF, c. 21, sy. 4, ss. 1033–1044, 2024, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1404962.
ISNAD Öztop, İbrahim - Özkaya, Serkan. “The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21/4 (Eylül 2024), 1033-1044.
JAMA Öztop İ, Özkaya S. The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves. JOTAF. 2024;21:1033–1044.
MLA Öztop, İbrahim ve Serkan Özkaya. “The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 1033-44, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1404962.
Vancouver Öztop İ, Özkaya S. The Effects of Restricted and Ad Libitum Milk Feeding on Growth and Health of Calves. JOTAF. 2024;21(4):1033-44.