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Geleneksel İrfan Pazarlama Akademisyenlerine Karşı: Reklamın İyisi Kötüsü Var mı?

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 499 - 518, 06.12.2024


Literatür genellikle halkla ilişkiler olaylarının sadece pozitif veya negatif olduğunu varsaymaktadır. Ancak, bir olayın marka algısına aynı anda hem olumlu hem de olumsuz etkisi olabilecek durumlar vardır; örneğin, bir vaka ürünün performansına dair algıları güçlendirirken markanın etik değerlerine dair algıları olumsuz yönde etkileyebilmektedir. Bu çalışma, olumsuz halkla ilişkiler vakaları ve marka genişlemesi literatürünü birleştirerek, olumsuz halkla ilişkiler vakalarının sadece çekirdek marka ilişkilendirmeleriyle ve/veya olumsuz halkla ilişkilerinin marka yönetiminin fiilleri sonucunda gerçekleştiğinde satın alma davranışlarını olumsuz yönde etkilediğini iddia etmektedir. Birinci deneyde, katılımcılara, performansla ilgili algıları olumlu etkilerken değerlerle ilgili algıları olumsuz etkileyen bir olumsuz halkla ilişkiler olayı sunuldu. Bu senaryoda, olumsuz halkla ilişkiler vakasının temel veya çevresel çağrışımları etkilemesinden bağımsız olarak, yönetsel kararlardan kaynaklanması durumunda satın alma niyetinde önemli bir azalma gözlemlendi. İkinci deneydeyse, katılımcılara, değerle ilgili algıları olumlu etkilerken performansla ilgili algıları olumsuz etkileyen bir olumsuz halkla ilişkiler vakası sunuldu. Bu senaryodaysa vakanın şirket dışı gelişmelerden kaynaklanması ve temel çağrışımları etkilemesi durumunda satın alma niyetinde önemli bir azalma gözlemlendi. Çalışma aynı zamanda evli bireylerin olumsuz halkla ilişkiler vakalarına daha hassas olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bulguların neticesinde teorik ve yönetimsel çıkarımlara ve potansiyel yeni araştırma konularına da değinilmiştir.


  • Baghi, I., & Gabrielli, V. (2021, January 20). The role of betrayal in the response to value and performance brand crisis. Marketing Letters, 32, 203-217.
  • Basar, B. (2022). Multiple instances of negative publicity: the role of publicity domain similarity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(6), 591-616.
  • Basuroy, S., Chatterjee, S., & Ravid, S. A. (2003). How critical are critical reviews? The box offiece effects of film critics, star power and budgets. Journal of Marketing, 67(4), 103-117.
  • Bell, J. (2021, August 17). Toyota and the Taliban: How the pickup truck became a terrorist favorite. Al Arabiya News. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from￾and-the-Taliban-How-the-pickup-truck-became-a-terrorist-favorite
  • Broniarczyk, S. M., & Alba, J. W. (1994). The importance of the brand in brand extension. Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), 214-228.
  • Brown, T. J., & Dacin, P. A. (1997). The Company and the Product: Corporate Associations and Consumer Product Responses. Journal of Marketing, 61(1), 68-84.
  • Chang, Y. (2018). When infamy becomes fame: The positive side of negative athlete publicity. Journal of Sport Management, 32(4), 401-411.
  • Chung, A., & Jiang, H. (2017). Handling negative publicity: The influence of employing CSR communication in apology statements in reducing anger and negative word-of-mouth (NWOM). Journal of Communication Management, 21(3), 267-286.
  • Chung, A., & Lee, K. B. (2022). Corporate Apology After Bad Publicity: A Dual-Process Model of CSR Fit and CSR History on Purchase Intention and Negative Word of Mouth. International Journal of Business Communication, 59(3), 406-426.
  • Coombs, T. W., & Holladay, S. J. (2001). An Extended Examination of the Crisis Situations: A Fusion of the Relational Management and Symbolic Approaches. Journal of Public Relations Research, 13(4), 321-340.
  • Dahlen, M., & Lange, F. (2006). A Disaster is Contagious: How a Brand in Crisis Affects Other Brands. Journal of Advertising Research, 46(4), 388-397.
  • Dean, D. H. (2004, April). Consumer Reaction to Negative Publicity: Effects of Corporate Reputation, Response and Responsibility for a Crisis Event. International Journal of Business Communication, 41(2), 192-211.
  • Dutta, S., & Pullig, C. (2011). Effectiveness of corporate responses to brand crises: The role of crisis type and response strategies. Journal of Business Research, 64(12), 1281-1287.
  • East, R., Hammond, K., & Wright, M. (2007). The relative incidence of positive and negative word of mouth: A multi-category study. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(2), 175-184
  • Einwiller, S. A., Fedorikhin, A., Johnson, A. R., & Kamins, M. A. (2006, Spring). Enough is enough! When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2), 185-194.
  • Einwiller, S., Lis, B., Ruppel, C., & Sen, S. (2019). When CSR-based identification backfires: Testing the effects of CSR-related negative publicity. Journal of Business Research, 104, 1-13.
  • Engel, P. (2015). These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists — here’s why. Retrieved November 5, 2015, from Business Insider:
  • Fisk, R. (1997). The man who wants to wage holy war against the Americans. Independent. Retrieved from￾americans-1274272.html
  • Goldenberg, J., Libai, B., Moldovan, S., & Muller, E. (2007). The NPV of Bad News. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(3), 186-200.
  • Griffin, M., Babin, B. J., & Attaway, J. S. (1991). An empirical investigation of the impact of negative public publicity on consumer attitudes and intentions. Advances in Consumer Research, 18(1), 334-341.
  • Gu, H., & Sinha, A. (2013). Impact of emotions on consumers’ reactions to corporate negative publicity: an examination of brand equity. (pp. 346-347). American Marketing Association.
  • Ham, C. D., Cho, C. H., & Jun, J. W. (2012). “Positive vs. Negative Publicity with Advertising An Application of the Synergy on Country Brand and Country-of-Origin Products. International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 27-43.
  • Heerde, H. V., Helsen, K., & Dekimple, M. G. (2007). The impact of a product-harm crisis on marketing effectiveness. Marketing Science, 26(2), 230-245.
  • Henard, D. H. (2002). Negative publicity: what companies need to know about public reactions. Public Relations Quarterly, 47(4), 8-12.
  • Hoeken, H., & Renkema, J. (1998). Can corrections repair the damage to a corporate image caused by negative publicity? Corporate Reputation Review, 2(1), 51-60.
  • Huang, J. H., & Chen, Y. F. (2006). Herding in Online Product Choice. Psychology & Marketing, 23(5), 413-428.
  • John, D. R., Loken, B., Kim, K., & Monga, A. B. (2006). Brand Concept Maps: A Methodology for Identifying Brand Association Networks. Journal of Marketing Research, 43(4), 549-563.
  • Jung, N. Y., & Seock, Y. K. (2016). The impact of corporate reputation on brand attitude and purchase intention. Fashion and Textiles, 3, 1-15.
  • Kim, S. H., Carvalho, J. P., & Cooksey, C. E. (2007). Exploring the effects of negative publicity: News coverage and public perceptions of a university. Public Relations Review, 33(2), 233-235.
  • Liu, X., Lischka, H. M., & Kenning, P. (2018). Asymmetric cognitive, emotional and behavioural effects of values related and performance-related negative brand publicity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(2), 128-145.
  • Maheswaran, D., & Meyers-Levy, J. (1990). The Influence of Message Framing the Issue Involvement. Journal of Marketing Research, 27(3), 361-367.
  • Marcus, A. A., & Goodman, R. S. (1991). Victims and Shareholders: The Dilemmas of Presenting Corporate Policy During a Crisis. Academy of Management Journal, 34(2), 281-305.
  • Menon, G., Jewell, R. D., & Unnava, H. R. (1999). When a company does not respond to negative publicity: Cognitive elaboration vs. negative affect perspective. Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 26, pp. 325-329.
  • Michel, G., & Donthu, N. (2014). Why negative brand extension evaluations do not always negatively affect the brand: The role of central and peripheral brand associations. Journal of Business Research, 87(12), 2611- 2619.
  • Monga, A. B., & John, D. R. (2008). When does negative brand publicity hurt? The moderating influence of analytic versus holistic thinking. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18(4), 320-332.
  • Moscovici, S. (1963, February). Attitudes and Opinions. Annual Review of Psychology, 14(1), 231-260.
  • Okada, E. M., & Reibstein, D. J. (1998). When!@#?(Bad Stuff) Happens... Effects of Related and Unrelated Positive Associations on the Influence of Negative Secondary Associations. Advances in Consumer Research, 25(1), 349-356.
  • Palomina, M. A., & Varma, A. P. (2020). Any Publicity is Good Publicity: Positive, Negative and Neutral Tweets Can All Become Trends. 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) (pp. 1-8). Palomino, MA: IEEE.
  • Pullig, C., Netemeyer, R. G., & Biswas, A. (2006). Attitude basis, certainty, and challenge alignment: A case of negative brand publicity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(4), 528-542.
  • Reder, L. M., & Anderson, J. R. (1980). A Partial Solution of the Paradox of Interference: The Role of Integrating Knowledge. Cognitive Psychology, 12(4), 447-472.
  • Sherrell, D. L., & Reidenbach, R. E. (1986). A consumer response framework for negative publicity: Suggestions for response strategies. Akron Business and Economic Review, 17(2), 37-44.
  • Somaiya, R. (2010). Why Rebel Groups Love the Toyota Hilux. Retrieved March 25, 2014, from Newsweek:
  • Stammerjohan, C., Wood, C. M., Chang, Y., & Thorson, E. (2013). An empirical investigation of the interaction between publicity, advertising, and previous brand attitudes and knowledge. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 55-67.
  • Till, B. D., & Shimp, T. A. (1998). Endorsers in Advertising: The Case of Negative Celebrity Information. Journal of Advertising, 27(1), 67-82.
  • Tong, Z., Feng, J., & Liu, F. (2022). Understanding damage to and reparation of brand trust: a closer look at image congruity in the context of negative publicity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 32(1), 157-170.
  • Um, N. H. (2013). Effects of negative brand information: Measuring impact of celebrity identification and brand commitment. Journal of Global Marketing, 26(2), 68-79.
  • Van Hoye, G., & Lievens, F. (2005). Recruitment‐Related Information Sources and Organizational Attractiveness: Can Something Be Done About Negative Publicity? International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13(3), 179-187.
  • Vanhamme, J., & Grobben, B. (2009). Too Good to be True!”. The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 273-283.
  • Vlasic, B., & Apuzzo, M. (2014). Toyota Is Fined $1.2 Billion for Concealing Safety Defects. Retrieved from New York Times:￾criminal-inquiry.html
  • Wattegama, E. J., & Qing, P. (2014). Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Brand Evaluation in Times of Negative Publicity: A Conceptual Framework. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(36).
  • Xie, Y., & Peng, S. (2009). How to repair customer trust after negative publicity: The roles of competence, integrity, benevolence, and forgiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 26(7), 572-589.
  • Yabroff, J. (2006). Coming Of Age. Newsweek (Pasific Edition), 148/149(26/1), p. 8.
  • Yang, S., Li, T., Chen, S., & Li, B. (2020). When and why do negative reviews have positive effects? An empirical study on the movie industry. Nankai Business Review International, 11(1), 87-101.
  • Yang, Z., Freling, T., Sun, S., & Richardson-Greenfield, P. (2022). When do product crises hurt business? A meta analytic investigation of negative publicity on consumer responses. Journal of Business Research, 150, 102-120.
  • Yoon, S.-W., & Shin, S. (2017). The role of negative publicity in consumer evaluations of sports stars and their sponsors. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(4), 332-342.
  • Yu, M., Liu, F., & Lee, J. A. (2019). Consumers’ responses to negative publicity: the influence of culture on information search and negative word-of-mouth. Journal of Brand Management, 26, 141–156.
  • Yu, M., Liu, F., Lee, J., & Soutar, G. (2018). The influence of negative publicity on brand equity: attribution, image, attitude and purchase intention. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(4), 440-451.
  • Zhou, L., & Whitla, P. (2013). How negative celebrity publicity influences consumer attitudes: The mediating role of moral reputation. Journal of Business Research, 66(8), 1013-1020.
  • Zou, P., & Li, G. (2016). How emerging market investors’ value competitors’ customer equity: Brand crisis spillover in China. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 3765–3771.

Conventional Wisdom vs Marketing Academia: Is There Such a Thing as Bad Publicity

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 499 - 518, 06.12.2024


Literature often assumes that publicity events are strictly positive or negative. However, instances exist where both positive and negative impacts on attitudes toward the brand occur simultaneously, such as when performance-related perceptions are positively influenced while value-related perceptions are negatively affected, or vice versa. The literature on negative publicity and brand extension is combined in this study to argue that purchase intent is decreased by negative publicity if only core brand associations are affected by the negative publicity and/or if the negative publicity results from managerial decisions. In Experiment I, participants were presented with a negative publicity incident that positively impacted performance-related perceptions while negatively affecting value-related perceptions. In this scenario, a significant reduction in purchase intention is observed if the incident results from managerial decisions, regardless of whether the negative publicity impacts core or peripheral associations. In Experiment II, participants were presented with a negative publicity incident that positively impacted value-related perceptions while negatively affecting performance-related perceptions. In this scenario, a significant reduction is observed if the incident impacts core associations but arises from external events. Married individuals are also found to be more sensitive to publicity incidents. Based on the findings, theoretical and managerial implications and directions for further research are also discussed.


  • Baghi, I., & Gabrielli, V. (2021, January 20). The role of betrayal in the response to value and performance brand crisis. Marketing Letters, 32, 203-217.
  • Basar, B. (2022). Multiple instances of negative publicity: the role of publicity domain similarity. Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(6), 591-616.
  • Basuroy, S., Chatterjee, S., & Ravid, S. A. (2003). How critical are critical reviews? The box offiece effects of film critics, star power and budgets. Journal of Marketing, 67(4), 103-117.
  • Bell, J. (2021, August 17). Toyota and the Taliban: How the pickup truck became a terrorist favorite. Al Arabiya News. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from￾and-the-Taliban-How-the-pickup-truck-became-a-terrorist-favorite
  • Broniarczyk, S. M., & Alba, J. W. (1994). The importance of the brand in brand extension. Journal of Marketing Research, 31(2), 214-228.
  • Brown, T. J., & Dacin, P. A. (1997). The Company and the Product: Corporate Associations and Consumer Product Responses. Journal of Marketing, 61(1), 68-84.
  • Chang, Y. (2018). When infamy becomes fame: The positive side of negative athlete publicity. Journal of Sport Management, 32(4), 401-411.
  • Chung, A., & Jiang, H. (2017). Handling negative publicity: The influence of employing CSR communication in apology statements in reducing anger and negative word-of-mouth (NWOM). Journal of Communication Management, 21(3), 267-286.
  • Chung, A., & Lee, K. B. (2022). Corporate Apology After Bad Publicity: A Dual-Process Model of CSR Fit and CSR History on Purchase Intention and Negative Word of Mouth. International Journal of Business Communication, 59(3), 406-426.
  • Coombs, T. W., & Holladay, S. J. (2001). An Extended Examination of the Crisis Situations: A Fusion of the Relational Management and Symbolic Approaches. Journal of Public Relations Research, 13(4), 321-340.
  • Dahlen, M., & Lange, F. (2006). A Disaster is Contagious: How a Brand in Crisis Affects Other Brands. Journal of Advertising Research, 46(4), 388-397.
  • Dean, D. H. (2004, April). Consumer Reaction to Negative Publicity: Effects of Corporate Reputation, Response and Responsibility for a Crisis Event. International Journal of Business Communication, 41(2), 192-211.
  • Dutta, S., & Pullig, C. (2011). Effectiveness of corporate responses to brand crises: The role of crisis type and response strategies. Journal of Business Research, 64(12), 1281-1287.
  • East, R., Hammond, K., & Wright, M. (2007). The relative incidence of positive and negative word of mouth: A multi-category study. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(2), 175-184
  • Einwiller, S. A., Fedorikhin, A., Johnson, A. R., & Kamins, M. A. (2006, Spring). Enough is enough! When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2), 185-194.
  • Einwiller, S., Lis, B., Ruppel, C., & Sen, S. (2019). When CSR-based identification backfires: Testing the effects of CSR-related negative publicity. Journal of Business Research, 104, 1-13.
  • Engel, P. (2015). These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists — here’s why. Retrieved November 5, 2015, from Business Insider:
  • Fisk, R. (1997). The man who wants to wage holy war against the Americans. Independent. Retrieved from￾americans-1274272.html
  • Goldenberg, J., Libai, B., Moldovan, S., & Muller, E. (2007). The NPV of Bad News. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(3), 186-200.
  • Griffin, M., Babin, B. J., & Attaway, J. S. (1991). An empirical investigation of the impact of negative public publicity on consumer attitudes and intentions. Advances in Consumer Research, 18(1), 334-341.
  • Gu, H., & Sinha, A. (2013). Impact of emotions on consumers’ reactions to corporate negative publicity: an examination of brand equity. (pp. 346-347). American Marketing Association.
  • Ham, C. D., Cho, C. H., & Jun, J. W. (2012). “Positive vs. Negative Publicity with Advertising An Application of the Synergy on Country Brand and Country-of-Origin Products. International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 27-43.
  • Heerde, H. V., Helsen, K., & Dekimple, M. G. (2007). The impact of a product-harm crisis on marketing effectiveness. Marketing Science, 26(2), 230-245.
  • Henard, D. H. (2002). Negative publicity: what companies need to know about public reactions. Public Relations Quarterly, 47(4), 8-12.
  • Hoeken, H., & Renkema, J. (1998). Can corrections repair the damage to a corporate image caused by negative publicity? Corporate Reputation Review, 2(1), 51-60.
  • Huang, J. H., & Chen, Y. F. (2006). Herding in Online Product Choice. Psychology & Marketing, 23(5), 413-428.
  • John, D. R., Loken, B., Kim, K., & Monga, A. B. (2006). Brand Concept Maps: A Methodology for Identifying Brand Association Networks. Journal of Marketing Research, 43(4), 549-563.
  • Jung, N. Y., & Seock, Y. K. (2016). The impact of corporate reputation on brand attitude and purchase intention. Fashion and Textiles, 3, 1-15.
  • Kim, S. H., Carvalho, J. P., & Cooksey, C. E. (2007). Exploring the effects of negative publicity: News coverage and public perceptions of a university. Public Relations Review, 33(2), 233-235.
  • Liu, X., Lischka, H. M., & Kenning, P. (2018). Asymmetric cognitive, emotional and behavioural effects of values related and performance-related negative brand publicity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(2), 128-145.
  • Maheswaran, D., & Meyers-Levy, J. (1990). The Influence of Message Framing the Issue Involvement. Journal of Marketing Research, 27(3), 361-367.
  • Marcus, A. A., & Goodman, R. S. (1991). Victims and Shareholders: The Dilemmas of Presenting Corporate Policy During a Crisis. Academy of Management Journal, 34(2), 281-305.
  • Menon, G., Jewell, R. D., & Unnava, H. R. (1999). When a company does not respond to negative publicity: Cognitive elaboration vs. negative affect perspective. Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 26, pp. 325-329.
  • Michel, G., & Donthu, N. (2014). Why negative brand extension evaluations do not always negatively affect the brand: The role of central and peripheral brand associations. Journal of Business Research, 87(12), 2611- 2619.
  • Monga, A. B., & John, D. R. (2008). When does negative brand publicity hurt? The moderating influence of analytic versus holistic thinking. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18(4), 320-332.
  • Moscovici, S. (1963, February). Attitudes and Opinions. Annual Review of Psychology, 14(1), 231-260.
  • Okada, E. M., & Reibstein, D. J. (1998). When!@#?(Bad Stuff) Happens... Effects of Related and Unrelated Positive Associations on the Influence of Negative Secondary Associations. Advances in Consumer Research, 25(1), 349-356.
  • Palomina, M. A., & Varma, A. P. (2020). Any Publicity is Good Publicity: Positive, Negative and Neutral Tweets Can All Become Trends. 39th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) (pp. 1-8). Palomino, MA: IEEE.
  • Pullig, C., Netemeyer, R. G., & Biswas, A. (2006). Attitude basis, certainty, and challenge alignment: A case of negative brand publicity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(4), 528-542.
  • Reder, L. M., & Anderson, J. R. (1980). A Partial Solution of the Paradox of Interference: The Role of Integrating Knowledge. Cognitive Psychology, 12(4), 447-472.
  • Sherrell, D. L., & Reidenbach, R. E. (1986). A consumer response framework for negative publicity: Suggestions for response strategies. Akron Business and Economic Review, 17(2), 37-44.
  • Somaiya, R. (2010). Why Rebel Groups Love the Toyota Hilux. Retrieved March 25, 2014, from Newsweek:
  • Stammerjohan, C., Wood, C. M., Chang, Y., & Thorson, E. (2013). An empirical investigation of the interaction between publicity, advertising, and previous brand attitudes and knowledge. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 55-67.
  • Till, B. D., & Shimp, T. A. (1998). Endorsers in Advertising: The Case of Negative Celebrity Information. Journal of Advertising, 27(1), 67-82.
  • Tong, Z., Feng, J., & Liu, F. (2022). Understanding damage to and reparation of brand trust: a closer look at image congruity in the context of negative publicity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 32(1), 157-170.
  • Um, N. H. (2013). Effects of negative brand information: Measuring impact of celebrity identification and brand commitment. Journal of Global Marketing, 26(2), 68-79.
  • Van Hoye, G., & Lievens, F. (2005). Recruitment‐Related Information Sources and Organizational Attractiveness: Can Something Be Done About Negative Publicity? International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 13(3), 179-187.
  • Vanhamme, J., & Grobben, B. (2009). Too Good to be True!”. The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 273-283.
  • Vlasic, B., & Apuzzo, M. (2014). Toyota Is Fined $1.2 Billion for Concealing Safety Defects. Retrieved from New York Times:￾criminal-inquiry.html
  • Wattegama, E. J., & Qing, P. (2014). Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Brand Evaluation in Times of Negative Publicity: A Conceptual Framework. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(36).
  • Xie, Y., & Peng, S. (2009). How to repair customer trust after negative publicity: The roles of competence, integrity, benevolence, and forgiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 26(7), 572-589.
  • Yabroff, J. (2006). Coming Of Age. Newsweek (Pasific Edition), 148/149(26/1), p. 8.
  • Yang, S., Li, T., Chen, S., & Li, B. (2020). When and why do negative reviews have positive effects? An empirical study on the movie industry. Nankai Business Review International, 11(1), 87-101.
  • Yang, Z., Freling, T., Sun, S., & Richardson-Greenfield, P. (2022). When do product crises hurt business? A meta analytic investigation of negative publicity on consumer responses. Journal of Business Research, 150, 102-120.
  • Yoon, S.-W., & Shin, S. (2017). The role of negative publicity in consumer evaluations of sports stars and their sponsors. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 16(4), 332-342.
  • Yu, M., Liu, F., & Lee, J. A. (2019). Consumers’ responses to negative publicity: the influence of culture on information search and negative word-of-mouth. Journal of Brand Management, 26, 141–156.
  • Yu, M., Liu, F., Lee, J., & Soutar, G. (2018). The influence of negative publicity on brand equity: attribution, image, attitude and purchase intention. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(4), 440-451.
  • Zhou, L., & Whitla, P. (2013). How negative celebrity publicity influences consumer attitudes: The mediating role of moral reputation. Journal of Business Research, 66(8), 1013-1020.
  • Zou, P., & Li, G. (2016). How emerging market investors’ value competitors’ customer equity: Brand crisis spillover in China. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 3765–3771.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Kemal Cem Söylemez 0000-0003-1607-7208

Mert Ersen 0000-0001-5643-4690

Semra Erpolat Taşabat 0000-0001-6845-8278

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Söylemez, K. C., Ersen, M., & Erpolat Taşabat, S. (2024). Conventional Wisdom vs Marketing Academia: Is There Such a Thing as Bad Publicity. Journal of Research in Business, 9(2), 499-518.