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Yıl 2023, , 118 - 142, 30.12.2023


Moral education has been the focal point of discussions in different philosophies of education from past to present. Analytic philosophy of education has also brought a different perspective to the discussions thereby positioning moral education at the center of general education. In this article, the views of Richard Stanley Peters, who is an analytically oriented philosopher, on moral development and moral education have been analyzed using the content analysis method. Analytic philosophers of education, who adopt conceptual and logical analysis as a philosophical method, subject education, and related concepts to detailed analysis. Peters, who is one of the pioneers of the tradition, makes a conceptual analysis of education on the one hand and morality on the other, and thus he tries to clarify the meaning of terms such as good, right, virtue that may be related to the moral domain, as well as to distinguish between the forms of teaching that are valid in the domain of morality and those that are not, thereby setting criteria for education. He builds his understanding of moral education in a critical dialectic through the theories which were developed by cognitive-developmentalists such as Piaget and Kohlberg and presents a multifaceted, holistic, and comprehensive understanding of moral education. According to Peters, rationality is at the heart of the moral life. The ultimate aim of moral education is to raise moral agents who are rational and have a command of procedural principles in the context of the criteria of education. In order to realize the aim of moral education, Peters maintains a balanced path between the content and form of the moral domain. For this purpose, first of all, young children should be taught the concepts, rules and virtues that constitute the content of the moral domain through direct teaching, and then the procedural principles that constitute the form of the moral domain should be taught to students with a sophisticated teaching approach which is appropriate to the nature of education.


  • Aristotle (2000). Nicomachean ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Barrow, R. (2007). Introduction to moral philosophy and moral education. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Cevizci, A. (2005). Felsefe sözlüğü (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2014a). Peters, R. S. İçinde D. C. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy (C. 1, ss. 602–606). Los Angeles: SAGE Reference.
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2014b). R.S. Peters’ comprehensive theory of moral education. kultura pedagogiczna, 1, 11–27.
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2020). R. S. Peters’ philosophy of moral education in relation to his freudian psychology. Journal of Moral Education, 1–18.
  • Çiftçi, N. (2003). Kohlberg’in bilişsel ahlak gelişimi teorisi: ahlak ve demokrasi eğitimi. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 1(1), 43–77.
  • Çinemre, S. (2013). Bir ahlak eğitimcisi olarak lawrence kohlberg. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 143-164.
  • Ekşi, H. (2006). Bilişsel ahlak gelişimi kuramı: kohlberg ve sonrası. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 29–38.
  • Haydon, G. (1999). Behaving morally as a point of principle: a proper aim of moral education? Içinde J. M. Halstead & T. H. McLaughlin (Ed.), Education in Morality (ss. 241–256). London: Routledge.
  • Haydon, G. (2010). Reason and virtues: the paradox of r. s. peters on moral education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 43(S1), 173–188.
  • Hirst, P. H., & Peters, R. S. (1970). The Logic of Education. London: Routledge.
  • İnan, İ (2003). Analitik felsefe. İçinde A. Cevizci (Ed.), Felsefe Ansiklopedisi (C.1, ss.336-342). İstanbul: Etik Yayınları
  • Kerdeman, D., & Phillips, D. C. (2014). Continental/Analytic divide in philosophy of education. içinde D. C. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (C.1, ss.177-181). Los Angeles: SAGE Reference
  • Kohlberg, L. (1966). Moral education in the schools: a developmental view. The School Review, 74(1), 1–30.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1968). Stage and sequence: the cognitive-developmental approach to socialization. İçinde D. A. Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research (ss. 347–480). Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1970). Education for justice: a modern statement of the platonic view. İçinde N. F. Sizer & T. R. Sizer (Ed.), Moral Education: Five Lectures (ss. 57–83). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1980). Stages of moral development as a basis for moral education. İçinde B. Munsey (Ed.), Moral Development, Moral Education, and Kohlberg (ss. 15–98). Birmingham: Religious Education Press.
  • Meydan, H. (2021). Bir beceri olarak ahlak ve eğitimi: ahlaki gelişim kuramlarına dayalı bir inceleme. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi, 55(1), 445–471.
  • Moore, T. W. (1982). Philosophy of education: an ıntroduction. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1966). Ethics and education. Oxon: Allen and Unwin.
  • Peters, R. S. (1967a). What is an educational process? içinde The Concept of Education (ss. 1–16). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1967b). In defence of bingo: a rejoinder. British Journal of Educational Studies, 15(2), 188–194.
  • Peters, R. S. (1971). Moral development: a plea for pluralism. İçinde T. Mischel (Ed.), Cognitive Development and Epistemology (ss. 237–267). New York: Academic Press.
  • Peters, R. S. (1972). Education and the educated man. İçinde R. F. Dearden, P. H. Hirst, & R. S. Peters (Eds.), Education and the Development of Reason (ss. 2–13). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1973). Reason and compassion. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974a). Moral development and moral learning. The Monist, 58(4), 541–567.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974b). Personal understanding and personal relationships. İçinde T. Mischel (Ed.), Understanding Other Persons (ss. 37–65). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974c). Psychology and ethical development. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Peters, R. S. (1978). The Place of Kohlberg’s theory in moral education. Journal of Moral Education, 7(3), 147–157.
  • Peters, R. S. (1981). Moral development and moral education. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Sizer, N. F., & Sizer, T. R. (1970). Introduction. İçinde N. F. Sizer & T. R. Sizer (Eds.), Moral Education: Five Lectures (ss. 3–9). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Straughan, R. (1982). Can we teach children to be good?. Oxon: Allen and Unwin.
  • Tobin, B. M. (1989). Richard Peters’s theory of moral development. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 23(I), 15–27.
  • Uluağaç, Y. & Ceylan, Y. (2023). John Wilson'ın ahlak eğitimi ile ilgili görüşleri. Turkish Studies- Educational Sciences, 13(3), 1087-1100.
  • Wilson, J. (1979). Moral Education: Retrospect and prospect. Journal of Moral Education, 9(1), 3–9.


Yıl 2023, , 118 - 142, 30.12.2023


Ahlak eğitimi geçmişten günümüze farklı eğitim felsefesi anlayışlarında tartışmaların odak noktasını oluşturmuştur. Analitik eğitim felsefesi de ahlak eğitimini genel eğitimin merkezinde konumlandırarak tartışmalara farklı bir bakış açısı kazandırmıştır. Bu makalede analitik yönelimli bir eğitim felsefecisi olan Richard Stanley Peters’ın ahlak gelişimi ve ahlak eğitimine dair görüşleri içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Kavramsal ve mantıksal analiz faaliyetlerini felsefi bir yöntem olarak benimseyen analitik eğitim felsefecileri, eğitim ve onunla bağlantılı kavramları detaylı bir analize tabi tutarlar. Geleneğin öncü isimlerinden olan Peters, bir yandan eğitimin diğer yandan da ahlakın kavramsal bir çözümlemesini yaparak hem ahlaki alanla ilgili olabilecek iyi, doğru, erdem gibi terimlerin ne anlam ifade ettiğini netleştirmeye çalışır hem de eğitime dair kriterler belirleyerek ahlak alanında geçerli olan öğretim biçimleriyle olmayanları birbirinden ayırmaya gayret eder. O, ahlak eğitimi anlayışını Piaget ve Kohlberg gibi bilişsel-gelişimcilerin geliştirdiği teoriler üzerinden eleştirel bir diyalektik içinde inşa ederek çok yönlü, bütüncül ve kapsamlı bir ahlak eğitimi anlayışı ortaya koyar. Peters’a göre ahlaki yaşamın merkezinde rasyonalite yer alır. Ahlak eğitiminin nihai amacı ise eğitimin kriterleri bağlamında rasyonel ve usul ilkelerine hâkim ahlaki failler yetiştirebilmektir. Ahlak eğitimindeki amacın gerçekleştirilebilmesi için Peters, ahlaki alanın içeriği ve biçimi arasında dengeli bir yol tutar. Bunun için öncelikle küçük yaştaki çocuklara ahlaki alanın içeriğini oluşturan kavram, kural ve erdemler doğrudan öğretim yoluyla öğretilmeli daha sonra ahlaki alanın biçimini oluşturan usul ilkeleri eğitimin doğasına uygun, sofistike bir öğretim anlayışıyla öğrencilere kazandırılmalıdır.


  • Aristotle (2000). Nicomachean ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Barrow, R. (2007). Introduction to moral philosophy and moral education. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Cevizci, A. (2005). Felsefe sözlüğü (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2014a). Peters, R. S. İçinde D. C. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy (C. 1, ss. 602–606). Los Angeles: SAGE Reference.
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2014b). R.S. Peters’ comprehensive theory of moral education. kultura pedagogiczna, 1, 11–27.
  • Cuypers, S. E. (2020). R. S. Peters’ philosophy of moral education in relation to his freudian psychology. Journal of Moral Education, 1–18.
  • Çiftçi, N. (2003). Kohlberg’in bilişsel ahlak gelişimi teorisi: ahlak ve demokrasi eğitimi. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 1(1), 43–77.
  • Çinemre, S. (2013). Bir ahlak eğitimcisi olarak lawrence kohlberg. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 143-164.
  • Ekşi, H. (2006). Bilişsel ahlak gelişimi kuramı: kohlberg ve sonrası. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 29–38.
  • Haydon, G. (1999). Behaving morally as a point of principle: a proper aim of moral education? Içinde J. M. Halstead & T. H. McLaughlin (Ed.), Education in Morality (ss. 241–256). London: Routledge.
  • Haydon, G. (2010). Reason and virtues: the paradox of r. s. peters on moral education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 43(S1), 173–188.
  • Hirst, P. H., & Peters, R. S. (1970). The Logic of Education. London: Routledge.
  • İnan, İ (2003). Analitik felsefe. İçinde A. Cevizci (Ed.), Felsefe Ansiklopedisi (C.1, ss.336-342). İstanbul: Etik Yayınları
  • Kerdeman, D., & Phillips, D. C. (2014). Continental/Analytic divide in philosophy of education. içinde D. C. Phillips (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (C.1, ss.177-181). Los Angeles: SAGE Reference
  • Kohlberg, L. (1966). Moral education in the schools: a developmental view. The School Review, 74(1), 1–30.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1968). Stage and sequence: the cognitive-developmental approach to socialization. İçinde D. A. Goslin (Ed.), Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research (ss. 347–480). Chicago: Rand McNally.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1970). Education for justice: a modern statement of the platonic view. İçinde N. F. Sizer & T. R. Sizer (Ed.), Moral Education: Five Lectures (ss. 57–83). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Kohlberg, L. (1980). Stages of moral development as a basis for moral education. İçinde B. Munsey (Ed.), Moral Development, Moral Education, and Kohlberg (ss. 15–98). Birmingham: Religious Education Press.
  • Meydan, H. (2021). Bir beceri olarak ahlak ve eğitimi: ahlaki gelişim kuramlarına dayalı bir inceleme. İlahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi, 55(1), 445–471.
  • Moore, T. W. (1982). Philosophy of education: an ıntroduction. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1966). Ethics and education. Oxon: Allen and Unwin.
  • Peters, R. S. (1967a). What is an educational process? içinde The Concept of Education (ss. 1–16). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1967b). In defence of bingo: a rejoinder. British Journal of Educational Studies, 15(2), 188–194.
  • Peters, R. S. (1971). Moral development: a plea for pluralism. İçinde T. Mischel (Ed.), Cognitive Development and Epistemology (ss. 237–267). New York: Academic Press.
  • Peters, R. S. (1972). Education and the educated man. İçinde R. F. Dearden, P. H. Hirst, & R. S. Peters (Eds.), Education and the Development of Reason (ss. 2–13). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Peters, R. S. (1973). Reason and compassion. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974a). Moral development and moral learning. The Monist, 58(4), 541–567.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974b). Personal understanding and personal relationships. İçinde T. Mischel (Ed.), Understanding Other Persons (ss. 37–65). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Peters, R. S. (1974c). Psychology and ethical development. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Peters, R. S. (1978). The Place of Kohlberg’s theory in moral education. Journal of Moral Education, 7(3), 147–157.
  • Peters, R. S. (1981). Moral development and moral education. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • Sizer, N. F., & Sizer, T. R. (1970). Introduction. İçinde N. F. Sizer & T. R. Sizer (Eds.), Moral Education: Five Lectures (ss. 3–9). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Straughan, R. (1982). Can we teach children to be good?. Oxon: Allen and Unwin.
  • Tobin, B. M. (1989). Richard Peters’s theory of moral development. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 23(I), 15–27.
  • Uluağaç, Y. & Ceylan, Y. (2023). John Wilson'ın ahlak eğitimi ile ilgili görüşleri. Turkish Studies- Educational Sciences, 13(3), 1087-1100.
  • Wilson, J. (1979). Moral Education: Retrospect and prospect. Journal of Moral Education, 9(1), 3–9.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yetgin Uluağaç 0000-0003-1154-5244

Yusuf Ceylan 0000-0002-1082-4260

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Uluağaç, Y., & Ceylan, Y. (2023). R. S. PETERS’IN AHLAK EĞİTİMİ İLE İLGİLİ GÖRÜŞLERİ. Toplum Ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi(12), 118-142.

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