Gathering The Perspectives Of Families With Children Diagnosed With Developmental Language Disorder Regarding The Therapeutic Procedures
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 297 - 318, 30.12.2024
Dilber Kaçar Kütükçü
Sena Aydın Kahraman
Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the views of parents of children with developmental language disorder (DLD) on the therapy process of their children.
Method: For this purpose, 14 families whose children with DLD were interviewed and various questions were asked about the therapy process and their opinions were obtained. The data obtained in the study were analysed using the phenomenology method.
Results: The parents stated that DLD negatively affected their lives and that they sometimes blamed themselves for this situation. It was observed that parents recognised speech and language difficulties in their children as early as 6 months and as late as 4 years of age. While some of the parents reported that they attended the sessions one-to-one, all of them stated that they met with their therapists after the session and received information about the course of the therapy. The parents stated that the therapists generally adopted a play and interaction-based therapy approach and that this method contributed to the child's progress. The parents stated that the therapist's advice to be interested in the topics that their children were interested in and to make sentences about these topics was very useful.
Conclusions and Recommendations: As a result of the study, it was determined that parents were satisfied with the therapies, found the assignments and advice given by the therapists useful, learnt how to interact with their children, and were satisfied with the communication they established with their therapists. It is recommended that a study involving a larger number of participants be conducted to determine the most beneficial therapy dynamics for families and children.
- Alias, A., & Ramly, U. (2021, January). Parental involvement in speech activities of speech delayed child at home. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020).
- An, M., & Palisano, R. J. (2014). Family-professional collaboration in pediatric rehabilitation: a practice model. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(5), 434–440.
- Arslan, E. (2022). Nitel araştırmalarda geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 51(1), 395-407.
- Bishop, D. V. M., Snowling, M. J., Thompson, P. A., Greenhalgh, T., & CATALISE-2 Consortium. (2017). Phase 2 of CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(10), 1068–1080.
- Bishop, D. V., Snowling, M. J., Thompson, P. A., Greenhalgh, T., & Catalise Consortium. (2016). CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLOS One, 11(7), e0158753.
- Bowen, C. (2019). Developmental language disorders. https://www.speech-language.
- Bruinsma, G. I., Wijnen, F., & Gerrits, E. (2024). Communication in daily life of children with developmental language disorder: Parents' and teachers' terspectives. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 55(1), 105-129.
- Curran, M., & Owen Van Horne, A. (2019). Use of recast intervention to teach causal adverbials to young children with developmental language disorder within a science curriculum: A single case design study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(2), 430–447.
- Calder, S. D., Brennan‐Jones, C. G., Robinson, M., Whitehouse, A., & Hill, E. (2022). The prevalence of and potential risk factors for Developmental Language Disorder at 10 years in the Raine Study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 58(11), 2044-2050.
- Dempsey, I., & Keen, D. (2008). A review of processes and outcomes in family-centered services for children with a disability. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 28(1), 42-52.
- Dunst, C. J., Trivette, C. M., & Hamby, D. W. (2007). Meta-analysis of family-centered helpgiving practices research. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 13(4), 370–378.
- Eadie, P., Conway, L., Hallenstein, B., Mensah, F., McKean, C. and Reilly, S. (2018), Quality of life in children with developmental language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 53: 799-810.
- Eadie, P., Conway, L., Hallenstein, B., Mensah, F., McKean, C., & Reilly, S. (2018). Quality of life in children with developmental language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 53(4), 799–810.
- Fegert, J. M., Vitiello, B., Plener, P. L., & Clemens, V. (2020). Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 14, 20.
- Feldman H. M. (2019). How young children learn language and speech. Pediatrics in Review, 40(8), 398–411.
- Forsythe, R., Murphy, C. A., Tulip, J., & Law, J. (2021). Why clinicians choose their language intervention approach: An international perspective on intervention for children with developmental language disorder. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica: Official Organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 73(6), 537–551.
- Harniess, P. A., Gibbs, D., Bezemer, J., & Purna Basu, A. (2022). Parental engagement in early intervention for infants with cerebral palsy-A realist synthesis. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48(3), 359–377.
- Hobson, H. M., & Lee, A. (2023). Camouflaging in developmental language disorder: The views of speech and language pathologists and parents. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 44(4), 247–256.
- Holzinger, D., Weber, C., & Fellinger, J. (2022). Validity and feasibility of a predictive language screening tool in 2-year-old children in primary pediatric care. Frontiers Media, 10.
- Jensen de López, K. M., Lyons, R., Novogrodsky, R., Baena, S., Feilberg, J., Harding, S., … Rodriguez-Ortiz, I. R. (2021). Exploring parental perspectives of childhood speech and language disorders across 10 countries: A pilot qualitative study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 64(5), 1739–1747.
- Kement, N., Topbaş, S., Bulut, T. (2022). A public survey on awareness of childhood language impairment in Turkey. Türkiye Klinikleri Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 358-66.
- Klatte, I. S., Lyons, R., Davies, K., Harding, S., Marshall, J., McKean, C., & Roulstone, S. (2020). Collaboration between parents and SLTs produces optimal outcomes for children attending speech and language therapy: Gathering the evidence. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 55(4), 618–628.
- Klatte, I.S., Bloemen, M., de Groot, A., Mantel, T.C., Ketelaar, K. & Gerrits, E. (2024) Collaborative working in speech and language therapy for children with DLD—What are parents’ needs? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 59, 340–353.
- Kokorelias, K. M., Gignac, M. A. M., Naglie, G., & Cameron, J. I. (2019). Towards a universal model of family centered care: A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 564.
- Komesidou, R., & Summy, R. (2020). Developmental language disorder: Considerations for implementing school-based screenings. Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 9(3), 34-47.
Krishnan, S., Watkins, K E., & Bishop, D. (2016). Neurobiological basis of language learning difficulties. Elsevier BV, 20(9), 701-714.
- Kuhlthau, K. A., Bloom, S., Van Cleave, J., Knapp, A. A., Romm, D., Klatka, K.,...Perrin, J. M. (2011). Evidence for family-centered care for children with special health care needs: A systematic review. Academic Pediatrics, 11(2), 136–143.
- Kuiack, A., & Archibald, L. (2019). Developmental language disorder: The childhood condition we need to start talking about. Frontiers for Young Minds, 7(94).
- Law, J., Levickis, P., Rodríguez-Ortiz, I. R., Matić, A., Lyons, R., Messarra, C., …Stankova, M. (2019). Working with the parents and families of children with developmental language disorders: An international perspective. Journal of Communication Disorders, 82, 105922.
- Lederer, S. H. (2001). Efficacy of parent-child language group intervention for late-talking toddlers. Infant Toddler Intervention, 11(3/4), 223-236.
- Mas, J. M., Dunst, C. J., Hamby, D. W., Balcells-Balcells, A., García Ventura, S., Baqués, N., & Giné, C. (2022). Relationships between family-centred practices and parent involvement in early childhood intervention. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(1), 1–13.
- McGregor K. K. (2020). How we fail children with developmental language disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 51(4), 981–992.
- McGregor, K. K., Ohlmann, N., Eden, N., Arbisi-Kelm, T., & Young, A. (2023). Abilities and disabilities among children with developmental language disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(3), 927–951.
- Melvin, K., Meyer, C., & Scarinci, N. (2019). What does “engagement” mean in early speech pathology intervention? A qualitative systematised review. Informa, 42(18), 2665-2678.
- Nomaguchi, K., & Milkie, M. A. (2020). Parenthood and well-being: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 198–223.
- Norbury, C., Griffiths, S., Yew, S G K., Boyes, M., Hill, E., & Viding, E. (2024). Developmental language disorder: A hidden condition. Elsevier BV, 8(7), 473-475.
- Owens, R. E., Jr., & Kimberly, A. F. (2021). Introduction to communication sciences: A lifespan evidence-based perspective (İletişim bozukluklarına giriş: Yaşam boyu kanıta dayalı yaklaşım). İstanbul: Mirket Akademik Yayınları.
- Polat, M. S. & Sarıçam, H. (2024). 6 Şubat depreminden etkilenen bölgelerdeki öğretmenlerin karşılaştığı sorunlar: Hatay ili örneği. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 15(1)-Deprem Özel Sayısı-, 764-789.
- Reilly, S., McKean, C., Morgan, A., & Wake, M. (2015). Identifying and managing common childhood language and speech impairments. Bmj, 350.
- Tekindal, M., ve Uğuz Arsu, Ş. (2020). Nitel araştırma yöntemi olarak fenomenolojik yaklaşımın kapsamı ve sürecine yönelik bir derleme. Ufkun Ötesi Bilim Dergisi, 20(1), 153-182. https://
- Thordardottir, E., & Topbaş, S. (2021). How aware is the public of the existence, characteristics and causes of language impairment in childhood and where have they heard about it? A European survey. Journal of Communication Disorders, 89, 106057
- Tomblin, J. B., Oleson, J., Ambrose, S. E., Walker, E. A., McCreery, R. W., & Moeller, M. P. (2020). Aided hearing moderates the academic outcomes of children with mild to severe hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 41(4), 775–789.
- Weiss, D., & Paul, R. (2010). Delayed language development in preschool children. In J. S. Damico, N. Müller, & M. J. Ball (Eds.), The handbook of language and speech disorders (pp. 178-209).
- Wilcox, M J., & Woods, J. (2011). Participation as a basis for developing early intervention outcomes. American Speech–Language–Hearing Association, 42(3), 365-378.
- Ziegenfusz, S., Paynter, J., Flückiger, B., & Westerveld, M F. (2022). A systematic review of the academic achievement of primary and secondary school-aged students with developmental language disorder. SAGE Publishing, 7, 239694152210993-239694152210993.
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 297 - 318, 30.12.2024
Dilber Kaçar Kütükçü
Sena Aydın Kahraman
Amaç: Bu araştırmada, gelişimsel dil bozukluğuna (GDB) sahip çocukların ebeveynlerinin, çocuklarının terapi sürecine ilişkin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Bu amaç doğrultusunda çocuğu GDB olan 14 aileyle görüşme yapılarak terapi süreci hakkında çeşitli sorular yöneltilmiş ve görüşleri alınmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler, fenomenoloji yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Ebeveynler GDB’nin çocuklarının ve kendilerinin yaşamlarını olumsuz etkilediğini, bu durumdan ötürü zaman zaman kendilerini suçladıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarındaki dil ve konuşma güçlüğünü 6 ay gibi erken bir dönem ile 4 yaş gibi görece daha geç bir dönemde fark ettikleri görülmüştür. Ebeveynlerin bir kısmı seanslara birebir katılım sağladığını bildirirken, tümü seans sonrasında terapistleri ile görüşerek terapinin seyri hakkında bilgi aldıklarını ifade etmiştir. Aileler, terapistlerin genellikle oyun ve etkileşim temelli bir terapi yaklaşımı benimsediğini ve bu yöntemin çocuğun ilerlemesine katkıda bulunduğunu söylemiştir. Aileler, çocuklarının ilgilendiği konularla ilgilenme ve bu konular hakkında cümle kurmaya yönelik verilen terapist tavsiyesinin oldukça faydalı olduğunu söylemiştir.
Sonuçlar ve Öneriler: Araştırmanın sonucunda ebeveynlerin çocuklarının aldıkları terapilerden memnun kaldıkları, terapistlerin verdiği ödevleri ve tavsiyeleri faydalı buldukları, çocuklarıyla nasıl etkileşime geçeceklerini öğrendikleri, terapistleri ile kurdukları iletişimden memnun oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Daha fazla sayıda katılımcıyı içeren bir çalışma ile aileler ve çocuklar için en faydalı olan terapi dinamiklerinin belirlenmesi önerilmektedir.
Etik Beyan
Araştırma için Biruni Üniversitesi Girişimsel Olmayan Etik Kurulundan onay alınmıştır (2023/77-23).
Veri toplama sürecindeki katkılarından dolayı Esra Zeynep Demir’e, Sara Gül Tut’a, Aleyna Ayşin Budanur’a ve çalışmaya katılan ailelere teşekkür ederiz.
- Alias, A., & Ramly, U. (2021, January). Parental involvement in speech activities of speech delayed child at home. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020).
- An, M., & Palisano, R. J. (2014). Family-professional collaboration in pediatric rehabilitation: a practice model. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(5), 434–440.
- Arslan, E. (2022). Nitel araştırmalarda geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 51(1), 395-407.
- Bishop, D. V. M., Snowling, M. J., Thompson, P. A., Greenhalgh, T., & CATALISE-2 Consortium. (2017). Phase 2 of CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(10), 1068–1080.
- Bishop, D. V., Snowling, M. J., Thompson, P. A., Greenhalgh, T., & Catalise Consortium. (2016). CATALISE: A multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study. Identifying language impairments in children. PLOS One, 11(7), e0158753.
- Bowen, C. (2019). Developmental language disorders. https://www.speech-language.
- Bruinsma, G. I., Wijnen, F., & Gerrits, E. (2024). Communication in daily life of children with developmental language disorder: Parents' and teachers' terspectives. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 55(1), 105-129.
- Curran, M., & Owen Van Horne, A. (2019). Use of recast intervention to teach causal adverbials to young children with developmental language disorder within a science curriculum: A single case design study. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 28(2), 430–447.
- Calder, S. D., Brennan‐Jones, C. G., Robinson, M., Whitehouse, A., & Hill, E. (2022). The prevalence of and potential risk factors for Developmental Language Disorder at 10 years in the Raine Study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 58(11), 2044-2050.
- Dempsey, I., & Keen, D. (2008). A review of processes and outcomes in family-centered services for children with a disability. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 28(1), 42-52.
- Dunst, C. J., Trivette, C. M., & Hamby, D. W. (2007). Meta-analysis of family-centered helpgiving practices research. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 13(4), 370–378.
- Eadie, P., Conway, L., Hallenstein, B., Mensah, F., McKean, C. and Reilly, S. (2018), Quality of life in children with developmental language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 53: 799-810.
- Eadie, P., Conway, L., Hallenstein, B., Mensah, F., McKean, C., & Reilly, S. (2018). Quality of life in children with developmental language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 53(4), 799–810.
- Fegert, J. M., Vitiello, B., Plener, P. L., & Clemens, V. (2020). Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 14, 20.
- Feldman H. M. (2019). How young children learn language and speech. Pediatrics in Review, 40(8), 398–411.
- Forsythe, R., Murphy, C. A., Tulip, J., & Law, J. (2021). Why clinicians choose their language intervention approach: An international perspective on intervention for children with developmental language disorder. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica: Official Organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 73(6), 537–551.
- Harniess, P. A., Gibbs, D., Bezemer, J., & Purna Basu, A. (2022). Parental engagement in early intervention for infants with cerebral palsy-A realist synthesis. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48(3), 359–377.
- Hobson, H. M., & Lee, A. (2023). Camouflaging in developmental language disorder: The views of speech and language pathologists and parents. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 44(4), 247–256.
- Holzinger, D., Weber, C., & Fellinger, J. (2022). Validity and feasibility of a predictive language screening tool in 2-year-old children in primary pediatric care. Frontiers Media, 10.
- Jensen de López, K. M., Lyons, R., Novogrodsky, R., Baena, S., Feilberg, J., Harding, S., … Rodriguez-Ortiz, I. R. (2021). Exploring parental perspectives of childhood speech and language disorders across 10 countries: A pilot qualitative study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 64(5), 1739–1747.
- Kement, N., Topbaş, S., Bulut, T. (2022). A public survey on awareness of childhood language impairment in Turkey. Türkiye Klinikleri Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 358-66.
- Klatte, I. S., Lyons, R., Davies, K., Harding, S., Marshall, J., McKean, C., & Roulstone, S. (2020). Collaboration between parents and SLTs produces optimal outcomes for children attending speech and language therapy: Gathering the evidence. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 55(4), 618–628.
- Klatte, I.S., Bloemen, M., de Groot, A., Mantel, T.C., Ketelaar, K. & Gerrits, E. (2024) Collaborative working in speech and language therapy for children with DLD—What are parents’ needs? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 59, 340–353.
- Kokorelias, K. M., Gignac, M. A. M., Naglie, G., & Cameron, J. I. (2019). Towards a universal model of family centered care: A scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 564.
- Komesidou, R., & Summy, R. (2020). Developmental language disorder: Considerations for implementing school-based screenings. Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 9(3), 34-47.
Krishnan, S., Watkins, K E., & Bishop, D. (2016). Neurobiological basis of language learning difficulties. Elsevier BV, 20(9), 701-714.
- Kuhlthau, K. A., Bloom, S., Van Cleave, J., Knapp, A. A., Romm, D., Klatka, K.,...Perrin, J. M. (2011). Evidence for family-centered care for children with special health care needs: A systematic review. Academic Pediatrics, 11(2), 136–143.
- Kuiack, A., & Archibald, L. (2019). Developmental language disorder: The childhood condition we need to start talking about. Frontiers for Young Minds, 7(94).
- Law, J., Levickis, P., Rodríguez-Ortiz, I. R., Matić, A., Lyons, R., Messarra, C., …Stankova, M. (2019). Working with the parents and families of children with developmental language disorders: An international perspective. Journal of Communication Disorders, 82, 105922.
- Lederer, S. H. (2001). Efficacy of parent-child language group intervention for late-talking toddlers. Infant Toddler Intervention, 11(3/4), 223-236.
- Mas, J. M., Dunst, C. J., Hamby, D. W., Balcells-Balcells, A., García Ventura, S., Baqués, N., & Giné, C. (2022). Relationships between family-centred practices and parent involvement in early childhood intervention. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(1), 1–13.
- McGregor K. K. (2020). How we fail children with developmental language disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 51(4), 981–992.
- McGregor, K. K., Ohlmann, N., Eden, N., Arbisi-Kelm, T., & Young, A. (2023). Abilities and disabilities among children with developmental language disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(3), 927–951.
- Melvin, K., Meyer, C., & Scarinci, N. (2019). What does “engagement” mean in early speech pathology intervention? A qualitative systematised review. Informa, 42(18), 2665-2678.
- Nomaguchi, K., & Milkie, M. A. (2020). Parenthood and well-being: A decade in review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 198–223.
- Norbury, C., Griffiths, S., Yew, S G K., Boyes, M., Hill, E., & Viding, E. (2024). Developmental language disorder: A hidden condition. Elsevier BV, 8(7), 473-475.
- Owens, R. E., Jr., & Kimberly, A. F. (2021). Introduction to communication sciences: A lifespan evidence-based perspective (İletişim bozukluklarına giriş: Yaşam boyu kanıta dayalı yaklaşım). İstanbul: Mirket Akademik Yayınları.
- Polat, M. S. & Sarıçam, H. (2024). 6 Şubat depreminden etkilenen bölgelerdeki öğretmenlerin karşılaştığı sorunlar: Hatay ili örneği. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 15(1)-Deprem Özel Sayısı-, 764-789.
- Reilly, S., McKean, C., Morgan, A., & Wake, M. (2015). Identifying and managing common childhood language and speech impairments. Bmj, 350.
- Tekindal, M., ve Uğuz Arsu, Ş. (2020). Nitel araştırma yöntemi olarak fenomenolojik yaklaşımın kapsamı ve sürecine yönelik bir derleme. Ufkun Ötesi Bilim Dergisi, 20(1), 153-182. https://
- Thordardottir, E., & Topbaş, S. (2021). How aware is the public of the existence, characteristics and causes of language impairment in childhood and where have they heard about it? A European survey. Journal of Communication Disorders, 89, 106057
- Tomblin, J. B., Oleson, J., Ambrose, S. E., Walker, E. A., McCreery, R. W., & Moeller, M. P. (2020). Aided hearing moderates the academic outcomes of children with mild to severe hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 41(4), 775–789.
- Weiss, D., & Paul, R. (2010). Delayed language development in preschool children. In J. S. Damico, N. Müller, & M. J. Ball (Eds.), The handbook of language and speech disorders (pp. 178-209).
- Wilcox, M J., & Woods, J. (2011). Participation as a basis for developing early intervention outcomes. American Speech–Language–Hearing Association, 42(3), 365-378.
- Ziegenfusz, S., Paynter, J., Flückiger, B., & Westerveld, M F. (2022). A systematic review of the academic achievement of primary and secondary school-aged students with developmental language disorder. SAGE Publishing, 7, 239694152210993-239694152210993.