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Journal of Scientific Perspectives (JSP) is a scholarly and international peer-reviewed journal. It is published quarterly in January, April, July and October, in the fields of basic sciences, engineering, natural sciences and health sciences. All articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor-in-chief, field editor, editorial board and referees. The original research papers, technical notes, letter to the editor, debates, case presentations and reviews, only in English, are published in the journal. Thus, it aims to bring together the views and studies of academicians, researchers and professionals working in the fields mentioned above.

Journal of Scientific Perspectives (JSP) is a scholarly and international peer-reviewed journal. It is published quarterly in WINTER (January), SPRING (April), SUMMER (July) and FALL (October), in the fields of basic sciences, engineering, natural sciences and health sciences. All articles submitted for publication are evaluated by the editor-in-chief, field editor, editorial board and referees. The original research papers, technical notes, letter to the editor, debates, case presentations and reviews, only in English, are published in the journal. Thus, it aims to bring together the views and studies of academicians, researchers, and professionals working in the fields mentioned above.

Journal of Scientific Perspectives is an open-access electronic journal. All articles published in the journal, are assigned the DOI number. Article submission and follow-up process are carried out by the manuscript submission system
The language of publication of the journal is English.

Basic Sciences and Engineering 

 Chemical Engineering
 Computer Engineering and Informatics
 Constructional Engineering
 Environmental Engineering
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 Food Engineering
 Geology Engineering
 Industrial Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering
 Mining Engineering
 Physical Engineering
 Textile Engineering
 Other Engineering Fields
 Chemistry
 Physics
 Mathematics
 Statistics
 Materials Sciences
(Material and Metallurgy Engineering, Topographical Engineering etc.)
 Space Sciences
 Earth Sciences
 Architecture
 Urban and Regional Planning
 Astronomy and Astrophysics

Health Sciences
 Medical Sciences (Surgery, International Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences)
 Dentistry
 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics
 Nursing
 Nutrition and Dietary
 Veterinary Medicine

Natural Sciences
 Biology
 Environmental Sciences
 Food Science and Technology
 Animal Husbandary
 Forestry
 Marine, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries
 Agricultural Science

There are no limits to the fields in which the study will be accepted to the journal. The journal is open to all works aimed at contributing to the national and international developments of the professional organizations and individuals who follow the developments in the field of health, science and engineering and to create a resource in these fields.