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Yıl 2022, , 1904 - 1916, 19.10.2022


Bu çalışma, 1997-2020 arasında yıllık veriler kullanılarak Türkiye için turizm, ulaşım altyapısı ve gelir eşitsizliği arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişkiyi Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound Test (ARDL sınır testi) aracılığı ile analiz etmektedir. Bunu yaparken, öncelikle serilerin durağanlık derecelerinin belirlenmesi için Dickey ve Fuller (1981) tarafından geliştirilen ADF birim kök testi ve Phillips-Perron (1988) tarafından geliştirilen PP birim kök testlerinden faydalanılmış ve her iki birim kök testine göre de serilerin fark değerlerinde durağanlaştıkları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Daha sonra seriler arasında uzun dönemli ilişkinin geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmış ve ardından kısa ve uzun dönem katsayı tahmini yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde, gelen turist sayısının kısa dönemde gelir eşitsizliğini arttırdığı uzun dönemde ise gelir eşitsizliğini azalttığı, ulaşım altyapısının ise kısa dönemde gelir eşitsizliği üzerinde istatistiksel olarak bir etkiye sahip olmamasına rağmen uzun dönemde gelir eşitsizliğini arttırdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Söz konusu bilgilere dayalı olarak bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de politik istikrarın sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın farklı boyutlarından biri olan sosyal sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki etkisini 2002-2017 dönemi için incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda oluşturulan modelde sosyal sürdürülebilirliği incelemek amacıyla politik istikrarın ve reel GSYH’nın yoksulluk üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Söz konusu ilişkiler, zaman serisi yöntemleri aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde, reel GSYH’daki artışın yoksulluk oranını arttırdığı fakat politik istikrardaki artışın yoksulluğu azalttığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Akinboade, O. A., & Braimoh, L. A. (2010). International tourism and economic development in South Africa: A Granger causality test. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(2), 149-163.
  • Alam, M. S., & Paramati, S. R. (2016). The impact of tourism on income inequality in developing economies: Does Kuznets curve hypothesis exist? Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 111–126.
  • Apergis, N., & Payne, J. E. (2012). Tourism and growth in the Caribbean–evidence from a panel error correction model. Tourism Economics, 18(2), 449-456.
  • Ashley, C., & Mitchell, J. (2009). Tourism and poverty reduction: Pathways to prosperity. Routledge.
  • Aslan, A., Altinoz, B., & Özsolak, B. (2021). The nexus between economic growth, tourism development, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions in Mediterranean countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(3), 3243-3252.
  • Balaguer, J., & Cantavella-Jorda, M. (2002). Tourism as a long-run economic growth factor: the Spanish case. Applied economics, 34(7), 877-884.
  • Belloumi, M. (2010). The relationship between tourism receipts, real effective exchange rate and economic growth in Tunisia. International journal of tourism research, 12(5), 550-560.
  • Blake, A. (2008). Tourism and income distribution in East Africa. International Journal of Tourism Research, 10(6), 511-524.
  • Chen, C. F., & Chiou-Wei, S. Z. (2009). Tourism expansion, tourism uncertainty and economic growth: New evidence from Taiwan and Korea. Tourism Management, 30(6), 812-818.
  • Destek, M. A., & Aydın, S. (2022). An empirical note on tourism and sustainable development nexus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(23), 34515-34527.
  • Dickey, D. A., & Fuller, W. A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica: journal of the Econometric Society, 1057-1072.
  • Dritsakis, N. (2004). Cointegration analysis of German and British tourism demand for Greece. Tourism management, 25(1), 111-119.
  • Ehigiamusoe, K. U. (2021). The nexus between tourism, financial development, and economic growth: Evidence from African countries. African Development Review, 33(2), 382-396.
  • Göymen, K. (2000). Tourism and governance in Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 1025-1048.
  • Gunn, C.A. (Eds.). (1988). Tourism Planning (second edition). New York: Taylor & Francis
  • Habibi F, Rahmati M, Karimi A (2018) Contribution of tourism to economic growth in Iran's provinces: GDM approach. Future Business Journal 4:261–271
  • Haddad, E. A., Porsse, A. A., & Rabahy, W. (2013). Domestic tourism and regional inequality in Brazil. Tourism Economics, 19(1), 173-186.
  • Incera, A. C., & Fernández, M. F. (2015). Tourism and income distribution: Evidence from a developed regional economy. Tourism Management, 48, 11–20.
  • Inskeep, E. (1991). Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Available at: (accessed on 28/6/2016)
  • Ioncica, D., Ioncica, M., & Petrescu, E. (2016). The environment, tourist transport and the sustainable development of tourism. The Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18(10), 898–912.
  • Isik, C., & Radulescu, M. (2017). Investigation of the relationship between renewable energy, tourism receipts and economic growth in Europe. Statistika-Statistics and Economy Journal, 97(2), 85-94.
  • Kanwal, S., Rasheed, M. I., Pitafi, A. H., Pitafi, A., & Ren, M. (2020). Road and transport infrastructure development and community support for tourism: The role of perceived benefits, and community satisfaction. Tourism Management, 77, 104014.
  • Katircioglu, S. (2009). Tourism, trade and growth: the case of Cyprus. Applied Economics, 41(21), 2741-2750.
  • Kaul, R. N. (1985). Dynamics of Tourism: a Trilogy. Stosius Inc/Advent Books Division
  • Kim, H. J., & Chen, M. H. (2006). Tourism expansion and economic development: The case of Taiwan. Tourism management, 27(5), 925-933.
  • Kim, J. H., & Kang, K. H. (2020). The interaction effect of tourism and foreign direct investment on urban–rural income disparity in China: A comparison between autonomous regions and other provinces. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), 68-81.
  • Kinyondo, A., & Pelizzo, R. (2015). Tourism, development and inequality: The case of Tanzania. Poverty & Public Policy, 7(1), 64-79.
  • Lee, C. C., & Chang, C. P. (2008). Tourism development and economic growth: A closer look at panels. Tourism management, 29(1), 180-192.
  • Li, H., Goh, C., Zhang Qiu, H., & Meng, F. (2015). Effect of tourism on balanced regional development: A dynamic panel data analysis in Coastal and Inland China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(6), 694-713.
  • Lim, S. S., & Tkaczynski, A. (2017). Origin and money matter: The airline service quality expectations of international students. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 31, 244–252.
  • Lv, Z. (2019). Deepening or lessening? The effects of tourism on regional inequality. Tourism Management, 72, 23-26.
  • Mahadevan, R., & Suardi, S. (2019). Panel evidence on the impact of tourism growth on poverty, poverty gap and income inequality. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(3), 253-264.
  • Mahadevan, R., Amir, H., & Nugroho, A. (2017). How pro-poor and income equitable are tourism taxation policies in a developing country? Evidence from a computable general equilibrium model. Journal of Travel Research, 56(3), 334-346.
  • Manyara, G., & Jones, E. (2007). Community-based tourism enterprises development in Kenya: An exploration of their potential as avenues of poverty reduction. Journal of sustainable tourism, 15(6), 628-644.
  • Marcouiller, D. W., Kim, K. K., & Deller, S. C. (2004). Natural amenities, tourism and income distribution. Annals of tourism research, 31(4), 1031-1050.
  • Mishra, S., Sinha, A., Sharif, A., & Suki, N. M. (2020). Dynamic linkages between tourism, transportation, growth and carbon emission in the USA: Evidence from partial and multiple wavelet coherence. Current Issues in Tourism, 23 (21), 2733–2755.
  • Paramati, S. R., Alam, M. S., & Chen, C. F. (2017). The effects of tourism on economic growth and CO2 emissions: A comparison between developed and developing economies. Journal of Travel Research, 56, 712–724
  • Payne, J. E., & Mervar, A. (2010). Research note: The tourism–growth nexus in Croatia. Tourism Economics, 16(4), 1089-1094.
  • Perles-Ribes, J. F., Ramón-Rodríguez, A. B., Rubia, A., & Moreno-Izquierdo, L. (2017). Is the tourism-led growth hypothesis valid after the global economic and financial crisis? The case of Spain 1957–2014. Tourism Management, 61, 96-109.
  • Phillips, P. C., & Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75(2), 335-346. Piketty, T., & Saez, E. (2003). Income inequality in the United States, 1913–1998. The Quarterly journal of economics, 118(1), 1-41.
  • Porto, N., & Espinola, N. (2019). Labor income inequalities and tourism development in Argentina: A regional approach. Tourism Economics, 25(8), 1265-1285.
  • Raza, S. A., & Shah, N. (2017). Tourism growth and income inequality: does Kuznets Curve hypothesis exist in top tourist arrival countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(8), 874-884.
  • Sanchez Carrera, E. J., Brida, J. G., & Risso, W. A. (2008). Tourism's impact on long-run Mexican economic growth. Economics Bulletin, 23(21), 1-8.
  • Scheyvens, R., & Momsen, J. H. (2008). Tourism and poverty reduction: Issues for small island states. Tourism geographies, 10(1), 22-41.
  • Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2012). Tourism and poverty alleviation in Fiji: Comparing the impacts of small-and large-scale tourism enterprises. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(3), 417-436.
  • Schilcher, D. (2007). Growth versus equity: The continuum of pro-poor tourism and neoliberal governance. Current Issues in Tourism, 10(2-3), 166–193.
  • Seckelmann, A. (2002). Domestic tourism—a chance for regional development in Turkey?. Tourism Management, 23(1), 85-92.
  • Shi, W., Luo, M., Jin, M., Cheng, S. K., & Li, K. X. (2020). Urban–rural income disparity and inbound tourism: Spatial evidence from China. Tourism Economics, 26(7), 1231-1247.
  • Tang, C. F., & Tan, E. C. (2015). Does tourism effectively stimulate Malaysia's economic growth?. Tourism management, 46, 158-163.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2019). G-7 Ülkelerinde Küreselleşme Ve Gelir Eşitsizliği İlişkisi, Destek M.A., Hedefler Arası Uyum ve Çatışmalarıyla Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma içinde, Ekin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2022). ASEAN-5 ülkelerinde ekonomik büyüme, finansal gelişme ve gelir eşitsizliği ilişkisi. Mehmet akif ersoy üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 9(2), 717-741.
  • Wen, J., & Tisdell, C. (1997). Regional inequality and tourism distribution in China. Pacific Tourism Review, 1(2), 119.
  • Zhang, J., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Tourism, transport infrastructure and income inequality: A panel data analysis of China. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(10), 1607-1626.
  • Zysnarski, J. (2003). Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne: teoria i praktyka. Ośrodek Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Kadr.


Yıl 2022, , 1904 - 1916, 19.10.2022


This study analyzes the long-term relationship between tourism, transportation infrastructure and income inequality for Turkey using annual data between 1997 and 2020 by means of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bound Test (ARDL boundary test). While doing this, first of all, the ADF unit root test developed by Dickey and Fuller (1981) and the PP unit root tests developed by Phillips-Perron (1988) are used to determine the degree of stationarity of the series, and it is concluded that the series become stationary in difference values according to both unit root tests. Afterwards, it is concluded that the long-term relationship between the series is valid, and then the short- and long-term coefficient estimation is made. When the findings are evaluated, it is concluded that the number of tourists increases income inequality in the short term, decreases income inequality in the long term, and that although the transportation infrastructure does not have a statistical effect on income inequality in the short term, it increases income inequality in the long term.Söz konusu bilgilere dayalı olarak bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de politik istikrarın sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın farklı boyutlarından biri olan sosyal sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki etkisini 2002-2017 dönemi için incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda oluşturulan modelde sosyal sürdürülebilirliği incelemek amacıyla politik istikrarın ve reel GSYH’nın yoksulluk üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Söz konusu ilişkiler, zaman serisi yöntemleri aracılığıyla incelenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde, reel GSYH’daki artışın yoksulluk oranını arttırdığı fakat politik istikrardaki artışın yoksulluğu azalttığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Akinboade, O. A., & Braimoh, L. A. (2010). International tourism and economic development in South Africa: A Granger causality test. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(2), 149-163.
  • Alam, M. S., & Paramati, S. R. (2016). The impact of tourism on income inequality in developing economies: Does Kuznets curve hypothesis exist? Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 111–126.
  • Apergis, N., & Payne, J. E. (2012). Tourism and growth in the Caribbean–evidence from a panel error correction model. Tourism Economics, 18(2), 449-456.
  • Ashley, C., & Mitchell, J. (2009). Tourism and poverty reduction: Pathways to prosperity. Routledge.
  • Aslan, A., Altinoz, B., & Özsolak, B. (2021). The nexus between economic growth, tourism development, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions in Mediterranean countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(3), 3243-3252.
  • Balaguer, J., & Cantavella-Jorda, M. (2002). Tourism as a long-run economic growth factor: the Spanish case. Applied economics, 34(7), 877-884.
  • Belloumi, M. (2010). The relationship between tourism receipts, real effective exchange rate and economic growth in Tunisia. International journal of tourism research, 12(5), 550-560.
  • Blake, A. (2008). Tourism and income distribution in East Africa. International Journal of Tourism Research, 10(6), 511-524.
  • Chen, C. F., & Chiou-Wei, S. Z. (2009). Tourism expansion, tourism uncertainty and economic growth: New evidence from Taiwan and Korea. Tourism Management, 30(6), 812-818.
  • Destek, M. A., & Aydın, S. (2022). An empirical note on tourism and sustainable development nexus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(23), 34515-34527.
  • Dickey, D. A., & Fuller, W. A. (1981). Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrica: journal of the Econometric Society, 1057-1072.
  • Dritsakis, N. (2004). Cointegration analysis of German and British tourism demand for Greece. Tourism management, 25(1), 111-119.
  • Ehigiamusoe, K. U. (2021). The nexus between tourism, financial development, and economic growth: Evidence from African countries. African Development Review, 33(2), 382-396.
  • Göymen, K. (2000). Tourism and governance in Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 1025-1048.
  • Gunn, C.A. (Eds.). (1988). Tourism Planning (second edition). New York: Taylor & Francis
  • Habibi F, Rahmati M, Karimi A (2018) Contribution of tourism to economic growth in Iran's provinces: GDM approach. Future Business Journal 4:261–271
  • Haddad, E. A., Porsse, A. A., & Rabahy, W. (2013). Domestic tourism and regional inequality in Brazil. Tourism Economics, 19(1), 173-186.
  • Incera, A. C., & Fernández, M. F. (2015). Tourism and income distribution: Evidence from a developed regional economy. Tourism Management, 48, 11–20.
  • Inskeep, E. (1991). Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Available at: (accessed on 28/6/2016)
  • Ioncica, D., Ioncica, M., & Petrescu, E. (2016). The environment, tourist transport and the sustainable development of tourism. The Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18(10), 898–912.
  • Isik, C., & Radulescu, M. (2017). Investigation of the relationship between renewable energy, tourism receipts and economic growth in Europe. Statistika-Statistics and Economy Journal, 97(2), 85-94.
  • Kanwal, S., Rasheed, M. I., Pitafi, A. H., Pitafi, A., & Ren, M. (2020). Road and transport infrastructure development and community support for tourism: The role of perceived benefits, and community satisfaction. Tourism Management, 77, 104014.
  • Katircioglu, S. (2009). Tourism, trade and growth: the case of Cyprus. Applied Economics, 41(21), 2741-2750.
  • Kaul, R. N. (1985). Dynamics of Tourism: a Trilogy. Stosius Inc/Advent Books Division
  • Kim, H. J., & Chen, M. H. (2006). Tourism expansion and economic development: The case of Taiwan. Tourism management, 27(5), 925-933.
  • Kim, J. H., & Kang, K. H. (2020). The interaction effect of tourism and foreign direct investment on urban–rural income disparity in China: A comparison between autonomous regions and other provinces. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), 68-81.
  • Kinyondo, A., & Pelizzo, R. (2015). Tourism, development and inequality: The case of Tanzania. Poverty & Public Policy, 7(1), 64-79.
  • Lee, C. C., & Chang, C. P. (2008). Tourism development and economic growth: A closer look at panels. Tourism management, 29(1), 180-192.
  • Li, H., Goh, C., Zhang Qiu, H., & Meng, F. (2015). Effect of tourism on balanced regional development: A dynamic panel data analysis in Coastal and Inland China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(6), 694-713.
  • Lim, S. S., & Tkaczynski, A. (2017). Origin and money matter: The airline service quality expectations of international students. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 31, 244–252.
  • Lv, Z. (2019). Deepening or lessening? The effects of tourism on regional inequality. Tourism Management, 72, 23-26.
  • Mahadevan, R., & Suardi, S. (2019). Panel evidence on the impact of tourism growth on poverty, poverty gap and income inequality. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(3), 253-264.
  • Mahadevan, R., Amir, H., & Nugroho, A. (2017). How pro-poor and income equitable are tourism taxation policies in a developing country? Evidence from a computable general equilibrium model. Journal of Travel Research, 56(3), 334-346.
  • Manyara, G., & Jones, E. (2007). Community-based tourism enterprises development in Kenya: An exploration of their potential as avenues of poverty reduction. Journal of sustainable tourism, 15(6), 628-644.
  • Marcouiller, D. W., Kim, K. K., & Deller, S. C. (2004). Natural amenities, tourism and income distribution. Annals of tourism research, 31(4), 1031-1050.
  • Mishra, S., Sinha, A., Sharif, A., & Suki, N. M. (2020). Dynamic linkages between tourism, transportation, growth and carbon emission in the USA: Evidence from partial and multiple wavelet coherence. Current Issues in Tourism, 23 (21), 2733–2755.
  • Paramati, S. R., Alam, M. S., & Chen, C. F. (2017). The effects of tourism on economic growth and CO2 emissions: A comparison between developed and developing economies. Journal of Travel Research, 56, 712–724
  • Payne, J. E., & Mervar, A. (2010). Research note: The tourism–growth nexus in Croatia. Tourism Economics, 16(4), 1089-1094.
  • Perles-Ribes, J. F., Ramón-Rodríguez, A. B., Rubia, A., & Moreno-Izquierdo, L. (2017). Is the tourism-led growth hypothesis valid after the global economic and financial crisis? The case of Spain 1957–2014. Tourism Management, 61, 96-109.
  • Phillips, P. C., & Perron, P. (1988). Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75(2), 335-346. Piketty, T., & Saez, E. (2003). Income inequality in the United States, 1913–1998. The Quarterly journal of economics, 118(1), 1-41.
  • Porto, N., & Espinola, N. (2019). Labor income inequalities and tourism development in Argentina: A regional approach. Tourism Economics, 25(8), 1265-1285.
  • Raza, S. A., & Shah, N. (2017). Tourism growth and income inequality: does Kuznets Curve hypothesis exist in top tourist arrival countries. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(8), 874-884.
  • Sanchez Carrera, E. J., Brida, J. G., & Risso, W. A. (2008). Tourism's impact on long-run Mexican economic growth. Economics Bulletin, 23(21), 1-8.
  • Scheyvens, R., & Momsen, J. H. (2008). Tourism and poverty reduction: Issues for small island states. Tourism geographies, 10(1), 22-41.
  • Scheyvens, R., & Russell, M. (2012). Tourism and poverty alleviation in Fiji: Comparing the impacts of small-and large-scale tourism enterprises. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(3), 417-436.
  • Schilcher, D. (2007). Growth versus equity: The continuum of pro-poor tourism and neoliberal governance. Current Issues in Tourism, 10(2-3), 166–193.
  • Seckelmann, A. (2002). Domestic tourism—a chance for regional development in Turkey?. Tourism Management, 23(1), 85-92.
  • Shi, W., Luo, M., Jin, M., Cheng, S. K., & Li, K. X. (2020). Urban–rural income disparity and inbound tourism: Spatial evidence from China. Tourism Economics, 26(7), 1231-1247.
  • Tang, C. F., & Tan, E. C. (2015). Does tourism effectively stimulate Malaysia's economic growth?. Tourism management, 46, 158-163.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2019). G-7 Ülkelerinde Küreselleşme Ve Gelir Eşitsizliği İlişkisi, Destek M.A., Hedefler Arası Uyum ve Çatışmalarıyla Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma içinde, Ekin Yayınları, 2019.
  • Tekbaş, M. (2022). ASEAN-5 ülkelerinde ekonomik büyüme, finansal gelişme ve gelir eşitsizliği ilişkisi. Mehmet akif ersoy üniversitesi iktisadi ve idari bilimler fakültesi dergisi, 9(2), 717-741.
  • Wen, J., & Tisdell, C. (1997). Regional inequality and tourism distribution in China. Pacific Tourism Review, 1(2), 119.
  • Zhang, J., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Tourism, transport infrastructure and income inequality: A panel data analysis of China. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(10), 1607-1626.
  • Zysnarski, J. (2003). Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne: teoria i praktyka. Ośrodek Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Kadr.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm İktisat

İbrahim Halil Oğuz 0000-0002-3974-6331

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ocak 2022
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Oğuz, İ. H. (2022). TURİZM VE ULAŞIM ALTYAPISININ GELİR DAĞILIMI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİ: TÜRKİYE İÇİN BULGULAR. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 21(4), 1904-1916.