This paper examines the complex interplay between urban spaces and individual identity in the poetry of George Szirtes through a psychogeographical reading. By analysing selected works from various decades, including “Metro,” “The Looking-Glass Dictionary,” “Meeting Austerlitz,” and “Reel” the study reveals how Szirtes articulates the significant effects of consumerism, migration, and nostalgia on both personal and collective identities. The poet’s observations of his experiences as a Hungarian immigrant in England represent the complexities of language and belonging and display the tension between the familiar and the foreign. Also, Szirtes’s poetry reflects themes of loss, memory, absurdity, and belonging, particularly in the context of cultural and social displacement and alienation. While discussing those themes, the paper employs the elements of psychogeography concerning its relationship to historical events. The paper also refers to the works of theorists such as Merlin Coverley and Guy Debord, who emphasized the emotional and psychological effects of urban landscapes on individuals. Through this evaluation, the study signifies the importance of engaging critically with our urban landscape to unveil the hidden narratives that shape our experiences within city life. Therefore, the findings offer an appreciation for the troubled stories embedded in poems and encourage a fresh connection to the spaces we inhabit.
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Bonnett, A. (2015). Walking through Memory: Critical Nostalgia and the City. Walking inside out: Contemporary British psychogeography. Richardson, T. (Ed.). London: Rowman & Littlefield. 75-87.
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Fritzsche, P. (2002). How nostalgia narrates modernity. The work of memory: New directions in the study of German society and culture. Fritzsche, P. and Confino, A. (Eds.). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. 62–85.
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Hardy, S. (2000). Placiality: the renewal of the significance of place in modern cultural theory. Brno Studies in English, 26 (1), 85-100.
Kitchen, J. (1999). Review: Tensions. The Georgia Review, 53 (2), 368-384.
Knabb, K. (2006). Situationist international anthology. Berkeley, CA: Bureau of Public Secrets.
Legg, S. (2005). Contesting and surviving memory: Space, nation, and nostalgia in Les Lieux de Mémoire. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23. 481-504
Long, J.J. and A. Whitehead. (2004). Introduction. W. G. Sebald: A Critical Companion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. 3–1.
Mason, D. (2005). The passionate pursuit of the real. The Hudson Review, 58 (2), 319-328.
O’Brien, S. “One who lies alone,” Retrieved from
Sears, J. (2005). George Szirtes’s Meetings with “Austerlitz.” The AnaChronisT. 11. 321-340.
Sutherland-Smith, J. (2001). In and out of Focus. 28.1
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Szirtes, G. (1988). Metro. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Szirtes, G. (1998). Portrait of my father in an English landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Szirtes, G. (2004). Reel. Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books.
Fragments of the Urban Space: A Psychogeographical Reading of Szirtes’s Poetry
Bu çalışma, psikocoğrafik bir inceleme yoluyla kentsel mekânlar ve bireysel kimlik arasındaki karşılıklı ve karmaşık etkileşimi George Szirtes’in seçilmiş şiirleri üzerinde incelemektedir. Çalışma, “Metro”, “The Looking-Glass Dictionary”, “Meeting Austerlitz” ve “Reel” gibi farklı yıllarda yayımlanmış kitaplarından seçilmiş şiirleri analiz ederek Szirtes’in tüketim, göç ve nostalji gibi temaları hem kişisel hem de kolektif kimlikler üzerindeki önemli etkilerini nasıl dile getirdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. 1948'de Budapeşte’de doğan Szirtes, 1956’daki Macar Ayaklanması’nın ardından mülteci olarak İngiltere’ye göç etmiş ve şiirlerini İngiltere’de yazmıştır. Şairin İngiltere’de bir göçmen olarak yaşadığı deneyimlere dair gözlemleri, dil ve aidiyetin karmaşık ilişkisini temsil etmekte ve tanıdık olan ile yabancı olan arasındaki gerilimi gözler önüne sermektedir. Ayrıca Szirtes’in şiiri, göç etmek zorunda bırakılan insanların yerinden edilmesini ve yabancılaşmasını, özellikle kültürel ve toplumsal duyarlıkla kayıp, hafıza, anlamsızlık ve aidiyet temalarının içinde yansıtmaktadır. Bu temaları tartışırken, psikocoğrafyanın tarihsel olaylarla olan ilişkisine dair unsurlardan yararlanmaktadır. Makale ayrıca Merlin Coverley ve Guy Debord gibi kentsel mekanların bireyler üzerindeki duygusal ve psikolojik etkilerini vurgulayan teorisyenlerin çalışmalarına da atıfta bulunmaktadır. Bu değerlendirme ışığında, kent yaşamındaki deneyimlerimizi şekillendiren gizli anlatıları ortaya çıkarmak için kentsel mekânı yeniden ve eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirmenin önemine işaret ettiği söylenebilir. Çalışmanın sonunda ulaşılan bulgular, şiirlerde örtük şekilde var olan travma hikâyelerinin ortaya çıkarılmasını sağlamakta ve yaşadığımız mekânlarla yeni bir bağ kurulmasını teşvik etmektedir.
Baudelaire, C. (1965). The painter of modern life and other essays. Mayne, J. (Trans. and Ed.). London: Phaidon Press Limited.
Bialer, R. An interview with George Szirtes. Asymptote Journal. Retrieved from
Bonnett, A. (2009). The dilemmas of radical nostalgia in British psychogeography. Theory, Culture & Society, 26 (1), 45-70.
Bonnett, A. (2015). Walking through Memory: Critical Nostalgia and the City. Walking inside out: Contemporary British psychogeography. Richardson, T. (Ed.). London: Rowman & Littlefield. 75-87.
Coverley, M. (2006). Psychogeography. Harpenden: Pocket Essentials.
Coverley, M. (2012). The art of wandering: The writer as walker. Harpenden: Oldcastle Books.
Fritzsche, P. (2002). How nostalgia narrates modernity. The work of memory: New directions in the study of German society and culture. Fritzsche, P. and Confino, A. (Eds.). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press. 62–85.
“George Szirtes.” 2024. Retrieved from
Hardy, S. (2000). Placiality: the renewal of the significance of place in modern cultural theory. Brno Studies in English, 26 (1), 85-100.
Kitchen, J. (1999). Review: Tensions. The Georgia Review, 53 (2), 368-384.
Knabb, K. (2006). Situationist international anthology. Berkeley, CA: Bureau of Public Secrets.
Legg, S. (2005). Contesting and surviving memory: Space, nation, and nostalgia in Les Lieux de Mémoire. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23. 481-504
Long, J.J. and A. Whitehead. (2004). Introduction. W. G. Sebald: A Critical Companion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. 3–1.
Mason, D. (2005). The passionate pursuit of the real. The Hudson Review, 58 (2), 319-328.
O’Brien, S. “One who lies alone,” Retrieved from
Sears, J. (2005). George Szirtes’s Meetings with “Austerlitz.” The AnaChronisT. 11. 321-340.
Sutherland-Smith, J. (2001). In and out of Focus. 28.1
Szirtes, G. (2014). George Szirtes: What being bilingual means for my writing and identity. Retrieved from
Szirtes, G. (1988). Metro. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Szirtes, G. (1998). Portrait of my father in an English landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Szirtes, G. (2004). Reel. Northumberland: Bloodaxe Books.
Çakar, E. (2025). Fragments of the Urban Space: A Psychogeographical Reading of Szirtes’s Poetry. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 141-151.