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Mobil Pazarlama: Turizmde Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kullanımı

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 581 - 599, 01.12.2016


Akıllı cihazlarla uygulanan çok sayıda uygulama seyahatle ilgili hizmetlerde genişleyen bir çeşitlilik sunmaktadır. Son on yılda, pazarlamacılar ve reklamcılar müşterileri çekmek için daha yenilikçi uygulamalar geliştirmişlerdir. Bu yeni pazarlama araçlarından biri farkındalığı artıran ve bilgi edinmede yardımcı olan, yeni bir reklam aracı ve pazarlama iletişimi aracı olarak kabul edilen, akıllı teknolojiler ile uygulanan artırılmış gerçeklik (AG) uygulamalarıdır. Artırılmış gerçeklik kullanımına son yıllarda birçok sektörlerde tanıklık edilmektedir. Bu teknolojinin kullanımına imkân sağlayan alanlardan biride turizm sektörüdür. AG çeşitli sektörlerde pazarlamada hayati öneme sahiptir ancak, turizm sektöründe bu uygulamalara yönelik çok az sayıda araştırma ve makale bulunmaktadır. Bu sebeple bu araştırma: 1) Turizm sektöründe AG uygulamalarının potansiyelini tanımlamayı, 2) Oteller, restoranlar, müzeler, ulaşım gibi çeşitli turizm sektörlerinde pazarlamada kullanılan AG uygulamalarını incelemeyi amaçlamıştır


  • Allen, A., (2016). Restaurant marketing ideas: 10 examples of augmented reality, Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • Azuma, R.; Baillot, Y.; Behringer, R.; Feiner, S.; Julier, S. & Macintyre, B., (2001). Recent advances in augmented reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21 (6), 34-47.
  • Azuma, R.T., (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Teleoperators and Virtual Environment, 6(4), 355-385.
  • Berryman, D. R., (2012). Augmented reality: A review. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 31(2), 212-218, DOI: 10.1080/02763869.2012.670604.
  • Billinghurst. M., (2002). Augmented Reality in Education. New Horizons for Learning. Retrieved 20.04.2014 from 2002.
  • Borison, R., (2013). Marriott Hotels reimagines travel with augmented reality. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from 16391.html.
  • Carmigniani, J., Furht, B., Anisetti, M., Ceravolo, P., Damiani, E., & Ivkovic, M., (2011). Augmented reality technologies, systems and applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 51(1), 341–477.
  • Craig, A. B., (2013). Understanding augmented reality, concepts and applications. 1st Edition, Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 9780240824086
  • Cross, D., (2015). Creative Ways Hotels Can Use Augmented Reality, Retrieved 20.12.2015 from
  • Dtbf., ( 2013). What is augmented reality and how can you use it? Digital Tourism Business
  • Eden, H. K., & Gretzel, U., (2012). A taxonomy of mobile applications in tourism. E-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10 (2).
  • Haala, N., & Böhm, J., (2003). A multi-sensor system for positioning in urban environments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 58 (2003) 31-42.
  • Harshad, P., (2015). GVK to improve your air travel experience with Augmented Reality on Airport. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from 2015/11/gvk-to-improve-your-air-travelexperience-with-augmented-reality-on-airport/
  • Höllerer, T. H., & Feiner, S. K., (2004). Mobile Augmented Reality. Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services. Editors. H. Karimi and A. Hammad. Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.,
  •, (2014). QR code. Retrieved 10.05.2014 from http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/QR_code.
  •, (2015). How-Hotels-Are-Using-Beaconsand-Augmented Reality. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from http://
  • hospitalitytechnology Reality103717
  • Kounavis, C. D., Kasimati, A. E., & Zamani, E. D., (2012). Enhancing the tourism experience through mobile augmented reality: challenges and prospects. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 4(2012). DOI: 10.5772/51644.
  • Linaza, M., Marimon, D., Carrasco, P., Alvarez, R., Montesa, J., Aguilar, S. R., &
  • Diez, G., (2012). Evaluation of mobile augmented reality applications for tourism destinations. In: Fuchs, M., Ricci, F., and Cantoni, L. eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012, SpringerVerlag/Wien.
  • May, K., (2010). Qantas unveils app for frequent flyers, adds augmented reality. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • Mayasandra, V., (2012). Air France app lets music fans ‘capture’ songs in the sky with their mobile phone. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • augmented-reality/
  • Radsky, A., (2015). Where History Comes Alive: Augmented Reality in Museums.
  • Retrieved 20.12.2015 from 64a81825 b799 #.nwvtik4gi.
  • Russell, H., (2013). How augmented-reality ads could change everything. Retrieved 15.12.2013 from: 57591998-93/how-augmented-reality-ads-could-change everything/ Russell, M., (2012). 11 Amazing augmented reality ads. Retrieved 10.05.2014,
  • from 1.
  • Santosa, M., & Gook, L. B., (2012). ARkanoid: Development of 3D game and handheld augmented reality. International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, 2(4).
  • Sharma, K., (2015). First time in India: An airport uses augmented reality & ibeacons to improve passenger experience. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from http://www.indian
  • Taylor, B., (2013). Augmented reality applications – from the consumer to the business. Retrieved 07.04.2014, from
  • the -consumer-to-thebusiness/.
  • Vaughan-Nichols, S.J. (2009). Augmented reality: No longer a novelty. Computer 42 (12), 19–22.
  • Wagner, D., (2007). Handheld augmented reality. (Unpublished master's thesis) Graz University of Technology Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Austria.
  • Wheeler, J., (2011). QR codes in museums. Retrieved 20.04.2014 from http://www. /2011/08/30/qr-codes-in-museums/
  • Wilson, B., (2014a). Air travel becomes exciting with Lufthansa augmented reality App. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from Html
  • Wilson, B., (2014b). How augmented reality can revolutionize the hospitality industry. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from
  • Wojciechowski, R., Walczak, K., White, M., & Cellary, W., (2004). Building virtual and augmented reality museum exhibitions. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on 3D web technology (pp. 135–144).
  • (2014). The role of augmented reality in a restaurant’s prosperity. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  •, (2013). What is augmented reality? Retrieved 10.06.2013 from
  •, (2016). Finding Hotels in Augmented Reality. Retrieved 03.02.2016 from
  • Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D., & Gatzidis, C., (2012). Overview of smartphone augmented reality applications for tourism. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10(2), Retrieved from:

Mobile Marketing: Usage of Augmented Reality in Tourism

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2, 581 - 599, 01.12.2016


The developing number of applications by smart devices provides an expanding diversity of travel-related services. In the most recent decade, marketers and advertisers have developed more innovative practices to attract consumers. One of these new marketing tools is augmented reality (AR) application with the smart technologies, which is considered as an advertising and new marketing communication instrument that increases awareness and helps get information. The use of augmented reality has unfolded across several sectors in recent years. One in every of the areas of wherever this technology will notice a possible use is that the tourism industry. AR is taken into account extremely vital for promoting in several industries; but, within the tourism industry there exist comparatively few researches and articles despite the very fact that tourism may fine benefit from the applications for these practices. Therefore this study aimed to seeks; 1) To identify the potentials of the AR applications within the tourism industry. 2) To identify the AR applications in several tourism businesses at the tourism industry from the attitude of promoting, for instance hotels, restaurants, museums and transportation


  • Allen, A., (2016). Restaurant marketing ideas: 10 examples of augmented reality, Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • Azuma, R.; Baillot, Y.; Behringer, R.; Feiner, S.; Julier, S. & Macintyre, B., (2001). Recent advances in augmented reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21 (6), 34-47.
  • Azuma, R.T., (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Teleoperators and Virtual Environment, 6(4), 355-385.
  • Berryman, D. R., (2012). Augmented reality: A review. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 31(2), 212-218, DOI: 10.1080/02763869.2012.670604.
  • Billinghurst. M., (2002). Augmented Reality in Education. New Horizons for Learning. Retrieved 20.04.2014 from 2002.
  • Borison, R., (2013). Marriott Hotels reimagines travel with augmented reality. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from 16391.html.
  • Carmigniani, J., Furht, B., Anisetti, M., Ceravolo, P., Damiani, E., & Ivkovic, M., (2011). Augmented reality technologies, systems and applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 51(1), 341–477.
  • Craig, A. B., (2013). Understanding augmented reality, concepts and applications. 1st Edition, Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 9780240824086
  • Cross, D., (2015). Creative Ways Hotels Can Use Augmented Reality, Retrieved 20.12.2015 from
  • Dtbf., ( 2013). What is augmented reality and how can you use it? Digital Tourism Business
  • Eden, H. K., & Gretzel, U., (2012). A taxonomy of mobile applications in tourism. E-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10 (2).
  • Haala, N., & Böhm, J., (2003). A multi-sensor system for positioning in urban environments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 58 (2003) 31-42.
  • Harshad, P., (2015). GVK to improve your air travel experience with Augmented Reality on Airport. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from 2015/11/gvk-to-improve-your-air-travelexperience-with-augmented-reality-on-airport/
  • Höllerer, T. H., & Feiner, S. K., (2004). Mobile Augmented Reality. Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services. Editors. H. Karimi and A. Hammad. Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.,
  •, (2014). QR code. Retrieved 10.05.2014 from http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/QR_code.
  •, (2015). How-Hotels-Are-Using-Beaconsand-Augmented Reality. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from http://
  • hospitalitytechnology Reality103717
  • Kounavis, C. D., Kasimati, A. E., & Zamani, E. D., (2012). Enhancing the tourism experience through mobile augmented reality: challenges and prospects. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 4(2012). DOI: 10.5772/51644.
  • Linaza, M., Marimon, D., Carrasco, P., Alvarez, R., Montesa, J., Aguilar, S. R., &
  • Diez, G., (2012). Evaluation of mobile augmented reality applications for tourism destinations. In: Fuchs, M., Ricci, F., and Cantoni, L. eds. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012, SpringerVerlag/Wien.
  • May, K., (2010). Qantas unveils app for frequent flyers, adds augmented reality. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • Mayasandra, V., (2012). Air France app lets music fans ‘capture’ songs in the sky with their mobile phone. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  • augmented-reality/
  • Radsky, A., (2015). Where History Comes Alive: Augmented Reality in Museums.
  • Retrieved 20.12.2015 from 64a81825 b799 #.nwvtik4gi.
  • Russell, H., (2013). How augmented-reality ads could change everything. Retrieved 15.12.2013 from: 57591998-93/how-augmented-reality-ads-could-change everything/ Russell, M., (2012). 11 Amazing augmented reality ads. Retrieved 10.05.2014,
  • from 1.
  • Santosa, M., & Gook, L. B., (2012). ARkanoid: Development of 3D game and handheld augmented reality. International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, 2(4).
  • Sharma, K., (2015). First time in India: An airport uses augmented reality & ibeacons to improve passenger experience. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from http://www.indian
  • Taylor, B., (2013). Augmented reality applications – from the consumer to the business. Retrieved 07.04.2014, from
  • the -consumer-to-thebusiness/.
  • Vaughan-Nichols, S.J. (2009). Augmented reality: No longer a novelty. Computer 42 (12), 19–22.
  • Wagner, D., (2007). Handheld augmented reality. (Unpublished master's thesis) Graz University of Technology Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Austria.
  • Wheeler, J., (2011). QR codes in museums. Retrieved 20.04.2014 from http://www. /2011/08/30/qr-codes-in-museums/
  • Wilson, B., (2014a). Air travel becomes exciting with Lufthansa augmented reality App. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from Html
  • Wilson, B., (2014b). How augmented reality can revolutionize the hospitality industry. Retrieved 20.12.2015 from
  • Wojciechowski, R., Walczak, K., White, M., & Cellary, W., (2004). Building virtual and augmented reality museum exhibitions. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on 3D web technology (pp. 135–144).
  • (2014). The role of augmented reality in a restaurant’s prosperity. Retrieved 20.01.2016 from
  •, (2013). What is augmented reality? Retrieved 10.06.2013 from
  •, (2016). Finding Hotels in Augmented Reality. Retrieved 03.02.2016 from
  • Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D., & Gatzidis, C., (2012). Overview of smartphone augmented reality applications for tourism. e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 10(2), Retrieved from:
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA33BY23JG
Bölüm Makale

İbrahim İlhan Bu kişi benim

Evrim Çeltek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA İlhan, İ., & Çeltek, E. (2016). Mobil Pazarlama: Turizmde Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kullanımı. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(2), 581-599.

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