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Okul Öncesinde Sınıflarda Teknoloji Kullanımı: Öğretmen Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 807 - 819, 01.12.2014


Okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesi, onların verdikleri eğitimin niteliğini belirlemek bakımından kritik önem taşır. Olumsuz tutumlar onların teknoloji kullanımını engellerken, pozitif tutumlar öğretmenlerin teknolojiyi daha etkili kullanmalarına neden olur. Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de eğitimde teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin tutumlarını araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın amacı çok sayıda okul öncesi öğretmenine ulaşarak onların küçük çocukların eğitiminde teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin tutumlarını araştırmak olduğu için yöntem olarak survey araştırması kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde bir şehirde çalışan 217 okul öncesi öğretmenidir. Katılımcı öğretmenler okul öncesi eğitiminde teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin tutumlarını araştıran bir anketi doldurmuşlardır. Verilerin analizinde factor analizi ve frekans tablolarıyla diğer betimleyici istatistik yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, katılımcıların önemli bir bölümünün küçük çocukların eğitiminde teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin olumlu tutumlara sahip olduklarını göstermiştir


  • Ajzen, I., &Fishbein, M. (2005).The influence of attitudes on behavior. In D. Albarracín, B. T. Johnson & M. P. Zanna (Eds.), The handbook of attitudes (pp. 173-221). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Albion, P. R., &Ertmer, P. A. (2002). Beyond the foundations: The role of vision and belief in teachers’ preparation for integration of technology. Tech Trends, 46 (5), 34‐38.
  • Bai, H., &Ertmer, P. A. (2008). Teacher educators’ beliefs and technology uses as predictors of pre-service teachers’ beliefs and technology attitudes. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16 (1), 93‐112.
  • Barron, B., Cayton-Hodges, G., Bofferding, L., Copple, C., Darling-Hammond, L. & Levine, M. (2011).Take a giant step: A blueprint for teaching children in a digital age. New York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
  • Bayhan, P., Olgun, P., &Yelland, N. J. (2002).A study of pre-school teachers' thoughts about computer-assisted instruction.Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 3 (2), 298-303 (
  • Bers, M. U. (2008). Blocks to robots: Learning with technology in the early childhood classroom. NY: Teachers College.
  • Cetingul, İ. T., &Dulger, I. (2006). Analysis of the OSS results according to school types, cities and regions in Turkey. Education and Science, 31 (142), 45-55.
  • Christensen, R. (2002). Effects of technology integration education on the attitudes of teachers and students.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (4),411-433.
  • Du, J. X., Havard.B., Yu, C., & Adams, J. (2004). The impact of technology use on low-income students' academic achievements: Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002. Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies,4 (2), 21-28.
  • Elkind, D. (1998). Computers for infants and young children.Child Care Information Exchange, 123, 44-46.
  • Fraenkel, J.R.,& Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Funnell, N. (Producer). (2011) Contemporary risks. [Multimedia] Retrieved (January 2, 2012) from cfm
  • Glaubke, C. R. (2007). The effects of interactive media on preschoolers’ learning: A review of the research and recommendations for the future. Oakland, CA: Children Now. Retrieved (January 7, 2012) from pdf
  • Haugland, S. W. (1999). What role should technology play in young children’s learning? Young Children, 54 (9), 26-30.
  • Hew, K., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research.Educational Technology Research and Development, 55 (3), 223- 252.
  • Jakopovic, P. (2010). Teacher attitudes on integrating technology in elementary curriculum. Unpublished master’s thesis, The University of NebraskaLincoln, USA. Retrieved (January 2, 2012) from
  • Koch, A. S. (2009). Teacher education and technology integration: How do preservice teachers perceive their readiness to infuse technology in the learning environment?(Ed.D. Dissertation, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, AAT 3379183).
  • Kol, S. (2012). Evaluating the opinions of the pre-school teachers on computer assisted education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12, 897-903.
  • Kynigos, C., & Argyris, M. (2004). Teacher beliefs and practices formed during an innovationwith computer-based exploratory mathematics in the classroom. Teachers and Teaching, 10(3), 247-273.
  • Linder, S. M. (2012). Interactive whiteboards in early childhood mathematics: Strategies for effective implementation in pre-K-grade 3. Young Children, 67 (3), 26-35.
  • Loyd, H., &Gressard, C. P. (1986). Gender and amount of computer experience of teachers in staff development programs: Effects on computer attitudes and perceptions of usefulness of computers. Association for Educational Data Systems Journal, 19 (4), 302-311.
  • Lumpe, A. T., & Chambers, E. (2001).Assessing teachers’ context beliefs about technology use.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (1), 93‐107.
  • Lynch, S.A.,&Warner, L. (2004). Computer use in preschools: Directorsreports of the state of the practice.Early Childhood Research and Practice, 6(2). http:/
  • McCarrick, K., & Li, X. (2007).Buried treasure: The impact of computer use on young children’s social, cognitive, language development and motivation.AACE Journal, 15 (1), 73-95.
  • McManis, L. D., &Gunnewig, S. B. (2012).Finding the education in educational technology with early learners.Young Children 67 (3), 14-24.
  • Parikh, M. (2012). Technology and young children: New tools and strategies for teachers and learners. Young Children, 67 (3), 10-11.
  • Park, S. H., &Ertmer, P. A. (2007).Impact of problem‐based learning on teachers’ beliefs regarding technology use.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40 (2), 247‐267.
  • Scoter, J. V., Ellis, D., &Railsback, J. (2001).Technology in early childhood education. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Shifflet, R., Toledo, C., & Mattoon, C. (2012). Touch tablet surprises: A preschool teacher’s story. Young Children, 67 (3), 36-41.
  • Yelland, N. (2005). The future is now: A review of the literature on the use of computers in early childhood education (1994–2004). AACE Journal, 13 (3), 201-32.
  • Yılmaz, N., &Alıcı, Ş. (2011). Investigating pre-service early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards the computer based education in science activities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10 (3), 161-167.
  • Wang, Y. (2002). From teacher-centredness to student-centredness: Are preservice teachers making the conceptual shift when teaching in information age classrooms? Educational Media International 39(3/4), 257- 266.

The Use of Technology in Early Childhood Classrooms: An Investigation of Teachers’ Attitudes

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3, 807 - 819, 01.12.2014


Exploring early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards technology use is critical to define the characteristics of their teaching practices. Negative attitudes may hinder their use, while positive attitudes increase the effectiveness of their use of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate early childhood teachers’ attitudes related to technology use in Turkey. This study employed a survey research design where the aim was to reach a large group of participants to examine early teachers’ attitudes toward using technology in teaching young children. The participants were 217 early childhood teachers working in public schools in a southeastern city. They were given a questionnaire containing items exploring their attitudes related to technology use in early childhood education. Factor and frequency analyses and other descriptive statistics techniques were utilized to analyze the data. Findings indicated that the participants in general hold positive attitudes toward using technology in teaching young children


  • Ajzen, I., &Fishbein, M. (2005).The influence of attitudes on behavior. In D. Albarracín, B. T. Johnson & M. P. Zanna (Eds.), The handbook of attitudes (pp. 173-221). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Albion, P. R., &Ertmer, P. A. (2002). Beyond the foundations: The role of vision and belief in teachers’ preparation for integration of technology. Tech Trends, 46 (5), 34‐38.
  • Bai, H., &Ertmer, P. A. (2008). Teacher educators’ beliefs and technology uses as predictors of pre-service teachers’ beliefs and technology attitudes. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 16 (1), 93‐112.
  • Barron, B., Cayton-Hodges, G., Bofferding, L., Copple, C., Darling-Hammond, L. & Levine, M. (2011).Take a giant step: A blueprint for teaching children in a digital age. New York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
  • Bayhan, P., Olgun, P., &Yelland, N. J. (2002).A study of pre-school teachers' thoughts about computer-assisted instruction.Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 3 (2), 298-303 (
  • Bers, M. U. (2008). Blocks to robots: Learning with technology in the early childhood classroom. NY: Teachers College.
  • Cetingul, İ. T., &Dulger, I. (2006). Analysis of the OSS results according to school types, cities and regions in Turkey. Education and Science, 31 (142), 45-55.
  • Christensen, R. (2002). Effects of technology integration education on the attitudes of teachers and students.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (4),411-433.
  • Du, J. X., Havard.B., Yu, C., & Adams, J. (2004). The impact of technology use on low-income students' academic achievements: Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002. Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies,4 (2), 21-28.
  • Elkind, D. (1998). Computers for infants and young children.Child Care Information Exchange, 123, 44-46.
  • Fraenkel, J.R.,& Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Funnell, N. (Producer). (2011) Contemporary risks. [Multimedia] Retrieved (January 2, 2012) from cfm
  • Glaubke, C. R. (2007). The effects of interactive media on preschoolers’ learning: A review of the research and recommendations for the future. Oakland, CA: Children Now. Retrieved (January 7, 2012) from pdf
  • Haugland, S. W. (1999). What role should technology play in young children’s learning? Young Children, 54 (9), 26-30.
  • Hew, K., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research.Educational Technology Research and Development, 55 (3), 223- 252.
  • Jakopovic, P. (2010). Teacher attitudes on integrating technology in elementary curriculum. Unpublished master’s thesis, The University of NebraskaLincoln, USA. Retrieved (January 2, 2012) from
  • Koch, A. S. (2009). Teacher education and technology integration: How do preservice teachers perceive their readiness to infuse technology in the learning environment?(Ed.D. Dissertation, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, AAT 3379183).
  • Kol, S. (2012). Evaluating the opinions of the pre-school teachers on computer assisted education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12, 897-903.
  • Kynigos, C., & Argyris, M. (2004). Teacher beliefs and practices formed during an innovationwith computer-based exploratory mathematics in the classroom. Teachers and Teaching, 10(3), 247-273.
  • Linder, S. M. (2012). Interactive whiteboards in early childhood mathematics: Strategies for effective implementation in pre-K-grade 3. Young Children, 67 (3), 26-35.
  • Loyd, H., &Gressard, C. P. (1986). Gender and amount of computer experience of teachers in staff development programs: Effects on computer attitudes and perceptions of usefulness of computers. Association for Educational Data Systems Journal, 19 (4), 302-311.
  • Lumpe, A. T., & Chambers, E. (2001).Assessing teachers’ context beliefs about technology use.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (1), 93‐107.
  • Lynch, S.A.,&Warner, L. (2004). Computer use in preschools: Directorsreports of the state of the practice.Early Childhood Research and Practice, 6(2). http:/
  • McCarrick, K., & Li, X. (2007).Buried treasure: The impact of computer use on young children’s social, cognitive, language development and motivation.AACE Journal, 15 (1), 73-95.
  • McManis, L. D., &Gunnewig, S. B. (2012).Finding the education in educational technology with early learners.Young Children 67 (3), 14-24.
  • Parikh, M. (2012). Technology and young children: New tools and strategies for teachers and learners. Young Children, 67 (3), 10-11.
  • Park, S. H., &Ertmer, P. A. (2007).Impact of problem‐based learning on teachers’ beliefs regarding technology use.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40 (2), 247‐267.
  • Scoter, J. V., Ellis, D., &Railsback, J. (2001).Technology in early childhood education. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
  • Shifflet, R., Toledo, C., & Mattoon, C. (2012). Touch tablet surprises: A preschool teacher’s story. Young Children, 67 (3), 36-41.
  • Yelland, N. (2005). The future is now: A review of the literature on the use of computers in early childhood education (1994–2004). AACE Journal, 13 (3), 201-32.
  • Yılmaz, N., &Alıcı, Ş. (2011). Investigating pre-service early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards the computer based education in science activities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10 (3), 161-167.
  • Wang, Y. (2002). From teacher-centredness to student-centredness: Are preservice teachers making the conceptual shift when teaching in information age classrooms? Educational Media International 39(3/4), 257- 266.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA33CG86HC
Bölüm Makale

Kevser Koç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, K. (2014). Okul Öncesinde Sınıflarda Teknoloji Kullanımı: Öğretmen Tutumlarının İncelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(3), 807-819.