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İşgücünün Yüklenmesi: Yüksek Öğretimde Bilgi Ekonomisine Dayalı E-Materyal Geliştirme Süreçleri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 337 - 351, 01.12.2013


Yüksek öğretimin seçkin temsilcileri olarak üniversiteler bireylerine kaliteli ve yenilikçi bakış açıları sunma konusunda büyük sorumluluklar taşımaktadır. Böyle yüksek kalitede olduğu kadar en iyi bilgiyi sunma, uygun maliyet açısından ekonomik kaynak zenginliğine bağlı olarak öğrenme ve bilgi gibi kavramlarının bir bileşiminin kullanımını öngörür. Müfredat, ders programları ve ders notları gibi temel öğretim araçları eğitimsel amaçlarının gerçekleştirilmesinde ve istenilen başarının elde edilmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu araçlarını geleneksel olarak işlenmesi ve uygulanması eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerine olan hızlı ve etkin ulaşımı yavaşlatmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu öğretim dinamiklerinin emateryalleştirilmesi eğitim faaliyetlerinin hızlandırılmış ve kolaylaştırılmış şekilde ilerlemesini sağlar. Genel olarak bu çalışma yenilikçi bir öğrenme ortamının yaratılabilmesi için ekonomik yeterlilik, kullanılabilirlik ve üretkenlik anlamında yüksek öğretimde edinilmiş bilgi (knowledge) ve aktarılmış bilgi (information) ve veri dönüşümü süreçlerine ilişkin geçmiş ve mevcut gelişim ve uygulamalara ilişkin bir öngörü geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İlgili literatüre dayanarak bu analiz öncelikle edinilmiş bilgi (knowledge) ve aktarılmış bilgi (information) gibi temel kavramları ortaya koyan bir giriş yapar. Eğitim, ekonomi ve çevre gibi üçayak üzerine oturtulan çalışma yüksek öğretimde e-materyal geliştirme kanallarını tanımlayarak dijital eğitim dünyasında uygun maliyet ile öğrenme ortamları geliştirmenin olası yöntemlerini ve teknolojik araçlarını sorgular. Çalışmada farklı açılardan tartışılarak eğitim bilgi ve kaynaklarını ekonomik ve etkin dönüşümüne ve kullanımına ilişkin önerilen yaklaşım doğrultusunda analizler yapılmıştır. Son olarak, araştırma genel bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmiş ve gelecekte yüksek öğretimde yeni kavram ve formlar ışığında uygun maliyet ve etkin öğrenme ortamlarının sağlanmasına yönelik tartışmalara yer verilmiştir


  • Aktaş, Z. (2005, April). Turkish private/public universities and information society in Europe. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Higher Education (p. 4). Retrieved May 28, 2012, from
  • Bartley, S. J., & Golek, J. H. (2004). Evaluating the cost effectiveness of online and face-to-face instruction. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 167- 175.
  • Cheema, D. S. (2010). Knowledge management analysis, design and implementation. Chandigarh, IND: Global Media.
  • Collins Cobuild Online Dictionary. Knowledge. [Def. 1] (n.d). Retrieved November 12, 2012, from
  • Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). (2007). The energy and greenhouse gas emissions impact of telecommuting and e-commerce (CEA). Retrieved May 16, 2012, from GovernmentMedia/Green/The-Energy-and-Greenhouse-Gas-Emissions-Impact-ofTelecommuting-and-e-Commerce.pdf.
  • Cukier, J. (2006). Cost-benefit analysis of tele-learning: Developing a methodology framework. Distance Education 8 (1), 137-152.
  • Desrochers, D. (2006). Higher education’s contribution to the knowledge economy. Catalyst (21519390), 35 (1), p.3.
  • Gregersen, B., & Johnson, B. (1996). Learning economies, innovation systems and European integration. Retrieved May 06, 2012, from uploads/tx_picturedb/dw1997-310.pdf.
  • Houghton, J., & Sheehan, P. (2000). A primer on the knowledge economy (CSES Working Paper No. 18). Retrieved September 09, 2012, from wp18_2000_houghton_sheehan.pdf.
  • Internet Innovation Alliance. (2012). Retrieved 13 January 2013 from
  • Kahin, B., & Foray, D. (Eds.). (2006). Advancing knowledge and the knowledge economy. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
  • Levin, H. M., & McEwan, P. J. (2000). Cost-effectiveness analysis as an evaluation tool., International handbook of educational evaluation (pp.13,25,26). Retrieved July 16, 2012,
  • Pociask, S. (2011). Information technology and the economy. Retrieved June 28, 2012, from 2011%20Presentations/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
  • Powell, W. W., & Snellman, K. (2004). The knowledge economy. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 199-220.
  • Robles, J. N. (2011). Higher education in the knowledge economy. Retrieved August 28, 2012 from index.php?option=com_content&view= rticle&id=58&Itemid=38&lang=en.
  • Sadik, A. (2009). The effectiveness and costs of distance education, TECH4101: Distance education & the internet [Document #3]. Retrieved September 10, 2012, from alaasadik/3effectiveness-and-costspdf
  • Seki, İ., & Barbaros, R. F. (2011). National innovation systems and university economics approach for measuring competitive power. Ege Academic Review/Ege Akademik Bakış, 11 (3), 407-424.
  • Srlin, S. (2006). Knowledge society vs. knowledge economy: Knowledge, power, and politics. Gordonsville, VA,: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Uçkan, Ö. (2006). Bilgi politikası ve bilgi ekonomisi: Verimlilik, istihdam, büyüme ve kalkınma. Bilgi Dünyası, 7 (1), 23-48. Retrieved June 15, 2012 from
  • Whalen, T., & Wright, D. (1999). Methodology for cost-benefit analysis of webbased tele-learning: Case study of the Bell Online Institute. The American Journal of Distance Education, 13 (1), 25-43.
  • Wilsdon, J. (Ed.). (2001). Digital futures: Living in a networked world. London: Earthscan Publication.
  • World Bank Development Studies (WBI). (2007). Building knowledge economies,advanced strategies for development. NW, Washington, DC, (p.19). Retrieved August 11, 2012 from KFDLP/Resources/461197-1199907090464/BuildingKEbook.pdf
  • World Bank Report. (2003). Life long learning in the global knowledge economy. Challenges for developing countries (p.34). Retrieved October 11, 2012 from Lifelong-Learning-inthe-Global-Knowledge-Economy/lifelonglearning_GKE.pdf
  • Zadek, S. (2001). Civil corporation: The new economy of corporate citizenship. London: Earthscan.

Uploading the Workload: E-materialization Processes Based on Knowledge Economy in Higher Education

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 337 - 351, 01.12.2013


Universities as distinguished representatives of higher education bear great responsibilities for providing quality and innovative perspectives to their individuals. Costs and benefits of distributing high quality knowledge equally and of the best quality suggest a merge of some concepts such as learning or knowledge with economic resourcefulness in regard to cost-effectiveness. Basic instructional instruments such as syllabi, curriculums, presentations, and course notes are essential in realizing educational targets and achieving desired success. Traditional processing and application of these tools slows down efficient and quick access to learning and teaching activities. In this regard, e-materializing these instructional dynamics creates an accelerated and facilitated progression of educational activities. Overall, this study aims at developing an insight into past and current developments and applications regarding knowledge, information and data transformation processes in higher education in the sense of economic efficiency, usability, and productivity for achieving an innovative learning environment. Based on the relevant literature, this analysis first of all introduces basic concepts such as knowledge and information. Based on the tripod of education, economy, and environment, the study defines e-materialization channels in higher education and it further questions possible ways and technological tools for achieving an enhanced cost-effective learning setting in the digital world of education. Discussed in different aspects, further analyses were made concerning the suggested approach for an effective and economical transformation and use of educational knowledge and sources. Finally, an overview of the subject was provided for further discussions that will pave the way for maintaining a cost-effective and efficient learning environment for higher education with new concepts and forms


  • Aktaş, Z. (2005, April). Turkish private/public universities and information society in Europe. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Higher Education (p. 4). Retrieved May 28, 2012, from
  • Bartley, S. J., & Golek, J. H. (2004). Evaluating the cost effectiveness of online and face-to-face instruction. Educational Technology & Society, 7 (4), 167- 175.
  • Cheema, D. S. (2010). Knowledge management analysis, design and implementation. Chandigarh, IND: Global Media.
  • Collins Cobuild Online Dictionary. Knowledge. [Def. 1] (n.d). Retrieved November 12, 2012, from
  • Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). (2007). The energy and greenhouse gas emissions impact of telecommuting and e-commerce (CEA). Retrieved May 16, 2012, from GovernmentMedia/Green/The-Energy-and-Greenhouse-Gas-Emissions-Impact-ofTelecommuting-and-e-Commerce.pdf.
  • Cukier, J. (2006). Cost-benefit analysis of tele-learning: Developing a methodology framework. Distance Education 8 (1), 137-152.
  • Desrochers, D. (2006). Higher education’s contribution to the knowledge economy. Catalyst (21519390), 35 (1), p.3.
  • Gregersen, B., & Johnson, B. (1996). Learning economies, innovation systems and European integration. Retrieved May 06, 2012, from uploads/tx_picturedb/dw1997-310.pdf.
  • Houghton, J., & Sheehan, P. (2000). A primer on the knowledge economy (CSES Working Paper No. 18). Retrieved September 09, 2012, from wp18_2000_houghton_sheehan.pdf.
  • Internet Innovation Alliance. (2012). Retrieved 13 January 2013 from
  • Kahin, B., & Foray, D. (Eds.). (2006). Advancing knowledge and the knowledge economy. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
  • Levin, H. M., & McEwan, P. J. (2000). Cost-effectiveness analysis as an evaluation tool., International handbook of educational evaluation (pp.13,25,26). Retrieved July 16, 2012,
  • Pociask, S. (2011). Information technology and the economy. Retrieved June 28, 2012, from 2011%20Presentations/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
  • Powell, W. W., & Snellman, K. (2004). The knowledge economy. Annual Review of Sociology, 30, 199-220.
  • Robles, J. N. (2011). Higher education in the knowledge economy. Retrieved August 28, 2012 from index.php?option=com_content&view= rticle&id=58&Itemid=38&lang=en.
  • Sadik, A. (2009). The effectiveness and costs of distance education, TECH4101: Distance education & the internet [Document #3]. Retrieved September 10, 2012, from alaasadik/3effectiveness-and-costspdf
  • Seki, İ., & Barbaros, R. F. (2011). National innovation systems and university economics approach for measuring competitive power. Ege Academic Review/Ege Akademik Bakış, 11 (3), 407-424.
  • Srlin, S. (2006). Knowledge society vs. knowledge economy: Knowledge, power, and politics. Gordonsville, VA,: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Uçkan, Ö. (2006). Bilgi politikası ve bilgi ekonomisi: Verimlilik, istihdam, büyüme ve kalkınma. Bilgi Dünyası, 7 (1), 23-48. Retrieved June 15, 2012 from
  • Whalen, T., & Wright, D. (1999). Methodology for cost-benefit analysis of webbased tele-learning: Case study of the Bell Online Institute. The American Journal of Distance Education, 13 (1), 25-43.
  • Wilsdon, J. (Ed.). (2001). Digital futures: Living in a networked world. London: Earthscan Publication.
  • World Bank Development Studies (WBI). (2007). Building knowledge economies,advanced strategies for development. NW, Washington, DC, (p.19). Retrieved August 11, 2012 from KFDLP/Resources/461197-1199907090464/BuildingKEbook.pdf
  • World Bank Report. (2003). Life long learning in the global knowledge economy. Challenges for developing countries (p.34). Retrieved October 11, 2012 from Lifelong-Learning-inthe-Global-Knowledge-Economy/lifelonglearning_GKE.pdf
  • Zadek, S. (2001). Civil corporation: The new economy of corporate citizenship. London: Earthscan.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA33GF94VT
Bölüm Makale

Erdem Öngün Bu kişi benim

Aşkin Demırağ Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Öngün, E., & Demırağ, A. (2013). İşgücünün Yüklenmesi: Yüksek Öğretimde Bilgi Ekonomisine Dayalı E-Materyal Geliştirme Süreçleri. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 337-351.