Employed by two or more
competitor companies particularly in highly competitive markets, the
coopetition strategy is a business strategy where competition goes hand in hand
with cooperation. Airline companies employ coopetition strategy to overcome
such unfavorable conditions and to achieve sustainable competitive advantages.
For that purpose, they make agreements with competitor airline companies within
or apart from the strategic alliances. The purpose of this study is to identify
the experiences of the airline companies practicing coopetition strategies. To
that end, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with senior managers
of five traditional airlines. The primary result of the study is that the
coopetition strategy is indispensable for the sustainability of the airline business.
Another remarkable result is that competition boards are required to lead up
practices which will benefit airline companies.
Agusdinata, B. and Klein, W. (2002). The dynamics of airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 201-211.
Akdoğan, A. A. and Cingoz, A. (2012). An Empirical Study on Determining the Attitudes of Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs) Related to Coopetition. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58: 252-258.
Akdoğan, A. A., Doğan, N. Ö. and Cingöz, A. (2015). Coopetition as a business strategy: determining the effective partner selection criteria using fuzzy ahp. International Review of Management and Business Research 4(1): 137-151.
Alhojailan, M. I. (2012). Thematic analysis: a critical revıew of its process and evaluation. West East Journal of Social Sciences 1(1): 39-47.
Amoah, J. A. and Debrah, Y. A. (2011). The Evolution of Alliances in the Global Airline Industry: A Review of the African Experience. Thunderbird International Business Review 53(1): 37-49.
Bengtsson, M. and Kock, S. (2000). “Coopetition” in business networks—to cooperate and compete simultaneously. Industrial Marketing Management 29: 411-426.
Bonel, E. and Rocco, E. (2007). Coopeting to survive; surviving coopetition. International Studies of Management and Organization 37(2): 70-96.
Brandenburger, A. M. and Nalebuff, B. J. (1998). Ortaklasa rekabet. (Trans. L. Cinemre). Istanbul: Scala Yayıncılık.
Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology 3(2).
Brueckner, J. K. (2001). The economics of international codesharing: an analysis of airline alliances. International Journal of Industrial Organization 19: 1475-1498.
Chang, W. L. and Chiu, C. L. (2016). Coopetition under alliance? applying awareness-motivation-capability competitive dynamics perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management 17(5): 701-716.
Chen, X. and Hao, G. (2013). Co-opetition alliance models of parallel flights for determining optimal overbooking policies. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57: 1101-1111
Chiambaretto, P. and Fernandez, A. S. (2016). The evolution of coopetitive and collaborative alliances in an alliance portfolio: the Air France case. Industrial Marketing Management 57: 75–85.
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative ınquiry and research design: choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Czakon, W., Kuś, K. M. and Rogalski, M. (2014). Coopetition research landscape-a systematic literature review 1997-2010. Journal of Economics and Management 17: 122-150.
Demirel, Y., Keskin, N., Ülgen, H., Yozgat, U. and Bas, T. (2011). Kredi kartları pazarında ortaklaşa rekabet stratejisi: advantage kredi kartı üzerine bir araştırma. Yönetim 22(68): 73-90.
Demirel, Y., Arzova, B., Ardıc, K. and Bas, T. (2013). Organizational learning on coopetition strategy: an exploratory research on a Turkish private banks credit card application. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99: 902-910.
Dennis, N. (2005). Industry consolidation and future airline network structures. Journal of Air Transport Management 11: 175–183.
Doğanay, A., Ataizi, M., Şimsek, A., Balaban, J. and Akbulut, Y. (2012). Sosyal bilimlerde arastirma yontemleri. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.
Evans, N. (2001). Collaborative strategy: an analysis of the changing world of international airline alliances. Tourism Management 22: 229-243.
Ganguli, S. (2007). Coopetition models in the context of modern business. The ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management 6(4): 6-16.
Gerede, E. (2015). A study of challenges to the success of the safety management system in aircraft maintenance organizations in Turkey. Safety Science 73: 106-116.
Gnyawali, D. R. and Park, B. J. (2009). Co-opetition and technological İnnovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a multilevel conceptual model. Journal of Small Business Management 47(3): 308–330.
Goh, M. and Yong, J. (2006). Impacts of code-share alliances on airline cost structure: a truncated third-order translog estimation. International Journal of Industrial Organization 24: 835-866.
Gudmundsson, S. V. and De Boer, E. R. Lechner, C. (2002). Integrating frequent flyer programs in multilateral airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 409-417.
Güler, A., Halicioglu, M. B. and Taşgin, S. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel arastirma yontemleri (First Edition). Ankara: Seckin Yayıncılık.
Huang, H. C. and Chu, W. (2015). Antecedents and consequences of co-opetition strategies in small and medium-sized accounting agencies. Journal of Management and Organization 21(6): 812-834.
Kim S., Kim N., Pae J. and Yip L. (2013). Cooperate “and” compete: coopetition strategy in retailer-supplier relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 28(4): 263-275.
Klimas, P. (2014). Multifaceted nature of coopetition inside an aviation supply chain – the case of the aviation valley. Journal of Economics and Management 17: 96-119.
Kozyra, B. (2012). Strategic alliance as a particular form of coopetition. Global Management Journal 1(2): 27-38.
Kuzminykh, N. and Zufan, P. (2014). Airline alliances and their influence on firm performance. Procedia Economics and Finance 12: 329-333.
Lacoste, S. M. (2014). Coopetition and framework contracts in industrial customer-supplier relationships. Qualitative Market Research 17(1): 43-57.
Lederman, M. (2008). Are frequent-flyer programs a cause of the “hub premium”?. Journal Compilation 17(1): 35-66.
Long, M. M., Clark, S. D., Schiffman, L. G. and McMellon, C. (2003). In the air again: frequent flyer relationship programmes and business travellers’
quality of life. Internatıonal Journal of Tourısm Research 5: 421-432.
Luo, Y. (2007). A coopetition perspective of global competition. Journal of World Business 42: 129-144.
Meneses, J. A. (2015). Partner selection in co-opetition: a three step model. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 17(1): 23-35.
Merriam, S. B. and Associates. (2002). Qualitative research in practice. San Francisco: Wiley Company.
Morrish, S. C. and Hamilton, R. T. (2002). Airline alliances—who benefits?. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 401–407.
Morris, M. H., Kocak, A. and Ozer, A. (2007). Coopetition as a small business strategy: implications for performance. Journal of Small Business Strategy 18(1): 35-55.
Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Nasr, E. S., Kilgour, M. D. and Noori, H. (2015). Strategizing niceness in co-opetition: The case of knowledge exchange in supply chain innovation project. European Journal of Operational Research 244(3): 845–854.
Patton, M. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. CA: Sage.
Quint, B. (1997). Coopetition: sleeping with the enemy. Information Today, 14(1): 7.
Rhoades, D. L. and Lush, H. (1997). A typology of strategic alliances in the airline industry: Propositions for stability and duration. Journal of Air Transport Management 3(3): 109-I 14.
Solesvik, M. Z. and Westhead, P. (2010). Partner selection for strategic alliances: case study insights from the maritime industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems 110(6): 841-860.
Sroka, W. (2013). Coopetition in the steel industry − Analysis of coopetition relations in the value net. Metalurgıja 52(1): 127-130.
Stein, H. D. and Ginevicius, R. (2010). New co-opetition approach for supply chain applications and the implementation a new allocation rule. 6th International Scientific Conference, Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 1092-1099
Thomason, S. J., Simendinger, E. and Kiernan, D. (2013). Several determinants of successful coopetition in small business. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 26(1): 15-28.
Tsai, W. (2002). Social structure of "coopetition" within a multiunit organization: coordination, competition, and intraorganizational knowledge sharing. Organization Science 13(2): 179-190.
Ustaömer, T. C., Durmaz, V. and Lei, Z. (2015). The effect of joint ventures on airline competition: the case of American airlines, British airways and Iberia joint business. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 210: 430–439.
Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G. B., Roy, F. L. and Czakon, W. (2010). Introduction – coopetition strategies: Towards a new form of inter-organizational dynamics?. Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century (s. 1-19). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Zhang, A., Hui, Y. V. and Leung, L. (2004). Air cargo alliances and competition in passenger markets. Transportation Research Part E 40: 83-100.
Zhang, J. and Frazier, G. V. (2011). Strategic alliance via co-opetition: supply chain partnership with a competitor. Decision Support Systems 51: 853-863.
Whalen, W. T. (2007). A panel data analysis of code-sharing, antitrust immunity, and open skies
treaties in international aviation markets. Rev Ind Organ 30: 39-61.
Wilhelm, M. M. (2011). Managing coopetition through horizontal supply chain relations: linking dyadic and network levels of analysis, Journal of Operations Management 29: 663-676.
Ortaklaşa Rekabet Stratejisi: Geleneksel Havayolu Şirketleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Ortaklaşa rekabet stratejisi, iki ya da
daha fazla rakip işletme tarafından
özellikle rekabet yoğun pazarlarda kullanılan, rekabet ve işbirliğinin aynı anda
gerçekleştirildiği bir işletme stratejisidir. Havayolu şirketleri, kendileri
için istemedikleri bazı olumsuzlukların üstesinden gelmek ve sürdürülebilir
rekabet avantajı kazanmak için ortaklaşa rekabet stratejisini kullanmaktadır.
Bu doğrultuda, rakip havayolu şirketleri ile stratejik havayolu ittifakları
dahilinde ve haricinde anlaşmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu
araştırmanın amacı, ortaklaşa rekabet stratejisini uygulayan havayolu
şirketlerinin deneyimlerinin ortaya konmasıdır. Bu amaçla, beş geleneksel
havayolu şirketinin üst düzey yöneticisi ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme
yapılmıştır. Araştırmada ortaya çıkan temel sonuç, ortaklaşa rekabet
stratejisinin havayolu sektörünün sürdürülebilirliği için olmazsa olmaz
olduğudur. Bir diğer kayda değer sonuç ise rekabet kurullarının havayolu
şirketlerine fayda sağlayacak uygulamaların önünü açması gerektiğidir.
Agusdinata, B. and Klein, W. (2002). The dynamics of airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 201-211.
Akdoğan, A. A. and Cingoz, A. (2012). An Empirical Study on Determining the Attitudes of Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs) Related to Coopetition. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58: 252-258.
Akdoğan, A. A., Doğan, N. Ö. and Cingöz, A. (2015). Coopetition as a business strategy: determining the effective partner selection criteria using fuzzy ahp. International Review of Management and Business Research 4(1): 137-151.
Alhojailan, M. I. (2012). Thematic analysis: a critical revıew of its process and evaluation. West East Journal of Social Sciences 1(1): 39-47.
Amoah, J. A. and Debrah, Y. A. (2011). The Evolution of Alliances in the Global Airline Industry: A Review of the African Experience. Thunderbird International Business Review 53(1): 37-49.
Bengtsson, M. and Kock, S. (2000). “Coopetition” in business networks—to cooperate and compete simultaneously. Industrial Marketing Management 29: 411-426.
Bonel, E. and Rocco, E. (2007). Coopeting to survive; surviving coopetition. International Studies of Management and Organization 37(2): 70-96.
Brandenburger, A. M. and Nalebuff, B. J. (1998). Ortaklasa rekabet. (Trans. L. Cinemre). Istanbul: Scala Yayıncılık.
Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology 3(2).
Brueckner, J. K. (2001). The economics of international codesharing: an analysis of airline alliances. International Journal of Industrial Organization 19: 1475-1498.
Chang, W. L. and Chiu, C. L. (2016). Coopetition under alliance? applying awareness-motivation-capability competitive dynamics perspective. Journal of Business Economics and Management 17(5): 701-716.
Chen, X. and Hao, G. (2013). Co-opetition alliance models of parallel flights for determining optimal overbooking policies. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57: 1101-1111
Chiambaretto, P. and Fernandez, A. S. (2016). The evolution of coopetitive and collaborative alliances in an alliance portfolio: the Air France case. Industrial Marketing Management 57: 75–85.
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative ınquiry and research design: choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Czakon, W., Kuś, K. M. and Rogalski, M. (2014). Coopetition research landscape-a systematic literature review 1997-2010. Journal of Economics and Management 17: 122-150.
Demirel, Y., Keskin, N., Ülgen, H., Yozgat, U. and Bas, T. (2011). Kredi kartları pazarında ortaklaşa rekabet stratejisi: advantage kredi kartı üzerine bir araştırma. Yönetim 22(68): 73-90.
Demirel, Y., Arzova, B., Ardıc, K. and Bas, T. (2013). Organizational learning on coopetition strategy: an exploratory research on a Turkish private banks credit card application. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 99: 902-910.
Dennis, N. (2005). Industry consolidation and future airline network structures. Journal of Air Transport Management 11: 175–183.
Doğanay, A., Ataizi, M., Şimsek, A., Balaban, J. and Akbulut, Y. (2012). Sosyal bilimlerde arastirma yontemleri. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.
Evans, N. (2001). Collaborative strategy: an analysis of the changing world of international airline alliances. Tourism Management 22: 229-243.
Ganguli, S. (2007). Coopetition models in the context of modern business. The ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management 6(4): 6-16.
Gerede, E. (2015). A study of challenges to the success of the safety management system in aircraft maintenance organizations in Turkey. Safety Science 73: 106-116.
Gnyawali, D. R. and Park, B. J. (2009). Co-opetition and technological İnnovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a multilevel conceptual model. Journal of Small Business Management 47(3): 308–330.
Goh, M. and Yong, J. (2006). Impacts of code-share alliances on airline cost structure: a truncated third-order translog estimation. International Journal of Industrial Organization 24: 835-866.
Gudmundsson, S. V. and De Boer, E. R. Lechner, C. (2002). Integrating frequent flyer programs in multilateral airline alliances. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 409-417.
Güler, A., Halicioglu, M. B. and Taşgin, S. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel arastirma yontemleri (First Edition). Ankara: Seckin Yayıncılık.
Huang, H. C. and Chu, W. (2015). Antecedents and consequences of co-opetition strategies in small and medium-sized accounting agencies. Journal of Management and Organization 21(6): 812-834.
Kim S., Kim N., Pae J. and Yip L. (2013). Cooperate “and” compete: coopetition strategy in retailer-supplier relationships. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 28(4): 263-275.
Klimas, P. (2014). Multifaceted nature of coopetition inside an aviation supply chain – the case of the aviation valley. Journal of Economics and Management 17: 96-119.
Kozyra, B. (2012). Strategic alliance as a particular form of coopetition. Global Management Journal 1(2): 27-38.
Kuzminykh, N. and Zufan, P. (2014). Airline alliances and their influence on firm performance. Procedia Economics and Finance 12: 329-333.
Lacoste, S. M. (2014). Coopetition and framework contracts in industrial customer-supplier relationships. Qualitative Market Research 17(1): 43-57.
Lederman, M. (2008). Are frequent-flyer programs a cause of the “hub premium”?. Journal Compilation 17(1): 35-66.
Long, M. M., Clark, S. D., Schiffman, L. G. and McMellon, C. (2003). In the air again: frequent flyer relationship programmes and business travellers’
quality of life. Internatıonal Journal of Tourısm Research 5: 421-432.
Luo, Y. (2007). A coopetition perspective of global competition. Journal of World Business 42: 129-144.
Meneses, J. A. (2015). Partner selection in co-opetition: a three step model. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 17(1): 23-35.
Merriam, S. B. and Associates. (2002). Qualitative research in practice. San Francisco: Wiley Company.
Morrish, S. C. and Hamilton, R. T. (2002). Airline alliances—who benefits?. Journal of Air Transport Management 8: 401–407.
Morris, M. H., Kocak, A. and Ozer, A. (2007). Coopetition as a small business strategy: implications for performance. Journal of Small Business Strategy 18(1): 35-55.
Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Nasr, E. S., Kilgour, M. D. and Noori, H. (2015). Strategizing niceness in co-opetition: The case of knowledge exchange in supply chain innovation project. European Journal of Operational Research 244(3): 845–854.
Patton, M. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. CA: Sage.
Quint, B. (1997). Coopetition: sleeping with the enemy. Information Today, 14(1): 7.
Rhoades, D. L. and Lush, H. (1997). A typology of strategic alliances in the airline industry: Propositions for stability and duration. Journal of Air Transport Management 3(3): 109-I 14.
Solesvik, M. Z. and Westhead, P. (2010). Partner selection for strategic alliances: case study insights from the maritime industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems 110(6): 841-860.
Sroka, W. (2013). Coopetition in the steel industry − Analysis of coopetition relations in the value net. Metalurgıja 52(1): 127-130.
Stein, H. D. and Ginevicius, R. (2010). New co-opetition approach for supply chain applications and the implementation a new allocation rule. 6th International Scientific Conference, Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. 1092-1099
Thomason, S. J., Simendinger, E. and Kiernan, D. (2013). Several determinants of successful coopetition in small business. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 26(1): 15-28.
Tsai, W. (2002). Social structure of "coopetition" within a multiunit organization: coordination, competition, and intraorganizational knowledge sharing. Organization Science 13(2): 179-190.
Ustaömer, T. C., Durmaz, V. and Lei, Z. (2015). The effect of joint ventures on airline competition: the case of American airlines, British airways and Iberia joint business. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 210: 430–439.
Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G. B., Roy, F. L. and Czakon, W. (2010). Introduction – coopetition strategies: Towards a new form of inter-organizational dynamics?. Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century (s. 1-19). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Zhang, A., Hui, Y. V. and Leung, L. (2004). Air cargo alliances and competition in passenger markets. Transportation Research Part E 40: 83-100.
Zhang, J. and Frazier, G. V. (2011). Strategic alliance via co-opetition: supply chain partnership with a competitor. Decision Support Systems 51: 853-863.
Whalen, W. T. (2007). A panel data analysis of code-sharing, antitrust immunity, and open skies
treaties in international aviation markets. Rev Ind Organ 30: 39-61.
Wilhelm, M. M. (2011). Managing coopetition through horizontal supply chain relations: linking dyadic and network levels of analysis, Journal of Operations Management 29: 663-676.
Tanrıverdi, G., & Küçükyılmaz, A. (2018). Ortaklaşa Rekabet Stratejisi: Geleneksel Havayolu Şirketleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(1), 317-333. https://doi.org/10.21547/jss.333589