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Uluslararası Hukukta Ticari Diplomasi Konsepti

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 919 - 940, 01.07.2020


Uluslararası Hukuk alanında Ticari diplomasi oldukça yeni bir konsept olup öneminden dolayı gittikçe daha çok ilgi çekmektedir. Türkiye, birçok ülke gibi, aktif ticari diplomasi uygulamanın öneminin farkına varmıştır. Şüphesiz yeni bir konseptir oysa ki kendisi yeni bir olgu değildir. Ancak konu ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalar sadece 2000’li yıllara dayanmaktadır. Bu makalede kabul gören tek bir tanımı olmayan Ticari diplomasi konsepti üzerine çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda öncelikle konseptin tanımı üzerinde durulacaktır. Akabinde oluşumunda ve uygulamasında yer alan kurum ve aktörler incelenecektir. Sonrasında ise gerçekleştiği yerler ve oluşumunda dikkate alınan parametreler analiz edilecektir.


  • Abbink, G. (2014). Involvement of ambassadors in commercial diplomacy, Mémoire, University of Twente.
  • Bayne, N., Woolcock, S. (2011). The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Bayne, N. and Woolcock S. (2011). What is Economic Diplomacy?, The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Berridge, G.R. (2010). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Berridge G.R., James A. (2001), A Dictionnary of Diplomacy, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Boulanger, V., Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement, Perspective Monde, disponible sur le lien : http://perspective. /BMDictionnaire?iddictionnaire=1414 .
  • Coolsaet, R. (2004). Trade and Diplomacy: The Begian Case , International Studies Perspective, Vol 5, No1, pp. 61-65.
  • Dictionnaire Alternatives économiques, disponible sur le lien :
  • Dictionnaire Analytique de la Mondialisation et du Travail, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Larousse, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Universalis, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Evans, P. Jocobson, H. K., Putman, R. D. (1993). Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics, University of California Press.
  • Howard C. (2013). The World’s Most Powerful Women 2013 , Forbes Magazine, 22/05/2013. Disponible sur le lien : howard/2013/05/22/the-worlds-most-powerful-women-2013/
  • Kopp, H. W. (2004). Commercial Diplomacy and National Interest, Washington:American Academy of Diplomacy/Business Council for International Understanding.
  • Kostecki, M., Naray, O. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy and International Business, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Lavollée, C.H. (1865). La nouvelle diplomatie commerciale de la France, Revue des deux Mondes, pp. 177-196.
  • Lee, D. (2004). The Growing Influence of Business in U.K. Diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives 5, pp. 50-54.
  • Loewendahl, H. (2001). A Framework for FDI Promotion, Vol 10, No 1, Transnational Corporations.
  • Mercier, A. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy in Advanced Industrial States: Canada, the UK, and the US», Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Cliengendael.
  • OCDE Synthèse. (2003). Le régionalisme et le système commercial multilatéral.
  • Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, Conférence Ministérielle de l’OMC, Doha, 2001: Déclaration Ministérielle, disponible sur le lien:
  • Potter, E. (2004). Branding Canada: The renaissance of Canada’s commercial diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives, vol. 5, No.5, pp. 55-60.
  • Putman, R. D. (1988). Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The logic of the Two- Level Games, International Organization, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 427-460.
  • Rana, S. K. (2002).Bilateral Diplomacy, Geneva: DiploPublishing.
  • Rana, S. K. (2004). The 21 st Century Ambassador, DiploFondation Malta and Geneva.
  • Rouyer-Chevalier, E. (2007). Le métier de Relations Investisseurs, un profil proche de la direction générale, Propos recueillis par Sebastien Leroy et Philippe Mudry, L’AGEFI, le 30.11.2007. Disponible sur le lien: -generale--1030284.html
  • Ruël, H., Zuidema,L. (2012). The Effectiveness of commercial diplomacy, A survey Among Dutch Embassies and Consulates, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, no 123, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Saner, R., Yiu, L. (2003). International Economic Diplomacy: Mutations in Post-modern Times, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Scholte, J.A. (2001). Globalisation, Governance and Corporate Citizenship, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 1, pp. 15-23.
  • Seringhaus, F.H. R., Rosson, P. (1989). Government Export Promotion: a Global, London: Routlege.
  • Sharma, P., Tyerman, G. (1998). Est-ce que la promotion du commerce international concorde avec la politique commerciale? Tentative de symbiose, Commentaire d’Analyse Commerciale et Économique, No 21, Ottawa: Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du commerce international.
  • The Economic Times (14/09/2010). Business and Diplomacy working together:Indira Nooyi, disponible sur le lien: articleshow/6550213.cms
  • Wells, L. T., Wint, A. G. (2000). Marketing a Country: Promotion as a Tool for Attracting Foreign Investment, FIAS Occasional Paper, No13, Washington: The International Finance Service and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
  • UNCTAD (2001). The World of Investment Promotion at a Glance: A Survey of Investment Promotion practices ASIT Advisory Studies, No 17, Geneva: UNCTAD.

Le Concept De Diplomatie Commerciale en Droit International

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 919 - 940, 01.07.2020


Le concept de diplomatie commerciale en Droit International est relativement nouveau et attire de plus en plus l’attention de par son importance. La Turquie, comme de nombreux pays a pris conscience de l’importance de mettre en œuvre une diplomatie commerciale active. Le concept est certes nouveau mais en réalité il ne s’agit pas d’une chose nouvelle. Or il est intéressant de noter que les études scientifiques portant sur le sujet remontent seulement aux années 2000. Cet article est avant tout une réflexion sur le concept même de diplomatie commerciale dont il n’existe pas de définition unanime. Nous allons nous intéresser d’abord à la définition juridique du concept, puis passer en revue les institutions et les acteurs qui interviennent dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de la diplomatie commerciale avant de clore cette analyse par l’étude des lieux où se réalise la diplomatie commerciale et les paramètres qui sont pris en compte lors de son élaboration.


  • Abbink, G. (2014). Involvement of ambassadors in commercial diplomacy, Mémoire, University of Twente.
  • Bayne, N., Woolcock, S. (2011). The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Bayne, N. and Woolcock S. (2011). What is Economic Diplomacy?, The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Berridge, G.R. (2010). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Berridge G.R., James A. (2001), A Dictionnary of Diplomacy, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Boulanger, V., Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement, Perspective Monde, disponible sur le lien : http://perspective. /BMDictionnaire?iddictionnaire=1414 .
  • Coolsaet, R. (2004). Trade and Diplomacy: The Begian Case , International Studies Perspective, Vol 5, No1, pp. 61-65.
  • Dictionnaire Alternatives économiques, disponible sur le lien :
  • Dictionnaire Analytique de la Mondialisation et du Travail, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Larousse, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Universalis, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Evans, P. Jocobson, H. K., Putman, R. D. (1993). Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics, University of California Press.
  • Howard C. (2013). The World’s Most Powerful Women 2013 , Forbes Magazine, 22/05/2013. Disponible sur le lien : howard/2013/05/22/the-worlds-most-powerful-women-2013/
  • Kopp, H. W. (2004). Commercial Diplomacy and National Interest, Washington:American Academy of Diplomacy/Business Council for International Understanding.
  • Kostecki, M., Naray, O. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy and International Business, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Lavollée, C.H. (1865). La nouvelle diplomatie commerciale de la France, Revue des deux Mondes, pp. 177-196.
  • Lee, D. (2004). The Growing Influence of Business in U.K. Diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives 5, pp. 50-54.
  • Loewendahl, H. (2001). A Framework for FDI Promotion, Vol 10, No 1, Transnational Corporations.
  • Mercier, A. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy in Advanced Industrial States: Canada, the UK, and the US», Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Cliengendael.
  • OCDE Synthèse. (2003). Le régionalisme et le système commercial multilatéral.
  • Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, Conférence Ministérielle de l’OMC, Doha, 2001: Déclaration Ministérielle, disponible sur le lien:
  • Potter, E. (2004). Branding Canada: The renaissance of Canada’s commercial diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives, vol. 5, No.5, pp. 55-60.
  • Putman, R. D. (1988). Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The logic of the Two- Level Games, International Organization, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 427-460.
  • Rana, S. K. (2002).Bilateral Diplomacy, Geneva: DiploPublishing.
  • Rana, S. K. (2004). The 21 st Century Ambassador, DiploFondation Malta and Geneva.
  • Rouyer-Chevalier, E. (2007). Le métier de Relations Investisseurs, un profil proche de la direction générale, Propos recueillis par Sebastien Leroy et Philippe Mudry, L’AGEFI, le 30.11.2007. Disponible sur le lien: -generale--1030284.html
  • Ruël, H., Zuidema,L. (2012). The Effectiveness of commercial diplomacy, A survey Among Dutch Embassies and Consulates, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, no 123, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Saner, R., Yiu, L. (2003). International Economic Diplomacy: Mutations in Post-modern Times, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Scholte, J.A. (2001). Globalisation, Governance and Corporate Citizenship, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 1, pp. 15-23.
  • Seringhaus, F.H. R., Rosson, P. (1989). Government Export Promotion: a Global, London: Routlege.
  • Sharma, P., Tyerman, G. (1998). Est-ce que la promotion du commerce international concorde avec la politique commerciale? Tentative de symbiose, Commentaire d’Analyse Commerciale et Économique, No 21, Ottawa: Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du commerce international.
  • The Economic Times (14/09/2010). Business and Diplomacy working together:Indira Nooyi, disponible sur le lien: articleshow/6550213.cms
  • Wells, L. T., Wint, A. G. (2000). Marketing a Country: Promotion as a Tool for Attracting Foreign Investment, FIAS Occasional Paper, No13, Washington: The International Finance Service and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
  • UNCTAD (2001). The World of Investment Promotion at a Glance: A Survey of Investment Promotion practices ASIT Advisory Studies, No 17, Geneva: UNCTAD.

Uluslararası Hukukta Ticari Diplomasi Konsepti

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3, 919 - 940, 01.07.2020


Uluslararası Hukuk alanında Ticari diplomasi oldukça yeni bir konsept olup öneminden dolayı gittikçe daha çok ilgi çekmektedir. Türkiye, birçok ülke gibi, aktif ticari diplomasi uygulamanın öneminin farkına varmıştır. Şüphesiz yeni bir konseptir oysa ki kendisi yeni bir olgu değildir. Ancak konu ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalar sadece 2000’li yıllara dayanmaktadır. Bu makalede kabul gören tek bir tanımı olmayan Ticari diplomasi konsepti üzerine çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda öncelikle konseptin tanımı üzerinde durulacaktır. Akabinde oluşumunda ve uygulamasında yer alan kurum ve aktörler incelenecektir. Sonrasında ise gerçekleştiği yerler ve oluşumunda dikkate alınan parametreler analiz edilecektir.


  • Abbink, G. (2014). Involvement of ambassadors in commercial diplomacy, Mémoire, University of Twente.
  • Bayne, N., Woolcock, S. (2011). The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Bayne, N. and Woolcock S. (2011). What is Economic Diplomacy?, The New Economic Diplomacy, London:Asgathe.
  • Berridge, G.R. (2010). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Berridge G.R., James A. (2001), A Dictionnary of Diplomacy, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Boulanger, V., Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement, Perspective Monde, disponible sur le lien : http://perspective. /BMDictionnaire?iddictionnaire=1414 .
  • Coolsaet, R. (2004). Trade and Diplomacy: The Begian Case , International Studies Perspective, Vol 5, No1, pp. 61-65.
  • Dictionnaire Alternatives économiques, disponible sur le lien :
  • Dictionnaire Analytique de la Mondialisation et du Travail, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Larousse, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Encyclopédie Universalis, disponible sur le lien: .
  • Evans, P. Jocobson, H. K., Putman, R. D. (1993). Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics, University of California Press.
  • Howard C. (2013). The World’s Most Powerful Women 2013 , Forbes Magazine, 22/05/2013. Disponible sur le lien : howard/2013/05/22/the-worlds-most-powerful-women-2013/
  • Kopp, H. W. (2004). Commercial Diplomacy and National Interest, Washington:American Academy of Diplomacy/Business Council for International Understanding.
  • Kostecki, M., Naray, O. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy and International Business, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Lavollée, C.H. (1865). La nouvelle diplomatie commerciale de la France, Revue des deux Mondes, pp. 177-196.
  • Lee, D. (2004). The Growing Influence of Business in U.K. Diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives 5, pp. 50-54.
  • Loewendahl, H. (2001). A Framework for FDI Promotion, Vol 10, No 1, Transnational Corporations.
  • Mercier, A. (2007). Commercial Diplomacy in Advanced Industrial States: Canada, the UK, and the US», Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Cliengendael.
  • OCDE Synthèse. (2003). Le régionalisme et le système commercial multilatéral.
  • Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, Conférence Ministérielle de l’OMC, Doha, 2001: Déclaration Ministérielle, disponible sur le lien:
  • Potter, E. (2004). Branding Canada: The renaissance of Canada’s commercial diplomacy, International Studies Perspectives, vol. 5, No.5, pp. 55-60.
  • Putman, R. D. (1988). Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The logic of the Two- Level Games, International Organization, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 427-460.
  • Rana, S. K. (2002).Bilateral Diplomacy, Geneva: DiploPublishing.
  • Rana, S. K. (2004). The 21 st Century Ambassador, DiploFondation Malta and Geneva.
  • Rouyer-Chevalier, E. (2007). Le métier de Relations Investisseurs, un profil proche de la direction générale, Propos recueillis par Sebastien Leroy et Philippe Mudry, L’AGEFI, le 30.11.2007. Disponible sur le lien: -generale--1030284.html
  • Ruël, H., Zuidema,L. (2012). The Effectiveness of commercial diplomacy, A survey Among Dutch Embassies and Consulates, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, no 123, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Saner, R., Yiu, L. (2003). International Economic Diplomacy: Mutations in Post-modern Times, Discussion Papers in Diplomacy, Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.
  • Scholte, J.A. (2001). Globalisation, Governance and Corporate Citizenship, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Issue 1, pp. 15-23.
  • Seringhaus, F.H. R., Rosson, P. (1989). Government Export Promotion: a Global, London: Routlege.
  • Sharma, P., Tyerman, G. (1998). Est-ce que la promotion du commerce international concorde avec la politique commerciale? Tentative de symbiose, Commentaire d’Analyse Commerciale et Économique, No 21, Ottawa: Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et du commerce international.
  • The Economic Times (14/09/2010). Business and Diplomacy working together:Indira Nooyi, disponible sur le lien: articleshow/6550213.cms
  • Wells, L. T., Wint, A. G. (2000). Marketing a Country: Promotion as a Tool for Attracting Foreign Investment, FIAS Occasional Paper, No13, Washington: The International Finance Service and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
  • UNCTAD (2001). The World of Investment Promotion at a Glance: A Survey of Investment Promotion practices ASIT Advisory Studies, No 17, Geneva: UNCTAD.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Fransızca
Konular Hukuk
Bölüm Hukuk

Sibel Akşahin Polat 0000-0001-8522-1141

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Aralık 2019
Kabul Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Akşahin Polat, S. (2020). Le Concept De Diplomatie Commerciale en Droit International. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 919-940.