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City brand benefits affecting creative class in choice of place to live

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 283 - 302, 26.01.2022


City brand benefits, affecting the creative class’ choice regarding place to live, are examined in this paper. In this context, an exploratory research design was conducted. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with the participants who have moved to the Menteşe district of Muğla province by their own choice and who are considered (scientist, engineer, physician, researcher, lawyer, etc.) in the creative class. Thematic analysis method was used in the analysis of the data and it was determined that the participants took into account three main themes, 'Aegean culture, natural beauty and location', as city brand benefits in their decision processes. On the other hand, the theme of Aegean culture consists of two sub-themes: lifestyle and human profile. The results revealed what city brand benefits affect the selection of city to live in Turkey by creative class. Thus, this paper contributed to the literature on how the preferences of the creative class are formed in different cultures. In addition, decision makers in the city brand management were allowed to develop strategies and tactics that would reinforce the mentioned themes.


  • Asheim, B., & Hansen, H. K. (2009). Knowledge bases, talents, and contexts: On the usefulness of the creative class approach in Sweden. Economic geography, 85(4), pp. 425-442.
  • Bayrakdaroğlu, F. (2017). Management of a city brand: An examination on three stakeholders’ attitude. (In: Advancing insights on brand management, Ed: Popoli, P.) pp. 157-174, InTech Open.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), pp. 77-101.
  • Braun, E.; Kavaratzis, M; Zenker, S. (2010). My city – My brand: The role of residents in place branding. 50th European Regional Science Association Congress proceedings, Jönköping, Sweden, 19th – 23rd August.
  • Braun, E., & Zenker, S. (2010). Towards an integrated approach for place brand management. 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 19-23 August 2010, Jönköping, Sweden.
  • Brown, J. (2015). Home from Home? Locational Choices of International ‘Creative Class’ Workers. European Planning Studies, 23(12), pp. 2336-2355. 09654313.2014.988012
  • Collis, C. (2010). Developing work-integrated learning curricula for the creative industries: Embedding stakeholder perspectives. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 4(1), pp. 3-19.
  • Cunningham, S. & Higgs, P (2009). Measuring creative employment: Implications for innovation policy. Innovation, 11:2, pp.190-200.
  • Daniel, R. & L. Daniel (2014), “Enhancing capacity for success in the creative industries: Undergraduate student reflections on the implementation of work-integrated learning Strategies”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, Special Issue, 16(3), pp. 199- 209.
  • Darchen, S., & Tremblay, D. G. (2010). What attracts and retains knowledge workers/students: The quality of place or career opportunities? The cases of Montreal and Ottawa. Cities, 27(4), pp. 225-233.
  • DCMAS (2013). Classifying and measuring the creative industries consultation on proposed changes. Department for media, culture, sport. government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/203296/Classifying_and_Measuring_the_Creative_Industries_Consultation_Paper_April_2013-final.pdf. Erişim tarihi: 5 Mart 2020.
  • Florida, R. (2003). Cities and the creative class. City & community, 2(1), pp. 3-19.
  • Florida, R. (2005), Cities and the Creative Class (New York, NY: Routledge).
  • Florida, R. (2008), Who’s Your City – How the Creative Economy is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Basic Books, New York, NY.
  • Florida, R. & G. Gates & B. Knudsen & K. Stolarick (2006), The University and the Creative Economy,, Erişim tarihi 28 Şubat 2020.
  • Florida, R., Mellander, C., & Stolarick, K. (2008). Inside the black box of regional development-human capital, the creative class and tolerance. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(5), pp. 615-649.
  • Florida, R. ve Tinagli, I. (2004). Europe in the Creative Age. (London: Demos).
  • Green, A.E.; Owen, D. & Jones, P. (2007). The economic impact of migrant workers in the West Midlands. Institute for Employment Research, (University of Warwick, Birmingham: LSC ve AWM).
  • Houston, D., Findlay, A., Harrison, R. & Mason, C. (2008) Will attracting the “creative class” boost economic growth in old industrial regions? A case study of Scotland, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 90(2), pp. 133–149.
  • Howkins, J. (2002). The creative economy: How people make money from ideas. (London: Penguin).
  • Hracs, B. & Stolarick, K. (2011). Satisfaction Guaranteed? Talent Mobility and Regional Satisfaction. (Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto).
  • Iversen, N. M., & Hem, L. E. (2008). Provenance associations as core values of place umbrella brands: A framework of characteristics. European Journal of Marketing, 42, 5/6, pp. 603-626.
  • Kazançoğlu, İ. & Dirsehan, T. (2014). Exploring brand experience dimensions for cities and investigating their effects on loyalty to a city. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(1), pp. 17-37.
  • Keri̇moğlu, E., & Güven-Güney, B. (2018). İstanbul’da Yaratıcı İşgücünün Eğitimi ve Endüstri Pratikleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Sosyoekonomi, 26(37), pp. 57-80.
  • Malsch, B., & S. E. Salterio. (2016). Doing good field research: Assessing the quality of audit field research. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(1), pp. 1–22.
  • Marlet, G., & Van Woerkens, C. (2007). The Dutch creative class and how it fosters urban employment growth. Urban Studies, 44(13), pp. 2605-2626.
  • Merrilees, B., Miller, D., & Herington, C. (2009). Antecedents of residents' city brand attitudes. Journal of Business Research, 62(3), pp. 362-367. Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H. & Axelrod, B. (2001), War for Talent. (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, MA).
  • Musterd, S. & Murie, A. (Eds) (2010). Making Competitive Cities (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell). MSKU,(2021).çin%20öğrn_say%2020-21(2).pdf. Erişim tarihi 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • Niedomysl, T. & Malmberg, B. (2009). Do open-ended survey questions on migration motives create coder variability problems? Population, Space and Place (15), pp. 79–87.
  • Noni, I., Orsi, L. & Zanderighi, L. (2014). Attributes of Milan influencing city brand attractiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3, pp. 218-226. j.jdmm.2014.06.001
  • Ryan, L. & Mulholland, J. (2014) Trading places: French highly skilled migrants negotiating mobility and settlement in London. Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(4), pp. 584–600.
  • Schade, M., Piehler, R., Müller, A., & Burmann, C. (2018). How cities can attract highly skilled workers as residents: the impact of city brand benefits. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(7), pp. 847-857.
  • Seçilmiş, E. (2015). Türkiye’de Yaratıcı Endüstrilerin Kümelenmesi, Ege Akademik Bakış, 15 (1), pp. 9-18.
  • Sığındı, T., (2017). The link between attributes and city brand meanings: An analysis for multiple stakeholders. Research Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), pp. 372-383.
  • Syrett, S., & Sepulveda, L. (2011). Population diversity and urban economic development, Environment and Planning A, 43(2), pp. 487–504.
  • Turok, I. (2009). The distinctive city: Pitfalls in the pursuit of differentiating advantage, Environment and Planning A, 41(1), pp. 13–30.
  • TÜİK, (2021a). › duyuru › favori_raporlar. Erişim tarihi: 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • TÜİK, (2021b). Erişim tarihi: 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • UNCTAD (2020),, erişim tarihi 03.03.2020.
  • Waitt, G. & Gibson, C. (2009). Creative small cities: Rethinking the creative economy in place, Urban Studies, 46(5-6), pp. 1223-1246.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2018). Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 11.baskı, (Ankara: Seçkin yayıncılık).
  • Yılmaz, A. S., & Yücel, N. (2016). Yerel kalkınmada yeni bir anlayış: kentlerin markalaşması. Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 25(1), 61-78.
  • ZCCE (2016). Creative Economy Report, /145/the-creative-industries-in-a-nutshell-an-overview-of-the-13-submarkets/. Erişim tarihi 9 Mart 2020.
  • Zelenko, O., & Bridgstock, R. (2014). Developing agency in the creative career: A design-based framework for work integrated learning. In Creative Work Beyond the Creative Industries. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Zenker, S. (2009). Who's your target? The creative class as a target group for place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 2(1), pp. 23-32.
  • Zenker, S.; Petersen S.; Aholt, A. (2013). The Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI): Evidence for a four basic factor model in a German sample. Cities, 31, pp. 156-164. j.cities.2012.02.006

Yaratıcı sınıfın yaşanacak yer seçimini etkileyen kent markası faydaları

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 283 - 302, 26.01.2022


Bu çalışmada yaratıcı sınıfın yaşayacağı yer seçiminde etkili olan kent markası faydaları araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda keşifsel tasarıma sahip ve nitel veri elde edilen bir alan araştırması yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında, Muğla ili Menteşe ilçesine kendi tercihleri ile yerleşmiş olan, yaratıcı sınıfta yer alan meslek sınıflarına (bilim insanı, mühendis, hekim, araştırmacı, avukat vb.) mensup katılımcılar ile yapılan derinlemesine görüşmeler ile veri toplanmıştır. Tematik analiz sonucunda katılımcıların karar süreçlerinde ‘Ege kültürü, doğal güzellik ve konum’ olmak üzere üç ana temayı kent markası faydası olarak dikkate aldıkları tespit edilmiştir. Ege kültürü teması ise yaşam biçimi ve insan profili isimli iki alt temadan oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlar ile Türkiye’de yaşayan yaratıcı sınıfın yaşayacağı kenti seçerken kent markası faydasının süreci nasıl etkilediği daha iyi anlaşılmıştır. Böylece yaratıcı sınıfın tercihlerinin farklı kültürlerde ne yönde şekillendiği konusunda yazına katkıda bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca kent markası yönetimindeki karar vericilerin söz konusu temaları pekiştirecek strateji ve taktikler geliştirmesine olanak sağlanmıştır.


  • Asheim, B., & Hansen, H. K. (2009). Knowledge bases, talents, and contexts: On the usefulness of the creative class approach in Sweden. Economic geography, 85(4), pp. 425-442.
  • Bayrakdaroğlu, F. (2017). Management of a city brand: An examination on three stakeholders’ attitude. (In: Advancing insights on brand management, Ed: Popoli, P.) pp. 157-174, InTech Open.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), pp. 77-101.
  • Braun, E.; Kavaratzis, M; Zenker, S. (2010). My city – My brand: The role of residents in place branding. 50th European Regional Science Association Congress proceedings, Jönköping, Sweden, 19th – 23rd August.
  • Braun, E., & Zenker, S. (2010). Towards an integrated approach for place brand management. 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 19-23 August 2010, Jönköping, Sweden.
  • Brown, J. (2015). Home from Home? Locational Choices of International ‘Creative Class’ Workers. European Planning Studies, 23(12), pp. 2336-2355. 09654313.2014.988012
  • Collis, C. (2010). Developing work-integrated learning curricula for the creative industries: Embedding stakeholder perspectives. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 4(1), pp. 3-19.
  • Cunningham, S. & Higgs, P (2009). Measuring creative employment: Implications for innovation policy. Innovation, 11:2, pp.190-200.
  • Daniel, R. & L. Daniel (2014), “Enhancing capacity for success in the creative industries: Undergraduate student reflections on the implementation of work-integrated learning Strategies”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, Special Issue, 16(3), pp. 199- 209.
  • Darchen, S., & Tremblay, D. G. (2010). What attracts and retains knowledge workers/students: The quality of place or career opportunities? The cases of Montreal and Ottawa. Cities, 27(4), pp. 225-233.
  • DCMAS (2013). Classifying and measuring the creative industries consultation on proposed changes. Department for media, culture, sport. government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/203296/Classifying_and_Measuring_the_Creative_Industries_Consultation_Paper_April_2013-final.pdf. Erişim tarihi: 5 Mart 2020.
  • Florida, R. (2003). Cities and the creative class. City & community, 2(1), pp. 3-19.
  • Florida, R. (2005), Cities and the Creative Class (New York, NY: Routledge).
  • Florida, R. (2008), Who’s Your City – How the Creative Economy is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Basic Books, New York, NY.
  • Florida, R. & G. Gates & B. Knudsen & K. Stolarick (2006), The University and the Creative Economy,, Erişim tarihi 28 Şubat 2020.
  • Florida, R., Mellander, C., & Stolarick, K. (2008). Inside the black box of regional development-human capital, the creative class and tolerance. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(5), pp. 615-649.
  • Florida, R. ve Tinagli, I. (2004). Europe in the Creative Age. (London: Demos).
  • Green, A.E.; Owen, D. & Jones, P. (2007). The economic impact of migrant workers in the West Midlands. Institute for Employment Research, (University of Warwick, Birmingham: LSC ve AWM).
  • Houston, D., Findlay, A., Harrison, R. & Mason, C. (2008) Will attracting the “creative class” boost economic growth in old industrial regions? A case study of Scotland, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 90(2), pp. 133–149.
  • Howkins, J. (2002). The creative economy: How people make money from ideas. (London: Penguin).
  • Hracs, B. & Stolarick, K. (2011). Satisfaction Guaranteed? Talent Mobility and Regional Satisfaction. (Toronto: Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto).
  • Iversen, N. M., & Hem, L. E. (2008). Provenance associations as core values of place umbrella brands: A framework of characteristics. European Journal of Marketing, 42, 5/6, pp. 603-626.
  • Kazançoğlu, İ. & Dirsehan, T. (2014). Exploring brand experience dimensions for cities and investigating their effects on loyalty to a city. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(1), pp. 17-37.
  • Keri̇moğlu, E., & Güven-Güney, B. (2018). İstanbul’da Yaratıcı İşgücünün Eğitimi ve Endüstri Pratikleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Sosyoekonomi, 26(37), pp. 57-80.
  • Malsch, B., & S. E. Salterio. (2016). Doing good field research: Assessing the quality of audit field research. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(1), pp. 1–22.
  • Marlet, G., & Van Woerkens, C. (2007). The Dutch creative class and how it fosters urban employment growth. Urban Studies, 44(13), pp. 2605-2626.
  • Merrilees, B., Miller, D., & Herington, C. (2009). Antecedents of residents' city brand attitudes. Journal of Business Research, 62(3), pp. 362-367. Michaels, E., Handfield-Jones, H. & Axelrod, B. (2001), War for Talent. (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, MA).
  • Musterd, S. & Murie, A. (Eds) (2010). Making Competitive Cities (Oxford: Wiley Blackwell). MSKU,(2021).çin%20öğrn_say%2020-21(2).pdf. Erişim tarihi 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • Niedomysl, T. & Malmberg, B. (2009). Do open-ended survey questions on migration motives create coder variability problems? Population, Space and Place (15), pp. 79–87.
  • Noni, I., Orsi, L. & Zanderighi, L. (2014). Attributes of Milan influencing city brand attractiveness. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3, pp. 218-226. j.jdmm.2014.06.001
  • Ryan, L. & Mulholland, J. (2014) Trading places: French highly skilled migrants negotiating mobility and settlement in London. Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(4), pp. 584–600.
  • Schade, M., Piehler, R., Müller, A., & Burmann, C. (2018). How cities can attract highly skilled workers as residents: the impact of city brand benefits. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(7), pp. 847-857.
  • Seçilmiş, E. (2015). Türkiye’de Yaratıcı Endüstrilerin Kümelenmesi, Ege Akademik Bakış, 15 (1), pp. 9-18.
  • Sığındı, T., (2017). The link between attributes and city brand meanings: An analysis for multiple stakeholders. Research Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), pp. 372-383.
  • Syrett, S., & Sepulveda, L. (2011). Population diversity and urban economic development, Environment and Planning A, 43(2), pp. 487–504.
  • Turok, I. (2009). The distinctive city: Pitfalls in the pursuit of differentiating advantage, Environment and Planning A, 41(1), pp. 13–30.
  • TÜİK, (2021a). › duyuru › favori_raporlar. Erişim tarihi: 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • TÜİK, (2021b). Erişim tarihi: 22 Mayıs 2021.
  • UNCTAD (2020),, erişim tarihi 03.03.2020.
  • Waitt, G. & Gibson, C. (2009). Creative small cities: Rethinking the creative economy in place, Urban Studies, 46(5-6), pp. 1223-1246.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2018). Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 11.baskı, (Ankara: Seçkin yayıncılık).
  • Yılmaz, A. S., & Yücel, N. (2016). Yerel kalkınmada yeni bir anlayış: kentlerin markalaşması. Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 25(1), 61-78.
  • ZCCE (2016). Creative Economy Report, /145/the-creative-industries-in-a-nutshell-an-overview-of-the-13-submarkets/. Erişim tarihi 9 Mart 2020.
  • Zelenko, O., & Bridgstock, R. (2014). Developing agency in the creative career: A design-based framework for work integrated learning. In Creative Work Beyond the Creative Industries. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Zenker, S. (2009). Who's your target? The creative class as a target group for place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 2(1), pp. 23-32.
  • Zenker, S.; Petersen S.; Aholt, A. (2013). The Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI): Evidence for a four basic factor model in a German sample. Cities, 31, pp. 156-164. j.cities.2012.02.006
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Finans
Bölüm İşletme Finans

Taner Sığındı 0000-0002-9048-7718

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Ocak 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 12 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sığındı, T. (2022). Yaratıcı sınıfın yaşanacak yer seçimini etkileyen kent markası faydaları. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(1), 283-302.

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