Bu makale, Cemal Abdülnasır'ın pan-Arap kimliğinin inşasını sosyal inşacı kuramsal bir yaklaşımla incelemektedir. Nasır’ın sembolik siyaseti akıllıca manipüle ederek, sosyal ve politik olarak bağlayıcı normlar oluşturup ve nihayetinde o normlar tarafından kısıtlanarak pan-Arap milliyetçiliğinin bir kahramanı olarak nasıl inşa edildiği konusunu ele almaktadır. Pan-Arap normlarının Nasır tarafından inşası ve yeniden inşasını açıklamada teorik bir model olarak sosyal inşacılıktan yararlanan bu çalışma, rasyönelizm ile açıklanamayan Mısır’ın ve Nasır’ın mutlak çıkarlarına aykırı olmasına rağmen Birleşik Arap Cumhuriyeti'nin kurulmasında, Kuzey Yemen İç Savaşı’nda (1962) ve 1967’de gerçekleşen Altı Gün Savaşı’nda yer almasını bu normların bağlayıcılığıyla açıklar.
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Barnett, M. (1995). “Sovereignty, Nationalism, and Regional Order in the Arab States System.” International Organization, 49, 3, 479-510.
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Berger, P. (1966), “Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge.” European Journal of Sociology 7, 1, 32 – 40.
Cleveland, W. L. (2000). A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
Dawisha, A. (2003) Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Dekmejian, H. (1971). Egypt under Nasser: A Study in Political Dynamics. New York: State University of New York Press.
Delanty, G. (1995) Inventing Europe: Idea, Identity and Reality. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Douglas, A. B. (1999). Broadcasting in the Arab World: A Survey of the Electronic Media in the Middle East. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
Gerges, F. (1994) The Superpowers and the Middle East: Regional and International Politics, 1955–67. Boulder: Westview.
Gershoni, I. & Jankowski, James P. (1995). Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930–1945. London: Cambridge University Press.
Gordon, J. (2006). Nasser: Hero of the Arab Nation. Oxford: OneWorld Publications.
Friedman, J. (1991). Further Notes on the Advents of Phallus in Blunderland. In L. Nencel and P. Pels (Eds) Constructing Knowledge: Authority and Critique in Social Sciences, 95-113: New York: Sage Publications.
Heikal, M. (1986). Cutting the Lion's Tail:Suez Through Egyptian Eyes. London: Deutsch.
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Hinnebush, R. (2002). Review of Nasser’s Egypt, Arab Nationalism, and the United Arab Republic, by J. Jankowski. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Hinnebush, R. (2005). The Politics of Identity in Middle East International Relations. In L. Fawcett (Ed), International Relations of the Middle East, 151-173: New York: Oxford University Press.
Jankowski, J. (1997). Arab Nationalism in "Nasserism" and Egyptian State Policy: 1952-1958. In I. Gershoni & J. Jankowski (Eds). Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East, 155-174: New York: Columbia University Press.
Jankowski, J. (2002). Nasser’s Egypt, Arab Nationalism, and the United Arab Republic. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Jankowski, J. and Gershoni, I. (1997). Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East. New York: Columbia University Press.
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Sela, A. (2004). Abd al-Nasser’s Regional Politics: A Reassessment. In E. Podeh and O. Winckler (Eds), Rethingking Nasserism: Revolution and Historical Memory in Modern Egypt, Gainesville, The University Press of Florida.
Sela, A. (1988). The Changing Focus of the Arab States’ System. Middle East Review, 20, Spring, 3, 41–54.
Sela, A. (1997). The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Middle East Politics and the Quest for Regional Order. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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The Social Construction of a ‘Pan-Arabist Hero’: Gamal Abdel Nasser
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 21 Sayı: 4, 2389 - 2407, 19.10.2022
This article investigates the social construction of Gamal Abdel Nasser’s pan-Arab identity from a social constructivist theoretical approach. In this sense, it scrutinizes how Nasser came to be constructed as a pan-Arab hero by cleverly manipulating the symbolic politics and establishing socially and politically binding pan-Arab norms and eventually made himself constrained by them. This study also examines social constructivism’s explanatory power as a theoretical model in understanding and explaining Nasser’s political motives and moves by comparing it with that of rationalism. It is argued that Nasser’s power did not come from the economic or military capabilities, as rationalism fails to explain, but his power came from his ability to frame the events within a historical narrative in such a rhetorical way to establish new Arab norms. He was the leading figure in the establishment of United Arab Republic, North Yemen Civil War and The Six-Day War of 1967, despite all were against his and Egypt’s absolute material national interests. This article analyzes the path to nationalist ascent and descent of Nasser’s Arabism by chronologically scrutinizing on the discourses and events in order to examine the power of the given theories in explaining each period.
Aburish, S. (2004). Nasser, the Last Arab. New York City: St. Martins Press.
Ajami, F. (1981). The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967. London:
Cambridge University Press.
Barnett, M. (1998). Dialogues in Arab Politics: Negotiations in Regional Order. New York: Columbia University Press.
Barnett, M. (1993). “Institutions, Roles, Disorder: The Case of the Arab State Systems.” International Studies Quarterly, 37, 3, 271-296.
Barnett, M. (1995). “Sovereignty, Nationalism, and Regional Order in the Arab States System.” International Organization, 49, 3, 479-510.
Batatu, H. (2004). The Old Social Classes & The Revolutionary Movement In Iraq. New York: Saqi Books.
Berger, P. (1966), “Identity as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge.” European Journal of Sociology 7, 1, 32 – 40.
Cleveland, W. L. (2000). A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
Dawisha, A. (2003) Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Dekmejian, H. (1971). Egypt under Nasser: A Study in Political Dynamics. New York: State University of New York Press.
Delanty, G. (1995) Inventing Europe: Idea, Identity and Reality. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Douglas, A. B. (1999). Broadcasting in the Arab World: A Survey of the Electronic Media in the Middle East. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
Gerges, F. (1994) The Superpowers and the Middle East: Regional and International Politics, 1955–67. Boulder: Westview.
Gershoni, I. & Jankowski, James P. (1995). Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930–1945. London: Cambridge University Press.
Gordon, J. (2006). Nasser: Hero of the Arab Nation. Oxford: OneWorld Publications.
Friedman, J. (1991). Further Notes on the Advents of Phallus in Blunderland. In L. Nencel and P. Pels (Eds) Constructing Knowledge: Authority and Critique in Social Sciences, 95-113: New York: Sage Publications.
Heikal, M. (1986). Cutting the Lion's Tail:Suez Through Egyptian Eyes. London: Deutsch.
Hinnebusch, R. (1985). Egyptian Politics under Sadat: The Post-Populist Development of an Authoritarian-Modernizing State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hinnebush, R. (2002). Review of Nasser’s Egypt, Arab Nationalism, and the United Arab Republic, by J. Jankowski. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Hinnebush, R. (2005). The Politics of Identity in Middle East International Relations. In L. Fawcett (Ed), International Relations of the Middle East, 151-173: New York: Oxford University Press.
Jankowski, J. (1997). Arab Nationalism in "Nasserism" and Egyptian State Policy: 1952-1958. In I. Gershoni & J. Jankowski (Eds). Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East, 155-174: New York: Columbia University Press.
Jankowski, J. (2002). Nasser’s Egypt, Arab Nationalism, and the United Arab Republic. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Jankowski, J. and Gershoni, I. (1997). Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East. New York: Columbia University Press.
Kerr, M. (1972). Regional Arab Politics and the Conflict with Israel. In Hammond and Alexander (Eds.), Political Dynamics in the Middle East, New York: American Elsevier.
Kerr, M. (1970). The Arab Cold War. New York: Oxford University Press.
Khalidi, R. (1991). The Impact of the Iraqi Revolution on the Arab World. In R. Fernea and W. Louis (Eds), The Iraqi Revolution of 1958: The Old Social Classes Revisited, 106–17: New York: I. B. Tauris.
Kienle, E. (1990). Ba’th v. Ba’th: The Conflict Between Syria and Iraq. London: I. B. Tauris.
King Hussein of Jordan. (1962). Uneasy Lies the Head: The Autobiography of His Majesty King Hussein I of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. London: Heinemann.
Lacouture, J. (1973) Nasser:A Biography. New York: Knopf.
Maddy-Weitzman, B. (1990). Jordan and Iraq: Efforts at Intra-Hashimite Unity. Middle Eastern Studies, 26, 65-75.
Malcolm K. (1972). Regional Arab Politics and the Conflict with Israel. In P. Hammond and S. Alexander (Eds.), Political Dynamics in the Middle East, New York: American Elsevier.
Miller, B. (2008). States, Nations and Regional War. Ethnopolitics, 7, 4.
Mufti, M. (1996). Sovereign Creations: Pan-Arabism and Political Order in Syria and Iraq. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
March, J. G. & Olsen, J.P. (1989). Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics. New York: Free Press.
Nasser, G. A. (1959). The Philosophy of the Revolution. Buffalo, New York: Economica books.
Nutting, A. (1972). Nasser. London: Constable.
Podeh E. and Winkcler, O. (2004). Introduction: Nasserism as a Form of Populism. In E. Podeh and O. Winkcler (Eds), Rethingking Nasserism: Revolution and Historical Memory in Modern Egypt: Gainesville, The University Press of Florida.
Podeh, E. (1994). In the Service of Power: The Ideological Struggle in the Arab World During the Gulf Crisis. Conflict Quarterly, Fall, 7–25.
Rabinovich, I. (1972). Syria Under the Ba’ath, 1963–66. New York: Halstead.
Reus-Smit, C. (2009). Constructivism. In S. Burchill, A. Linklater, R. Devetak, J. Donnelly, T. Nardin, M. Paterson, C. Reus-Smit, & J. True (Eds), Theories of International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ringmar, E. (1996). Identity, Interest and Action: A Cultural Explanation of Sweden’s Intervention in the Thirty Years War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Risse, T. (2000). Let’s Argue!: Communicative Action in World Politics. International Organization, 54, 1, 1 – 39.
Satloff, R. (1994) From Abdullah to Hussein: Jordan in Transition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Seale, P. (1986). The Struggle for Syria. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Sela, A. (2004). Abd al-Nasser’s Regional Politics: A Reassessment. In E. Podeh and O. Winckler (Eds), Rethingking Nasserism: Revolution and Historical Memory in Modern Egypt, Gainesville, The University Press of Florida.
Sela, A. (1988). The Changing Focus of the Arab States’ System. Middle East Review, 20, Spring, 3, 41–54.
Sela, A. (1997). The Decline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Middle East Politics and the Quest for Regional Order. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Spiegel, S. L. (1985). The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict: Making America's Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Stephens, R. (1971). Nasser: A Political Biography. London: Allen Lane, Penguin Press.
Tarrow, S. (1994). Power in Movement. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Vatikiotis, P. J. (1961). Dilemmas of Political Leadership in the Arab Middle East: The Case of the UAR. American Political Science Review, 55, 1.
Vatikiotis, P. J. (1978). Nasser and His Generation. London: Croom Helm.
Walt, S. (1998). International Relations: One World, Many Theories. Foreign Policy, 110, Spring, 29-47.
Walt, S. (2002). Keeping the World “Off-Balance”: Self-Resraint and U.S. Foreign Policy. In G. J. Ikenberry (Ed.), America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power, 121-154; New York: Cornell University Press.
Walt, S. (1987). The Origins of Alliances. New York: Coronel University Press.
Wendt, A. (1992) Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics. International Organization, 46, 2, 391-425.
Wendt, A. (1999). Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kaleoğlu Uçaner, B. (2022). The Social Construction of a ‘Pan-Arabist Hero’: Gamal Abdel Nasser. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(4), 2389-2407. https://doi.org/10.21547/jss.1139290