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Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism

Yıl 2023, , 600 - 612, 31.10.2023


The aim of this study is to reveal the effect and importance of physical activity and diet program in adolescence obese individuals with A-typical autism. One of the single-subject research models, the single-start multiple probe model was used. The population of the study consists of children with A-typical autism between the ages of nine (9) and fourteen (14) living in Isparta. The sample of the study consisted of one (1) child who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The study lasted for a total of seventeen (17) weeks, including the first week of pre-measurements and the implementation of an adapted physical activity and diet program for sixteen (16) weeks. As a data collection tool, the child's weight measurement was recorded with Tanita before each study. The data obtained at the end of the application were analyzed by showing them on the graph. Since the number of participants participating in the study was one (1), the data obtained in the seventeen (17) week period were converted into points in accordance with the scale protocol and turned into a line chart to reveal the change that occurred. At the end of the research, no change was observed in body weight without applying physical activity and diet program to the participant in the first week. With the physical activity and diet program applied to the participant for sixteen (16) weeks, a decrease of five (5) kilograms in the participant's body weight was detected. Factors such as the frequency of physical activity of the participant, dietary habits, awareness of parents, socio-economic status, and psycho-social are thought to be effective in this decrease in body weight.


  • Adams, J. B., Audhya, T., Geis, E., Gehn, E., Fimbres, V., Pollard, E. L., Mitchell, J., Ingram, J., Hellmers, R., Laake, D., Matthews, J. S., Li, K., Naviaux, J. C., Naviaux, R. K., Adams, R. L., Coleman, D. V., & Quig, D. W. (2018). Comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention for autism spectrum disorder a randomized, controlled 12-month trial. Nutrients, 10(3), 369.
  • Acharya, S., & Sharma K. (2021). Lived experiences of mothers raising children with autism in chitwan district, Nepal. Autism Research and Treatment, 6.
  • Akkuş, P. Z., Saygın, B. B., Bahadur, E. İ., Çak, T., & Özmert, E. N. (2020). Living with autism spectrum disorder: Family experiences, Journal of Pediatric Disease, 15 (4), 272-279.
  • Aponte, C. A., & Romanczyk, R. G. (2016). Assessment of feeding problems in children with autism spectrum disorder. Resarch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 21, 61-72.
  • Arefilaleh, S. (2021). Determination of the effects of healthy nutrition on zonulin values and symptoms related to autism in children with autism. Master Thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Nutrition Sciences, Samsun.
  • Arslan, E., and İnce, G. (2015). The effects of 12 weeks exercise program on the level of gross motor skill of the children with atypical autism. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Science, 1(1), 51-62.
  • Aydın, D., and Özgen, Z. E. (2018). The role of nurses in autism spectrum disorders and early diagnosis in children. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3), 93-101.
  • Bandini, L. G., Anderson, S. E., Curtin, C., Cermak, S., Evans, E. W., Scampini, R., Maslin, M., & Must, A. (2010). Food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 157(2), 259-264.
  • Bendixen, R. M., Elder, J. H., Donaldson, S., Kairalla, J. A., Valcante, G., Ferdig, R. E. (2011). Effects of a father-based in-home intervention on perceived stress and family dynamics in parents of children with autism. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(6), 679-687.
  • Çıtar, M.E., (2019). Assessment of nutritional status and dietary antioxidant capacities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Unpublishing Master Thesis, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara.
  • Dahlgren, J., Healy, S., MacDonald, M., Geldhof, J., Palmiere, K., & Haegele, J. (2021). Physical activity and screen time among youth with autism: A longitudinal analysis from 9 to 18 years. Autism, 25(4), 1090–1099.
  • Dhaliwal, K. K., Orsso, C. E., Richard, C., Haqq, A.M., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2019). Risk factors for unhealthy weight gain and obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(13), 3285.
  • Doreswamy, S., Bashir, A., Guarecuco, J. E., Lahori, S., Baig, A., Narra, L. R., Patel, P., & Heindl, S. E. (2020). Effects of diet, nutrition, and exercise in children with autism and autism spectrum disorder: A Literature Review. Cureus, 12(12), 1-7.
  • Döndüren, E. (2021). A prospective cohort study on the effects of a gluten-free casein-free diet on body mass index, autism severity, and behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, Üsküdar University, Health Sciences Institute, Department of Neuroscience, İstanbul.
  • Durmuş, K., Sarol, H., & Gürkan, R. K. (2021). Autism spectrum disorder and physical activity. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(4), 691-703.
  • Elaltunkara, C. (2017). The effects of 16 week sports training on autistic child children's physical abilities. Master Thesis, Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Departmant of Physical Educatin and Sport, Bartın.
  • Girli, A., Özgönenel, S. Ö., Sarı, H. Y., & Ardahan, E. (2015). Nutritional status, eating behaviours and parental attitudes of children with an autism. Child and Civilization, 1(7), 87-99.
  • Gehricke, J. G., Chan, J., Farmer, J. G., Fenning, R. M., Steingberg-Epstein, M., Misra, M., Parker, R. A., & Neumeyer, A. M., (2020). Physical activity rates in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder compared to the general population. Research in autism spectrum disorders, 70, Article 101490.
  • Helsel, B. C., Foster, R. N. S., Sherman, J., Steele, R., Ptomey, L. T., Montogomery, R. İ., Wahburn, R. A., & Donnely, J. E. (2023). The family nutrition and physical activity survey: comparisons with obesity and physical activity in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev. Disord., 53, 89–95.
  • Hinckson, E. A., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Sands, M., & Penman, L. (2013). Physical activity, dietary habits and overall health in overweight and obese children and youth with intellectual disability or autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1170-1178.
  • Ilkım, M., Özoğlu, F., & Kalaycı, M. C. (2021). Evaluation of sports awareness of parents of individuals with autism attending to sports clubs. Int J Life Sci Pharma Res, 14, 76-80.
  • Ilkım, M., Tanir, H., & Özdemir, M. (2018). Socialization effect of physical activity in students who need special education. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 4(2), 128-131.
  • Jones, R. A., Downing, K., Rinehart, N. J., Barnett, L. M., May, T., McGillivray, J. A., Papadopolous, N. V., Skouteris, H., Timperio, A., & Hinkley, T. (2017). Physical activity, sedentary behavior and their correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder: A Systematic Review. PloS one, 12(2), e0172482.
  • Kavlak, B. (2019). The effect of regular physical activity programs applied to children with autism on some motor features. Master Thesis, Kocaeli University, Health Sciences Instute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kocaeli.
  • Karasar, N. (2019). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi: Kavramlar ilkeler teknikler. Nobel.
  • Kaynar, A. N., and Yılmaz, H.Ö. (2020). Determination of nutritistional status in children with autism spectrum disorder. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(2), 151-162.
  • Khader, W. (2017). Physical activity participation ın children with autism spectrum disorder in different communities: A Comparative Study. PhD thesis, Marmara University, Health Sciences Instute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, İstanbul.
  • Khiavi, F.F., Zahiri, M., Amiri, E., Dindamal, B., & Pirani, N., (2021). The experiences of families raising austistic children: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Educaiton and Health Promotion, 10(78). 10.4103/jehp.jehp_837_20
  • Kırcali, B.Ö., Demir, F., Demir, N., & Üründü, H. (2022). Obesity status, eating behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder and the nutritional problems experienced by families. Karya Journal of Health Science, 3(2), 50-55.
  • Köksal, M., and Erciyes, C. (2021). Evaluation of psycho-social problems in the families of children diagnosed with autism. Aydın Sağlık Dergisi, 7(3), 235-254.
  • McCoy, S.M., Jakicic, J. M., & Gibbs, B. B. (2016). Comparison of obesity, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors between adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and without. J Autism Dev Disord, 46, 2317–2326.
  • Meral, B. F. (2017). Feeding problems and evidence-based behavioral interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(3), 493-508.
  • Önal, S. (2017). Assessment of the nutritional status and feeding behaviors of children with autism. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Health Sciences Instute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara.
  • Önal, S., and Uçar, A., (2017). Nutritional approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Ankara Health Sciences Journal, 6(1), 179-194.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Pitetti, K.H., Rendoff, A.D., Grover, T. & Beets, M.W. (2007). The efficacy of a 9-month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 37, 997–1006.
  • Raspini, B., Prosperi, M., Guiducci, L., Santocchi, E., Tancredi, R., Calderoni, S., Morales, M. A., Morelli, M., Simione, M., Fiechtner, L., Muratori, F., & Cena, H. (2021). Dietary patterns and weight status in Italian preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children. Nutrients, 13(11), 4039.
  • Riccio, S. (2022). Feeding problems: Autism spectrum disorder. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 14(1), 23-26.
  • Sanctuary, M. R., Kain, J. N., Chen, S.Y., Kalanetra, K., Lemay, D. G., Rose, D. R., Yang, H. T., Tancredi, D. J, Bruce German, J., Slupsky, C.M., Ashwood, P., Mills, D.A., Smilowitz, J.T., & Angkustsiri, K. (2019). Pilot study of probiotic/colostrum supplementation on gut function in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. PloS one, 14(1), Article e0210064.
  • Sansi, A., and Nalbant, S. (2019). Effects of inclusive physical activity program on physical fitness levels of students with and without autism spectrum disorder. Kilis Yedi Aralik University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences 3(2), 30-39.
  • Sarı, H. (2015). Uygulamalı davranış analizi (eğitimciler için). İçinde H. Sarı (Ed.), Tek denekli araştırmalar (9. Basımdan Çeviri). Nobel.
  • Srinivasan, S. M., Pescatello, L. S., & Bhat, A. N. (2014). Current perspectives on physical activity and exercise recommendations for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Physical therapy, 94(6), 875-889.
  • Şata, M. (2020). Nicel araştırma yaklaşımları. İçinde E. Oğuz (Ed.), Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri (ss.77-97). Eğiten Kitap.
  • Şengüzel, S., Cebeci, A. N., Ekici, B., Gönen, İ., & Tatlı, B. (2020). Impact of eating habits and nutritional status on children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 16(3), 413–421.
  • Tekkeli, Ş. (2021). Effect of gluten-free casein-free diet on gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, İstanbul Medipol University, Health Sciences Instute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, İstanbul.
  • Top, F.Ü. (2009). The evaluation of the problems and psychological states of the families who have autistic children: A Qualitative Research. J. Child, 9(1),34-42.
  • Yarımkaya, E., and İlhan, E. L. (2020). The effect of peer-mediated physical activıties on communication deficit of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science, 14(2), 233-245.
  • Yassıbaş, U. (2016). A comprehensive look into the experiences of parents whose children have autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, Anadolu University, University Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Department of Special Education, Eskişehir.
  • Yıldırım, G. (2019). Autistic children investigation of autism and nutritional level. Master Thesis, İstanbul Okan University, Health Sciences Institute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, İstanbul.
  • Zhao, M., and Chen, S. (2018). The effects of structured physical activity program on social interaction and communication for children with autism. BioMed research international, 2018, Article 1825046,

Ergenlik Dönemi A-tipik Otizmli Obez Bireylere Fiziksel Aktivite ve Diyetle Müdahale

Yıl 2023, , 600 - 612, 31.10.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ergenlik dönemi A-tipik otizmli obez bireylere fiziksel aktivite ve diyet programı ile müdahalenin etkisini ve önemini ortaya koyabilmektir. Tek denekli araştırma modellerinden, tekli başlangıç çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Isparta ilinde yaşayan, dokuz (9) ile on dört (14) yaş aralığındaki A-tipik otizmli çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul eden bir (1) çocuk oluşturmuştur. Araştırma ön ölçümlerin alındığı ilk hafta ve on altı (16) hafta uyarlanmış fiziksel aktivite ve diyet programının uygulanması olmak üzere toplamda on yedi (17) hafta sürmüştür. Veri toplama aracı olarak çocuğun kilo ölçümü her çalışma öncesinde tanita ile ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Uygulama sonunda elde edilen veriler, grafik üzerinde gösterilerek analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan katılımcı sayısının bir (1) olması nedeniyle on yedi (17) haftalık süreçte elde edilen veriler ölçek protokolüne uygun şekilde nokta puana dönüştürülerek, meydana gelen değişimi ortaya koymak için çizgi grafiğe dönüştürülmüştür. Araştırma sonunda, katılımcıya ilk hafta fiziksel akitvite ve diyet programı uygulanmadan vücut ağırlığında bir değişiklik tespit edilmemiştir. Katılımcıya on altı (16) hafta boyunca uygulanan fiziksel aktivite ve diyet programı ile katılımcının vücut ağırlığında beş (5) kilogram azalma tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcının vücut ağırlığında beş (5) kilogramlık azalmada katılımcının fiziksel aktivite sıklığı, beslenme alışkanlıkları, ebeveynlerin farkındalığı, sosyo-ekonomik düzey ve psiko-sosyal gibi faktörlerin etkili olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Adams, J. B., Audhya, T., Geis, E., Gehn, E., Fimbres, V., Pollard, E. L., Mitchell, J., Ingram, J., Hellmers, R., Laake, D., Matthews, J. S., Li, K., Naviaux, J. C., Naviaux, R. K., Adams, R. L., Coleman, D. V., & Quig, D. W. (2018). Comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention for autism spectrum disorder a randomized, controlled 12-month trial. Nutrients, 10(3), 369.
  • Acharya, S., & Sharma K. (2021). Lived experiences of mothers raising children with autism in chitwan district, Nepal. Autism Research and Treatment, 6.
  • Akkuş, P. Z., Saygın, B. B., Bahadur, E. İ., Çak, T., & Özmert, E. N. (2020). Living with autism spectrum disorder: Family experiences, Journal of Pediatric Disease, 15 (4), 272-279.
  • Aponte, C. A., & Romanczyk, R. G. (2016). Assessment of feeding problems in children with autism spectrum disorder. Resarch in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 21, 61-72.
  • Arefilaleh, S. (2021). Determination of the effects of healthy nutrition on zonulin values and symptoms related to autism in children with autism. Master Thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Graduate Education Institute, Department of Nutrition Sciences, Samsun.
  • Arslan, E., and İnce, G. (2015). The effects of 12 weeks exercise program on the level of gross motor skill of the children with atypical autism. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Science, 1(1), 51-62.
  • Aydın, D., and Özgen, Z. E. (2018). The role of nurses in autism spectrum disorders and early diagnosis in children. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3), 93-101.
  • Bandini, L. G., Anderson, S. E., Curtin, C., Cermak, S., Evans, E. W., Scampini, R., Maslin, M., & Must, A. (2010). Food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 157(2), 259-264.
  • Bendixen, R. M., Elder, J. H., Donaldson, S., Kairalla, J. A., Valcante, G., Ferdig, R. E. (2011). Effects of a father-based in-home intervention on perceived stress and family dynamics in parents of children with autism. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(6), 679-687.
  • Çıtar, M.E., (2019). Assessment of nutritional status and dietary antioxidant capacities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Unpublishing Master Thesis, Gazi University, Health Sciences Institute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara.
  • Dahlgren, J., Healy, S., MacDonald, M., Geldhof, J., Palmiere, K., & Haegele, J. (2021). Physical activity and screen time among youth with autism: A longitudinal analysis from 9 to 18 years. Autism, 25(4), 1090–1099.
  • Dhaliwal, K. K., Orsso, C. E., Richard, C., Haqq, A.M., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2019). Risk factors for unhealthy weight gain and obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(13), 3285.
  • Doreswamy, S., Bashir, A., Guarecuco, J. E., Lahori, S., Baig, A., Narra, L. R., Patel, P., & Heindl, S. E. (2020). Effects of diet, nutrition, and exercise in children with autism and autism spectrum disorder: A Literature Review. Cureus, 12(12), 1-7.
  • Döndüren, E. (2021). A prospective cohort study on the effects of a gluten-free casein-free diet on body mass index, autism severity, and behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, Üsküdar University, Health Sciences Institute, Department of Neuroscience, İstanbul.
  • Durmuş, K., Sarol, H., & Gürkan, R. K. (2021). Autism spectrum disorder and physical activity. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(4), 691-703.
  • Elaltunkara, C. (2017). The effects of 16 week sports training on autistic child children's physical abilities. Master Thesis, Bartın University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Departmant of Physical Educatin and Sport, Bartın.
  • Girli, A., Özgönenel, S. Ö., Sarı, H. Y., & Ardahan, E. (2015). Nutritional status, eating behaviours and parental attitudes of children with an autism. Child and Civilization, 1(7), 87-99.
  • Gehricke, J. G., Chan, J., Farmer, J. G., Fenning, R. M., Steingberg-Epstein, M., Misra, M., Parker, R. A., & Neumeyer, A. M., (2020). Physical activity rates in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder compared to the general population. Research in autism spectrum disorders, 70, Article 101490.
  • Helsel, B. C., Foster, R. N. S., Sherman, J., Steele, R., Ptomey, L. T., Montogomery, R. İ., Wahburn, R. A., & Donnely, J. E. (2023). The family nutrition and physical activity survey: comparisons with obesity and physical activity in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev. Disord., 53, 89–95.
  • Hinckson, E. A., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Sands, M., & Penman, L. (2013). Physical activity, dietary habits and overall health in overweight and obese children and youth with intellectual disability or autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1170-1178.
  • Ilkım, M., Özoğlu, F., & Kalaycı, M. C. (2021). Evaluation of sports awareness of parents of individuals with autism attending to sports clubs. Int J Life Sci Pharma Res, 14, 76-80.
  • Ilkım, M., Tanir, H., & Özdemir, M. (2018). Socialization effect of physical activity in students who need special education. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 4(2), 128-131.
  • Jones, R. A., Downing, K., Rinehart, N. J., Barnett, L. M., May, T., McGillivray, J. A., Papadopolous, N. V., Skouteris, H., Timperio, A., & Hinkley, T. (2017). Physical activity, sedentary behavior and their correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder: A Systematic Review. PloS one, 12(2), e0172482.
  • Kavlak, B. (2019). The effect of regular physical activity programs applied to children with autism on some motor features. Master Thesis, Kocaeli University, Health Sciences Instute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kocaeli.
  • Karasar, N. (2019). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi: Kavramlar ilkeler teknikler. Nobel.
  • Kaynar, A. N., and Yılmaz, H.Ö. (2020). Determination of nutritistional status in children with autism spectrum disorder. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(2), 151-162.
  • Khader, W. (2017). Physical activity participation ın children with autism spectrum disorder in different communities: A Comparative Study. PhD thesis, Marmara University, Health Sciences Instute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, İstanbul.
  • Khiavi, F.F., Zahiri, M., Amiri, E., Dindamal, B., & Pirani, N., (2021). The experiences of families raising austistic children: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Educaiton and Health Promotion, 10(78). 10.4103/jehp.jehp_837_20
  • Kırcali, B.Ö., Demir, F., Demir, N., & Üründü, H. (2022). Obesity status, eating behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder and the nutritional problems experienced by families. Karya Journal of Health Science, 3(2), 50-55.
  • Köksal, M., and Erciyes, C. (2021). Evaluation of psycho-social problems in the families of children diagnosed with autism. Aydın Sağlık Dergisi, 7(3), 235-254.
  • McCoy, S.M., Jakicic, J. M., & Gibbs, B. B. (2016). Comparison of obesity, physical activity, and sedentary behaviors between adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and without. J Autism Dev Disord, 46, 2317–2326.
  • Meral, B. F. (2017). Feeding problems and evidence-based behavioral interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(3), 493-508.
  • Önal, S. (2017). Assessment of the nutritional status and feeding behaviors of children with autism. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Health Sciences Instute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara.
  • Önal, S., and Uçar, A., (2017). Nutritional approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Ankara Health Sciences Journal, 6(1), 179-194.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Kaan Kitabevi.
  • Pitetti, K.H., Rendoff, A.D., Grover, T. & Beets, M.W. (2007). The efficacy of a 9-month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 37, 997–1006.
  • Raspini, B., Prosperi, M., Guiducci, L., Santocchi, E., Tancredi, R., Calderoni, S., Morales, M. A., Morelli, M., Simione, M., Fiechtner, L., Muratori, F., & Cena, H. (2021). Dietary patterns and weight status in Italian preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children. Nutrients, 13(11), 4039.
  • Riccio, S. (2022). Feeding problems: Autism spectrum disorder. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 14(1), 23-26.
  • Sanctuary, M. R., Kain, J. N., Chen, S.Y., Kalanetra, K., Lemay, D. G., Rose, D. R., Yang, H. T., Tancredi, D. J, Bruce German, J., Slupsky, C.M., Ashwood, P., Mills, D.A., Smilowitz, J.T., & Angkustsiri, K. (2019). Pilot study of probiotic/colostrum supplementation on gut function in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. PloS one, 14(1), Article e0210064.
  • Sansi, A., and Nalbant, S. (2019). Effects of inclusive physical activity program on physical fitness levels of students with and without autism spectrum disorder. Kilis Yedi Aralik University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences 3(2), 30-39.
  • Sarı, H. (2015). Uygulamalı davranış analizi (eğitimciler için). İçinde H. Sarı (Ed.), Tek denekli araştırmalar (9. Basımdan Çeviri). Nobel.
  • Srinivasan, S. M., Pescatello, L. S., & Bhat, A. N. (2014). Current perspectives on physical activity and exercise recommendations for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Physical therapy, 94(6), 875-889.
  • Şata, M. (2020). Nicel araştırma yaklaşımları. İçinde E. Oğuz (Ed.), Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri (ss.77-97). Eğiten Kitap.
  • Şengüzel, S., Cebeci, A. N., Ekici, B., Gönen, İ., & Tatlı, B. (2020). Impact of eating habits and nutritional status on children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 16(3), 413–421.
  • Tekkeli, Ş. (2021). Effect of gluten-free casein-free diet on gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, İstanbul Medipol University, Health Sciences Instute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, İstanbul.
  • Top, F.Ü. (2009). The evaluation of the problems and psychological states of the families who have autistic children: A Qualitative Research. J. Child, 9(1),34-42.
  • Yarımkaya, E., and İlhan, E. L. (2020). The effect of peer-mediated physical activıties on communication deficit of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science, 14(2), 233-245.
  • Yassıbaş, U. (2016). A comprehensive look into the experiences of parents whose children have autism spectrum disorder. Master Thesis, Anadolu University, University Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Department of Special Education, Eskişehir.
  • Yıldırım, G. (2019). Autistic children investigation of autism and nutritional level. Master Thesis, İstanbul Okan University, Health Sciences Institute, The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, İstanbul.
  • Zhao, M., and Chen, S. (2018). The effects of structured physical activity program on social interaction and communication for children with autism. BioMed research international, 2018, Article 1825046,
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Orijinal Makale

Gülşen Karatay 0000-0002-5934-4305

Hulusi Alp 0000-0001-9301-453X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 7 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 7 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Karatay, G., & Alp, H. (2023). Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, 8(3), 600-612.
AMA Karatay G, Alp H. Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism. JSSR. Ekim 2023;8(3):600-612. doi:10.25307/jssr.1280666
Chicago Karatay, Gülşen, ve Hulusi Alp. “Intervation With Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals With A-Typical Autism”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 8, sy. 3 (Ekim 2023): 600-612.
EndNote Karatay G, Alp H (01 Ekim 2023) Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 8 3 600–612.
IEEE G. Karatay ve H. Alp, “Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism”, JSSR, c. 8, sy. 3, ss. 600–612, 2023, doi: 10.25307/jssr.1280666.
ISNAD Karatay, Gülşen - Alp, Hulusi. “Intervation With Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals With A-Typical Autism”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research 8/3 (Ekim 2023), 600-612.
JAMA Karatay G, Alp H. Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism. JSSR. 2023;8:600–612.
MLA Karatay, Gülşen ve Hulusi Alp. “Intervation With Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals With A-Typical Autism”. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, c. 8, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 600-12, doi:10.25307/jssr.1280666.
Vancouver Karatay G, Alp H. Intervation with Physical Activity and Dietary Adolescent Obese Individuals with A-typical Autism. JSSR. 2023;8(3):600-12.

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