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The Impact of Tourists’ Sensation Seeking in Space Tourism on Their Expectation of Experience Within the Postmodern Tourism Paradigm

Yıl 2024, , 51 - 65, 15.12.2024


Space tourism, within the post-modern tourism paradigm, emerges as an alternative tourism type in line with new information about space. The aim of research is to determine the impact of potential tourists' sensation seeking tendencies on their expectations of experiencing space tourism, which is expected to be a frequent activity in the future. To achieve this objective, a quantitative research method was used. The research was conducted on potential tourists living in Turkey. Data were collected through an online survey from potential tourists reached by convenience sampling, a non-random sampling method. This research is limited to the information obtained as a result of the resources available after a literature review in the field. finding of the study is that sensation seeking decreases as age increases. It is observed that individuals in younger age groups have a higher level of sensation seeking. A positive linear relationship is observed between the dimension of sensation seeking and the dependent variable of expectation of experience. The use of new technologies is often linked to hedonic motivation. Tourists' sensation seeking trait significantly influences their expectation of experience in space tourism. The study concludes that tourists' sensation seeking impacts their expectation of experience in space tourism by 37%. Space tourism has emerged as a new and rising field in recent years. The tendencies of potential tourists in this field can shape their future space experiences. In this sense, this study, which has a unique research area, can also provide important information for the marketing strategies to be developed by space tourism companies.


  • Acar, İ. A. (2023). Bir küresel kamusal mal olarak uzay ve döngüsel ekonomi. Türk uzay ekosistemi kavramsal incelemeler İn. M. K. Topçu (Edt.) 211-224 Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Açıksözlü, Ö. And Varol, İ. (2022). Yenilikçi Tatil Tercihlerinden Uzay Turizmi, Bozok, D. (Yay. Haz.). Teknoloji ve Turizm (Gelenekselden Turizm 4.0’a) in (176-200) Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Açıksözlü, Ö., And Varol, İ. (2023). Dünya Dışında Turistik Bir Gezi: Uzay Turizmine Yönelik Metafor Analizi. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(3), 385-401.
  • Ağaoğlu, A., and Altunışık, R. (2012, Aralık). Postmodernizm, Sembolik Tüketim ve Marka. Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 33-50.
  • Akoğlan-Kozak, M., Evren, S., and Çakır, O. (2013). Tarihsel süreç içinde turizm paradigması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(1), 7-22.
  • Alçın, S. (2016). Üretim için yeni bir izlek: Sanayi 4.0. Journal of Life Economics, 3(2), 19-30.
  • Arısan, B. (2022). Uzay Turizmi ve Pazarlaması, F. Apaydın (Edt.) Uzay Turizmi in, (1-19). Ankara: Nobel Yay.
  • Ball, I.L., Farnhill, D., and Wangeman, J.F. (1984). Sex and age differences in sensation seeking: Some national comparisons, British Journal of Psychology, 75(2), 257-265.
  • Başyazıcıoğlu, H. N. (2022). Uzay Turizmi ve Deneyimsel Pazarlama, F. Apaydın. (Edt.) Uzay Turizmi, (23-39). Ankara: Noben Yay.
  • Beard, S. S., and Starzyk, J. (2002). Futron/Zogby Space Tourism Market Study–Orbital Space Travel and Destinations. Futron Corporation, October.
  • Beşikçi, T. and Dinç, S. C. (2022). Macera Rekreasyonunda Heyecan Arayışı ve Serbest Zaman Doyumu Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Çok Hafif Hava Araçları (ÇHHA) Pilot Örneği. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 289-309.
  • Bostancı, M. (2022). İnternet ve Sosyal Medyanın İfşa Kültürü. H. Ş. Albayrak. (Yay. Haz.), Tüm Yönleriyle Mahremiyet in. (353-364). Ankara: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı.
  • Bunghez, C. L. (2015, October). Space tourism market analysis. Current situation and future trends. In International Conference on Marketing and Business Development 1(1), 97-103.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi, 8(4), 470-483.
  • Campbell, J. (2008). The hero with a thousand faces (17). New World Library.
  • Cater, C. I. (2006). Playing with risk? Participant perceptions of risk and management implications in adventure tourism. Tourism management, 27(2), 317-325.
  • Chang, E. Y. (2020). From Aviation Tourism to Suborbital Space Tourism: A Study on Passenger Screening and Business Opportunities. Acta Astronautica, 177, 410- 420.
  • Chang, Y. W. (2017). A preliminary examination of the relationship between consumer attitude towards space travel and the development of innovative space tourism technology. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(14), 1431-1453.
  • Chang, Y. W. and Chern, J. S. (2016). Ups and Downs of Space Tourism Development in 60 Years from Moon Register to Spaceshiptwo Crash, Acta Astronautica, 127,.533-541.
  • Civelek, M. and Türkay, O. (2019). Uzay turizmine ilişkin uluslararası turizm karikatürlerinin göstergebilimsel bir analizi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(3), 960-980.
  • Cohen, E. (1972). Uluslararası turizm sosyolojisine doğru. Sosyal Araştırma Politik Ekonomi, 39(1), 164-182.
  • Collins, P. (2004). Space Tourism: Recent Progress and Future Prospects. Space Technology and Applications International Forum.
  • Collins, P., Maita, M., Stockmans, R., & Kobayashi, S. (1996, November). Recent efforts towards the new space era. In Space Plane and Hypersonic Systems and Technology Conference (p. 4581).
  • Cross, C.P., Cyrenne, D.M., and Brown, G.R. (2013). Sex differences in sensation-seeking: A meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 3(1), 1-5.
  • Crouch, G. I., Devinney, T. M., Louviere, J. J., and Islam, T. (2009). Modelling consumer choice behaviour in space tourism. Tourism management, 30(3), 441-454.
  • Define Space Tourism, Travel Industry Dictionary, (2022 08 Mart). Access:, 09 October 2013.
  • Dujmovic, M., and Vitasovic, A. (2015). Postmodern society and tourism. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 3(9-10), 192-203.
  • Eilingsfeld, F. and Schaetzler, D. (2000). The Cost Of Capital For Space Tourism Ventures, Space Future, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Ferguson, S., and Todd, S. (2005). Videography:'New Kid on the Research Block Or Significant Conrtibution to Consumer Research. ACR European Advances.
  • Gürer, B. (2022). Dağcılık- heyecan arayışı ve ölüm kaygısı üzerine bir inceleme. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 97-108.
  • Gürsel, S. (2020). Uzay Turizmi Girişimleri ve Uzay Turizmi ile İlgili Olası Problemler, International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 6(38), 2341-2350.
  • International Space Station, (2022, January 20). Access:
  • İslamoğlu, A. H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri. İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
  • İstanbullu-Dinçer, F., Can, İ. I., and İnan, B. (2018). Post-modern turizm paradigması etrafında şekillenen gerçek üstü bir deneyim: Uzay turizmi. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 79-93.
  • Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., and Dudić, Z. (2020). Are future professionals willing to implement service robots? Attitudes of hospitality and tourism students towards service robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
  • Keng, K. A. and Cheng, J. L. L. (1999). Determining tourist role typologies: An exploratory study of Singapore vacationers. Journal of Travel Research, 37(4), 382-390.
  • Kozak, M. A. and Bahçe, A. S. (2009). Özel İlgi Turizmi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Kozhanazar, A. (2014). Uzay Turizmi: Kazakistan’ın Uzay Turizmi Alanındaki Potansiyeli Üzerine Bir Analiz, Master's thesis, Social Sciences Institute, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Laing, J. H., and Frost, W. (2019). Presenting narratives of empathy through dark commemorative exhibitions during the Centenary of World War One. Tourism Management, 74, 190-199.
  • Lepp, A., and Gibson, H. (2008). Sensation seeking and tourism: Tourist role, perception of risk and destination choice. Tourism management, 29(4), 740-750.
  • Mesa-Arango, R., Pineda-Jaramillo, J., Araujo, D. S. A., Bi, J., Basva, M. and Viti, F. (2023). Missions And Factors Determining The Demand for Affordable Mass Space Tourism in The United States: A Machine Learning Approach. Acta Astronautica, 204, 307-320.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikleri ve SPSS Destekli Uygulamalar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • NASA (2023). Access: Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Post modern pazarlama. İstanbul: MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Öngen, D. (2007). The relationship between sensation seeking and gender role orientation among Turkish university students. Sex Roles. 57(1), 111-118.
  • Otto, M. (2009). Feasibility Study and Future Projections of Suborbital Space Tourism at the Example of Virgin Galactic. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
  • Özmen, L. (2022). Space Explorations and Asteroid Mining. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (33), pp.331. Pearce, D. G. (1992). Tourist organizations. Tourist organizations. Access:
  • Pearce, J. L. (1993). Toward an organizational behavior of contract laborers: Their psychological involvement and effects on employee co-workers. Academy of Management journal, 36(5), 1082-1096.
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  • Rather, R. A. (2020). Customer experience and engagement in tourism destinations: The experiential marketing perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(1), 15-32.
  • Reddy, M. V., Nica, M., and Wilkes, K. (2012). Space tourism: Research recommendations for the future of the industry and perspectives of potential participants. Tourism Management, 33(5), 1093-1102.
  • Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2006). Youth and Adventure Tourism (Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis, Carlos Costa). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry (First Edition). Oxford UK: Elsevier Ltd. Pp. 40-48.
  • Roney, S. A. (2002). Fordizmden Post Fordizme Geçiş Sürecinin Turizme Yansımaları: Kitle Turizmi ve Alternatif Turizm. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(1), 9-14.
  • Roney, S.A. (2011). Turizm: Bir Sistemin Analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Roth, M., Schumacher, J., & Brahler, E. (2005). Sensation seeking in the community: sex, age and sociodemographic comparisons on a representative german population sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 39(7), 1261-1271.
  • Sallan, S. and Boybeyi, S. (1994). Postmodernizm-Modernizm İkilemi. Araştırma Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi, 0(15), 313-323.
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Yıl 2024, , 51 - 65, 15.12.2024



  • Acar, İ. A. (2023). Bir küresel kamusal mal olarak uzay ve döngüsel ekonomi. Türk uzay ekosistemi kavramsal incelemeler İn. M. K. Topçu (Edt.) 211-224 Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Açıksözlü, Ö. And Varol, İ. (2022). Yenilikçi Tatil Tercihlerinden Uzay Turizmi, Bozok, D. (Yay. Haz.). Teknoloji ve Turizm (Gelenekselden Turizm 4.0’a) in (176-200) Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Açıksözlü, Ö., And Varol, İ. (2023). Dünya Dışında Turistik Bir Gezi: Uzay Turizmine Yönelik Metafor Analizi. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(3), 385-401.
  • Ağaoğlu, A., and Altunışık, R. (2012, Aralık). Postmodernizm, Sembolik Tüketim ve Marka. Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 33-50.
  • Akoğlan-Kozak, M., Evren, S., and Çakır, O. (2013). Tarihsel süreç içinde turizm paradigması. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 24(1), 7-22.
  • Alçın, S. (2016). Üretim için yeni bir izlek: Sanayi 4.0. Journal of Life Economics, 3(2), 19-30.
  • Arısan, B. (2022). Uzay Turizmi ve Pazarlaması, F. Apaydın (Edt.) Uzay Turizmi in, (1-19). Ankara: Nobel Yay.
  • Ball, I.L., Farnhill, D., and Wangeman, J.F. (1984). Sex and age differences in sensation seeking: Some national comparisons, British Journal of Psychology, 75(2), 257-265.
  • Başyazıcıoğlu, H. N. (2022). Uzay Turizmi ve Deneyimsel Pazarlama, F. Apaydın. (Edt.) Uzay Turizmi, (23-39). Ankara: Noben Yay.
  • Beard, S. S., and Starzyk, J. (2002). Futron/Zogby Space Tourism Market Study–Orbital Space Travel and Destinations. Futron Corporation, October.
  • Beşikçi, T. and Dinç, S. C. (2022). Macera Rekreasyonunda Heyecan Arayışı ve Serbest Zaman Doyumu Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Çok Hafif Hava Araçları (ÇHHA) Pilot Örneği. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 289-309.
  • Bostancı, M. (2022). İnternet ve Sosyal Medyanın İfşa Kültürü. H. Ş. Albayrak. (Yay. Haz.), Tüm Yönleriyle Mahremiyet in. (353-364). Ankara: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı.
  • Bunghez, C. L. (2015, October). Space tourism market analysis. Current situation and future trends. In International Conference on Marketing and Business Development 1(1), 97-103.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Faktör analizi: Temel kavramlar ve ölçek geliştirmede kullanımı. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi, 8(4), 470-483.
  • Campbell, J. (2008). The hero with a thousand faces (17). New World Library.
  • Cater, C. I. (2006). Playing with risk? Participant perceptions of risk and management implications in adventure tourism. Tourism management, 27(2), 317-325.
  • Chang, E. Y. (2020). From Aviation Tourism to Suborbital Space Tourism: A Study on Passenger Screening and Business Opportunities. Acta Astronautica, 177, 410- 420.
  • Chang, Y. W. (2017). A preliminary examination of the relationship between consumer attitude towards space travel and the development of innovative space tourism technology. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(14), 1431-1453.
  • Chang, Y. W. and Chern, J. S. (2016). Ups and Downs of Space Tourism Development in 60 Years from Moon Register to Spaceshiptwo Crash, Acta Astronautica, 127,.533-541.
  • Civelek, M. and Türkay, O. (2019). Uzay turizmine ilişkin uluslararası turizm karikatürlerinin göstergebilimsel bir analizi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(3), 960-980.
  • Cohen, E. (1972). Uluslararası turizm sosyolojisine doğru. Sosyal Araştırma Politik Ekonomi, 39(1), 164-182.
  • Collins, P. (2004). Space Tourism: Recent Progress and Future Prospects. Space Technology and Applications International Forum.
  • Collins, P., Maita, M., Stockmans, R., & Kobayashi, S. (1996, November). Recent efforts towards the new space era. In Space Plane and Hypersonic Systems and Technology Conference (p. 4581).
  • Cross, C.P., Cyrenne, D.M., and Brown, G.R. (2013). Sex differences in sensation-seeking: A meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 3(1), 1-5.
  • Crouch, G. I., Devinney, T. M., Louviere, J. J., and Islam, T. (2009). Modelling consumer choice behaviour in space tourism. Tourism management, 30(3), 441-454.
  • Define Space Tourism, Travel Industry Dictionary, (2022 08 Mart). Access:, 09 October 2013.
  • Dujmovic, M., and Vitasovic, A. (2015). Postmodern society and tourism. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 3(9-10), 192-203.
  • Eilingsfeld, F. and Schaetzler, D. (2000). The Cost Of Capital For Space Tourism Ventures, Space Future, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Ferguson, S., and Todd, S. (2005). Videography:'New Kid on the Research Block Or Significant Conrtibution to Consumer Research. ACR European Advances.
  • Gürer, B. (2022). Dağcılık- heyecan arayışı ve ölüm kaygısı üzerine bir inceleme. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 97-108.
  • Gürsel, S. (2020). Uzay Turizmi Girişimleri ve Uzay Turizmi ile İlgili Olası Problemler, International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 6(38), 2341-2350.
  • International Space Station, (2022, January 20). Access:
  • İslamoğlu, A. H. ve Alnıaçık, Ü. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri. İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.
  • İstanbullu-Dinçer, F., Can, İ. I., and İnan, B. (2018). Post-modern turizm paradigması etrafında şekillenen gerçek üstü bir deneyim: Uzay turizmi. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 79-93.
  • Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., and Dudić, Z. (2020). Are future professionals willing to implement service robots? Attitudes of hospitality and tourism students towards service robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
  • Keng, K. A. and Cheng, J. L. L. (1999). Determining tourist role typologies: An exploratory study of Singapore vacationers. Journal of Travel Research, 37(4), 382-390.
  • Kozak, M. A. and Bahçe, A. S. (2009). Özel İlgi Turizmi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Kozhanazar, A. (2014). Uzay Turizmi: Kazakistan’ın Uzay Turizmi Alanındaki Potansiyeli Üzerine Bir Analiz, Master's thesis, Social Sciences Institute, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Laing, J. H., and Frost, W. (2019). Presenting narratives of empathy through dark commemorative exhibitions during the Centenary of World War One. Tourism Management, 74, 190-199.
  • Lepp, A., and Gibson, H. (2008). Sensation seeking and tourism: Tourist role, perception of risk and destination choice. Tourism management, 29(4), 740-750.
  • Mesa-Arango, R., Pineda-Jaramillo, J., Araujo, D. S. A., Bi, J., Basva, M. and Viti, F. (2023). Missions And Factors Determining The Demand for Affordable Mass Space Tourism in The United States: A Machine Learning Approach. Acta Astronautica, 204, 307-320.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikleri ve SPSS Destekli Uygulamalar. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • NASA (2023). Access: Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Post modern pazarlama. İstanbul: MediaCat Kitapları.
  • Öngen, D. (2007). The relationship between sensation seeking and gender role orientation among Turkish university students. Sex Roles. 57(1), 111-118.
  • Otto, M. (2009). Feasibility Study and Future Projections of Suborbital Space Tourism at the Example of Virgin Galactic. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
  • Özmen, L. (2022). Space Explorations and Asteroid Mining. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (33), pp.331. Pearce, D. G. (1992). Tourist organizations. Tourist organizations. Access:
  • Pearce, J. L. (1993). Toward an organizational behavior of contract laborers: Their psychological involvement and effects on employee co-workers. Academy of Management journal, 36(5), 1082-1096.
  • Prideaux, B., and Singer, P. (2005). Space tourism—A future dream or a cyber-tourism reality?. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(3), 27-35.
  • Rather, R. A. (2020). Customer experience and engagement in tourism destinations: The experiential marketing perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(1), 15-32.
  • Reddy, M. V., Nica, M., and Wilkes, K. (2012). Space tourism: Research recommendations for the future of the industry and perspectives of potential participants. Tourism Management, 33(5), 1093-1102.
  • Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (2006). Youth and Adventure Tourism (Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis, Carlos Costa). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry (First Edition). Oxford UK: Elsevier Ltd. Pp. 40-48.
  • Roney, S. A. (2002). Fordizmden Post Fordizme Geçiş Sürecinin Turizme Yansımaları: Kitle Turizmi ve Alternatif Turizm. Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(1), 9-14.
  • Roney, S.A. (2011). Turizm: Bir Sistemin Analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Roth, M., Schumacher, J., & Brahler, E. (2005). Sensation seeking in the community: sex, age and sociodemographic comparisons on a representative german population sample. Personality and Individual Differences. 39(7), 1261-1271.
  • Sallan, S. and Boybeyi, S. (1994). Postmodernizm-Modernizm İkilemi. Araştırma Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi, 0(15), 313-323.
  • Seo, B. R. (2013). Future of Space Travel, Space Travel for the Masses: History, Current Status, Problems, and Future Directions, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.-337.
  • Shang, H. (2018). MARS Case/OPEN Architecture. (2022, Ocak 20). Access:
  • Shehade M. and Stylianou-Lambert T (2020) Revisiting authenticity in the age of the digital transformation of cultural tourism. In: Cultural and tourism innovation in the digital Era (pp. 3–16). Springer.
  • Snyder, C.R. (1992) Product Scarcity by Need for Uniqueness Interaction: A Consumer Catch Carousel? Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 9-24.
  • Sönmez, T. A. and Karataş, C. (2010). Postmodern Pazarlama, MYO-ÖS 2010- Ulusal Meslek Yüksekokulları Öğrenci Sempozyumu, Muğla., (02.09.2014).
  • SpaceX 2021. Access: STM ThinkTech, (2019). Access:
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Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Turist Davranışı ve Ziyaretçi Deneyimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Övgü Açıksözlü 0000-0003-2238-081X

İlbey Varol 0000-0002-5606-1094

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Açıksözlü, Ö., & Varol, İ. (2024). The Impact of Tourists’ Sensation Seeking in Space Tourism on Their Expectation of Experience Within the Postmodern Tourism Paradigm. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 7(2), 51-65.