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“Bulgar Mezalimi ve Şark Meselesi” Kitapçığı Üzerinden William E.Gladstone’un Osmanlı Politikalarına Dair Bir Analiz

Yıl 2023, , 226 - 241, 27.12.2023


Uzun yaşamı boyunca dört kez başbakanlık yapmış olan William Ewart Gladstone hem İngiliz tarihi hem de dünya siyaseti için iz bırakmış bir devlet adamıdır. 5 Eylül 1876 yılında yayımladığı ünlü kitapçığı “Bulgar Mezalimi ve Şark Meselesi” ile Osmanlı imparatorluğu içinde yaşanan olaylara katılması gerek 1876-1878 Yakın Doğu krizini gerekse de Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na yönelik İngiliz politikasının oluşmasında belirleyici olmuştur. Gladstone’un Hristiyan tebaanın Türk yönetimiyle idaresine yönelik her zaman şüpheleri mevcuttur. Kitapçığının temel eksenini de bu düşünceleri oluşturmaktadır. İngiliz-Osmanlı ilişkileri tarihinin dönüm noktası, İngiliz Parlamento tartışmalarının ve Liberal devlet adamı Gladstone'un politikalarının incelenmesinde yatmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Gladstone'un Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na yönelik İngiliz diplomasisinin oluşumunda Bulgar İsyanı’ndaki bu çıkışı Disraeli'nin 1877-1878 Rus-Osmanlı Savaşı'ndaki Türk yanlısı tarafsızlığından vazgeçişe yol açmış ve akabinde Gladstone liderliğinde 1882'de Mısır'ın İngilizler tarafından işgali gerçekleşmiştir. Gladstone’un “Bulgar Mezalimi ve Şark Meselesi” kitapçığındaki retorik öfkesindeki, “insanlığın yüz karası Türklerin pılı pırtısıyla Avrupa’dan çıkarmak” düşüncesinin yahut dini kızgınlığının politikalarını etkileyip etkilemediği düşüncesi tartışmaya açıktır. Bu çalışma, Gladstone’un düşüncelerinin ve kitapçığının Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na yönelik İngiliz politikasının oluşumundaki önemini analiz edecektir.


  • [1] Clair, Goubold Bropy Saint (1876), “Bulgarian Horrors! and Mr. Gladstone`s Eastern Policy”, Blanchard & Sons, London.
  • [2] Anderson, Matthew S. (1968), The Eastern Question, 1774-1923, A Study in International Relations, Macmillan, London.
  • [3] Balcı, Meral (2018), Reflection of British Prime Minister Gladstone's Anti- Ottoman Policies to British Foreign Policy, Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler’de Akademik Araştirmalar-I, Gece Kitaplığı, İstanbul.
  • [4] Biagini, Eugenio (1992), Liberty, Retrenchment and Reform, Popular Liberalism in the Age of Gladstone, 1860-1880, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • [5] Biagini, Eugenio (2000), Gladstone, Macmillan, London.
  • [6] Blake, Robert (1967), Disraeli, St. Martin’s Press, Michigan.
  • [7] British Library (BL) 8028. AA, Eastern Question Association: Report of Proceedings of the National conference at St. James Hall, London: Direction of the Committee by James Clarke & Co., 13&14 Fleet Street.
  • [8] British Library (BL) Gladstone Papers (GP).
  • [9] Campbell, George John Douglas (1896) (8th Duke of Argyll), “Our Responsibilities for Turkey, Facts and Memories of Forty Years”, John Murray, London.
  • [10] Çelik, Emre (2013), Benjamin Disraeli-William Ewart Gladstone Rekabetinde Şark Meselesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • [11] Çiçek, Nazan (2017), “Bulgarian Horrors” Revisited: the Many-Layered Manifestations of the Orientalist Discourse in Victorian Political Construction of the External, Intimate and Internal Other”, Belleten, S. 291/81, Ağustos. (525-568)
  • [12] Correspondence respecting refugees from Hungary within the Turkish Dominions presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of her Majesty (1851), 28 February 1851, Harrison and Son, London.
  • [13] Daily News Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [14] Daily Telegraph Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [15] De Redcliffe, Viscount Stratford (1881), ‘The Eastern Question; a selection from his writings during the five years of his life with a preface by Arthur Penryhn Stanley’, John Murray, Albemarle Street, London.
  • [16] De Worms, Baron Henry (1877), “England’s policy in the East”, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • [17] Freeman, Edward A. (1876), “The Eastern question in its historical bearings, an address. Revised, an address delivered in Manchester”, Manchester.
  • [18] Gallenga, Anthony (1877), “Two Years of the Eastern Question”, vol. II, Samuel Tinsley, London.
  • [19] Gladstone, William E. (1876) “A speech delivered at Blackheath on Saturday, September 9th, 1876: together with letters on the question of the East”, Bristol Selected Pamphlets.
  • [20] Gladstone, William E. (1876), ‘The History of 1852-60 and Greville’s latest Journals’, The English Historical Review, vol. II, Longsman, Green, and Co. Ltd., London.
  • [21] Gladstone, William E. (1877), “The Sclavonic provinces of the Ottoman Empire”, London.
  • [22] Gladstone, William E. (1876), “Bulgarian Horrors and The Question of the East”, John Murray, London.
  • [23] Gladstone, William E. (1877), “Lessons in massacre, or, the conduct of the Turkish government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876: chiefly from the papers presented by command”, Bristol Selected Pamphlets.
  • [24] Gölen, Zafer (2011), “Şark Meselesi Işığında Balkan Milliyetçiliği ve Büyük Güçlerin Politikaları”, Türk Yurdu, S. 284/100, Nisan. (91-101)
  • [25] Hanioğlu, Sükrü (2008), A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [26] Hansard Parliamentary Debates (3rd Series).
  • [27] Harris, David (1939), Britain and the Bulgarian Horrors of 1876, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • [28] Jewish Chronicle Gazetesi, 27 Ekim 1876.
  • [29] Karaca, T. Niyazi (2011), İngiltere Başkanı Gladstone’un Osmanlı’yı Yıkma Planı: Büyük Oyun, Timaş Yayınları.
  • [30] Karpat, Kemal (2001), The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [31] Ković, Milos (2010), Disraeli and the Eastern Question, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [32] Lane-Poole, Stanley (1888), The Life of Right Honourable, Viscount Stratford De Redcliffe, vol. II., Longmans & Green and co., London.
  • [33] Maccoll, Malcolm (1877), “The Eastern Question its facts and fallacies”, Longmans, Green, London.
  • [34] Maccoll, Malcolm 1878), “Three Years of the Eastern Question”, Chatto & Windus, London.
  • [35] MacGahan, Januarius (1876), “Mr. Schuyler's Preliminary Report on the Moslem Atrocities, published with the letters by Januarius MacGahan”, London.
  • [36] Matthew, Colin (ed.) (1974), The Gladstone Diaries, Vols. V-XIV (1978-94), Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • [37] Morley, John (1903), The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, III vols., Wyman & Sons Ltd., Great Britain.
  • [38] Morley, John (1911), The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Volume II (1859-1880), Macmillan and Co., Limited, London.
  • [39] Kılıç, Yusuf ve Haytaoğlu Ercan vd. (2021), Dr. Nevzat Gündağ’a Vefa Tarih, Kültür ve Sanat Yazıları, Özçelik, Ayfer, Osmanlı-İngiliz İlişkilerinde Kırılmaya Yol Açan Bir Metin W.E. Gladstone’un “Bulgarian Horrors and question of the East” adlı Kitapçığında Türkler, Çizgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • [40] Parry, Jonathan (1993), The Rise and fall of the Liberal Government in Britain, Yale University Press, London.
  • [41] Quinault, Roland (2011), British Prime Ministers and Democracy, From Disraeli to Blair, Bloomsbury, London.
  • [42] Ramm, Agatha (ed.) (1962), The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville 1876-1886, vol. I, 1876-82, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • [43] Saab, Ann P. (1991), Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working Classes, 1856-1878, Harvard Historical Studies, Harvard.
  • [44] Seton Watson, R. W. (1935), Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy and Party Politics, Macmillan, London.
  • [45] Shannon, Richard (1963), Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876, Robert Cunningham and Sons Ltd., Longbank Works, Alva, Great Britain.
  • [46] Stead, William T. (1892), “Mr. Gladstone — Part I”, The Review of Reviews, vol. V, April. (345-362)
  • [47] Stead, William T. (1898), “Gladstone: A character Sketch 1809-1898 with portraits and other illustrations”, William Clowes and sons, limited, Stamford Street and Charing cross, London.
  • [48] Swartz, Marvin (1985), The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the era of Disraeli and Gladstone, London, The Macmillan Press.
  • [49] The Times Gazetesi, 31 Aralık 1875.
  • [50] The Times Gazetesi, 30 Mart 1876.
  • [51] The Times Gazetesi, 26 Mayıs 1876.
  • [52] The Times Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [53] Tokay, Gul, ‘Anglo-Ottoman relations and William Gladstone’ (2009) New Bulgarian University History Department Yearbook, vol.4. (318-333)
  • [54] White, James S. (1877), “A Lecture on the Eastern Question”, Mechanics Institute, Singleton.
  • [55] Wirtwein, Walter W. (1935), Britain and the Balkan Crisis 1875-1878, Columbia University Press, London.
  • [56] Yildizeli, Fahriye Begüm (2018), “A Comparative Analysis on Sultan Abdülhamid II and William E. Gladstone”, Journal of History School, s. 11/36, Aralık. (316-336).
  • [57] Yildizeli, Fahriye Begüm (2016), William E. Gladstone and British Policy Towards the Ottoman Empire, Exeter Üniversitesi, Exeter. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).

An Analysis of William E. Gladstone’s Ottoman Policies through the “Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East” Pamphlet

Yıl 2023, , 226 - 241, 27.12.2023


Throughout his long life William Ewart Gladstone who served as prime minister four times, is a statesman left his mark on British history as well as world politics. His involvement in the events taking place within the Ottoman Empire with his famous pamphlet “Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East” published on 5 September 1876 was decisive in the formation of both the Near East Crisis of 1876-1878 and the British policy towards the Ottoman Empire. Gladstone always had doubts about the Turkish administration of Christian subjects. These thoughts constitute the basic axis of the pamphlet. The cutting edge of the history of Anglo-Ottoman relations lies in examining British Parliamentary debates and the policies of the Liberal statesman Gladstone. Nonetheless, it was Gladstone’s novel departure in the Bulgarian Agitation in the formation of British diplomacy towards the Ottoman Empire, which led to a transition from Disraeli’s pro-Turkish neutrality in the Russo-Ottoman of War of 1877-1878, and ended up with the British occupation of Egypt in 1882 during the leadership of Gladstone. The question as to whether Gladstone’s rhetorical indignation in his “Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East” pamphlet –“clearing the Turks out of Europe as the anti-specimen of humanity with bag and baggage”– or his religious fervour primarily determined his policies is open to debate. Thus, this research will analyse how important Gladstone’s involvement and pamphlet for the formation of British policy towards the Ottoman Empire.


  • [1] Clair, Goubold Bropy Saint (1876), “Bulgarian Horrors! and Mr. Gladstone`s Eastern Policy”, Blanchard & Sons, London.
  • [2] Anderson, Matthew S. (1968), The Eastern Question, 1774-1923, A Study in International Relations, Macmillan, London.
  • [3] Balcı, Meral (2018), Reflection of British Prime Minister Gladstone's Anti- Ottoman Policies to British Foreign Policy, Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler’de Akademik Araştirmalar-I, Gece Kitaplığı, İstanbul.
  • [4] Biagini, Eugenio (1992), Liberty, Retrenchment and Reform, Popular Liberalism in the Age of Gladstone, 1860-1880, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • [5] Biagini, Eugenio (2000), Gladstone, Macmillan, London.
  • [6] Blake, Robert (1967), Disraeli, St. Martin’s Press, Michigan.
  • [7] British Library (BL) 8028. AA, Eastern Question Association: Report of Proceedings of the National conference at St. James Hall, London: Direction of the Committee by James Clarke & Co., 13&14 Fleet Street.
  • [8] British Library (BL) Gladstone Papers (GP).
  • [9] Campbell, George John Douglas (1896) (8th Duke of Argyll), “Our Responsibilities for Turkey, Facts and Memories of Forty Years”, John Murray, London.
  • [10] Çelik, Emre (2013), Benjamin Disraeli-William Ewart Gladstone Rekabetinde Şark Meselesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • [11] Çiçek, Nazan (2017), “Bulgarian Horrors” Revisited: the Many-Layered Manifestations of the Orientalist Discourse in Victorian Political Construction of the External, Intimate and Internal Other”, Belleten, S. 291/81, Ağustos. (525-568)
  • [12] Correspondence respecting refugees from Hungary within the Turkish Dominions presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of her Majesty (1851), 28 February 1851, Harrison and Son, London.
  • [13] Daily News Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [14] Daily Telegraph Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [15] De Redcliffe, Viscount Stratford (1881), ‘The Eastern Question; a selection from his writings during the five years of his life with a preface by Arthur Penryhn Stanley’, John Murray, Albemarle Street, London.
  • [16] De Worms, Baron Henry (1877), “England’s policy in the East”, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • [17] Freeman, Edward A. (1876), “The Eastern question in its historical bearings, an address. Revised, an address delivered in Manchester”, Manchester.
  • [18] Gallenga, Anthony (1877), “Two Years of the Eastern Question”, vol. II, Samuel Tinsley, London.
  • [19] Gladstone, William E. (1876) “A speech delivered at Blackheath on Saturday, September 9th, 1876: together with letters on the question of the East”, Bristol Selected Pamphlets.
  • [20] Gladstone, William E. (1876), ‘The History of 1852-60 and Greville’s latest Journals’, The English Historical Review, vol. II, Longsman, Green, and Co. Ltd., London.
  • [21] Gladstone, William E. (1877), “The Sclavonic provinces of the Ottoman Empire”, London.
  • [22] Gladstone, William E. (1876), “Bulgarian Horrors and The Question of the East”, John Murray, London.
  • [23] Gladstone, William E. (1877), “Lessons in massacre, or, the conduct of the Turkish government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876: chiefly from the papers presented by command”, Bristol Selected Pamphlets.
  • [24] Gölen, Zafer (2011), “Şark Meselesi Işığında Balkan Milliyetçiliği ve Büyük Güçlerin Politikaları”, Türk Yurdu, S. 284/100, Nisan. (91-101)
  • [25] Hanioğlu, Sükrü (2008), A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [26] Hansard Parliamentary Debates (3rd Series).
  • [27] Harris, David (1939), Britain and the Bulgarian Horrors of 1876, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • [28] Jewish Chronicle Gazetesi, 27 Ekim 1876.
  • [29] Karaca, T. Niyazi (2011), İngiltere Başkanı Gladstone’un Osmanlı’yı Yıkma Planı: Büyük Oyun, Timaş Yayınları.
  • [30] Karpat, Kemal (2001), The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [31] Ković, Milos (2010), Disraeli and the Eastern Question, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [32] Lane-Poole, Stanley (1888), The Life of Right Honourable, Viscount Stratford De Redcliffe, vol. II., Longmans & Green and co., London.
  • [33] Maccoll, Malcolm (1877), “The Eastern Question its facts and fallacies”, Longmans, Green, London.
  • [34] Maccoll, Malcolm 1878), “Three Years of the Eastern Question”, Chatto & Windus, London.
  • [35] MacGahan, Januarius (1876), “Mr. Schuyler's Preliminary Report on the Moslem Atrocities, published with the letters by Januarius MacGahan”, London.
  • [36] Matthew, Colin (ed.) (1974), The Gladstone Diaries, Vols. V-XIV (1978-94), Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • [37] Morley, John (1903), The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, III vols., Wyman & Sons Ltd., Great Britain.
  • [38] Morley, John (1911), The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Volume II (1859-1880), Macmillan and Co., Limited, London.
  • [39] Kılıç, Yusuf ve Haytaoğlu Ercan vd. (2021), Dr. Nevzat Gündağ’a Vefa Tarih, Kültür ve Sanat Yazıları, Özçelik, Ayfer, Osmanlı-İngiliz İlişkilerinde Kırılmaya Yol Açan Bir Metin W.E. Gladstone’un “Bulgarian Horrors and question of the East” adlı Kitapçığında Türkler, Çizgi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • [40] Parry, Jonathan (1993), The Rise and fall of the Liberal Government in Britain, Yale University Press, London.
  • [41] Quinault, Roland (2011), British Prime Ministers and Democracy, From Disraeli to Blair, Bloomsbury, London.
  • [42] Ramm, Agatha (ed.) (1962), The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville 1876-1886, vol. I, 1876-82, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • [43] Saab, Ann P. (1991), Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working Classes, 1856-1878, Harvard Historical Studies, Harvard.
  • [44] Seton Watson, R. W. (1935), Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy and Party Politics, Macmillan, London.
  • [45] Shannon, Richard (1963), Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876, Robert Cunningham and Sons Ltd., Longbank Works, Alva, Great Britain.
  • [46] Stead, William T. (1892), “Mr. Gladstone — Part I”, The Review of Reviews, vol. V, April. (345-362)
  • [47] Stead, William T. (1898), “Gladstone: A character Sketch 1809-1898 with portraits and other illustrations”, William Clowes and sons, limited, Stamford Street and Charing cross, London.
  • [48] Swartz, Marvin (1985), The Politics of British Foreign Policy in the era of Disraeli and Gladstone, London, The Macmillan Press.
  • [49] The Times Gazetesi, 31 Aralık 1875.
  • [50] The Times Gazetesi, 30 Mart 1876.
  • [51] The Times Gazetesi, 26 Mayıs 1876.
  • [52] The Times Gazetesi, 23 Haziran 1876.
  • [53] Tokay, Gul, ‘Anglo-Ottoman relations and William Gladstone’ (2009) New Bulgarian University History Department Yearbook, vol.4. (318-333)
  • [54] White, James S. (1877), “A Lecture on the Eastern Question”, Mechanics Institute, Singleton.
  • [55] Wirtwein, Walter W. (1935), Britain and the Balkan Crisis 1875-1878, Columbia University Press, London.
  • [56] Yildizeli, Fahriye Begüm (2018), “A Comparative Analysis on Sultan Abdülhamid II and William E. Gladstone”, Journal of History School, s. 11/36, Aralık. (316-336).
  • [57] Yildizeli, Fahriye Begüm (2016), William E. Gladstone and British Policy Towards the Ottoman Empire, Exeter Üniversitesi, Exeter. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yakınçağ Osmanlı Tarihi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fahriye Begüm Yıldızeli 0000-0001-6312-8405

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Nisan 2023
Kabul Tarihi 4 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldızeli, F. B. (2023). “Bulgar Mezalimi ve Şark Meselesi” Kitapçığı Üzerinden William E.Gladstone’un Osmanlı Politikalarına Dair Bir Analiz. Journal of Universal History Studies, 6(2), 226-241.

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