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A Reformist Mongol Governor in China: Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar Bukhari (607-678 / 1211-1279)

Yıl 2024, , 30 - 42, 25.06.2024


Throughout history, there have been many politicians whose names are remembered and often recognized for their achievements in battles. We have come to know some of them closely due to their administrative initiatives. However, politicians who have made a name in every field are rare. One of these rare figures is Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar Bukhari, who gained fame for his reforms and the spread of Islam in China. Indeed, we are familiar with many politicians mainly for their war successes. However, those who have left their mark on the dusty pages of history in various fields are indeed rare. One such figure is Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar Bukhari, who made a name for himself with his reforms and the spread of Islam in China in the 12th century. This significant personality, who succeeded in bringing Islam to China in the mid-12th century, began to serve the Mongols after the capture of Bukhara by Genghis Khan in the year 616/1220. Due to his administrative abilities and knowledge of languages, Shams al-Din Omar attracted the attention of the Mongol Khans and was appointed as the governor of Yunnan. The reforms he implemented there quickly gained the love and acceptance of the people. The sympathy he gained facilitated the rapid spread of Islam in these lands. In this context, the article will focus on the identity, reforms, and contributions of Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar Bukhari, who is claimed to be from the lineage of the Prophet to the process of the spread of Islam in China.


  • Âkâcerî, Seyyid Hâşim–Rezevî, Seyyid Ebulfazl (1382 hş.), “İlel Nâkârkerdî Pûl-i Kâgızî Der İktisâd ve Câme’i ‘Asr-i Îlhânî”, Pejûheşnâme-i Dânişgede- i Edebiyât, Volume 38, Dânişgâh-i Şehîd Beheştî. (207-226)
  • Al-Taai, Suaad Hadi Hassan (2023), The Family of Minister Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall: A Study of Its Political, Administrative, and Urban Role (7th-8th Century AH / 13th-14th AD, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 50, No. 3. (322-329)
  • Armijo, Jacqueline (1997), Sayyid ‘Ajall Shams al-Din: A Muslim from Central Asia, Serving the Mongols in China and Bringing Civilization to Yunnan, Harvard University. (PhD Dissertation)
  • Arnold, Thomas (1913), The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of The Muslim Faith, Daryaganj, Adam Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Atwood, Christopher (2004), “Sayyid Ajall Omar Shams Al-din”, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, Ancient and Medieval Hsitory, Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Bai Shouyi (白寿彝) (1985), Huizu Renwuzhi: Yuandai (回族人物志:元代) (in Chinese; Yinchuan: Ningxia Renmin Chubanshe (银川:宁夏人民出版社). (100-103)
  • Beyânî, Şîrîn (1370), Dîn ve Devlet der Îrân ‘Ahd-i Mogûl, I-II, Merkez-i Neşr-i Dânişgâhî, Tahrân.
  • Broomhall, Marshell (2015), Islam in China, A neglected Problem, Andesite Press, London.
  • Brose, Michael (2011), Globalization and the Chinese Muslim Community in Southwest China, Asia Pacific: Perspectives, Volume 10, No.1 May. (61-80)
  • Buell, Paul (1979), “Sino-Khitan Administration in Mongol Bukhara”, Journal of Asian History, Volume 13, No. 2. (21-151)
  • Buell, Paul (1993), Sayyid ‘Ajall in in the Service of the Khan, Ed. Igor de Rachewiltz, Harrassowitz, Weisbaden.
  • Ceylan, Fatma Ecem (2016), “Müslüman Çinli Amiral Zeng He’nin Aile Tarihine Bir Bakış”, Current Research in Social Sciences, Volume 2, No. 37. (37-45)
  • Chang, Haji Yusuf (1984), “Muslim Encounter with the Mongolsandits Varied Consequences for Muslims in West Asia and China”, Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, London, Volume 5, No. 2. (269-293)
  • Chang-Kuan (Nabil), Lin (2003), "Ma Zhu", in DIA (Encyclopedia of Islam), Vol. 27, Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications, Ankara. (269-270)
  • Chi Da, Yao (2005), The History Al-Islam in the Union State, Union University Press, Kunming.
  • Dillon, Michael (1999), China’s Muslim Hui Community: Migration, Settlement and Sects, Routledge Curzon, New York.
  • Dunnell, Ruth (2014), “The Anxi Principality: Making a Muslim Mongol Prince in Northwest China during the Yuan Dynasty”, Central Asiatic Journal, Volume 57. (184-200)
  • El-Qanaouy, Yahya Muhammed el- Sherbiny (n.d.), The Commercial Thought Activity in China and Its Impact on the Islamic Civilization in the Abbasid Period, Family Studies and Researches Institue, Zagazig University. (An Unpublished Master Thesis)
  • Greville, Greville Stewart Parker Freeman (2006), Stuart Christopher, Munro-Hay, İslam: An İllustrated History, Continuum, Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Group of Authors (2015), The Chinese Islamic Encyclopedia, Trans. Rasha Kamal vd., Tcho Bsitchuan Publishing House Press, China.
  • Huaizhong, Yang (1991), “Yuan Dai Donglai De Huihui Shijia”, Huizu Yanjiu. (1-32).
  • Ibn Battuta, Muhammad b. Abdullah et-Tanci (2013), The Travels of Ibn Battuta, (Trans. A. Sait Aykut), Volume I-II, Yapı Kredi Publications, Istanbul.
  • Isfahânîyân, Dâvud (1357hş.), “Nohestîn Pûl-i Kâgizî der Îrân”, Berresîhâyî Târîhî, Volume 77. (97-106) Hwaidy, Fhamy (1981), Islam in China, Kuwait.
  • Kōichi, Matsuda (1995), “Mongoru Jidai Chūgoku Ni Okeru İsrāmu No Kakudai”, İn Sekai ni Hirogaru İsrāmu: Kōza İsrāmu Sekai, Supervised by It-Agaki Yūzō, Edited by Horikawa Tōru, Yūshisha, Tokyo. (157-192)
  • Lane, George (2011), The Dali Stele’ In Kilic-Schubel, Nurten; Binbash, Evrim”, in Horizons of the World: Festschrift for Isenbike Togan/ Hududu’l-Âlem: İsenbike Togan’a Armağan, Ithaki Press, Istanbul. (1-39)
  • Leslie, Donald Daniel (1986), Islam in Traditional China: A Short History to 1800.
  • Li, Shihou (2004), “Seyyid Ajall ve Zheng Ailesinin Şeceresi Üzerine Yeni Araştırmalar (郑氏家谱首序及赛典赤家谱新证)”, Zheng He Üzerine Yüzyılın Araştırmalarından Seçilmiş Makaleler (郑和研究百年论文选), Ed. Wang Tianyou - Wan Ming, Beijing University Press, China.
  • Li, Sofeier (2004), Coming into Song Dynasty and Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din Obeying to Yuan Dynasty-The Comparative Research of Family Trees and Historical Records, Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study 2004; 54. (25-29)
  • Li Qingsheng 李清升 (1998), Saidianchi Shansiding Pingzhuan 赛典赤赡思丁评传, “A Critical Biography of Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din”, Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe, Kunming.
  • Liu, Xınru (2011), A Silk Road Legacy: The Spread of Buddhism and Islam, Journal of World History, Volume 22, No. 1/March 2011. (55-81)
  • Maerjiang, Wu-Arslantaş, Nuh (2018), “Klasik İslâm Eserlerinin Çince’ye Tercüme Faaliyetlerinin Çin’de İslamiyet’in Gelişimine Katkısı”, Edebali İslamiyet Journal, Volume 4. (53-81)
  • Marco Polo (2006), Marco Polo’s China: A Venetian in the Realm of Khubilai Khan, Ed. Stephen G. Haw, Volume III, Routledge Studies in the Early History of Asia.
  • Мирзабадал, Каунбаев (2021), “Хитойда Ислом Динининг Ривожланишда Саййид Ажалнинг Тутган Ўрни”, Uzbekistan-China: Development of Cultural, Historical, Scientific and Economic Relations, Volume 1, November. (539-546)
  • Na, WX. (2004), The Textual Research on Persin Identitv of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar. Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study, Volume 54. (19-24)
  • Na Weixin, Ma Shixiang and Na Fang (纳为信、马世祥、纳芳) (1996), Yuan Xianyangwang: Saidianchi.
  • Shansiding Shijia《元咸阳王:赛典赤•赡 思丁世家》 (The Noble Family of Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din), China Today Press, Beijing. (79-81)
  • Needham, Joseph (1971), Since and Civilization in China, Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Qiu Shusen (邱树森) (1996), Zhongguo Huizushi (中国回族史) Yinchuan: Ningxia Renmin Chubanshe (银川:宁夏人民出版社). (238-242)
  • Qiy, Shulin (2012), Zhongguo Huizu Shi, Ningxia Renmin Chuban She, Yinchuan.
  • Rachewiltz, Igor de (1993), In the Service of the Khan, Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan Period 1200-1300, Harrossowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.
  • Rashid al-Din Fazlullah (1999), Compendium of Chronicles, Tr. W. M. Thackston, Vol. II, Harvard University.
  • Rossabi, Morris (2015), From Yuan to Modern China and Mongolia, Brill, Leiden Boston.
  • Sajid Abid, Muhammed (2021), “The Role of Muslims Ministers in the Mongolian Administration in China Al-Sayyid Al-Ajal Shams Al-Din Omar (678AH/1279 AD) a Model”, Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, Volume 12, No. 48/2. (116-127)
  • Saunders John Joseph (1359), The History of the Mongol Conquests, (Çev. Abulqasem Hadat), İntişârât-ı Emîr Kebir.
  • Sen, Tan Ta Dasheng Chen (2000), “Cheng Ho and Islam in Southeast Asia” by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Song Lian 宋濂 (1995), Yuanshi 元史, Ed. Yang Jialuo 楊家駱, Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局, Beijing.
  • Stoddard, Lothrob (1868), The Present of The Islamıc World, Trans. El-Hajjaj Nuwayhed, I/ 2.
  • Ting, Xiu (2012), The Black Road, Ed. Mustafa Uyar, Trans. Ankhbayar Danuu, Ötüken Publications, Istanbul.
  • Tsai, Shih-Shan Henry (2002), Perpetual Happiness: The Ming Emperor Yongle, Washington Press.
  • Vásáry, István (1976), “The Golden Horde Term Daruġa and Iits Survival in Russia”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Volume XXX, No. 2. (187-197)
  • Vissière, Arnold (1908), “Le Seyyid Edjell Chams ed-Din Omar (1210-1279) Et Ses Deux Sépultures en Chine,” Revue du Monde Musulman, Volume 4, No. 2. (330-346)
  • Wang, Jianping (2014), "The Opposition of a Leading Akhund to Shi’a and Sufi Shaykhs in Mid-Nineteen Yang Yi, The Global life of Zheng He.
  • Xinru, Liu (2001), The Silk Road in World History, Oxford University Press.
  • Xu, Jisu (2008), Er Shi Si Shi Di Ba Ce, Zhongguo Xiju Chuban She, Beijing.
  • Yang, Bin (2008), Between Wind and Cbuds: The Making of Yunnan, University Press New York, Columbia.
  • Yang, Xiaochun (2012), Yuan Ming Shiqi Hanwen Yisilan Jiao Wenxian Yanjiu, Zhonghua Shuju Chuban She, Beijing.
  • Yuan Shi, (1996), Biography of Sayyid ‘Ajall, Trans. Armijo-Hussein, “Sayyid ‘Ajall,” A Muslim from Central Asia, Serving Mongols in China, and Bringing Civilization to Yunnan,” Harvard University. (Unpublished Ph. D. Diss)
  • Yumei, Ye (1994), “Shixi Qinghai Chaidamu Pendi Chutu de Yuan’chao’ 试析青海柴达木盆 地 出土 的元“钞”, Qinghai Shehui Kexue 青海社会科学, No. 6. (113-116)
  • Zhijiu, Yang (1985), “Guanyu Wuma’er Ren Jiangzhe Pingzhang de Niandai Wenti,” in Yuanshi Sanlun, Renmin Chubanshe, Beijing. (179-186)
  • Zhijiu, Yang (1993), “Huihui ren yu Yuandai zhengzhi” (Hui Muslims and the Politics of Yuan Dynasty), Huizu Yanjiu (Journal of Hui Studies), Volume 4. (18-31)
  • (1997), “Islam and Confucianism: A Civilizational Dialogue”, Ed. Osman Bakar-Cheng, Gek Nai, University Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur.

Çin’de Reformist Bir Moğol Valisi: Seyyid Ecel Şemseddin Ömer Buharî (607-678 / 1211-1279)

Yıl 2024, , 30 - 42, 25.06.2024


Tarih boyunca adından söz ettiren nice devlet adamları vardır ki onları genellikle savaşlardaki başarılardan dolayı tanırız. Kimisini de idari anlamdaki atılımları dolayısıyla yakından tanıma imkânı bulmuşuzdur. Oysaki her alanda adını tarihin tozlu sayfalarına yazdıran devlet adamları oldukça nadirdir. Bunlardan biri de hiç şüphesiz gerek reformları gerekse Çin’de İslamiyet’i yayması noktasında adından söz ettiren Seyyid Ecel Şemseddin Ömer Buharî’dir. İslamiyet’i XII. yüzyılın ortalarında Çin’e taşımayı başaran bu önemli şahsiyet, 616/1220 yılında Cengiz Han’ın Buhara’yı ele geçirmesiyle beraber Moğollara hizmet etmeye başlamıştır. Yönetim konusundaki yeteneği ve bildiği diller dolayısıyla Moğol hanlarının dikkatini çeken Şemseddin Ömer, Yunnan şehrine vali olarak atanmıştır. Burada gerçekleştirmiş olduğu reformlar, halk tarafından kısa sürede sevilip kabul görmesini sağlamıştır. Onun kazandığı bu sempati, İslamiyet’in bu topraklarda kısa sürede yayılmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Bu bağlamda makale, peygamber soyundan olduğu iddia edilen Seyyid Ecel Şemseddin Ömer Buharî’nin kimliği, reformları ve Çin’de İslamiyet’in yayılım sürecine katkılarını konu edinecektir.


  • Âkâcerî, Seyyid Hâşim–Rezevî, Seyyid Ebulfazl (1382 hş.), “İlel Nâkârkerdî Pûl-i Kâgızî Der İktisâd ve Câme’i ‘Asr-i Îlhânî”, Pejûheşnâme-i Dânişgede- i Edebiyât, Volume 38, Dânişgâh-i Şehîd Beheştî. (207-226)
  • Al-Taai, Suaad Hadi Hassan (2023), The Family of Minister Al-Sayyid Al-Ajall: A Study of Its Political, Administrative, and Urban Role (7th-8th Century AH / 13th-14th AD, Human and Social Sciences, Volume 50, No. 3. (322-329)
  • Armijo, Jacqueline (1997), Sayyid ‘Ajall Shams al-Din: A Muslim from Central Asia, Serving the Mongols in China and Bringing Civilization to Yunnan, Harvard University. (PhD Dissertation)
  • Arnold, Thomas (1913), The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of The Muslim Faith, Daryaganj, Adam Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Atwood, Christopher (2004), “Sayyid Ajall Omar Shams Al-din”, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, Ancient and Medieval Hsitory, Indiana University, Bloomington.
  • Bai Shouyi (白寿彝) (1985), Huizu Renwuzhi: Yuandai (回族人物志:元代) (in Chinese; Yinchuan: Ningxia Renmin Chubanshe (银川:宁夏人民出版社). (100-103)
  • Beyânî, Şîrîn (1370), Dîn ve Devlet der Îrân ‘Ahd-i Mogûl, I-II, Merkez-i Neşr-i Dânişgâhî, Tahrân.
  • Broomhall, Marshell (2015), Islam in China, A neglected Problem, Andesite Press, London.
  • Brose, Michael (2011), Globalization and the Chinese Muslim Community in Southwest China, Asia Pacific: Perspectives, Volume 10, No.1 May. (61-80)
  • Buell, Paul (1979), “Sino-Khitan Administration in Mongol Bukhara”, Journal of Asian History, Volume 13, No. 2. (21-151)
  • Buell, Paul (1993), Sayyid ‘Ajall in in the Service of the Khan, Ed. Igor de Rachewiltz, Harrassowitz, Weisbaden.
  • Ceylan, Fatma Ecem (2016), “Müslüman Çinli Amiral Zeng He’nin Aile Tarihine Bir Bakış”, Current Research in Social Sciences, Volume 2, No. 37. (37-45)
  • Chang, Haji Yusuf (1984), “Muslim Encounter with the Mongolsandits Varied Consequences for Muslims in West Asia and China”, Journal Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, London, Volume 5, No. 2. (269-293)
  • Chang-Kuan (Nabil), Lin (2003), "Ma Zhu", in DIA (Encyclopedia of Islam), Vol. 27, Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications, Ankara. (269-270)
  • Chi Da, Yao (2005), The History Al-Islam in the Union State, Union University Press, Kunming.
  • Dillon, Michael (1999), China’s Muslim Hui Community: Migration, Settlement and Sects, Routledge Curzon, New York.
  • Dunnell, Ruth (2014), “The Anxi Principality: Making a Muslim Mongol Prince in Northwest China during the Yuan Dynasty”, Central Asiatic Journal, Volume 57. (184-200)
  • El-Qanaouy, Yahya Muhammed el- Sherbiny (n.d.), The Commercial Thought Activity in China and Its Impact on the Islamic Civilization in the Abbasid Period, Family Studies and Researches Institue, Zagazig University. (An Unpublished Master Thesis)
  • Greville, Greville Stewart Parker Freeman (2006), Stuart Christopher, Munro-Hay, İslam: An İllustrated History, Continuum, Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Group of Authors (2015), The Chinese Islamic Encyclopedia, Trans. Rasha Kamal vd., Tcho Bsitchuan Publishing House Press, China.
  • Huaizhong, Yang (1991), “Yuan Dai Donglai De Huihui Shijia”, Huizu Yanjiu. (1-32).
  • Ibn Battuta, Muhammad b. Abdullah et-Tanci (2013), The Travels of Ibn Battuta, (Trans. A. Sait Aykut), Volume I-II, Yapı Kredi Publications, Istanbul.
  • Isfahânîyân, Dâvud (1357hş.), “Nohestîn Pûl-i Kâgizî der Îrân”, Berresîhâyî Târîhî, Volume 77. (97-106) Hwaidy, Fhamy (1981), Islam in China, Kuwait.
  • Kōichi, Matsuda (1995), “Mongoru Jidai Chūgoku Ni Okeru İsrāmu No Kakudai”, İn Sekai ni Hirogaru İsrāmu: Kōza İsrāmu Sekai, Supervised by It-Agaki Yūzō, Edited by Horikawa Tōru, Yūshisha, Tokyo. (157-192)
  • Lane, George (2011), The Dali Stele’ In Kilic-Schubel, Nurten; Binbash, Evrim”, in Horizons of the World: Festschrift for Isenbike Togan/ Hududu’l-Âlem: İsenbike Togan’a Armağan, Ithaki Press, Istanbul. (1-39)
  • Leslie, Donald Daniel (1986), Islam in Traditional China: A Short History to 1800.
  • Li, Shihou (2004), “Seyyid Ajall ve Zheng Ailesinin Şeceresi Üzerine Yeni Araştırmalar (郑氏家谱首序及赛典赤家谱新证)”, Zheng He Üzerine Yüzyılın Araştırmalarından Seçilmiş Makaleler (郑和研究百年论文选), Ed. Wang Tianyou - Wan Ming, Beijing University Press, China.
  • Li, Sofeier (2004), Coming into Song Dynasty and Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din Obeying to Yuan Dynasty-The Comparative Research of Family Trees and Historical Records, Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study 2004; 54. (25-29)
  • Li Qingsheng 李清升 (1998), Saidianchi Shansiding Pingzhuan 赛典赤赡思丁评传, “A Critical Biography of Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din”, Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe, Kunming.
  • Liu, Xınru (2011), A Silk Road Legacy: The Spread of Buddhism and Islam, Journal of World History, Volume 22, No. 1/March 2011. (55-81)
  • Maerjiang, Wu-Arslantaş, Nuh (2018), “Klasik İslâm Eserlerinin Çince’ye Tercüme Faaliyetlerinin Çin’de İslamiyet’in Gelişimine Katkısı”, Edebali İslamiyet Journal, Volume 4. (53-81)
  • Marco Polo (2006), Marco Polo’s China: A Venetian in the Realm of Khubilai Khan, Ed. Stephen G. Haw, Volume III, Routledge Studies in the Early History of Asia.
  • Мирзабадал, Каунбаев (2021), “Хитойда Ислом Динининг Ривожланишда Саййид Ажалнинг Тутган Ўрни”, Uzbekistan-China: Development of Cultural, Historical, Scientific and Economic Relations, Volume 1, November. (539-546)
  • Na, WX. (2004), The Textual Research on Persin Identitv of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar. Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study, Volume 54. (19-24)
  • Na Weixin, Ma Shixiang and Na Fang (纳为信、马世祥、纳芳) (1996), Yuan Xianyangwang: Saidianchi.
  • Shansiding Shijia《元咸阳王:赛典赤•赡 思丁世家》 (The Noble Family of Sayyid Ajall Omer Shams al-Din), China Today Press, Beijing. (79-81)
  • Needham, Joseph (1971), Since and Civilization in China, Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Qiu Shusen (邱树森) (1996), Zhongguo Huizushi (中国回族史) Yinchuan: Ningxia Renmin Chubanshe (银川:宁夏人民出版社). (238-242)
  • Qiy, Shulin (2012), Zhongguo Huizu Shi, Ningxia Renmin Chuban She, Yinchuan.
  • Rachewiltz, Igor de (1993), In the Service of the Khan, Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan Period 1200-1300, Harrossowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.
  • Rashid al-Din Fazlullah (1999), Compendium of Chronicles, Tr. W. M. Thackston, Vol. II, Harvard University.
  • Rossabi, Morris (2015), From Yuan to Modern China and Mongolia, Brill, Leiden Boston.
  • Sajid Abid, Muhammed (2021), “The Role of Muslims Ministers in the Mongolian Administration in China Al-Sayyid Al-Ajal Shams Al-Din Omar (678AH/1279 AD) a Model”, Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, Volume 12, No. 48/2. (116-127)
  • Saunders John Joseph (1359), The History of the Mongol Conquests, (Çev. Abulqasem Hadat), İntişârât-ı Emîr Kebir.
  • Sen, Tan Ta Dasheng Chen (2000), “Cheng Ho and Islam in Southeast Asia” by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  • Song Lian 宋濂 (1995), Yuanshi 元史, Ed. Yang Jialuo 楊家駱, Zhonghua Shuju 中華書局, Beijing.
  • Stoddard, Lothrob (1868), The Present of The Islamıc World, Trans. El-Hajjaj Nuwayhed, I/ 2.
  • Ting, Xiu (2012), The Black Road, Ed. Mustafa Uyar, Trans. Ankhbayar Danuu, Ötüken Publications, Istanbul.
  • Tsai, Shih-Shan Henry (2002), Perpetual Happiness: The Ming Emperor Yongle, Washington Press.
  • Vásáry, István (1976), “The Golden Horde Term Daruġa and Iits Survival in Russia”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Volume XXX, No. 2. (187-197)
  • Vissière, Arnold (1908), “Le Seyyid Edjell Chams ed-Din Omar (1210-1279) Et Ses Deux Sépultures en Chine,” Revue du Monde Musulman, Volume 4, No. 2. (330-346)
  • Wang, Jianping (2014), "The Opposition of a Leading Akhund to Shi’a and Sufi Shaykhs in Mid-Nineteen Yang Yi, The Global life of Zheng He.
  • Xinru, Liu (2001), The Silk Road in World History, Oxford University Press.
  • Xu, Jisu (2008), Er Shi Si Shi Di Ba Ce, Zhongguo Xiju Chuban She, Beijing.
  • Yang, Bin (2008), Between Wind and Cbuds: The Making of Yunnan, University Press New York, Columbia.
  • Yang, Xiaochun (2012), Yuan Ming Shiqi Hanwen Yisilan Jiao Wenxian Yanjiu, Zhonghua Shuju Chuban She, Beijing.
  • Yuan Shi, (1996), Biography of Sayyid ‘Ajall, Trans. Armijo-Hussein, “Sayyid ‘Ajall,” A Muslim from Central Asia, Serving Mongols in China, and Bringing Civilization to Yunnan,” Harvard University. (Unpublished Ph. D. Diss)
  • Yumei, Ye (1994), “Shixi Qinghai Chaidamu Pendi Chutu de Yuan’chao’ 试析青海柴达木盆 地 出土 的元“钞”, Qinghai Shehui Kexue 青海社会科学, No. 6. (113-116)
  • Zhijiu, Yang (1985), “Guanyu Wuma’er Ren Jiangzhe Pingzhang de Niandai Wenti,” in Yuanshi Sanlun, Renmin Chubanshe, Beijing. (179-186)
  • Zhijiu, Yang (1993), “Huihui ren yu Yuandai zhengzhi” (Hui Muslims and the Politics of Yuan Dynasty), Huizu Yanjiu (Journal of Hui Studies), Volume 4. (18-31)
  • (1997), “Islam and Confucianism: A Civilizational Dialogue”, Ed. Osman Bakar-Cheng, Gek Nai, University Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ortaçağ Asya Tarihi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Derya Coşkun 0000-0001-7161-5430

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 25 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşkun, D. (2024). A Reformist Mongol Governor in China: Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Omar Bukhari (607-678 / 1211-1279). Journal of Universal History Studies, 7(1), 30-42.

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