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Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution

Yıl 2015, , 1 - 12, 29.10.2015


This study presents a graduate research project as a case study, conducted (by the third author) under a graduate course titled “Responsible Design 2” (RD2) at Yaşar University (Izmir, Turkey). It is proposed that organizing a tree-planting festival for/with art and design students as a pilot activity at the beginning of their education. The aim is to create awareness on the paper consumption in a local academic society by design act and activism, and to save trees for students’ future paper consumption during their 4-year education as a part of ecological social movement by an institution. The purpose of this paper is to share this empirical practice-based research to contribute to Socially Responsible Education.This experimented design activism project, conducted through a locally interactive research process by graduate students1 (the first and second author), has become a valuable learning experience for the researchers by implementing simple methods and finding out noteworthy numbers in paper consumption in the closest environment. The process of the research contains, literature review, a survey done among design students and faculty members, observations in the school and an exhibition to inform for this festival and to gather, evaluate responses of students, academics who will be involved in this festival. The question here is the starting point for this research: In what way could design thinking change the habits of nonsocially responsible, non-ecological thinking students in the daily life of today? At the end of the survey, it was found out that one student of this faculty consumes 4 trees for his/her 4-year design education. When The 1st Tree Plantation Festival will be held, 153 individuals of this local academic community will plant 612 trees. In conclusion, a simple ‘awareness act’ (staged tree-planting festival) have potential to spark a mass-change in a long turn, in consequences of chain reaction. It is an effort to empower the relationship between human and nature, by responsible thinking other than only economic-based approach of commercial world


  • Brennan, A. and Lo, Y-S., 2011. Environmental Ethics, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall
  • Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), retrieved from URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2011/entries/ethics-environmental/>. [Accessed on 14.07.2014]
  • Deep Ecology, 2015. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/765744/deep-ecology [Accessed on 25.04.2015]
  • ForestEthics, 2014. San Fransisco / Bellingham (n.d.). http://www.forestethics.org/paper-the-facts [Accessed on 16.04.2014]
  • Forestry, 2014. http://forestry.about.com/od/treephysiology/ss/A-Hardwood-Tree-And-How-It- Grows.htm
  • Emerson, R. W. 1844. Nature, Essays: Second Series, retrieved from http://www.emersoncentral.com/nature2.htm [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Environment and Ecology, 2015. Deep Ecology, retrieved from http://environment-ecology.com/deep-ecology/73-deep-ecology.html [Accessed on 23.04.2015]
  • Erlhoff, M., & Marshall, T. (Eds.). 2008. Design Dictionary, Perspective on Design Terminology. Basel,
  • Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag AG. Lee, L V: Collections of essays Spiritual Ecology, The cry of Earth, Published by: Golden Sufi Center, California. Web site 2013
  • McDonough. W. & Braungart, M., 2002. Cradle-to-Cradle, North Point Press, New York.
  • Global Environmental Service 2014. http://www.globalrcy.com/blog/bid/241176/How-Recycling-Paper
  • Can-Benefit-The-Environment [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Papanek, V. J. 1971. Design for The Real World, Human Ecology and Social Change (Second Edition ed.).
  • New York: Pantheon Books. Stern, N. 2007. The Economics of Climate Change, The Stern Review, Cambridge University Press. UK
  • McCorquodale, D. and Hanaor, C. (eds.) 2006. Recycle, The Essential Guide, Black Dog Publishing, London.
  • Vaughan-Lee., L. 2013. The Call of the Earth; excerpt from the anthology, Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth, published in Parabola Magazine, issue: August 2013, retrieved from: http://www.goldensufi.org/a_call_of_earth.html [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Vaughan-Lee., L. 2011. Praying for the Earth, Published online on the Huffington Post, retrieved from: http://www.workingwithoneness.org/articles/praying-earth [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. 2004. SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık End Notes i “The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess coined the phrase deep ecology to describe deep ecological awareness. Deep ecology is the foundation of a branch of philosophy known as ecophilosophy, Arne Naess prefers the term ecosophy, that deals with the ethics of

Kağıt Dikimi: Bir Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesinde Çevresel Açıdan Sağduyulu Bir Proje

Yıl 2015, , 1 - 12, 29.10.2015


Bu çalışma, Yaşar Üniversitesi’nde (İzmir-Türkiye) (3. yazar tarafından) verilen “Sağduyulu Tasarım 2” adlı yüksek lisans dersinde yapılan bir araştırmayı bir vaka çalışması olarak sunmaktadır. Bu vaka çalışması, Sanat ve Tasarım öğrencileriyle birlikte ve onlar için, eğitimlerinin başlangıcında katılabilecekleri bir “Ağaç Dikme Festivali” organize etmeyi örnek bir etkinlik olarak önerir. Bu etkinliğin amacı, tasarım eylemi ve eylemciliği aracılığıyla, yerel bir akademik toplulukta kağıt tüketim farkındalığı yaratmak ve bir enstitünün gerçekleştireceği sosyo-ekolojik bir hareketin parçası olarak öğrencilerin gelecek 4 yıllık tasarım eğitimlerinde tüketecekleri kağıtların yerine ağaç dikerek ağaçlanmaya katkı sağlamalarıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise; ampirik bir uygulama-odaklı araştırmayı paylaşarak “Eğitimde Sosyal Sorumluluk” konusuna katkı sağlamaktır. İki yüksek lisans öğrencisinin2 (ilk iki yazar) yerel ve sosyal etkileşime sahip bir araştırma süreciyle gerçekleştirdiği bu deneysel tasarım eylemciliği projesi, basit yöntemlerin uygulanmasıyla ve en yakın çevredeki kağıt tüketimindeki kayda değer rakamların bulunmasıyla araştırmacılar için değerli bir öğrenme deneyimine dönüşmüştür. Araştırma süreci; literatür tarama, tasarım öğrencileri ve akademisyenler arasında yapılan anket çalışması, okuldaki gözlemler ve dersin yılsonu sergisinde festival hakkındaki bilgilendirme çalışmaları ve bu festivale katılabilecek öğrencilerin, akademisyenlerin tepkilerinin toplanması ve kayıt altına alınması aşamalarını içerir. Tasarım düşüncesi, henüz sosyal ve çevresel sorumluluk içermeyen düşünce biçiminin gündelik yaşamdaki öğrenci alışkanlıklarını hangi yollarla değiştirebilir? sorusu çalışmanın yola çıkış noktasıdır. Anket çalışmasının sonunda, fakültedeki bir tasarım öğrencisinin 4-yıllık tasarım eğitimi süresinde 4 ağaç kadar kağıt tükettiği tespit edilmiştir. “1. Ağaç Dikim Festivali” organize edildiğinde, bu yerel akademik topluluktan 153 kişinin 612 ağaç dikeceği sonucu bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, basit bir “farkındalık eylemi” (ağaç dikme festivali), oluşturabileceği zincirleme bir tepkimeyle, uzun vadede kitlesel bir değişimi başlatma potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu potansiyel, ticari dünyanın ekonomik odaklı düşüncesi yerine, sağduyulu düşünceyle insan ile doğa arasındaki ilişkiyi güçlendirmek adına ortaya konan bir çabadır. 


  • Brennan, A. and Lo, Y-S., 2011. Environmental Ethics, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall
  • Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), retrieved from URL = <http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2011/entries/ethics-environmental/>. [Accessed on 14.07.2014]
  • Deep Ecology, 2015. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/765744/deep-ecology [Accessed on 25.04.2015]
  • ForestEthics, 2014. San Fransisco / Bellingham (n.d.). http://www.forestethics.org/paper-the-facts [Accessed on 16.04.2014]
  • Forestry, 2014. http://forestry.about.com/od/treephysiology/ss/A-Hardwood-Tree-And-How-It- Grows.htm
  • Emerson, R. W. 1844. Nature, Essays: Second Series, retrieved from http://www.emersoncentral.com/nature2.htm [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Environment and Ecology, 2015. Deep Ecology, retrieved from http://environment-ecology.com/deep-ecology/73-deep-ecology.html [Accessed on 23.04.2015]
  • Erlhoff, M., & Marshall, T. (Eds.). 2008. Design Dictionary, Perspective on Design Terminology. Basel,
  • Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag AG. Lee, L V: Collections of essays Spiritual Ecology, The cry of Earth, Published by: Golden Sufi Center, California. Web site 2013
  • McDonough. W. & Braungart, M., 2002. Cradle-to-Cradle, North Point Press, New York.
  • Global Environmental Service 2014. http://www.globalrcy.com/blog/bid/241176/How-Recycling-Paper
  • Can-Benefit-The-Environment [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Papanek, V. J. 1971. Design for The Real World, Human Ecology and Social Change (Second Edition ed.).
  • New York: Pantheon Books. Stern, N. 2007. The Economics of Climate Change, The Stern Review, Cambridge University Press. UK
  • McCorquodale, D. and Hanaor, C. (eds.) 2006. Recycle, The Essential Guide, Black Dog Publishing, London.
  • Vaughan-Lee., L. 2013. The Call of the Earth; excerpt from the anthology, Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth, published in Parabola Magazine, issue: August 2013, retrieved from: http://www.goldensufi.org/a_call_of_earth.html [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Vaughan-Lee., L. 2011. Praying for the Earth, Published online on the Huffington Post, retrieved from: http://www.workingwithoneness.org/articles/praying-earth [Accessed on 02.06.2014]
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. 2004. SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık End Notes i “The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess coined the phrase deep ecology to describe deep ecological awareness. Deep ecology is the foundation of a branch of philosophy known as ecophilosophy, Arne Naess prefers the term ecosophy, that deals with the ethics of
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Amama Farooq Bu kişi benim

Ali Forsı Bu kişi benim

Mine Ovacık

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Farooq, A., Forsı, A., & Ovacık, M. (2015). Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 10(39), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.22495
AMA Farooq A, Forsı A, Ovacık M. Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Aralık 2015;10(39):1-12. doi:10.19168/jyu.22495
Chicago Farooq, Amama, Ali Forsı, ve Mine Ovacık. “Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 10, sy. 39 (Aralık 2015): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.22495.
EndNote Farooq A, Forsı A, Ovacık M (01 Aralık 2015) Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 10 39 1–12.
IEEE A. Farooq, A. Forsı, ve M. Ovacık, “Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 39, ss. 1–12, 2015, doi: 10.19168/jyu.22495.
ISNAD Farooq, Amama vd. “Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 10/39 (Aralık 2015), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.19168/jyu.22495.
JAMA Farooq A, Forsı A, Ovacık M. Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2015;10:1–12.
MLA Farooq, Amama vd. “Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 39, 2015, ss. 1-12, doi:10.19168/jyu.22495.
Vancouver Farooq A, Forsı A, Ovacık M. Planting Paper: An Environmentally Responsible Design Project in an Art and Design Institution. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2015;10(39):1-12.