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Örgütsel Öğrenme Kültürünün Organizasyonel Performans Üzerindeki Etkisi: Afganistan Örneği

Yıl 2022, , 95 - 116, 31.01.2022


Örgütsel öğrenme kültürü, kurumların bir kaynak olarak bilgiyi ne derece etkin kullandığı, yarattığı, aktarabildiği ve dönüştürebildiğini yansıtır. Bu nedenle, bir kaynak olarak bilgiden elde ettiği fayda fonksiyonunu optimize eden bir organizasyon, öğrenen bir organizasyondur ve örgütsel performans ile örgütsel öğrenme doğrusal ilişkilidir. Öğrenen organizasyonlar değişikliklere hızla adapte olabilmelerini sağlayan dinamik bir kültür geliştirdikleri için organizasyonel performansın tüm seviyelerinde başarılı olmaktadırlar. Artan organizasyonel performans, hem finansal performansın ötesindedir hem de örgütsel öğrenme ile yakın ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle, çalışmada örgütsel öğrenme kültürü'nün yedi boyutunun örgütsel performans üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Son yıllarda Afganistan, ülke kalkınması amacıyla uluslararası ortaklarla beraber çok sayıda proje üstlenmiş; ülkeye barış, güvenlik, kapasite artırımı ve yeniden yapılanma amacıyla önemli miktarda yatırım yapılmıştır. Örgütsel öğrenme kültürü, organizasyonel performansa katkıda bulunan önemli bir değişkendir. Bu nedenle çalışma, Afganistan’da kamu önülüğünde yürütülen projeler için örgütsel öğrenme kültürünün, örgütsel performans üstündeki etkisini incelemektedir. Anket çalışmasından elde edilen ampirik sonuçlar, örgütsel öğrenme kültürü'nün yedi boyutu ile organizasyonel performans arasındaki güçlü ilişkiyi onaylamıştır. Tüm performans düzeyleri ile ters ilişkili olan sistem bağlantıları ve gömülü sistemler dışındaki tüm parametrelerin organizasyonel performans ile pozitif yönlü güçlü bir ilişkiye sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Adler, H. Paul; Goldoftas, Barbara and Levine, I. David. (1999). " Flexibility Versus Efficiency? A Case Study of Model Changeovers in the Toyota Production System", Organization Science, Vol. 10 (1), 43-68.
  • Adler, H. Paul; Goldoftas, Barbara and Levine, I. David. (1998). "Stability and Change at NUMMI", 128-161, (in) edited by Robert Boyer, Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steve Tolliday. (1998). Between Imitation and Innovation: Transfer and Hybridization of Productive Models in the International Automobile Industry, Oxford University Press.
  • Akhtar, Chaudhry; Arif, Ahmed; Rubi, Erum and Naveed, Shaheryar. (2012). “Impact Of Organizational Learning On Organizational Performance: Study Of Higher Education Institutes”, International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), Vol. 3, 327-331.
  • Bakotić, Danica. (2016). “Relationship between job satisfaction and organisational performance”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Vol. 29(1), 118-130.
  • Basim, Nejat; Harun, Sesen and Korkmazyürek, Haluk. (2007). “A Turkish Translation, Validity and Reliability Study of the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire”, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 2 (4), 368-374.
  • Baruch, Yehuda and Ramalho, Nelson. (2006). “Communalities and distinctions in the measurement of organizational performance and effectiveness across for-profit and nonprofit sectors”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 35(1), 39-65.
  • Bhaskar, Uday and Mishra, Bijaya. (2017). "Exploring relationship between Learning Organizations Dimensions and Organizational Performance", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 12(3), 593-609.
  • Burnes, Bernard; Cooper, Cary and West, Penny. (2003). Management Decision, Vol. 41(5), 452-464.
  • Cameron, Kim. (1986). “A study of organizational effectiveness and its predictors”, Management science, Vol. 32(1), 87-112.
  • Carter, Nancy; Bryant-Lukosius, Denise;Dicenso, Alba; Blythe, Jennifer and Neville, Alan. (2014). The Use of Triangulation in Qualitative Research. Oncology Nursing Forum. Vol. 41 (5), 545-547.
  • Carton, Robert. (2004). Measuring Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Study. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.
  • Curado, Carla. (2006). “Organisational learning and organisational design”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 13(1), 25-48.
  • Demarest, Marc. (1997). " Understanding Knowledge Management", Long Range Planning, Vol. 30 (3), 374-384.
  • Egan, Toby; Yang, Baiyin and Bartlett, Kenneth. (2004). “The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction on motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention”, Human resource development quarterly, Vol. 15(3), 279-301.
  • García-Morales, V.J., M.M. Jiménez-Barrionuevo, and L. Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez. (2012). “Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation”, Journal of business research, Vol. 65(7), 1040-1050.
  • Gelman, Andrew. (2005). “Analysis of variance—why it is more important than ever”, The Annals of Statistics, Volume 33(1), 1-53.
  • Ghoshal, Sumantra; Bartlett, Christopher A, and Moran, Peter. (1999). " A New Manifesto for Management ", Sloan Management Review, Cambridge, Vol. 40 (3), 9-20.
  • Girden, E. R. (1992). ANOVA: Repeated measures. Newbury Park,Calif: Sage.
  • Goundar, Sam. (2012). “Research Methodology and Research Method: Methods Commonly Used By Researchers”, Victoria University of Wellington, (retrieved from), June 2021.
  • Guţă, Luciana. (2013). “Organizational learning, and performance. A conceptual model”, (in) Proceedings of The 7th International Management Conference: “New Management for the New Economy”.
  • Hernaus, T., M. Škerlavaj, and V. Dimovski. (2008). “Relationship between organisational learning and organisational performance: the case of Croatia”, Transformations in business economics, Vol. 7(2), 32-48.
  • Huber, George. (1991). “Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and the Literatures”, Organization Schiences, Vol. 2(1), 88-115.
  • Hung, Richard; Yang, Baiyin; Lien, Bella Ya-Hui; Mclean, Gary and Kuo, Yu-Ming. (2010). “Dynamic capability: Impact of process alignment and organizational learning culture on performance”, Journal of World Business, Vol. 45, 285-294.
  • Hussein, Norashikin; Omar, Safiah; Noordin, Fauziah and Ishak, Noormala Amir. (2016). “Learning Organization Culture, Organizational Performance and Organizational Innovativeness in a Public Institution of Higher Education in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 37, 512-519.
  • Jiménez-Jiménez, D. and R. Sanz-Valle. (2011). “Innovation, organizational learning, and performance”, Journal of business research, Vol. 64(4), 408-417.
  • Kontoghiorghes, Constantine; Awbrey, M. Susan and Feurig, L. Pamela. (2005)." Examining the Relationship Between Learning Organization Characteristics and Change Adaptation, Innovation, and Organizational Performance", Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 16(2), 185-211.
  • Larson, Martin. (2008). “Analysis of Variance”, Circulation, Vol. 117(1), 115-121, (retrieved from) 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.654335. Liao, Shu-hsien and Wu, Chi-chuan. (2009). " The Relationship among Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Organizational Performance", International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. (4/4), 64-76.
  • Manzoor, Quratul-Ain. (2012). “Impact of employees motivation on organizational effectiveness”, European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3(1), 1-12.
  • Mascitelli, Ronald. (2000). “From Experience: Harnessing Tacit Knowledge to Achieve Breakthrough Innovation”, J Prod Innov Manag, Vol. 17, 179-193.
  • Murray, P. and K. Donegan. (2003). “Empirical linkages between firm competencies and organisational learning”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 10(1), 51 - 62.
  • Naranjo-Valencia, J.C., D. Jiménez-Jiménez, and R. Sanz-Valle. (2016). “Studying the links between organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies”, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, Vol. 48(1), 30-41.
  • Omar, Marzunisham. (2021). “Transforming organisational learning in challenging times”, BIS Central Bankers’ Speeches, 1-3, (retrieved from), June 2021.
  • Patton M. Q. (1999). Enhancing the quality and credibility of qualitative analysis. Health Services Research, Vol. 34 (5 Pt 2), 1189–1208.
  • Pokharel, P. Mohan and Choi, Sang Ok. (2013). "Exploring The Relationships Between The Learning Organization And Organizational Performance", Management Research Review, Vol. 38 (2), 126-148.
  • Popper, M. and R. Lipshitz. (2000). “Organizational learning: Mechanisms, culture, and feasibility”, Management Learning, Vol. 31(2), 181-196.
  • Qureshi, Sajda; Kamal, Mehruz and Peter,Keen. (2009). “Knowledge Networking to overcome the Digital Divide”. (in) edited by King, R. William. Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. Annals of Information Systems, Vol 4. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Ramírez, Antonio Mihi; Morales, Víctor Jesús García and Rojas, Rodrigo Martín. (2011). " Knowledge Creation, Organizational Learning and Their Effects on Organizational Performance", Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, Vol. 22(3), 309-318.
  • Ratna, Rajnish; Khanna, Kriti; Jogishwar, Nupur; Khattar, Ridhima and Agarwal, Ritika. (2014). “Impact of learning organization on organizational performance in consulting industry”, International Journal on Global Business Management Research, Vol. 2(2), 1-11.
  • Richard, J. Pierre; Devinney, M. Timothy; Yip, S. George, and Johnson, Gerry. (2009). "Measuring Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable: Towards Methodological Best Practice", Journal of Management, Vol. (35/3), 718-804.
  • Schein, H. Edgar. (1985). “Defining organizational culture”,Classics of organization theory, Vol. 3(1), 490-502.
  • Sileyew, Kassu Jilcha. (August 7th, 2019). Research Design and Methodology, Cyberspace, Evon Abu-Taieh, Abdelkrim El Mouatasim, and Issam H. Al Hadid, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85731. (retrieved from)
  • Trpkova - Nestorovska, Marija; Skerlavaj, Miha; Dimovski, Vlado; Černe, Matej; Kekenovski, Ljubomir and Tevdovski, Dragan. (2012). The organisational learning culture and organisational performance in Macedonian companies. European J of International Management. Vol. 5, 574-607.
  • Snyder, M. William, and Cummings, G. Thomas. (1998). " Organization-Learning Disorders Conceptual Models and Intervention Hypothesis", Human Relations, Vol. 51, 873–895.
  • Venkatraman, N. and Ramanujam, Vasudevan. (1986). “Measurement of Business Performance in Strategy Research: A Comparison of Approaches”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11 (4), 801-814.
  • Wang, L. Catherine, and Ahmed, K. Pervaiz. (2001). "The Role of Learning and Creativity in the Quality and Innovation Process", University of Wolverhampton Management Research Centre WP, WP 007/01.
  • Wang, C.L. and P.K. Ahmed. (2003). “Organisational Learning: A Critical Review”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 10(1), 8-17.
  • Wang, L. Catherine, and Ahmed, K. Pervaiz. (2002). "Learning Through Quality and Innovation", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 17(7), 417-423.
  • Yang, B., K.E. Watkins, and V. Marsick. (2004). “The Construct Of The Learning Organization: Dimensions, Measurement, And Validation”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 15(1), 31-55.
  • Yeung, Andy C. L.; Lai, Kee-Hung and Yee, Rachel W. Y.. (2007). “Organizational Learning, Innovativeness, and Organizational Performance: A Qualitative Investigation”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45 (11), 2459–2477.
  • Zgrzywa-Ziemak, A.. (2015). “The impact of organisational learning on organisational performance”, Management Business Administration. Central Europe, Vol. 23(4), 98-112.

The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan

Yıl 2022, , 95 - 116, 31.01.2022


Organizational learning culture (OLC) reflects how much an organization is capable of accumulating, creating, transferring, and transforming knowledge as a resource within an organization. An organization optimizing its utility from knowledge can be defined as a learning organization. Therefore, organizational performance and organizational learning hold a direct link. Learning organizations develop a dynamic culture which allows them to rapidly adapt themselves to changes, and it results in success in all levels of organizational performance. An increased organizational performance goes beyond financial performance. In this study, seven dimensions of OLC are investigated in terms of their impact on organizational performance. Over the last decades in Afghanistan, multiple development projects have been undertaken, and substantial amounts of investment have been made for accelerated development, peace, security, capacity building, and reconstruction in collaboration with international partners. Because OLC is a constructive contributor to performance outcomes, the study conducts a survey analysis to examine the contribution of OLC to the organizational performance in Afghanistan for publicly and donor-funded projects. Empirical results revealed that there is a strong relationship between OLC and organizational performance with respect to the seven dimensions of OLC. Except for the system connections and embedded systems which hold an inverse relationship with different performance outcomes, it is observed that all OLC parameters hold a strong positive relationship with performance outcomes.


  • Adler, H. Paul; Goldoftas, Barbara and Levine, I. David. (1999). " Flexibility Versus Efficiency? A Case Study of Model Changeovers in the Toyota Production System", Organization Science, Vol. 10 (1), 43-68.
  • Adler, H. Paul; Goldoftas, Barbara and Levine, I. David. (1998). "Stability and Change at NUMMI", 128-161, (in) edited by Robert Boyer, Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steve Tolliday. (1998). Between Imitation and Innovation: Transfer and Hybridization of Productive Models in the International Automobile Industry, Oxford University Press.
  • Akhtar, Chaudhry; Arif, Ahmed; Rubi, Erum and Naveed, Shaheryar. (2012). “Impact Of Organizational Learning On Organizational Performance: Study Of Higher Education Institutes”, International Journal of Academic Research (IJAR), Vol. 3, 327-331.
  • Bakotić, Danica. (2016). “Relationship between job satisfaction and organisational performance”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, Vol. 29(1), 118-130.
  • Basim, Nejat; Harun, Sesen and Korkmazyürek, Haluk. (2007). “A Turkish Translation, Validity and Reliability Study of the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire”, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 2 (4), 368-374.
  • Baruch, Yehuda and Ramalho, Nelson. (2006). “Communalities and distinctions in the measurement of organizational performance and effectiveness across for-profit and nonprofit sectors”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 35(1), 39-65.
  • Bhaskar, Uday and Mishra, Bijaya. (2017). "Exploring relationship between Learning Organizations Dimensions and Organizational Performance", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 12(3), 593-609.
  • Burnes, Bernard; Cooper, Cary and West, Penny. (2003). Management Decision, Vol. 41(5), 452-464.
  • Cameron, Kim. (1986). “A study of organizational effectiveness and its predictors”, Management science, Vol. 32(1), 87-112.
  • Carter, Nancy; Bryant-Lukosius, Denise;Dicenso, Alba; Blythe, Jennifer and Neville, Alan. (2014). The Use of Triangulation in Qualitative Research. Oncology Nursing Forum. Vol. 41 (5), 545-547.
  • Carton, Robert. (2004). Measuring Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Study. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.
  • Curado, Carla. (2006). “Organisational learning and organisational design”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 13(1), 25-48.
  • Demarest, Marc. (1997). " Understanding Knowledge Management", Long Range Planning, Vol. 30 (3), 374-384.
  • Egan, Toby; Yang, Baiyin and Bartlett, Kenneth. (2004). “The effects of organizational learning culture and job satisfaction on motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention”, Human resource development quarterly, Vol. 15(3), 279-301.
  • García-Morales, V.J., M.M. Jiménez-Barrionuevo, and L. Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez. (2012). “Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation”, Journal of business research, Vol. 65(7), 1040-1050.
  • Gelman, Andrew. (2005). “Analysis of variance—why it is more important than ever”, The Annals of Statistics, Volume 33(1), 1-53.
  • Ghoshal, Sumantra; Bartlett, Christopher A, and Moran, Peter. (1999). " A New Manifesto for Management ", Sloan Management Review, Cambridge, Vol. 40 (3), 9-20.
  • Girden, E. R. (1992). ANOVA: Repeated measures. Newbury Park,Calif: Sage.
  • Goundar, Sam. (2012). “Research Methodology and Research Method: Methods Commonly Used By Researchers”, Victoria University of Wellington, (retrieved from), June 2021.
  • Guţă, Luciana. (2013). “Organizational learning, and performance. A conceptual model”, (in) Proceedings of The 7th International Management Conference: “New Management for the New Economy”.
  • Hernaus, T., M. Škerlavaj, and V. Dimovski. (2008). “Relationship between organisational learning and organisational performance: the case of Croatia”, Transformations in business economics, Vol. 7(2), 32-48.
  • Huber, George. (1991). “Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and the Literatures”, Organization Schiences, Vol. 2(1), 88-115.
  • Hung, Richard; Yang, Baiyin; Lien, Bella Ya-Hui; Mclean, Gary and Kuo, Yu-Ming. (2010). “Dynamic capability: Impact of process alignment and organizational learning culture on performance”, Journal of World Business, Vol. 45, 285-294.
  • Hussein, Norashikin; Omar, Safiah; Noordin, Fauziah and Ishak, Noormala Amir. (2016). “Learning Organization Culture, Organizational Performance and Organizational Innovativeness in a Public Institution of Higher Education in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 37, 512-519.
  • Jiménez-Jiménez, D. and R. Sanz-Valle. (2011). “Innovation, organizational learning, and performance”, Journal of business research, Vol. 64(4), 408-417.
  • Kontoghiorghes, Constantine; Awbrey, M. Susan and Feurig, L. Pamela. (2005)." Examining the Relationship Between Learning Organization Characteristics and Change Adaptation, Innovation, and Organizational Performance", Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 16(2), 185-211.
  • Larson, Martin. (2008). “Analysis of Variance”, Circulation, Vol. 117(1), 115-121, (retrieved from) 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.654335. Liao, Shu-hsien and Wu, Chi-chuan. (2009). " The Relationship among Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Organizational Performance", International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. (4/4), 64-76.
  • Manzoor, Quratul-Ain. (2012). “Impact of employees motivation on organizational effectiveness”, European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3(1), 1-12.
  • Mascitelli, Ronald. (2000). “From Experience: Harnessing Tacit Knowledge to Achieve Breakthrough Innovation”, J Prod Innov Manag, Vol. 17, 179-193.
  • Murray, P. and K. Donegan. (2003). “Empirical linkages between firm competencies and organisational learning”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 10(1), 51 - 62.
  • Naranjo-Valencia, J.C., D. Jiménez-Jiménez, and R. Sanz-Valle. (2016). “Studying the links between organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies”, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, Vol. 48(1), 30-41.
  • Omar, Marzunisham. (2021). “Transforming organisational learning in challenging times”, BIS Central Bankers’ Speeches, 1-3, (retrieved from), June 2021.
  • Patton M. Q. (1999). Enhancing the quality and credibility of qualitative analysis. Health Services Research, Vol. 34 (5 Pt 2), 1189–1208.
  • Pokharel, P. Mohan and Choi, Sang Ok. (2013). "Exploring The Relationships Between The Learning Organization And Organizational Performance", Management Research Review, Vol. 38 (2), 126-148.
  • Popper, M. and R. Lipshitz. (2000). “Organizational learning: Mechanisms, culture, and feasibility”, Management Learning, Vol. 31(2), 181-196.
  • Qureshi, Sajda; Kamal, Mehruz and Peter,Keen. (2009). “Knowledge Networking to overcome the Digital Divide”. (in) edited by King, R. William. Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. Annals of Information Systems, Vol 4. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Ramírez, Antonio Mihi; Morales, Víctor Jesús García and Rojas, Rodrigo Martín. (2011). " Knowledge Creation, Organizational Learning and Their Effects on Organizational Performance", Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, Vol. 22(3), 309-318.
  • Ratna, Rajnish; Khanna, Kriti; Jogishwar, Nupur; Khattar, Ridhima and Agarwal, Ritika. (2014). “Impact of learning organization on organizational performance in consulting industry”, International Journal on Global Business Management Research, Vol. 2(2), 1-11.
  • Richard, J. Pierre; Devinney, M. Timothy; Yip, S. George, and Johnson, Gerry. (2009). "Measuring Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable: Towards Methodological Best Practice", Journal of Management, Vol. (35/3), 718-804.
  • Schein, H. Edgar. (1985). “Defining organizational culture”,Classics of organization theory, Vol. 3(1), 490-502.
  • Sileyew, Kassu Jilcha. (August 7th, 2019). Research Design and Methodology, Cyberspace, Evon Abu-Taieh, Abdelkrim El Mouatasim, and Issam H. Al Hadid, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85731. (retrieved from)
  • Trpkova - Nestorovska, Marija; Skerlavaj, Miha; Dimovski, Vlado; Černe, Matej; Kekenovski, Ljubomir and Tevdovski, Dragan. (2012). The organisational learning culture and organisational performance in Macedonian companies. European J of International Management. Vol. 5, 574-607.
  • Snyder, M. William, and Cummings, G. Thomas. (1998). " Organization-Learning Disorders Conceptual Models and Intervention Hypothesis", Human Relations, Vol. 51, 873–895.
  • Venkatraman, N. and Ramanujam, Vasudevan. (1986). “Measurement of Business Performance in Strategy Research: A Comparison of Approaches”, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11 (4), 801-814.
  • Wang, L. Catherine, and Ahmed, K. Pervaiz. (2001). "The Role of Learning and Creativity in the Quality and Innovation Process", University of Wolverhampton Management Research Centre WP, WP 007/01.
  • Wang, C.L. and P.K. Ahmed. (2003). “Organisational Learning: A Critical Review”, The Learning Organization, Vol. 10(1), 8-17.
  • Wang, L. Catherine, and Ahmed, K. Pervaiz. (2002). "Learning Through Quality and Innovation", Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 17(7), 417-423.
  • Yang, B., K.E. Watkins, and V. Marsick. (2004). “The Construct Of The Learning Organization: Dimensions, Measurement, And Validation”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 15(1), 31-55.
  • Yeung, Andy C. L.; Lai, Kee-Hung and Yee, Rachel W. Y.. (2007). “Organizational Learning, Innovativeness, and Organizational Performance: A Qualitative Investigation”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45 (11), 2459–2477.
  • Zgrzywa-Ziemak, A.. (2015). “The impact of organisational learning on organisational performance”, Management Business Administration. Central Europe, Vol. 23(4), 98-112.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Hatice Şehime Özütler 0000-0002-2213-3483

M. Moneer Shaghasy 0000-0002-1743-1494

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Özütler, H. Ş., & Shaghasy, M. M. (2022). The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 17(65), 95-116.
AMA Özütler HŞ, Shaghasy MM. The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ocak 2022;17(65):95-116. doi:10.19168/jyasar.972624
Chicago Özütler, Hatice Şehime, ve M. Moneer Shaghasy. “The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 17, sy. 65 (Ocak 2022): 95-116.
EndNote Özütler HŞ, Shaghasy MM (01 Ocak 2022) The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 17 65 95–116.
IEEE H. Ş. Özütler ve M. M. Shaghasy, “The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 17, sy. 65, ss. 95–116, 2022, doi: 10.19168/jyasar.972624.
ISNAD Özütler, Hatice Şehime - Shaghasy, M. Moneer. “The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 17/65 (Ocak 2022), 95-116.
JAMA Özütler HŞ, Shaghasy MM. The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2022;17:95–116.
MLA Özütler, Hatice Şehime ve M. Moneer Shaghasy. “The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 17, sy. 65, 2022, ss. 95-116, doi:10.19168/jyasar.972624.
Vancouver Özütler HŞ, Shaghasy MM. The Impact of Organizational Learning Culture on Organizational Performance: Case Study for Afghanistan. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2022;17(65):95-116.