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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16, 2637 - 2660, 01.06.2009



  • ALESSANDRI, Sue Westcott, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey. (2006), “An Integrative Approach to University Visual Identity and Reputation”, Corporate Reputation Review, 9 (4), 258–270.
  • ARGENTI, Paul A., (2003), Corporate Communication, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • ARGENTI, Paul A., Bob Druckenmiller. (2004), “Reputation and the Corporation Brand”, Corporate Reputation Review, 6 (4), 368–274.
  • BARNEY, Jay. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, 17 (1), 99-120.
  • BEDER, S. (2002), “Environmentalists Help Manage Corporate Reputation: Changing Perceptions Not Behaviour”, Ecopolitics: Thought and Action, 4 (4), 60–72.
  • BOVEE, Courtland L., John V. Thill. (2000), Business Communication Today, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • BROMLEY, Dennis B. (2001), “Relationships Between Personal and Corporate Reputation”. European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3–4), 316–334.
  • CHAUVIN, Keith W., Mark Hirschey. (1994), “Goodwill, Profitability, and the Market Value of the Firm”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 13, 159-180.
  • CHONG, Mark (2007), “The Role of Internal Communication and Training in Infusing Corporate Values and Delivering Brand Promise: Singapore Airlines’ Experience”, Corporate Reputation Review, 10 (3), 201–212.
  • CRAVENS, Karen S., Elizabeth Goad Oliver. (2006), “Employees: The Key Link To Corporate Reputation Management”, Business Horizons, 49 (4), 293–302.
  • CRETU, Anca E., Roderick J. Brodie. (2007), “The Influence of Brand Image and Company Reputation Where Manufacturers Market to Small Firms: A Customer Value Perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 36 (2), 230 – 240.
  • DE CASTRO, Gregorio Martin, Jose´ Emilio Navas Lo´pez, Pedro Lo´pez Sa´ez, (2006), “Business and Social Reputation: Exploring the Concept and Main Dimensions of Corporate Reputation”, Journal of Business Ethics, 63 (4), 361–370.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F. (1996), Reputation: Realizing Value From The Corporate Image, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F., N. Gardberg, J. M. Sever. (2000), “The Reputation Quotient: A Multi-Stakeholder Measure of Corporate Reputation”, The Journal of Brand Management, 7 (4), 241–255.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F. (2001), “Corporate Reputation as Economic Asset”, iç. Handbook of Strategic Management, (der. M. A. Hitt, E. R. Freeman, J. S. Harrison), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, s. 289-310.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles J., Cees B.M. Van Riel. (2003), Fame& Fortune, How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • GAINES-ROSS, Leslie. (2008), Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • GOODMAN, Michael B. (2000), “Corporate Communication: the American Picture”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5 (2), 69 – 74.
  • GOTSI, Manto, Alan Wilson. (2001), “Corporate Reputation Management: Living The Brand” Management Decision, 39 (2), 99–104.
  • GRAY, Edmund R., John B.T. Balmer. (1998), “Managing Corporate Image and Corporate Reputation”, Long Range Planning, 31(5), 695-702.
  • GÜMÜŞ, Murat, Burcu Öksüz. (2009), Turizm İşletmelerinde Kurumsal İtibar Yönetimi, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • HALL, Richard. (1992), “The Strategic Analysis of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal, 13 (2), 135-144.
  • HANNINGTON, Terry. (2004), How to Measure and Manage Your Corporate Reputation, Burlington: Gower Publishing.
  • HANNON, John M., George T. Milkovich. (1995), “Human Resource Reputation: Looking Good May Feel Good But Does It Add Value?”, Cornell University CAHRS Center of Advances Human Rources Studies, Working Paper 95 – 25, CAHRS/, Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2008.
  • HARGIE, Owen, David Dickson, Dennis Tourish. (1999), Communication in Management, Aldershot: Gower.
  • HARRIS, Fiona, Leslie de Chernatony (2001), “Corporate Branding and Corporate Brand Performance”, European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 441-456.
  • HUTTON, James G., Michael B. Goodman, Jill B. Alexander, Christina M. Genest. (2001), “Reputation Management: The New Face of Corporate Public Relations?”, Public Relations Review, 27, 247–261.
  • JORGENSEN, Poul Erik Flyvholm, Maria Isaksson, (2008), “Building Credibility in International Banking and Financial Markets A Study of How Corporate Reputations Are Managed Through Image Advertising” (2008), Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 13 (4), 365-379.
  • KADIBEŞEGİL, Salim. (2006), İtibar Yönetimi, İstanbul: Mediacat Yayınları.
  • KOONTZ, Harold, Heinz Weihrich. (2006), Essentials of Management, New Delhi: McGraw- Hill.
  • LJUBOJEVIC, Cedomir, Gordana Ljubojevic. (2008), “Building Corporate Reputation
  • through Corporate Governance”, Management, 3 (3): 221–233.
  • LOGSDON, Jeanne M., Donna J. Wood (2002). “Reputation as an Emerging Construct in the Business and Society Field: An Introduction”, Business Society, 41, 365-370.
  • MALMELIN, Nando (2007), “Communication Capital Modelling Corporate Communications As An Organizational Asset”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (3), 298–310.
  • MARKWICK, Nigel, Chris Fill (1997), “Towards A Framework for Managing Corporate Identity”, European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 396–404.
  • MARTIN, Graeme, Susan Hetrick. (2006), Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management: A Strategic Approach To HR, Burlington: Butterw Orth-Heineman Publications.
  • NAKRA, Prema. (2000), “Corporate Reputation Management: “CRM” with a Strategic Twist”, Public Relations Quarterly, 45 (2), 35– 42.
  • ORMENO, Marcos Oscar. (2007), Managing Corporate Brands: A New Approach to Corporate Communication, Wiesbaden: Verlag.
  • PREECE, Stephen, Craig Fleisher, James Toccacelli (1995), “Building a Reputation Along the Value Chain at Levi Strauss”, Long Range Planning, 28 (6), 88–98.
  • PUCHAN, Heike, Magda Pieczka, Jacquie L’Etang. (1997), “The Internal Communication Context”, iç., Public relations: Principles and Practice, (der. P. J. Kitchen), London: Thomson Business Press, 74-88.
  • QUIRKE, Bill. (2000), “Making The Connections: Using Internal Communication To Turn Strategy into Action”, Aldershot: Gower.
  • ROBERTS, Peter W., Grahame R. Dowling. (2002), “Corporate Reputation and Sustained Superior Financial Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, 23,1077–1093.
  • ROSE, Caspar, Steen Thomsen. (2004), “The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Performance: Some Danish Evidence”, European Management Journal, 22 (2), 201– 210.
  • RUBIN, James. (2006), “Communicating With Stakeholders: Is the Corporate Communication Function Centralized? Trends and Countertrends”, 10th RI Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity & Competitiveness, New York USA, May 25–28 2006, conferences/ nyc06/, Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2006.
  • SABUNCUOĞLU, Zeyyat, Murat Gümüş. (2008). Örgütlerde İletişim, İstanbul: Arıkan Yayınları.
  • SCHWAIGER, Manfred. (2004), “Components and Parameters of Corporate Reputation – An Empirical Study”, Schmalenbach Business Review, 56 (1), 46–71.
  • SMITH, Alvie L. (1991), Innovative Employee Communication New Approaches to Improving Trust, Teamwork, and Performance, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • SRIVASTAVA, Rajendra K, Thomas H McInish, Robert A. Wood, Anthony J. Capraro (1997), “The Value of Corporate Reputation: Evidence from Equity Markets”, Corporate Reputation Review, 1 (1/2), 62-68.
  • VAN BEKKUM, Tibor, Joep P. Cornelissen, Betteke Van Ruler, (2008), “Corporate Communications and Corporate Reputation”, iç. Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation, (der. T.C. Melewar), New York: Routledge, s. 83- 95.
  • VAN DEN BOSCH Annette L.M., Menno D.T. de Jong, Wim J.L. Elving. (2005), “How Corporate Visual Identity Supports Reputation”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10 (2), 108-116.
  • VAN RIEL, Cees B.M. (2003), “The Management of Corporate Communication”, Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding and Corporate-Level Marketing, (der. John M. T. Balmer, Stephen A. Greyser), London: Routledge, s. 161-170.
  • VAN RIEL, Cees B.M., Charles J. Fombrun. (2007), Essentials of Corporate Communication, New York: Routledge.
  • VAROL, Muharrem. (1993), Halkla İlişkiler Açısından Örgüt Sosyolojisine Giriş, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Yayınları No:2.
  • WARTICK, Steven L. (1992). “The Relationship between Intense Media Exposure and Change in Corporate Reputation”, Business & Society, 31 (1), 33-49.
  • WELCH, Mary, Paul R. Jackson, (2007), “Rethinking Internal Communication: A Stakeholder Approach”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (2), 177-198.
  • WIEDMANN, Klaus P., Christine Prauschke. (2006), “How Do Stakeholder Alignment Concepts Influence Corporate Reputation? The Role of Corporate Communication In Reputation Building”, 10th RI Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity & Competitiveness, New York, http://www.reputationinstitutecom/members/nyc06/ wiedmann_prauschke.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2006.
  • WILSON, Alan M. (2001), “Understanding Organisational Culture and the Implications for Corporate Marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 353-367.
  • YOON, Eunsan, Hugh J. Guffey, Valerie Kijewski. (1993), “The Effects of Information and Company Reputation on Intentions To Buy A Business Service”, Journal of Business Research, 27 (3), 215-228
  • ZYGLIDOPOULOS, Stelios C. (2005). “The Impact of Downsizing on Corporate Reputation” British Journal of Management, 16 (4), 253-359.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16, 2637 - 2660, 01.06.2009


Çalışanlar, kurumsal itibar sürecinin temelidir. Diğer bir deyişle, çalışanların desteğini kazanmadan kurumlar için güçlü itibar sahibi olmak mümkün değildir. Bu nedenle güçlü kurumsal itibara sahip olmak isteyen kurumlar, öncelikle bu gerçeğin farkında olmalıdır. İçsel iletişim, çalışanların kurumsal itibar sürecine katılımlarının sağlanmasında oldukça önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışanların kurumsal itibar sürecindeki önemini ve çalışanların kurumsal itibar sürecine katılmaları açısından teşvik edilmesinde içsel iletişimin rolünü ortaya koymaktır


  • ALESSANDRI, Sue Westcott, Sung-Un Yang, Dennis F. Kinsey. (2006), “An Integrative Approach to University Visual Identity and Reputation”, Corporate Reputation Review, 9 (4), 258–270.
  • ARGENTI, Paul A., (2003), Corporate Communication, New York: McGraw Hill.
  • ARGENTI, Paul A., Bob Druckenmiller. (2004), “Reputation and the Corporation Brand”, Corporate Reputation Review, 6 (4), 368–274.
  • BARNEY, Jay. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, 17 (1), 99-120.
  • BEDER, S. (2002), “Environmentalists Help Manage Corporate Reputation: Changing Perceptions Not Behaviour”, Ecopolitics: Thought and Action, 4 (4), 60–72.
  • BOVEE, Courtland L., John V. Thill. (2000), Business Communication Today, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • BROMLEY, Dennis B. (2001), “Relationships Between Personal and Corporate Reputation”. European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3–4), 316–334.
  • CHAUVIN, Keith W., Mark Hirschey. (1994), “Goodwill, Profitability, and the Market Value of the Firm”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 13, 159-180.
  • CHONG, Mark (2007), “The Role of Internal Communication and Training in Infusing Corporate Values and Delivering Brand Promise: Singapore Airlines’ Experience”, Corporate Reputation Review, 10 (3), 201–212.
  • CRAVENS, Karen S., Elizabeth Goad Oliver. (2006), “Employees: The Key Link To Corporate Reputation Management”, Business Horizons, 49 (4), 293–302.
  • CRETU, Anca E., Roderick J. Brodie. (2007), “The Influence of Brand Image and Company Reputation Where Manufacturers Market to Small Firms: A Customer Value Perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, 36 (2), 230 – 240.
  • DE CASTRO, Gregorio Martin, Jose´ Emilio Navas Lo´pez, Pedro Lo´pez Sa´ez, (2006), “Business and Social Reputation: Exploring the Concept and Main Dimensions of Corporate Reputation”, Journal of Business Ethics, 63 (4), 361–370.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F. (1996), Reputation: Realizing Value From The Corporate Image, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F., N. Gardberg, J. M. Sever. (2000), “The Reputation Quotient: A Multi-Stakeholder Measure of Corporate Reputation”, The Journal of Brand Management, 7 (4), 241–255.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles F. (2001), “Corporate Reputation as Economic Asset”, iç. Handbook of Strategic Management, (der. M. A. Hitt, E. R. Freeman, J. S. Harrison), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, s. 289-310.
  • FOMBRUN, Charles J., Cees B.M. Van Riel. (2003), Fame& Fortune, How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • GAINES-ROSS, Leslie. (2008), Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • GOODMAN, Michael B. (2000), “Corporate Communication: the American Picture”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5 (2), 69 – 74.
  • GOTSI, Manto, Alan Wilson. (2001), “Corporate Reputation Management: Living The Brand” Management Decision, 39 (2), 99–104.
  • GRAY, Edmund R., John B.T. Balmer. (1998), “Managing Corporate Image and Corporate Reputation”, Long Range Planning, 31(5), 695-702.
  • GÜMÜŞ, Murat, Burcu Öksüz. (2009), Turizm İşletmelerinde Kurumsal İtibar Yönetimi, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • HALL, Richard. (1992), “The Strategic Analysis of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal, 13 (2), 135-144.
  • HANNINGTON, Terry. (2004), How to Measure and Manage Your Corporate Reputation, Burlington: Gower Publishing.
  • HANNON, John M., George T. Milkovich. (1995), “Human Resource Reputation: Looking Good May Feel Good But Does It Add Value?”, Cornell University CAHRS Center of Advances Human Rources Studies, Working Paper 95 – 25, CAHRS/, Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2008.
  • HARGIE, Owen, David Dickson, Dennis Tourish. (1999), Communication in Management, Aldershot: Gower.
  • HARRIS, Fiona, Leslie de Chernatony (2001), “Corporate Branding and Corporate Brand Performance”, European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 441-456.
  • HUTTON, James G., Michael B. Goodman, Jill B. Alexander, Christina M. Genest. (2001), “Reputation Management: The New Face of Corporate Public Relations?”, Public Relations Review, 27, 247–261.
  • JORGENSEN, Poul Erik Flyvholm, Maria Isaksson, (2008), “Building Credibility in International Banking and Financial Markets A Study of How Corporate Reputations Are Managed Through Image Advertising” (2008), Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 13 (4), 365-379.
  • KADIBEŞEGİL, Salim. (2006), İtibar Yönetimi, İstanbul: Mediacat Yayınları.
  • KOONTZ, Harold, Heinz Weihrich. (2006), Essentials of Management, New Delhi: McGraw- Hill.
  • LJUBOJEVIC, Cedomir, Gordana Ljubojevic. (2008), “Building Corporate Reputation
  • through Corporate Governance”, Management, 3 (3): 221–233.
  • LOGSDON, Jeanne M., Donna J. Wood (2002). “Reputation as an Emerging Construct in the Business and Society Field: An Introduction”, Business Society, 41, 365-370.
  • MALMELIN, Nando (2007), “Communication Capital Modelling Corporate Communications As An Organizational Asset”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (3), 298–310.
  • MARKWICK, Nigel, Chris Fill (1997), “Towards A Framework for Managing Corporate Identity”, European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 396–404.
  • MARTIN, Graeme, Susan Hetrick. (2006), Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management: A Strategic Approach To HR, Burlington: Butterw Orth-Heineman Publications.
  • NAKRA, Prema. (2000), “Corporate Reputation Management: “CRM” with a Strategic Twist”, Public Relations Quarterly, 45 (2), 35– 42.
  • ORMENO, Marcos Oscar. (2007), Managing Corporate Brands: A New Approach to Corporate Communication, Wiesbaden: Verlag.
  • PREECE, Stephen, Craig Fleisher, James Toccacelli (1995), “Building a Reputation Along the Value Chain at Levi Strauss”, Long Range Planning, 28 (6), 88–98.
  • PUCHAN, Heike, Magda Pieczka, Jacquie L’Etang. (1997), “The Internal Communication Context”, iç., Public relations: Principles and Practice, (der. P. J. Kitchen), London: Thomson Business Press, 74-88.
  • QUIRKE, Bill. (2000), “Making The Connections: Using Internal Communication To Turn Strategy into Action”, Aldershot: Gower.
  • ROBERTS, Peter W., Grahame R. Dowling. (2002), “Corporate Reputation and Sustained Superior Financial Performance”, Strategic Management Journal, 23,1077–1093.
  • ROSE, Caspar, Steen Thomsen. (2004), “The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Performance: Some Danish Evidence”, European Management Journal, 22 (2), 201– 210.
  • RUBIN, James. (2006), “Communicating With Stakeholders: Is the Corporate Communication Function Centralized? Trends and Countertrends”, 10th RI Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity & Competitiveness, New York USA, May 25–28 2006, conferences/ nyc06/, Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2006.
  • SABUNCUOĞLU, Zeyyat, Murat Gümüş. (2008). Örgütlerde İletişim, İstanbul: Arıkan Yayınları.
  • SCHWAIGER, Manfred. (2004), “Components and Parameters of Corporate Reputation – An Empirical Study”, Schmalenbach Business Review, 56 (1), 46–71.
  • SMITH, Alvie L. (1991), Innovative Employee Communication New Approaches to Improving Trust, Teamwork, and Performance, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • SRIVASTAVA, Rajendra K, Thomas H McInish, Robert A. Wood, Anthony J. Capraro (1997), “The Value of Corporate Reputation: Evidence from Equity Markets”, Corporate Reputation Review, 1 (1/2), 62-68.
  • VAN BEKKUM, Tibor, Joep P. Cornelissen, Betteke Van Ruler, (2008), “Corporate Communications and Corporate Reputation”, iç. Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation, (der. T.C. Melewar), New York: Routledge, s. 83- 95.
  • VAN DEN BOSCH Annette L.M., Menno D.T. de Jong, Wim J.L. Elving. (2005), “How Corporate Visual Identity Supports Reputation”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10 (2), 108-116.
  • VAN RIEL, Cees B.M. (2003), “The Management of Corporate Communication”, Revealing the Corporation: Perspectives on Identity, Image, Reputation, Corporate Branding and Corporate-Level Marketing, (der. John M. T. Balmer, Stephen A. Greyser), London: Routledge, s. 161-170.
  • VAN RIEL, Cees B.M., Charles J. Fombrun. (2007), Essentials of Corporate Communication, New York: Routledge.
  • VAROL, Muharrem. (1993), Halkla İlişkiler Açısından Örgüt Sosyolojisine Giriş, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Yayınları No:2.
  • WARTICK, Steven L. (1992). “The Relationship between Intense Media Exposure and Change in Corporate Reputation”, Business & Society, 31 (1), 33-49.
  • WELCH, Mary, Paul R. Jackson, (2007), “Rethinking Internal Communication: A Stakeholder Approach”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (2), 177-198.
  • WIEDMANN, Klaus P., Christine Prauschke. (2006), “How Do Stakeholder Alignment Concepts Influence Corporate Reputation? The Role of Corporate Communication In Reputation Building”, 10th RI Conference on Reputation, Image, Identity & Competitiveness, New York, http://www.reputationinstitutecom/members/nyc06/ wiedmann_prauschke.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 19.10.2006.
  • WILSON, Alan M. (2001), “Understanding Organisational Culture and the Implications for Corporate Marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, 35 (3/4), 353-367.
  • YOON, Eunsan, Hugh J. Guffey, Valerie Kijewski. (1993), “The Effects of Information and Company Reputation on Intentions To Buy A Business Service”, Journal of Business Research, 27 (3), 215-228
  • ZYGLIDOPOULOS, Stelios C. (2005). “The Impact of Downsizing on Corporate Reputation” British Journal of Management, 16 (4), 253-359.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Murat GÜMÜŞ BURCU Öksüz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

AMA Öksüz MGB. ÇALIŞANLARIN KURUMSAL İTİBAR SÜRECİNE KATILIMLARINDA İÇSEL İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Haziran 2009;4(16):2637-2660. doi:10.19168/jyu.35005
Chicago Öksüz, Murat GÜMÜŞ BURCU. “ÇALIŞANLARIN KURUMSAL İTİBAR SÜRECİNE KATILIMLARINDA İÇSEL İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 4, sy. 16 (Haziran 2009): 2637-60.
EndNote Öksüz MGB (01 Haziran 2009) ÇALIŞANLARIN KURUMSAL İTİBAR SÜRECİNE KATILIMLARINDA İÇSEL İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 4 16 2637–2660.
IEEE M. G. . B. Öksüz, “ÇALIŞANLARIN KURUMSAL İTİBAR SÜRECİNE KATILIMLARINDA İÇSEL İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 16, ss. 2637–2660, 2009, doi: 10.19168/jyu.35005.
MLA Öksüz, Murat GÜMÜŞ BURCU. “ÇALIŞANLARIN KURUMSAL İTİBAR SÜRECİNE KATILIMLARINDA İÇSEL İLETİŞİMİN ROLÜ”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 16, 2009, ss. 2637-60, doi:10.19168/jyu.35005.