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.Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R., Richard, M.O. and Sankaranarayanan, R. 2012. “The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty”. Computers in Human Behavior 28: 1755–1767.Lawrence, F.C., James, G. and Harper, M.D. 2005. “Perceived risk and e-banking services: an analysis from the perspective of the consumer”. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10(2): 165-178. Li, C. and Bernoff, J. 2011. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.Mangold, W. G. and Faulds, D. J. 2009. “Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix”. Business Horizons, 52: 357-365.Oliver, R. L. and Swan, J. E. 1989. “Consumer perceptions of interpersonal equity and satisfaction in transactions: A field survey approach”. Journal of Marketing 53:21-35.Olbrich, R. and Holsing, C. 2011. “Modeling consumer purchasing behavior in social shopping communities with clickstream data”. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16(2): 15–40.Park, C. and Jun, J.K. 2003. "A cross‐cultural comparison of Internet buying behavior: Effects of Internet usage, perceived risks, and innovativeness", International Marketing Review 20(5): 534-553.Roselius, E. 1971. “Consumer rankings of risk reduction methods”. Journal of Marketing 35(1): 56-61.Schiffman, L. G. 1972. “Perceived risk in new product trial by elderly consumers”. Journal of Marketing Research, 9: 106-108.Schivinski, B. and Dabrowski, D. 2016. “The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands”. Journal of Marketing Communication 22(2): 189–214.Settle, R.B. and Alreck, P.L. 1989. “Reducing buyers’ sense of risk”. Marketing communications 14(1): 34-40.Siegrist, M., Gutscher, H., and Earle, T.C. 2005. “Perception of risk: the influence of general trust, and general confidence”. Journal of Risk Research 8(2): 145–156.Spence, M. 1973. “Job market signaling”. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87: 355-374.Statista. 2018. Global Digital Expenditure Worldwide Report. https://www.statista.com. Accessed: June 2018. Stephen, A.T. and Galak, J. 2012. “The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a micro lending marketplace”. Journal of Marketing Research 49(5): 624–639.Stiglitz, J. E. 2002. “Information and the change in the paradigm in economics”. American Economic Review, 92: 460-501.Thibaut, John W. and Harold H. Kelley (1959), The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Xie, K. and Lee, Y.J. 2015. “Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying the Effects of Exposures to Earned and Owned Social Media Activities in a Two-Stage Decision Making Model”. Journal of Management Information Systems 32(2): 204-238.Ward, S. 1974. “Consumer Socialization”. Journal of Consumer Research, 1(2): 1-14.Yeung, R. and Morris, J. 2006. “An empirical study of the impact of consumer perceived risk on purchase likelihood: A modeling approach”. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 30: 294-305. Zeithaml, V.A. 1998. “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”. Journal of Marketing 52: 2-22.Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L. and Parasuraman, A. 1996. “The behavioral consequences of service quality”. Journal of Marketing 60:31-46." />
Araştırma Makalesi
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Sosyal Medya Karmasının Marka Değiştirme Eğilimi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Risk Algısının Aracı Rolü

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 53, 74 - 86, 31.01.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı, sinyal, sosyal değişim, belirsizlik azaltma
kuramları ve mevcut literatürü entegre ederek çeşitli sosyal medya karması kombinasyonlarının
tüketicilerin marka değiştirme eğilimleri üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Çalışmada,
sosyal medya karmasını kombinasyonlarının tüketicilerin marka değiştirme eğilimleri
üzerindeki etkileri risk algısının aracı rolü kapsamında ölçülmüştür. Deneysel
bir desen kapsamında yürütülen çalışmada manipüle edilen deneysel durum üç
seviyede oluşturulan sosyal medya karmasıdır (
SoloMix, ComboMix and FullMix).Yapılan analizler sonucunda yüksek seviyede sosyal medya karması yoğunluğuna
maruz kalan tüketicilerin, yeni marka satın almaya yönelik oluşan risk algısı
seviyelerinde azalma oluşması suretiyle,  marka değiştirme eğilimlerinde artış gerçekleştiği
tespit edilmiştir.  Bu çalışma, Edinilen
Medya’nın, marka tarafından oluşturulan medyalara kıyasla, tüketici marka
değiştirme eğilimlerini tetikleyen etki üzerindeki marjinal katkısının ölçülmesini
ve bu ilişki içerisinde risk algısının rolünün anlaşılmasını sağlayarak, mevcut
literatüre katkı sağlamaktadır.


  • Arndt, J. A. 1967. Word of Mouth Advertising. New York: Advertising Research Foundation.Bagozzi, R.P. 1975. “Marketing as Exchange”. Journal of Marketing; 39:32.Bansal, H.S. and Voyer, P.A. 2000. “Word-of-mouth processes within a service purchase decision context”. Journal of Service Research 3(2): 166-77.Bansal, H. S. and Taylor, S. F. 2002. “Investigating interactive effects in the theory of planned behavior in a service‐provider switching context”. Psychology & Marketing 19: 407-425.Bauer, R.A. 1967. “Consumer behavior as risk taking”. In Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior (ed. by D.F. Cox) pp. 23–33. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston, MA.Berger, R.,and Richard, J. C. 2006. “Some Exploration in Initial Interaction and Beyond: Toward a Developmental Theory of Interpersonal Communication”. Human Communication Research 1: 99 - 112.Bearden, W. O., and Shrimp, T. S. 1982. “The Use of Extrinsic Cues to Facilitate Product Adoption”. Journal of Marketing Research 19: 229-239.Bettman, J. R. 1973. “Perceived risk and its components: A model and empirical test”. Journal of Marketing Research 10: 184-189.Biesanz, J. C., Falk, C. F., and Savalei, V. 2010. “Assessing meditational models: Testing and interval estimation for indirect effects”. Multivariate Behavioral Research 45: 661–701. Biswas, D. and Biswas, A. 2004. “The diagnostic role of signals in the context of perceived risks in online shopping: do signals matter more on the web?”. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(3): 30-45.Blau, P. M. 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Bone, P.F. 1995. “Word-of-mouth effects on short-term and long-term product judgments”. Journal of Business Research 32(3): 213-223.Brown, B., Zablah, A., Bellenger, N. D. and Wesley. J. 2011. “When do B2B Brands Influence the Decision-Making of Organizational Buyers? An Examination of the Relationship between Purchase Risk and Brand Sensitivity”. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 28.Buttle, F.A. 1998. “Word of mouth: understanding and managing referral marketing”. Journal of Strategic Marketing 6: 241-254.Byrne, B. M. 2010. Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.Cox, D.F. and Rich, S.U. 1964. “Perceived risk and consumer decision-making: the case of telephone shopping”. Journal of Marketing Research 1(4): 32-49.Cunningham, S.M. 1967a. “The major dimensions of perceived risk”, in Cox, D.F. (Ed.), Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior, Boston University Press, Boston, MA, pp. 102-8.Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P.H. and Oh, S. 1987. “Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing 51(April): 11-27.Duan, W., Gu, B. and Whinston, A. B. 2008. “Do Online Reviews Matter? An Empirical Investigation of Panel Data.” Decision Support Systems 45(4): 1007–1016.eMarketer. 2018. Global Ad Spending report. https://www.emarketer.com. Accessed: June 2018. Erdem, T. 1998. "An Empirical Analysis of Umbrella Branding". Journal of Marketing Research. 35(August): 339-351.Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. 1981. “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1): 39-50.Forsythe, S.M. and Shi, B. 2003. “Consumer Patronage and Risk Perceptions in Internet Shopping”. Journal of Business Research, 56:867-875.Godes, D., and Mayzlin, D. 2009. “Firm-Created Word-of-Mouth Communication: Evidence from a Field Test.” Marketing Science 28 (4): 721–739.Goh, K.Y., Heng, C.S. and Lin, Z. 2013. “Social Media Brand Community and Consumer Behavior”. Information Systems Research 24(1):88–107.Hayes, F.A and Preacher, K. J. 2013. “Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable”. The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology 67.Hayes, A. F. and Scharkow, M. 2013. “The relative trustworthiness of tests of indirect effects in statistical mediation analysis. Does method really matter?” Psychological Science, 24: 1918–1927.Homans, G.C. 1958. “Social Behavior as Exchange”. American Journal of Sociology 63(May): 597-606.Horton, R.L. 1976. “The structure of decision risk: some further progress”. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 42: 102–108Jacoby, J. and Kaplan, L.B. 1972. “The components of perceived risk” in Venkatesan, M. (Ed.), Third Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research: 382-9.Jung Eun Lee, J.E. and Stoel, L. 2014. "High versus low online price discounts: effects on customers’ perception of risks". Journal of Product & Brand Management, 23(6): 401-412.Kaplan, L.B., Jacoby, J. and Szybillo, G. 1974. “Components of perceived risk in product purchase: a cross-validation”, Journal of Applied Psychology 59(3): 287-91.Kellerman, K. and Reynolds, R. 1990. “When Ignorance Is Bliss The Role of Motivation to Reduce Uncertainty in Uncertainty Reduction Theory”. Human Communication Research, 17(1): 5-75Kotler, P. 1972. “A Generic Concept of Marketing”. Journal of Marketing, 36(2): 46-54. Kumar, A., Bezawada, R., Rishika, R., Janakiraman, R. and Kannan, P.K. 2016. "From Social to Sale: The Effects of Firm-Generated Content in Social Media on Customer Behavior." Journal of Marketing 80(1): 7-25.Lambe, C.J., Wittmann, C.M., and Spekman, R.E. 2001. “Social Exchange Theory and Research on Business-to-Business Relational Exchange”. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 8(3): 1-36.Lang, B. 2010. Ipsos OTX study: People spend more than half their day consuming media. Retrieved from <http://www.thewrap.com/node/21005>.Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R., Richard, M.O. and Sankaranarayanan, R. 2012. “The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty”. Computers in Human Behavior 28: 1755–1767.Lawrence, F.C., James, G. and Harper, M.D. 2005. “Perceived risk and e-banking services: an analysis from the perspective of the consumer”. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10(2): 165-178. Li, C. and Bernoff, J. 2011. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.Mangold, W. G. and Faulds, D. J. 2009. “Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix”. Business Horizons, 52: 357-365.Oliver, R. L. and Swan, J. E. 1989. “Consumer perceptions of interpersonal equity and satisfaction in transactions: A field survey approach”. Journal of Marketing 53:21-35.Olbrich, R. and Holsing, C. 2011. “Modeling consumer purchasing behavior in social shopping communities with clickstream data”. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16(2): 15–40.Park, C. and Jun, J.K. 2003. "A cross‐cultural comparison of Internet buying behavior: Effects of Internet usage, perceived risks, and innovativeness", International Marketing Review 20(5): 534-553.Roselius, E. 1971. “Consumer rankings of risk reduction methods”. Journal of Marketing 35(1): 56-61.Schiffman, L. G. 1972. “Perceived risk in new product trial by elderly consumers”. Journal of Marketing Research, 9: 106-108.Schivinski, B. and Dabrowski, D. 2016. “The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands”. Journal of Marketing Communication 22(2): 189–214.Settle, R.B. and Alreck, P.L. 1989. “Reducing buyers’ sense of risk”. Marketing communications 14(1): 34-40.Siegrist, M., Gutscher, H., and Earle, T.C. 2005. “Perception of risk: the influence of general trust, and general confidence”. Journal of Risk Research 8(2): 145–156.Spence, M. 1973. “Job market signaling”. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87: 355-374.Statista. 2018. Global Digital Expenditure Worldwide Report. https://www.statista.com. Accessed: June 2018. Stephen, A.T. and Galak, J. 2012. “The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a micro lending marketplace”. Journal of Marketing Research 49(5): 624–639.Stiglitz, J. E. 2002. “Information and the change in the paradigm in economics”. American Economic Review, 92: 460-501.Thibaut, John W. and Harold H. Kelley (1959), The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Xie, K. and Lee, Y.J. 2015. “Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying the Effects of Exposures to Earned and Owned Social Media Activities in a Two-Stage Decision Making Model”. Journal of Management Information Systems 32(2): 204-238.Ward, S. 1974. “Consumer Socialization”. Journal of Consumer Research, 1(2): 1-14.Yeung, R. and Morris, J. 2006. “An empirical study of the impact of consumer perceived risk on purchase likelihood: A modeling approach”. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 30: 294-305. Zeithaml, V.A. 1998. “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”. Journal of Marketing 52: 2-22.Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L. and Parasuraman, A. 1996. “The behavioral consequences of service quality”. Journal of Marketing 60:31-46.

The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 53, 74 - 86, 31.01.2019


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social media
mix combinations on the brand switching intentions of consumers by integrating
signaling, social exchange and uncertainty reduction theories and existing
literature. The study measures the effect of social media mix combinations on
brand switching intentions through the mediating effect of perceived risk. This
study implemented an experimental design and the manipulated experimental
condition was social media mix with three intensity levels (SoloMix,
ComboMix and FullMix). The results indicate that higher
levels of social media mix intensity leads to decreasing levels of perceived
risk regarding the new brand purchase, which in return increases the brand
switching intention of consumers. The study contributes to the existing literature
by providing an understanding of the earned media’s relative marginal
contribution on triggering brand switching behavior in comparison with brand
generated media and explores the role of perceived risk in this


  • Arndt, J. A. 1967. Word of Mouth Advertising. New York: Advertising Research Foundation.Bagozzi, R.P. 1975. “Marketing as Exchange”. Journal of Marketing; 39:32.Bansal, H.S. and Voyer, P.A. 2000. “Word-of-mouth processes within a service purchase decision context”. Journal of Service Research 3(2): 166-77.Bansal, H. S. and Taylor, S. F. 2002. “Investigating interactive effects in the theory of planned behavior in a service‐provider switching context”. Psychology & Marketing 19: 407-425.Bauer, R.A. 1967. “Consumer behavior as risk taking”. In Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior (ed. by D.F. Cox) pp. 23–33. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston, MA.Berger, R.,and Richard, J. C. 2006. “Some Exploration in Initial Interaction and Beyond: Toward a Developmental Theory of Interpersonal Communication”. Human Communication Research 1: 99 - 112.Bearden, W. O., and Shrimp, T. S. 1982. “The Use of Extrinsic Cues to Facilitate Product Adoption”. Journal of Marketing Research 19: 229-239.Bettman, J. R. 1973. “Perceived risk and its components: A model and empirical test”. Journal of Marketing Research 10: 184-189.Biesanz, J. C., Falk, C. F., and Savalei, V. 2010. “Assessing meditational models: Testing and interval estimation for indirect effects”. Multivariate Behavioral Research 45: 661–701. Biswas, D. and Biswas, A. 2004. “The diagnostic role of signals in the context of perceived risks in online shopping: do signals matter more on the web?”. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(3): 30-45.Blau, P. M. 1964. Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Bone, P.F. 1995. “Word-of-mouth effects on short-term and long-term product judgments”. Journal of Business Research 32(3): 213-223.Brown, B., Zablah, A., Bellenger, N. D. and Wesley. J. 2011. “When do B2B Brands Influence the Decision-Making of Organizational Buyers? An Examination of the Relationship between Purchase Risk and Brand Sensitivity”. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 28.Buttle, F.A. 1998. “Word of mouth: understanding and managing referral marketing”. Journal of Strategic Marketing 6: 241-254.Byrne, B. M. 2010. Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.Cox, D.F. and Rich, S.U. 1964. “Perceived risk and consumer decision-making: the case of telephone shopping”. Journal of Marketing Research 1(4): 32-49.Cunningham, S.M. 1967a. “The major dimensions of perceived risk”, in Cox, D.F. (Ed.), Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior, Boston University Press, Boston, MA, pp. 102-8.Dwyer, F. R., Schurr, P.H. and Oh, S. 1987. “Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Journal of Marketing 51(April): 11-27.Duan, W., Gu, B. and Whinston, A. B. 2008. “Do Online Reviews Matter? An Empirical Investigation of Panel Data.” Decision Support Systems 45(4): 1007–1016.eMarketer. 2018. Global Ad Spending report. https://www.emarketer.com. Accessed: June 2018. Erdem, T. 1998. "An Empirical Analysis of Umbrella Branding". Journal of Marketing Research. 35(August): 339-351.Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. 1981. “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1): 39-50.Forsythe, S.M. and Shi, B. 2003. “Consumer Patronage and Risk Perceptions in Internet Shopping”. Journal of Business Research, 56:867-875.Godes, D., and Mayzlin, D. 2009. “Firm-Created Word-of-Mouth Communication: Evidence from a Field Test.” Marketing Science 28 (4): 721–739.Goh, K.Y., Heng, C.S. and Lin, Z. 2013. “Social Media Brand Community and Consumer Behavior”. Information Systems Research 24(1):88–107.Hayes, F.A and Preacher, K. J. 2013. “Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable”. The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology 67.Hayes, A. F. and Scharkow, M. 2013. “The relative trustworthiness of tests of indirect effects in statistical mediation analysis. Does method really matter?” Psychological Science, 24: 1918–1927.Homans, G.C. 1958. “Social Behavior as Exchange”. American Journal of Sociology 63(May): 597-606.Horton, R.L. 1976. “The structure of decision risk: some further progress”. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 42: 102–108Jacoby, J. and Kaplan, L.B. 1972. “The components of perceived risk” in Venkatesan, M. (Ed.), Third Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research: 382-9.Jung Eun Lee, J.E. and Stoel, L. 2014. "High versus low online price discounts: effects on customers’ perception of risks". Journal of Product & Brand Management, 23(6): 401-412.Kaplan, L.B., Jacoby, J. and Szybillo, G. 1974. “Components of perceived risk in product purchase: a cross-validation”, Journal of Applied Psychology 59(3): 287-91.Kellerman, K. and Reynolds, R. 1990. “When Ignorance Is Bliss The Role of Motivation to Reduce Uncertainty in Uncertainty Reduction Theory”. Human Communication Research, 17(1): 5-75Kotler, P. 1972. “A Generic Concept of Marketing”. Journal of Marketing, 36(2): 46-54. Kumar, A., Bezawada, R., Rishika, R., Janakiraman, R. and Kannan, P.K. 2016. "From Social to Sale: The Effects of Firm-Generated Content in Social Media on Customer Behavior." Journal of Marketing 80(1): 7-25.Lambe, C.J., Wittmann, C.M., and Spekman, R.E. 2001. “Social Exchange Theory and Research on Business-to-Business Relational Exchange”. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 8(3): 1-36.Lang, B. 2010. Ipsos OTX study: People spend more than half their day consuming media. Retrieved from <http://www.thewrap.com/node/21005>.Laroche, M., Habibi, M.R., Richard, M.O. and Sankaranarayanan, R. 2012. “The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty”. Computers in Human Behavior 28: 1755–1767.Lawrence, F.C., James, G. and Harper, M.D. 2005. “Perceived risk and e-banking services: an analysis from the perspective of the consumer”. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10(2): 165-178. Li, C. and Bernoff, J. 2011. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.Mangold, W. G. and Faulds, D. J. 2009. “Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix”. Business Horizons, 52: 357-365.Oliver, R. L. and Swan, J. E. 1989. “Consumer perceptions of interpersonal equity and satisfaction in transactions: A field survey approach”. Journal of Marketing 53:21-35.Olbrich, R. and Holsing, C. 2011. “Modeling consumer purchasing behavior in social shopping communities with clickstream data”. International Journal of Electronic Commerce 16(2): 15–40.Park, C. and Jun, J.K. 2003. "A cross‐cultural comparison of Internet buying behavior: Effects of Internet usage, perceived risks, and innovativeness", International Marketing Review 20(5): 534-553.Roselius, E. 1971. “Consumer rankings of risk reduction methods”. Journal of Marketing 35(1): 56-61.Schiffman, L. G. 1972. “Perceived risk in new product trial by elderly consumers”. Journal of Marketing Research, 9: 106-108.Schivinski, B. and Dabrowski, D. 2016. “The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands”. Journal of Marketing Communication 22(2): 189–214.Settle, R.B. and Alreck, P.L. 1989. “Reducing buyers’ sense of risk”. Marketing communications 14(1): 34-40.Siegrist, M., Gutscher, H., and Earle, T.C. 2005. “Perception of risk: the influence of general trust, and general confidence”. Journal of Risk Research 8(2): 145–156.Spence, M. 1973. “Job market signaling”. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87: 355-374.Statista. 2018. Global Digital Expenditure Worldwide Report. https://www.statista.com. Accessed: June 2018. Stephen, A.T. and Galak, J. 2012. “The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a micro lending marketplace”. Journal of Marketing Research 49(5): 624–639.Stiglitz, J. E. 2002. “Information and the change in the paradigm in economics”. American Economic Review, 92: 460-501.Thibaut, John W. and Harold H. Kelley (1959), The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Xie, K. and Lee, Y.J. 2015. “Social Media and Brand Purchase: Quantifying the Effects of Exposures to Earned and Owned Social Media Activities in a Two-Stage Decision Making Model”. Journal of Management Information Systems 32(2): 204-238.Ward, S. 1974. “Consumer Socialization”. Journal of Consumer Research, 1(2): 1-14.Yeung, R. and Morris, J. 2006. “An empirical study of the impact of consumer perceived risk on purchase likelihood: A modeling approach”. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 30: 294-305. Zeithaml, V.A. 1998. “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence”. Journal of Marketing 52: 2-22.Zeithaml, V. A., Berry, L. L. and Parasuraman, A. 1996. “The behavioral consequences of service quality”. Journal of Marketing 60:31-46.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Edin Sözer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 53

Kaynak Göster

APA Sözer, E. (2019). The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14(53), 74-86.
AMA Sözer E. The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ocak 2019;14(53):74-86.
Chicago Sözer, Edin. “The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, sy. 53 (Ocak 2019): 74-86.
EndNote Sözer E (01 Ocak 2019) The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 53 74–86.
IEEE E. Sözer, “The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 53, ss. 74–86, 2019.
ISNAD Sözer, Edin. “The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14/53 (Ocak 2019), 74-86.
JAMA Sözer E. The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:74–86.
MLA Sözer, Edin. “The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 53, 2019, ss. 74-86.
Vancouver Sözer E. The Effect of Social Media Mix on Brand Switching Intention: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14(53):74-86.