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Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 57, 129 - 142, 31.01.2020


Freight consolidation
is often considered in order to enhance the competitive advantage and
operational efficiency level of multimodal freight transportation. The
transport networks require substantial horizontal collaborations between
multiple partners in the multimodal transport chain. In this regard, it raises
a question as how the benefits, which will be provided via collaboration, shall
be allocated among the participants and beneficiaries. The vast collection of
scientific literature has mainly focused on the development of allocation
models for unimodal road transport conducted with the collaboration among
shippers and carriers, however there is no sufficient research on the
allocation of cost and saving which are provided over the multimodal freight
transport. Furthermore, since the sea and rail transport providers in
multimodal freight transport operate with different size and shape of vessels
and rail freight wagons with different price structures, application of
allocation mechanisms is more complex than unimodal transport. In this
research, cost allocation models are analyzed in multimodal freight transport.
In addition to this, three types of cost allocation model, respectively,
proportional allocation mechanism, decomposition method and Shapley value for
the same freight transport volumes are analyzed with comparison of the
situations for coalitions which comprise of the two, three and four partners of
sea-rail multimodal transport service providers and it ends with the delivered
sustainable results.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



This research was supported by the project number 116C048 within the framework of the TUBITAK 2232 Scholarship Program. The outputs of this study are applied on the web-based reservation platform of sea-rail multimodal freight transport for development of Ship2Rail project (


  • Audy, J-F, D’Amours, S., and Rousseau, L-M. 2011. “Cost allocation in the establishment of a collaborative transportation agreement— an application in the furniture industry”. Journal of the Operational Research Society 62: 960-970.
  • Audy, J-F., D’Amours, S. and Rönnqvist, M. 2012. “An empirical study on coalition formation and cost/savings allocation”. International Journal of Production Economics 136(1):13-27.
  • Boyd S., Xiao L., Mutapcic A. and Mattingley J. 2007. Notes on decomposition methods. Technical report, Standford University, Notes of EE364B course.
  • Dai, B. and Chen, H. 2012. “Profit allocation mechanisms for carrier collaboration in pickup and delivery service”. Computers & Industrial Engineering 62(2):633-643.
  • Defryn, C., Vanovermeire, C., Sörensen, K., Van Breedam, A., Vannieuwenhuyse, B., Verstrepen, S. and Groep, T. 2013. “Gain sharing in horizontal logistic collaboration”. Working paper, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
  • EU 2016. Rail freight transport in the EU: still not on the right track, Special Report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, Retrieved from < SR_RAIL_FREIGHT_EN.pdf> (Access Date: 18.04.2019)
  • Frisk, M., Gothe-Lundgren, M., Jornsten, K. and Ronnqvist, M. 2010. “Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation”. European Journal of Operational Research 205(2):448-458.
  • Guajardo, M. and Rönnqvist, M. 2015. “Operations research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics”. European Journal of Operational Research 240(1):147-159.
  • Guajardo, M. and Rönnqvist, M. 2016. “A review on cost allocation methods in collaborative transportation”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 23:371–392.
  • Kayikci, Y. 2014, June 20-25. “A collaborative slot allocation model for the sea-rail multimodal transport service providers based on revenue management”, Paper presented at the 21st International Annual EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014), Palermo, Italy.
  • Kayikci, Y. and Catay, B. 2017, July 09-12. “Revenue-based slot allocation and pricing framework for multimodal transport networks”. Paper presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2017), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Kayikci, Y., Mutlu, A. and Catay, B. 2018. “A Decision Support System and its Application for International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation Operations”. Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering 23(4): 99-116.
  • Lada, A.N., Sazonov, V.V. and Skobelev, P.O. 2016. “Method for transportation cost calculation on the basis of full cycle (round trip)”. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9(20):1-6.
  • Liu, P., Wu, Y. and Xu, N. 2010). “Allocating collaborative profit in less-than-truckload carrier alliance”. Journal of Service Science and Management 3(1):143-149.
  • Lowe, D. 2005. Intermodal Freight Transport. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Ozener, O. and Ergun, O. 2008. “Allocating costs in a collaborative transportation procurement network”. Transportation Science 42(2):146–165.
  • Saeed, N. 2012. A game theoretical analysis of vertical and horizontal co-operation among freight forwarders. ERA-Net. Retrieved from <> (Access Date: 30.04.2019)
  • Schmeidler, D. 1969. The nucleolus of a characteristic function game. Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics 17(6):1163–1170.
  • Shapley, L. 1953. “A Value for n-person games”. Albert William Tucker and Harold W. Kuhn (eds.), Contributions to the Theory of Games, Princeton University Press, 31–40.
  • Soons, D. 2011. The determination and division of benefits among partners of a horizontal cooperation in transportation, Master’s thesis, TU/e School of İndustrial Engineering.
  • Tavasszy, L.A. and van Meijeren, J. 2011. “Modal shift target for freight transport above 300 km: an assessment”. Discussion Paper – 17th ACEA SAG Meeting. Retrieved from < publications/ SAG_17.pdf> (Access Date: 04.05.2019).
  • Theys, C., Dullaert, W. and Notteboom, T. 2008. “Analyzing cooperative networks in ıntermodal transportation: a game-theoretic approach”, Paper presented at the meeting of the Nectar Logistics and Freight Cluster, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Tijs, S.H. and Driessen, T.S.H. 1986. “Game theory and cost allocation problems”. Management Science 32(8):1015-1058.
  • Tuzkaya, U.R., Onut, S. and Tuzkaya, G. 2014. “A strategic planning methodology for the multimodal transportation systems: a case study from Turkey”. Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014: 1-23.
  • UBAK 2014. Türkiye kombine taşımacılık strateji belgesi. UDH, Ankara. Retrieved from < BLSM_WIYS/TMKDG/tr/doc/20150106_122025_ 64574_1_64896.pdf> (Access Date: 12.02.2019)
  • Vanovermeire, C., Vercruysse, D. and Sörensen, K. 2014. "Analysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport setting". International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, 4(2), 132-150.
  • Verdonck, L., Beullens, P., Caris, A., Ramaekers and K., Janssens, G. 2015. “Analysis of collaborative savings and cost allocation techniques for the cooperative carrier facility location problem”. Journal of the Operational Research Society 67(6):853-871.
  • Young, H.P. 1994. “Cost allocation”. Sergiu Hart and Robert Aumann (eds.), Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, North-Holland, 1193-1235.

Uluslararası Deniz-Demir Yolu Kombine Yük Taşımacılığında Maliyet Dağıtım Yöntemlerinin Analizi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 57, 129 - 142, 31.01.2020


Kombine yük
taşımacılığında rekabet üstünlüğünün ve operasyonel verimlilik seviyesinin
arttırılabilmesi için yüklerin konsolide edilebilmesine sıklıkla
başvurulmaktadır. Kombine yük taşımacılığı zinciri üzerinde bulunan taşıma
ağları birden fazla ortak arasında yatay işbirliklerini gerektirmektedir. Bu
bağlamda, sağlanacak işbirliği vasıtasıyla elde edilecek faydanın tüm
katılımcılar yani paydaşlar arasında adil bir şekilde dağıtımının (tahsis)
nasıl yapılması gerektiği ile ilgili soruyla karşılaşılmaktadır. Şu ana kadar
yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar, daha ziyade tek türlü kara yolu taşımacılığında
nakliyatçılar ve taşıyıcılar arasındaki işbirlikleri üzerinden dağıtım
modellerinin geliştirilmesine yoğunlaşmıştır, ancak kombine yük taşımacılığında
elde edilen maliyet ya da kazancın dağıtımı ile ilgili yeteri kadar araştırma
yapılamamıştır. Bunun yanı sıra kombine yük taşımacılığında deniz ve demir yolu
yük taşımacılığı operatörlerinin kullandığı farklı boyut ve ebatta gemi ve tren
tiplerinin farklı fiyat yapılarını içermesinden dolayı dağıtım mekanizmalarının
uygulanması tek türlü taşımacılığa göre hayli karmaşıktır. Bu çalışmada kombine
yük taşımacılığında kullanılan maliyet dağıtım modelleri incelenecektir. Bunun
yanı sıra üç çeşit maliyet dağıtım modeli, sırasıyla orantılı tahsis
mekanizması, ayrıştırma yöntemi ve Shapley değeri olarak, eşit olan yük
gönderimlerine sahip iki, üç ve dört ortak deniz-demir yolu kombine taşımacılık
operatöründen oluşan koalisyon yapısına göre birbirleriyle karşılaştırılarak
analiz edilecek ve elde edilen sonuçların sürdürülebilirliği gösterilecektir.

Proje Numarası



  • Audy, J-F, D’Amours, S., and Rousseau, L-M. 2011. “Cost allocation in the establishment of a collaborative transportation agreement— an application in the furniture industry”. Journal of the Operational Research Society 62: 960-970.
  • Audy, J-F., D’Amours, S. and Rönnqvist, M. 2012. “An empirical study on coalition formation and cost/savings allocation”. International Journal of Production Economics 136(1):13-27.
  • Boyd S., Xiao L., Mutapcic A. and Mattingley J. 2007. Notes on decomposition methods. Technical report, Standford University, Notes of EE364B course.
  • Dai, B. and Chen, H. 2012. “Profit allocation mechanisms for carrier collaboration in pickup and delivery service”. Computers & Industrial Engineering 62(2):633-643.
  • Defryn, C., Vanovermeire, C., Sörensen, K., Van Breedam, A., Vannieuwenhuyse, B., Verstrepen, S. and Groep, T. 2013. “Gain sharing in horizontal logistic collaboration”. Working paper, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
  • EU 2016. Rail freight transport in the EU: still not on the right track, Special Report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, Retrieved from < SR_RAIL_FREIGHT_EN.pdf> (Access Date: 18.04.2019)
  • Frisk, M., Gothe-Lundgren, M., Jornsten, K. and Ronnqvist, M. 2010. “Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation”. European Journal of Operational Research 205(2):448-458.
  • Guajardo, M. and Rönnqvist, M. 2015. “Operations research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics”. European Journal of Operational Research 240(1):147-159.
  • Guajardo, M. and Rönnqvist, M. 2016. “A review on cost allocation methods in collaborative transportation”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 23:371–392.
  • Kayikci, Y. 2014, June 20-25. “A collaborative slot allocation model for the sea-rail multimodal transport service providers based on revenue management”, Paper presented at the 21st International Annual EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014), Palermo, Italy.
  • Kayikci, Y. and Catay, B. 2017, July 09-12. “Revenue-based slot allocation and pricing framework for multimodal transport networks”. Paper presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2017), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Kayikci, Y., Mutlu, A. and Catay, B. 2018. “A Decision Support System and its Application for International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation Operations”. Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering 23(4): 99-116.
  • Lada, A.N., Sazonov, V.V. and Skobelev, P.O. 2016. “Method for transportation cost calculation on the basis of full cycle (round trip)”. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9(20):1-6.
  • Liu, P., Wu, Y. and Xu, N. 2010). “Allocating collaborative profit in less-than-truckload carrier alliance”. Journal of Service Science and Management 3(1):143-149.
  • Lowe, D. 2005. Intermodal Freight Transport. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Ozener, O. and Ergun, O. 2008. “Allocating costs in a collaborative transportation procurement network”. Transportation Science 42(2):146–165.
  • Saeed, N. 2012. A game theoretical analysis of vertical and horizontal co-operation among freight forwarders. ERA-Net. Retrieved from <> (Access Date: 30.04.2019)
  • Schmeidler, D. 1969. The nucleolus of a characteristic function game. Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics 17(6):1163–1170.
  • Shapley, L. 1953. “A Value for n-person games”. Albert William Tucker and Harold W. Kuhn (eds.), Contributions to the Theory of Games, Princeton University Press, 31–40.
  • Soons, D. 2011. The determination and division of benefits among partners of a horizontal cooperation in transportation, Master’s thesis, TU/e School of İndustrial Engineering.
  • Tavasszy, L.A. and van Meijeren, J. 2011. “Modal shift target for freight transport above 300 km: an assessment”. Discussion Paper – 17th ACEA SAG Meeting. Retrieved from < publications/ SAG_17.pdf> (Access Date: 04.05.2019).
  • Theys, C., Dullaert, W. and Notteboom, T. 2008. “Analyzing cooperative networks in ıntermodal transportation: a game-theoretic approach”, Paper presented at the meeting of the Nectar Logistics and Freight Cluster, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Tijs, S.H. and Driessen, T.S.H. 1986. “Game theory and cost allocation problems”. Management Science 32(8):1015-1058.
  • Tuzkaya, U.R., Onut, S. and Tuzkaya, G. 2014. “A strategic planning methodology for the multimodal transportation systems: a case study from Turkey”. Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014: 1-23.
  • UBAK 2014. Türkiye kombine taşımacılık strateji belgesi. UDH, Ankara. Retrieved from < BLSM_WIYS/TMKDG/tr/doc/20150106_122025_ 64574_1_64896.pdf> (Access Date: 12.02.2019)
  • Vanovermeire, C., Vercruysse, D. and Sörensen, K. 2014. "Analysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport setting". International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, 4(2), 132-150.
  • Verdonck, L., Beullens, P., Caris, A., Ramaekers and K., Janssens, G. 2015. “Analysis of collaborative savings and cost allocation techniques for the cooperative carrier facility location problem”. Journal of the Operational Research Society 67(6):853-871.
  • Young, H.P. 1994. “Cost allocation”. Sergiu Hart and Robert Aumann (eds.), Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, North-Holland, 1193-1235.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Yaşanur Kayıkcı

Proje Numarası 116C048
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 57

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayıkcı, Y. (2020). Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 15(57), 129-142.
AMA Kayıkcı Y. Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ocak 2020;15(57):129-142. doi:10.19168/jyasar.568692
Chicago Kayıkcı, Yaşanur. “Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 15, sy. 57 (Ocak 2020): 129-42.
EndNote Kayıkcı Y (01 Ocak 2020) Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 15 57 129–142.
IEEE Y. Kayıkcı, “Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 57, ss. 129–142, 2020, doi: 10.19168/jyasar.568692.
ISNAD Kayıkcı, Yaşanur. “Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 15/57 (Ocak 2020), 129-142.
JAMA Kayıkcı Y. Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2020;15:129–142.
MLA Kayıkcı, Yaşanur. “Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 57, 2020, ss. 129-42, doi:10.19168/jyasar.568692.
Vancouver Kayıkcı Y. Analysis of Cost Allocation Methods in International Sea-Rail Multimodal Freight Transportation. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2020;15(57):129-42.