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Dört-Katlı Kompresyon Bandajları ve Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisinin Alt Ekstremite Venöz Ülserleri Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: EK-1, 144 - 148, 01.05.2020


Amaç: Venöz bacak ülserleri alt ekstremitenin en sık görülen ülserleridir. Venöz bacak ülserlerinin patofizyolojileri tam olarak aydınlatılabilmiş değildir. Venöz bacak ülserleri sıklıkla eksuda, ağrı ve kötü koku gibi bulgulara sebep olur. Kompresyon bandajları venöz bacak ülserlerinde en etkin tedavi modalitesi olarak bilinmektedir. Biz bu çalışma ile dört-katlı kompresyon bandajları ve hiperbarik oksijen tedavisinin venöz bacak ülserleri üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışmada, su altı ve hiperbarik tıp polikliniğimize Eylül 2016 ve Eylül 2019 yılları arasında venöz bacak ülseri nedeniyle başvurmuş ve dört-katlı kompresyon bandajı ile gerektiğinde adjuvan hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi de almış 25 hasta, tedavinin etkinliğini araştırmak amacıyla retrospektif olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 57,4 idi. Hastalardaki en sık tespit edilen sistemik kronik hastalık hipertansiyon idi. Hastaların kliniğimize başvurduklarındaki ortalama ülser yüzey alanları 74,4 cm² ve yine ilk ülser tanısı üzerinden geçen süre ortalama 20,3 ay idi. Çalışmamızda incelediğimiz hastaların tamamının ortalama 3,36 aylık bir takipte tam olarak iyileştiklerini gözlemledik.
Sonuç: Bizim çalışmamızda hastaların iyileşme oranları 12 hafta sonunda %64 ve 24 hafta sonunda ise %92 idi. Özellikle 6 ay sonundaki yüksek iyileşme oranı uygulanan tedavi metodlarımızın gerçekçi ve etkili olduğunu desteklemektedir. Adjuvan hiperbarik oksijen tedavisinin kullanılmış olması bu yüksek iyileşme oranının elde edilmesindeki önemli bir faktör olabilir. Tabi ki, yüksek hasta sayıları ile planlanan çalışmalarda ajuvan hiperbarik oksijen tedavisinin etkinliğinin araştırılmasının venöz bacak ülser tedavisine katkı sağlayacağını düşünmekteyiz.


  • 1. Abbade LP, Lastória S. Venous ulcer: epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment. Int J Dermatol 2005;44(6):449–56. Review. PubMed PMID:15941430.
  • 2. Mansilha A, Sousa J. Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Chronic Venous Disease and Implications for Venoactive Drug Therapy. Int J Mol Sci 2018;19(6):1669.
  • 3. Abbade LP, Lastória S, Rollo Hde A. Venous ulcer: clinical characteristics and risk factors. Int J Dermatol 2011;50(4):405–11.
  • 4. Kelly M, Gethin G. Prevalence of Chronic Illness and Risk Factors for Chronic Illness Among Patients With Venous Leg Ulceration: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Low Extrem Wounds 2019;18(3):301–308.
  • 5. Kelechi TJ, Johnson JJ, Yates S. Chronic venous disease and venous leg ulcers: An evidence-based update. J Vasc Nurs 2015;33(2):36–46.
  • 6. Kuplay H, Özkaynak B, Mert B, Erdoğan S, Sönmez S, Kayalar N, et al. Kronik Venöz Yetmezliğe Bağlı Venöz Bacak Ülserlerinde Çok Katlı Kompresyon Bandaj Sistemlerinin Etkisi. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 2012;16(1):54–57.
  • 7. Neumann HA. Evidence-based (S3)guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of venous leg ulcers. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30(11):1843–1875.
  • 8. Hammarlund C, Sundberg T. Hyperbaric oxygen reduced size of chronic leg ulcers: a randomized double-blind study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994;93(4):829–33;discussion 834.
  • 9. Thistlethwaite KR, Finlayson KJ, Cooper PD, Brown B, Bennett MH, Kay G, et al. The effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for healing chronic venous leg ulcers: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Wound Repair Regen 2018;26(4):324–331.
  • 10. Barwell JR, Davies CE, Deacon J, Harvey K, Minor J, Sassano A, et al. Comparison of surgery and compression with compression alone in chronic venous ulceration (ESCHAR study): randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004;363(9424):1854–1859.
  • 11. Margolis DJ, Berlin JA, Strom BL. Risk factors associated with the failure of a venous leg ulcer to heal. Arch Dermatol 1999;135(8):920–6.
  • 12. Milic DJ, Zivic SS, Bogdanovic DC, Karanovic ND, Golubovic ZV. Risk factors related to the failure of venous leg ulcers to heal with compression treatment. J Vasc Surg 2009;49(5):1242–7.
  • 13. Phillips TJ, Machado F, Trout R, Porter J, Olin J, Falanga V. Prognostic indicators in venous ulcers. J Am Acad Dermatol 2000;43(4):627–30.
  • 14. Harrison MB, Vandenkerkhof EG, Hopman WM, Graham ID,Carley ME, Nelson EA. Canadian Bandaging Trial Group. The Canadian Bandaging Trial: Evidence-informed leg ulcer care and the effectiveness of two compression technologies. BMC Nurs 2011;10:20.
  • 15. Löndahl M, Katzman P, Nilsson A, Hammarlund C. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy facilitates healing of chronic foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2010;33(5):998–1003.
  • 16. Scriven JM, Taylor LE, Wood AJ, Bell PR, Naylor AR, London NJ. A prospective randomised trial of four-layer versus short stretch compression bandages for the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1998;80(3):215–220.

The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 11 Sayı: EK-1, 144 - 148, 01.05.2020


Aim: Venous leg ulcers are the most common lower extremity ulcers. The pathophysiology of venous leg ulcers has not been fully elucidated. Venous leg ulcers may cause exudate, pain, and bad smell. Compression bandaging has been known as the most effective treatment modality for venous leg ulcers. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of four-layer compression bandages and hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the outcomes of patients with venous leg ulcers.
Material and Method: In our outpatient clinic of the Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine Department between September 2016 and September 2019, 25 patients treated with four-layer compression bandages and hyperbaric oxygen adjuvant HBO –when needed for venous leg ulcers were evaluated retrospectively for the effects on outcomes.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 57.4 years. The most common concomitant systemic disease was essential hypertension. On admission, the mean ulcer size was 74.4 cm² and the mean ulcer duration was 20.3 months. Complete healing was achieved in all patients with a mean follow-up of 3.36 months.
Conclusion: In this study, healing rates were 64% and 92% after 12 and 24 weeks, respectively. In particular, the high healing rate achieved after 6 months proved that the treatment methods applied were reliable and effective. Using hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjunctive treatment method may have an impact on achieving these results. It is warranted to design further studies investigating the effect of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy on venous leg ulcers in a higher number of patients.


  • 1. Abbade LP, Lastória S. Venous ulcer: epidemiology, physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment. Int J Dermatol 2005;44(6):449–56. Review. PubMed PMID:15941430.
  • 2. Mansilha A, Sousa J. Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Chronic Venous Disease and Implications for Venoactive Drug Therapy. Int J Mol Sci 2018;19(6):1669.
  • 3. Abbade LP, Lastória S, Rollo Hde A. Venous ulcer: clinical characteristics and risk factors. Int J Dermatol 2011;50(4):405–11.
  • 4. Kelly M, Gethin G. Prevalence of Chronic Illness and Risk Factors for Chronic Illness Among Patients With Venous Leg Ulceration: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Low Extrem Wounds 2019;18(3):301–308.
  • 5. Kelechi TJ, Johnson JJ, Yates S. Chronic venous disease and venous leg ulcers: An evidence-based update. J Vasc Nurs 2015;33(2):36–46.
  • 6. Kuplay H, Özkaynak B, Mert B, Erdoğan S, Sönmez S, Kayalar N, et al. Kronik Venöz Yetmezliğe Bağlı Venöz Bacak Ülserlerinde Çok Katlı Kompresyon Bandaj Sistemlerinin Etkisi. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 2012;16(1):54–57.
  • 7. Neumann HA. Evidence-based (S3)guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of venous leg ulcers. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30(11):1843–1875.
  • 8. Hammarlund C, Sundberg T. Hyperbaric oxygen reduced size of chronic leg ulcers: a randomized double-blind study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994;93(4):829–33;discussion 834.
  • 9. Thistlethwaite KR, Finlayson KJ, Cooper PD, Brown B, Bennett MH, Kay G, et al. The effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for healing chronic venous leg ulcers: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Wound Repair Regen 2018;26(4):324–331.
  • 10. Barwell JR, Davies CE, Deacon J, Harvey K, Minor J, Sassano A, et al. Comparison of surgery and compression with compression alone in chronic venous ulceration (ESCHAR study): randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004;363(9424):1854–1859.
  • 11. Margolis DJ, Berlin JA, Strom BL. Risk factors associated with the failure of a venous leg ulcer to heal. Arch Dermatol 1999;135(8):920–6.
  • 12. Milic DJ, Zivic SS, Bogdanovic DC, Karanovic ND, Golubovic ZV. Risk factors related to the failure of venous leg ulcers to heal with compression treatment. J Vasc Surg 2009;49(5):1242–7.
  • 13. Phillips TJ, Machado F, Trout R, Porter J, Olin J, Falanga V. Prognostic indicators in venous ulcers. J Am Acad Dermatol 2000;43(4):627–30.
  • 14. Harrison MB, Vandenkerkhof EG, Hopman WM, Graham ID,Carley ME, Nelson EA. Canadian Bandaging Trial Group. The Canadian Bandaging Trial: Evidence-informed leg ulcer care and the effectiveness of two compression technologies. BMC Nurs 2011;10:20.
  • 15. Löndahl M, Katzman P, Nilsson A, Hammarlund C. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy facilitates healing of chronic foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2010;33(5):998–1003.
  • 16. Scriven JM, Taylor LE, Wood AJ, Bell PR, Naylor AR, London NJ. A prospective randomised trial of four-layer versus short stretch compression bandages for the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1998;80(3):215–220.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa Aldemir Bu kişi benim

Bekir Selim Bağlı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 11 Sayı: EK-1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aldemir, M., & Bağlı, B. S. (2020). The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, 11(EK-1), 144-148.
AMA Aldemir M, Bağlı BS. The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. Mayıs 2020;11(EK-1):144-148.
Chicago Aldemir, Mustafa, ve Bekir Selim Bağlı. “The Effects of Four-Layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 11, sy. EK-1 (Mayıs 2020): 144-48.
EndNote Aldemir M, Bağlı BS (01 Mayıs 2020) The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 11 EK-1 144–148.
IEEE M. Aldemir ve B. S. Bağlı, “The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers”, KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG, c. 11, sy. EK-1, ss. 144–148, 2020.
ISNAD Aldemir, Mustafa - Bağlı, Bekir Selim. “The Effects of Four-Layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 11/EK-1 (Mayıs 2020), 144-148.
JAMA Aldemir M, Bağlı BS. The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2020;11:144–148.
MLA Aldemir, Mustafa ve Bekir Selim Bağlı. “The Effects of Four-Layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, c. 11, sy. EK-1, 2020, ss. 144-8.
Vancouver Aldemir M, Bağlı BS. The Effects of Four-layer Compression Bandages and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Lower Extremity Venous Ulcers. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2020;11(EK-1):144-8.