Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 196 - 201, 29.08.2024



  • 1. Ferrari N, Joisten C. Impact of physical activity on course and outcome of pregnancy from pre- to postnatal. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2021;75(12):1698–1709.
  • 2. Daşıkan Z, Güner Ö, Bozkurt T. İkinci ve üçüncü trimester gebelerin fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ve fiziksel aktivite engelleri. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;5(3):1731–45.
  • 3. Yüksel O, Ateş M, Kızıldağ S, Yüce Z, Koç B, Kandiş S, et al. Regular aerobic voluntary exercise increased oxytocin in female mice: the cause of decreased anxiety and increased empathy-like behaviors. Balkan Med J. 2019;36(5):257–262.
  • 4. Cera N, Vargas-Cáceres S, Oliveira C, Monteiro J, Branco D, Pignatelli D, et al. How relevant is the systemic oxytocin concentration for human sexual behavior? a systematic review. Sex Med. 2021;9(4):100370.
  • 5. Karabulutlu Ö. Effects of Pregnancy on Women Sexualty. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018;8(50):124–132.
  • 6. Neumann I, Douglas AJ, Pittman QJ, Russell JA, Landgraf R. Oxytocin released within the supraoptic nucleus of the rat brain by positive feedback action is involved in parturition‐related events. J Neuroendocrinol. 1996;8(3):227–233.
  • 7. Liu N, Yang H, Han L, Ma M. Oxytocin in women’s health and disease. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) . 2022;13.
  • 8. Ejekam CS, Okafor IP, Anyakora C, Ozomata EA, Okunade K, Oridota SE, et al. Clinical experiences with the use of oxytocin injection by healthcare providers in a southwestern state of Nigeria: A cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0208367.
  • 9. Meander L, Lindqvist M, Mogren I, Sandlund J, West CE, Domellöf M. Physical activity and sedentary time during pregnancy and associations with maternal and fetal health outcomes: an epidemiological study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021;21(1):166.
  • 10. Watkins VY, O’Donnell CM, Perez M, Zhao P, England S, Carter EB, et al. The impact of physical activity during pregnancy on labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021;225(4):437. e1–437. e8.
  • 11. Carbone L, De Vivo V, Saccone G, D’Antonio F, Marcorio A, Raffone A, et al. Sexual intercourse for induction of spontaneous onset of labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Sex Med. 2019;16(11):1787–1795.
  • 12. Adanaş Aydın G, Taşan HA, Tarhan N, Çakar E, Güler NŞ, Ankaralı H, et al. Reliability and validity of Turkish version of pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ) in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. J Obstet Gynaecol (Lahore) . 2020;40(2):176–181.
  • 13. Hui AL, Back L, Ludwig S, Gardiner P, Sevenhuysen G, Dean HJ, et al. Effects of lifestyle intervention on dietary intake, physical activity level, and gestational weight gain in pregnant women with different pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index in a randomized control trial. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014;14(1):331.
  • 14. Oliveira C, Imakawa T, Moisés E. Physical activity during pregnancy: recommendations and assessment tools. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2017;39(08):424–432.
  • 15. Berghella V, Saccone G. Exercise in pregnancy! Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;216(4):335–337.
  • 16. Leet T, Flick L. Effect of exercise on birthweight. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2003;46:423–431.
  • 17. Watson ED, Brage S, White T, Westgate K, Norris SA, Van Poppel MNM, et al. The influence of objectively measured physical activity during pregnancy on maternal and birth outcomes in urban black south african women. Matern Child Health J. 2018;22(8):1190–1199.
  • 18. Rodríguez-Blanque R, Sánchez-García JC, Sánchez-López AM, Aguilar-Cordero MJ. Physical activity during pregnancy and its influence on delivery time: a randomized clinical trial. PeerJ. 2019;7:e6370.
  • 19. Foumane P, Mboudou ET, Sama JD, Baba S, Enama Mbatsogo BA, Ngwana L. Sexual activity during pregnancy and prognosis of labor in Cameroonian women: a cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2014;27(13):1305–1308.
  • 20. Schaffir J. Sexual intercourse at term and onset of labor. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;107(6):1310–1314.
  • 21. Kafaei Atrian M, Sadat Z, Rasolzadeh Bidgoly M, Abbaszadeh F, Asghari Jafarabadi M. The association of sexual intercourse during pregnancy with labor onset. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2015;17(1):e16465.

The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2, 196 - 201, 29.08.2024


Aim: We aimed to obtain epidemiologic data on the level of physical activity during pregnancy, physical activity barriers of pregnant women, and sexual activity during pregnancy in Türkiye. We investigated the relationships between physical and sexual activity in pregnant women and labor-related variables.
Materials and Methods: The study included volunteers who gave birth in the maternal ward of tertiary training and research hospital. To determine the physical activity levels in pregnancy, “International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)” and “Physical Activity Readiness Medical Examination (PARMED-X)” scales were used. In addition, participants were questioned about their sexual activity during pregnancy. Participants’ data on the duration of the first and second phases of labor, postpartum hemorrhage, oxytocin administration for labor induction, and unplanned Cesarean section (Cs) were obtained from patients’ electronic medical records.
Results: The study included 173 pregnant women. Seventy-seven (44.50%) participants were nulliparous. With increasing age, participants were found to be less physically active (p=0.235). There was no correlation between physical activity levels and duration of the phases of labor, gestational age, oxytocin usage, postpartum hemorrhage, and type of delivery. Lower gestational weight gain was observed in the physically active group. There was a relationship between an increase in sexual activities during pregnancy and a shorter duration of the second phase of labor (p=0.018).
Conclusion: Our study showed that physical activity levels tended to decrease in pregnant women, and pregnancy-related side effects were mainly responsible for this situation. It was observed that physical activity levels and sexual activity had limited effects on labor.


  • 1. Ferrari N, Joisten C. Impact of physical activity on course and outcome of pregnancy from pre- to postnatal. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2021;75(12):1698–1709.
  • 2. Daşıkan Z, Güner Ö, Bozkurt T. İkinci ve üçüncü trimester gebelerin fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ve fiziksel aktivite engelleri. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;5(3):1731–45.
  • 3. Yüksel O, Ateş M, Kızıldağ S, Yüce Z, Koç B, Kandiş S, et al. Regular aerobic voluntary exercise increased oxytocin in female mice: the cause of decreased anxiety and increased empathy-like behaviors. Balkan Med J. 2019;36(5):257–262.
  • 4. Cera N, Vargas-Cáceres S, Oliveira C, Monteiro J, Branco D, Pignatelli D, et al. How relevant is the systemic oxytocin concentration for human sexual behavior? a systematic review. Sex Med. 2021;9(4):100370.
  • 5. Karabulutlu Ö. Effects of Pregnancy on Women Sexualty. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018;8(50):124–132.
  • 6. Neumann I, Douglas AJ, Pittman QJ, Russell JA, Landgraf R. Oxytocin released within the supraoptic nucleus of the rat brain by positive feedback action is involved in parturition‐related events. J Neuroendocrinol. 1996;8(3):227–233.
  • 7. Liu N, Yang H, Han L, Ma M. Oxytocin in women’s health and disease. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) . 2022;13.
  • 8. Ejekam CS, Okafor IP, Anyakora C, Ozomata EA, Okunade K, Oridota SE, et al. Clinical experiences with the use of oxytocin injection by healthcare providers in a southwestern state of Nigeria: A cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0208367.
  • 9. Meander L, Lindqvist M, Mogren I, Sandlund J, West CE, Domellöf M. Physical activity and sedentary time during pregnancy and associations with maternal and fetal health outcomes: an epidemiological study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021;21(1):166.
  • 10. Watkins VY, O’Donnell CM, Perez M, Zhao P, England S, Carter EB, et al. The impact of physical activity during pregnancy on labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021;225(4):437. e1–437. e8.
  • 11. Carbone L, De Vivo V, Saccone G, D’Antonio F, Marcorio A, Raffone A, et al. Sexual intercourse for induction of spontaneous onset of labor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Sex Med. 2019;16(11):1787–1795.
  • 12. Adanaş Aydın G, Taşan HA, Tarhan N, Çakar E, Güler NŞ, Ankaralı H, et al. Reliability and validity of Turkish version of pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ) in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. J Obstet Gynaecol (Lahore) . 2020;40(2):176–181.
  • 13. Hui AL, Back L, Ludwig S, Gardiner P, Sevenhuysen G, Dean HJ, et al. Effects of lifestyle intervention on dietary intake, physical activity level, and gestational weight gain in pregnant women with different pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index in a randomized control trial. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2014;14(1):331.
  • 14. Oliveira C, Imakawa T, Moisés E. Physical activity during pregnancy: recommendations and assessment tools. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2017;39(08):424–432.
  • 15. Berghella V, Saccone G. Exercise in pregnancy! Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017;216(4):335–337.
  • 16. Leet T, Flick L. Effect of exercise on birthweight. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2003;46:423–431.
  • 17. Watson ED, Brage S, White T, Westgate K, Norris SA, Van Poppel MNM, et al. The influence of objectively measured physical activity during pregnancy on maternal and birth outcomes in urban black south african women. Matern Child Health J. 2018;22(8):1190–1199.
  • 18. Rodríguez-Blanque R, Sánchez-García JC, Sánchez-López AM, Aguilar-Cordero MJ. Physical activity during pregnancy and its influence on delivery time: a randomized clinical trial. PeerJ. 2019;7:e6370.
  • 19. Foumane P, Mboudou ET, Sama JD, Baba S, Enama Mbatsogo BA, Ngwana L. Sexual activity during pregnancy and prognosis of labor in Cameroonian women: a cohort study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2014;27(13):1305–1308.
  • 20. Schaffir J. Sexual intercourse at term and onset of labor. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;107(6):1310–1314.
  • 21. Kafaei Atrian M, Sadat Z, Rasolzadeh Bidgoly M, Abbaszadeh F, Asghari Jafarabadi M. The association of sexual intercourse during pregnancy with labor onset. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2015;17(1):e16465.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

İlkhan Keskin

İsa Yeşilyurt

Arzu Bilge Tekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 7 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Keskin, İ., Yeşilyurt, İ., & Tekin, A. B. (2024). The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, 14(2), 196-201.
AMA Keskin İ, Yeşilyurt İ, Tekin AB. The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. Ağustos 2024;14(2):196-201.
Chicago Keskin, İlkhan, İsa Yeşilyurt, ve Arzu Bilge Tekin. “The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2024): 196-201.
EndNote Keskin İ, Yeşilyurt İ, Tekin AB (01 Ağustos 2024) The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14 2 196–201.
IEEE İ. Keskin, İ. Yeşilyurt, ve A. B. Tekin, “The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor”, KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG, c. 14, sy. 2, ss. 196–201, 2024.
ISNAD Keskin, İlkhan vd. “The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences 14/2 (Ağustos 2024), 196-201.
JAMA Keskin İ, Yeşilyurt İ, Tekin AB. The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2024;14:196–201.
MLA Keskin, İlkhan vd. “The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor”. Kafkas Journal of Medical Sciences, c. 14, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 196-01.
Vancouver Keskin İ, Yeşilyurt İ, Tekin AB. The Impact of Physical Activity Level and Sexual Activity During Pregnancy on Labor. KAFKAS TIP BİL DERG. 2024;14(2):196-201.