Bu makalenin amacı, özel sektörün kolektif eylemlere katılımını ve çatışma ve çatışma sonrası bölgelerdeki insani felaketler ve krizlerde oynadığı rolleri Suriyeli mülteciler / sığınmacılar ekseninde araştırmaktır. Özel sektör içerisinde ise özellikle çok paydaşlı girişimlerin Suriyeli mülteci / sığınmacılara yönelik davranışlarını anlamak ve anlamlandırmak bu çalışmanın ana sorunsalını oluşturmaktadır. Alana ilişkin uluslararası ve ulusal yazının kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmesi yönteminin kullanılmış olduğu bu çalışma, özel sektörün çeşitli ortaklık biçimlerine katılımını literatür taraması yöntemiyle analiz etmekte ve bu girişimlerin karşılaştığı zorlukları ele almaktadır. Akademik yazında çok paydaşlı girişimlerin rollerinin tartışılması ve tanımlanmasında kullanılan rasyonel seçim kurumsallığı teorisi çalışmanın kuramsal çerçevesinin oluşturulmasında kullanılmıştır. Ampirik veriler zemininde elde edilen bulgular sonucunda gerçekleştirilen analiz Suriye mülteci krizi üzerine inşa edilmiştir ve özel sektörün çeşitli aktörlerle işbirliği yaparak insani yardım faaliyetlerine potansiyel olarak daha fazla katkıda bulunabileceğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma ayrıca, Suriyeli mülteci / sığınmacıların yaşadığı engellerin üstesinden gelmek ve çok paydaşlı girişimlerin bu alandaki etkinliğini artırmak için mevcut yazına katkıda bulunmaktadır.
ABADIE, A. - J. GARDEAZABAL (2003). "The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country". The American Economic Review. XCIII/1: 113-132.
ADELMAN, H. (2002). "Refugees and Border Security Post-September 11". Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees. XX/44: 5-14.
ADELMAN, I. - C. T. MORRIS (1997). "Development History and Its Implications for Development Theory". World Development. XXV/6: 831-840.
ANDONOVA, L. B. - M. A. LEVY (2003). "Franchising Global Governance: Making Sense of the Johannesburg Type II Partnerships". Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development. IV: 19-31.
BÄCKSTRAND, K. (2006). "Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Rethinking Legitimacy, Accountability and Effectiveness". Environmental Policy and Governance. XVI/5: 290-306.
BAKER, G. - D. CHANDLER (2007). "Introduction: Global Civil Society and the Future of World Politics". Global Civil Society: Contested Futures. London: Routledge, pp.
BAUMANN-PAULY, D. et al. (2017). "Industry-Specific Multi-Stakeholder Nitiatives That Govern Corporate Human Rights Standards: Legitimacy Assessments of the Fair Labor Association and the Global Network Initiative". Journal of Business Ethics. CXLIII/4: 771-787.
BESLEY, T. - H. MUELLER (2012). "Estimating the Peace Dividend: The Impact of Violence on House Prices in Northern Ireland". The American Economic Review. CII/2: 810-833.
BLATTMAN, C. - E. MIGUEL (2010). "Civil War". Journal of Economic Literature. XLVIII/1: 3-57.
BROUWER, E. (2002). "Immigration, Asylum and Terrorism: A Changing Dynamic Legal and Practical Developments in the EU in Response to the Terrorist Attacks of 11.09". European Journal of Migration and Law. IV/4: 399-424.
BROWN, S. et al. (2016). Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
BUHAUG, H. - K. S. GLEDITSCH (2008). "Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space". International Studies Quarterly. LII/2: 215-233.
CASTLES, S. (2010). "Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. XXXVI/10: 1565-1586.
CHEYNS, E. (2011). "Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture: Limits of the ‘Inclusiveness’ Paradigm". (eds. P. Stefano, G. Peter, V. Jakob). Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limitations. London: Palgrave.
CHEYNS, E. - L. RIISGARD (2014). "Introduction to the Symposium: The Exercise of Power through Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Its Inclusion and Exclusion Outcomes". Agriculture and Human Values. XXXI/3: 409-423.
CHOI, S. W. - I. SALEHYAN (2013). "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Refugees, Humanitarian Aid, and Terrorism". Conflict Management and Peace Science. XXX/1: 53-75.
COLLIER, P. - A. HOEFFLER (2000). Greed and Grievance in Civil War. The World Bank Development Research Group. No. 2355. Washington DC: The World Bank.
COLLIER, P. - A. HOEFFLER (2004). "Greed and Grievance in Civil War". Oxford Economic Papers. LVI/4: 563-595.
COLLIER, P. et al. (2003). Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy. World Bank. Washington DC: World Bank and Oxford University Press.
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FINNEMORE, M. - K. SIKKINK (1998). "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change". International Organization. LII/4: 887-917.
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GIVENS, T. et al. (2008). Immigration Policy and Security: US, European, and Commonwealth Perspectives. London: Routledge.
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GUZZINI, S. (2000). "A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations". European Journal of International Relations. VI/2: 147-182.
HALL, P. A. - R. C. TAYLOR (1996). "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms". Political Studies. XLIV/5: 936-957.
HOGARTH, R. M. - M. W. REDER (1987). Rational Choice: The Contrast Between Economics and Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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LAMBELL, R. et al. (2008). "NGOs and International Business Research: Progress, Prospects and Problems". International Journal of Management Reviews. X/1: 75-92.
LISCHER, S. K. (2005). Dangerous Sanctuaries: Refugee Camps, Civil War, and the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
LOWNDES, V. - C. SKELCHER (1998). "The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance". Public Administration. LXXVI/2: 313-333.
LUJALA, P. et al. (2005). "A Diamond Curse?: "Civil War"". Journal of Conflict Resolution. XLIX/4: 538-562.
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WEISS, T. G. - L. GORDENKER (1996). NGOs, the United Nations, and Global Governance. Colorado: Lynee Rienner Publishers.
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Better Cotton Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
BIERMANN, F. C. et al. (2007). Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Does the Promise Hold?. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. Accessed on: 28.08.2016
BÜYÜKTANIR, D. (2016). "Increasing Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Cooperation in the Private Sector: The Case of the Syrian Refugee Crises, Working Paper No. 2016/02". Maastricht School of Management.Accessed on: 28.06.2016.
CAMPBELL, A. (2002). The Private Sector and Conflict Prevention Mainstreaming Risk Analysis and Conflict Impact Assessment Tools for Multinational Corporations.
CHANDRA, A. et al. (2016). What Role Does the Private Sector Have in Supporting Disaster Recovery, and What Challenges Does It Face in Doing So?. RAND Corporation. Accessed on: 28.10.2016.
CLAYTON, J. - H. HOLLAND (2015). Over One Million Sea Arrivals Reach Europe in 2015. UNHCR. Accessed on: 28.07.2022.
CNN Money (2015). Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
"End Human Trafficking Now!" Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (2012). Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Ethical Trading Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Fair Labor Association Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Cocoa Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Rescue Committee Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Institute for Economics and Peace (2015). Global Peace Index 2015 Report. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Institute for Human Rights in Business Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the involvement of the private sector in collective actions and the roles that it plays in humanitarian disasters and crises in conflict and post-conflict areas. The multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) are the main emphasis of this paper. The paper analyzes the involvement of the private sector in various forms of partnerships and addresses the challenges that these initiatives face. Rational choice institutionalism theory is used in discussing and identifying MSIs’ roles. The analysis is built on the Syrian refugee crisis and shows that the private sector can potentially contribute more to humanitarian action through collaboration with various actors. This work also contributes by proposing recommendations to overcome barriers and increase the effectiveness of MSIs.
ABADIE, A. - J. GARDEAZABAL (2003). "The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country". The American Economic Review. XCIII/1: 113-132.
ADELMAN, H. (2002). "Refugees and Border Security Post-September 11". Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees. XX/44: 5-14.
ADELMAN, I. - C. T. MORRIS (1997). "Development History and Its Implications for Development Theory". World Development. XXV/6: 831-840.
ANDONOVA, L. B. - M. A. LEVY (2003). "Franchising Global Governance: Making Sense of the Johannesburg Type II Partnerships". Yearbook of International Cooperation on Environment and Development. IV: 19-31.
BÄCKSTRAND, K. (2006). "Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Rethinking Legitimacy, Accountability and Effectiveness". Environmental Policy and Governance. XVI/5: 290-306.
BAKER, G. - D. CHANDLER (2007). "Introduction: Global Civil Society and the Future of World Politics". Global Civil Society: Contested Futures. London: Routledge, pp.
BAUMANN-PAULY, D. et al. (2017). "Industry-Specific Multi-Stakeholder Nitiatives That Govern Corporate Human Rights Standards: Legitimacy Assessments of the Fair Labor Association and the Global Network Initiative". Journal of Business Ethics. CXLIII/4: 771-787.
BESLEY, T. - H. MUELLER (2012). "Estimating the Peace Dividend: The Impact of Violence on House Prices in Northern Ireland". The American Economic Review. CII/2: 810-833.
BLATTMAN, C. - E. MIGUEL (2010). "Civil War". Journal of Economic Literature. XLVIII/1: 3-57.
BROUWER, E. (2002). "Immigration, Asylum and Terrorism: A Changing Dynamic Legal and Practical Developments in the EU in Response to the Terrorist Attacks of 11.09". European Journal of Migration and Law. IV/4: 399-424.
BROWN, S. et al. (2016). Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
BUHAUG, H. - K. S. GLEDITSCH (2008). "Contagion or Confusion? Why Conflicts Cluster in Space". International Studies Quarterly. LII/2: 215-233.
CASTLES, S. (2010). "Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. XXXVI/10: 1565-1586.
CHEYNS, E. (2011). "Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture: Limits of the ‘Inclusiveness’ Paradigm". (eds. P. Stefano, G. Peter, V. Jakob). Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limitations. London: Palgrave.
CHEYNS, E. - L. RIISGARD (2014). "Introduction to the Symposium: The Exercise of Power through Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Its Inclusion and Exclusion Outcomes". Agriculture and Human Values. XXXI/3: 409-423.
CHOI, S. W. - I. SALEHYAN (2013). "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Refugees, Humanitarian Aid, and Terrorism". Conflict Management and Peace Science. XXX/1: 53-75.
COLLIER, P. - A. HOEFFLER (2000). Greed and Grievance in Civil War. The World Bank Development Research Group. No. 2355. Washington DC: The World Bank.
COLLIER, P. - A. HOEFFLER (2004). "Greed and Grievance in Civil War". Oxford Economic Papers. LVI/4: 563-595.
COLLIER, P. et al. (2003). Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy. World Bank. Washington DC: World Bank and Oxford University Press.
DIAMOND, L. - J. W. MCDONALD (1996). Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace. West Hartford: Kumarian Press.
FEARON, J. D. (2005). "Primary Commodity Exports and Civil War". Journal of Conflict Resolution. XLIX/4: 483-507.
FEARON, J. D. - D. D. LAITIN (2003). "Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War". American Political Science Review. XCVII/1: 75-90.
FINNEMORE, M. - K. SIKKINK (1998). "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change". International Organization. LII/4: 887-917.
FRANSEN, L. W. - A. KOLK (2007). "Global Rule-Setting for Business: A Critical Analysis of Multi-Stakeholder Standards". Organization. XIV/5: 667-684.
FREILICH, J. D. et al. (2006). "Immigration, Security, and Civil Liberties Post 9/11: A Comparison of American, Australian and Canadian Legislative and Policy Changes". (eds. J. D. Freilich, R. T. Guerette). Migration, Culture Conflict, Crime, and Terrorism. Aldershot: Ashgate: 49-70.
GIVENS, T. et al. (2008). Immigration Policy and Security: US, European, and Commonwealth Perspectives. London: Routledge.
GREEN, D. P. - I. SHAPIRO (1996). Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science. New Haven: Yale University Press.
GUZZINI, S. (2000). "A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations". European Journal of International Relations. VI/2: 147-182.
HALL, P. A. - R. C. TAYLOR (1996). "Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms". Political Studies. XLIV/5: 936-957.
HOGARTH, R. M. - M. W. REDER (1987). Rational Choice: The Contrast Between Economics and Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
IZUMI, T. - R. SHAW (2015). "A New Approach of Disaster Management in Bangladesh: Private Sector Involvement". Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. V/4: 425-445.
JANSSEN, M. et al. (2010). "Advances in Multi-Agency Disaster Management: Key Elements in Disaster Research". Information Systems Frontiers. XII/1: 1-7.
JEPPERSON, R. L. et al. (1996). "Norms, Identity, and Culture in National Security". (ed. P. J. Katzenstein). The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics. New York: Columbia University Press.
JESSEN-PETERSEN, S. (1994). "International Migration and Security: A Pragmatic Response". (ed. K. A. Hamilton). Migration and the New Europe. Washington: The Center for Strategic and International Studies: 1-11.
KANBUR, R. (2007). Poverty and Conflict: The Inequality Link. New York: International Peace Academy.
KECK, M. E. - K. SIKKINK (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
KEEN, D. (2008). Complex Emergencies. Cambridge: Polity Press.
KEOHANE, R. O. (1984). After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
KEOHANE, R. O. - J. J. NYE (2000). Power and Interdependence. New York: Longman.
KEOHANE, R. O. - J. J. NYE (2003). "Redefining Accountability for Global Governance". Governance in a Global Economy: Political Authority in Transition. (eds. M. Kahler, D. A. Lake). Princeton: Princeton University Press.
KOSLOWSKI, R. (2000). Migrants and Citizens: Demographic Change in the European State System. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
LAMBELL, R. et al. (2008). "NGOs and International Business Research: Progress, Prospects and Problems". International Journal of Management Reviews. X/1: 75-92.
LISCHER, S. K. (2005). Dangerous Sanctuaries: Refugee Camps, Civil War, and the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
LOWNDES, V. - C. SKELCHER (1998). "The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance". Public Administration. LXXVI/2: 313-333.
LUJALA, P. et al. (2005). "A Diamond Curse?: "Civil War"". Journal of Conflict Resolution. XLIX/4: 538-562.
MACDONALD, S. (2013). "Peacebuilding and the Private Sector". Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict. (ed. C. Zelizer). Boulder: Westview Press: 127-150.
MUELLER, H. (2013). The Economic Costs of Conflict. London: International Growth Centre.
NYE, J. N. - D. WELCH (2011). Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation. Boston: Pearson Longman.
PRIZZIA, R. (2008). "The Role of Coordination in Disaster Management". Disaster Management Handbook. (ed. Pinkowski). Boca Raton: CRC Press: 75-100.
RUGGIE, J. G. (2003). "The United Nations and Globalization: Patterns and Limits of Institutional". Global Governance. IX/3: 301-321.
SALEHYAN, I. (2008). "The Externalities of Civil Strife: Refugees as a Source of International Conflict". American Journal of Political Science. LII/4: 787-801.
SALEHYAN, I. - K. S. GLEDITSCH (2006). "Refugees and the Spread of Civil War". International Organization. LX/2: 335-366.
SCHÄFERHOFF, M. et al. (2009). "Transnational Public-Private Partnerships in International Relations Making Sense of Concepts, Research Frameworks, and Results". International Studies Review. XI/3: 451-474.
SCOTT, W. R. (1995). Institutions and Organizations: Foundations for Organizational Science. California: Sage.
SELSKY, J. W. - B. PARKER (2005). "Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address Social Issues: Challenges to Theory and Practice". Journal of Management. XXXI/6: 849-873.
STRECK, C. (2004). "New Partnerships in Global Environmental Policy: The Clean Development Mechanism". Journal of Environment and Development. XIII/3: 295-322.
SWEDBERG, R. (1990). Economics and Sociology: Redefining Their Boundaries: Conversations with Economists and Sociologists. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
SZULECKI, K. et al. (2011). "Explaining Variation in the Effectiveness of Transnational Energy Partnerships". Governance. XXIV/4: 713-736.
TOPRAK, N. G. (2020). "Bölgesel Güvenlik Kompleksi Teorisi Çerçevesinde Ege Denizi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme". (eds. H. Çomak-B. Ş. Şeker-D. Ioannidis). Ege Jeopolitiği I: 544-554.
WEISS, T. G. - L. GORDENKER (1996). NGOs, the United Nations, and Global Governance. Colorado: Lynee Rienner Publishers.
WILLIAMSON, O. E. (1975). Markets and Hierarchies. New York: Free Press.
ZADEK, S. - S. RADOVICH (2006). "Governing Collaborative Governance: Enhancing Development Outcomes by Improving Partnership Governance and Accountability". Accountability and the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: 345-367.
ZEHFUSS, M. M. (2002). Constructivism in International Relations: The Politics of Reality. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Better Cotton Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
BIERMANN, F. C. et al. (2007). Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Does the Promise Hold?. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. Accessed on: 28.08.2016
BÜYÜKTANIR, D. (2016). "Increasing Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Cooperation in the Private Sector: The Case of the Syrian Refugee Crises, Working Paper No. 2016/02". Maastricht School of Management.Accessed on: 28.06.2016.
CAMPBELL, A. (2002). The Private Sector and Conflict Prevention Mainstreaming Risk Analysis and Conflict Impact Assessment Tools for Multinational Corporations.
CHANDRA, A. et al. (2016). What Role Does the Private Sector Have in Supporting Disaster Recovery, and What Challenges Does It Face in Doing So?. RAND Corporation. Accessed on: 28.10.2016.
CLAYTON, J. - H. HOLLAND (2015). Over One Million Sea Arrivals Reach Europe in 2015. UNHCR. Accessed on: 28.07.2022.
CNN Money (2015). Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
"End Human Trafficking Now!" Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (2012). Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Ethical Trading Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Fair Labor Association Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Cocoa Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
International Rescue Committee Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Institute for Economics and Peace (2015). Global Peace Index 2015 Report. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Institute for Human Rights in Business Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Kimberly Process (Diamonds) Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Madison Dialogue (Gold, Diamonds) Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Microsoft. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Mspoweruser. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
OXFAM. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
REFUNITE. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
The Business Social Compliance Initiative Web Page. Accessed on: 22.08.2016.
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