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Virial Teoremine Göre V r =krn Potansiyeli ile Etkileşen Bir Spin-bir Parçacığının Duffin-Kemmer- Petiau DKP Denkleminin Dalgafonksiyonları Çözümleri

Yıl 2019, , 190 - 200, 01.06.2019


DKP Eşitliği, potansiyel V r =krn ile etkileşime giren bir spin-parçacık için yazılmıştır. Yazılı denklem bu potansiyel için virial teoremine göre çözülür. On bileşenli dalga fonksiyonları elde edilir


  • Al-Khasawneh, BY., Altaie, MB. 2012. Investigating the Gravitational Properties of Dark Matter. MSc Thesis, Yarmouk University.
  • Arslan, H. 2011. A Unified Equation of Interactions. OJM., 1: 28.
  • Arslan, H. 2013. The Dirac Equation with the Scattered Electron Including Extra Potential Energy Comes from the Virial Theorem. J. Mod. Phys., 4.4.
  • Arslan, H. 2013. The Distances in the Stable Systems Due to the Virial Theorem. Applied Math., 4(4).
  • Arslan, H. 2014. The Dirac Equation According to the Virial Theorem for a Poential V= n krn. Adv. Stud. Theor. Phys., 8(22): 983-989.
  • Arslan, H., Hulaguhanoglu, N. 2015. The Wavefunctions and Energy Eigenvalues of the Schrodinger Equation for Different Potentials Due to the Virial Theorem. Acta Phys. Pol., A, 127(4): 914-916.
  • Arslan, H. 2016. An alternative model of the concentric spherical shell universes according to the virial theorem. Phys. Essays, 29(2): 252-255.
  • Arslan, H., Arslan, MF. 2016. The Duffin‐Kemmer‐Petiau equation (DKP) wavefunctions solutions according to the virial theorem for a spinless boson particle interacting with a potential V (r)= k r n. Phys. Essays, 29(1): 10-13.
  • Bahcall, JN. 1961. Virial Theorem for Many-Electron Dirac Systems. Physical Rev., 124: 923-924.
  • Balinsky, AA., Evans, WD. 1998. On the virial theorem for the relativistic operator of Brown and Ravenhall, and the absence of embedded eigenvalues. Lett. Math. Phys., 44(3): 233-248.
  • Barshalom, A., Oreg, J. 2009. The relativistic virial theorem in plasma EOS calculations. High Energ Dens Phys., 5(3): 196- 203.
  • Stokes, JD., Dahal,HP., Balatsky, AV., Bedell, KS. 2013. The virial theorem in graphene and other Dirac materials. Philos. Mag. Let., 93(12): 672-679.
  • Thornton, ST., Marion, JB. 2004. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, Thomson Learning, Belmont.
  • Yaşuk, F., Berkdemir, C., Berkdemir, A., Önem, C. 2005. Exact solutions of the Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation for the deformed hulthen potential. Phys. Scr., 71(4): 340.
  • Weislinger, E., Olivier, G. 1974. The classical and quantum mechanical virial theorem. Int. J. Quantum Chem., 8(8): 389- 401.
  • Weislinger, E., Olivier, G. 1975. The virial theorem with boundary conditions applications to the harmonic oscillator and to sine‐shaped potentials. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 9(9): 425-433.
  • J. Mathematical Phys. 34(5): 1791-1793.
  • Shabaev, VM. 2002. Virial relations for the Dirac equation and their applications to calculations of H-like atoms. arXiv preprint physics/0211087.

The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n

Yıl 2019, , 190 - 200, 01.06.2019


The DKP Eqution is written for a spin-one particle interacting with a potential V r =k r^n. The written equation is solved for this potential according to the virial theorem. The ten – component wavefunctions are obtained.


  • Al-Khasawneh, BY., Altaie, MB. 2012. Investigating the Gravitational Properties of Dark Matter. MSc Thesis, Yarmouk University.
  • Arslan, H. 2011. A Unified Equation of Interactions. OJM., 1: 28.
  • Arslan, H. 2013. The Dirac Equation with the Scattered Electron Including Extra Potential Energy Comes from the Virial Theorem. J. Mod. Phys., 4.4.
  • Arslan, H. 2013. The Distances in the Stable Systems Due to the Virial Theorem. Applied Math., 4(4).
  • Arslan, H. 2014. The Dirac Equation According to the Virial Theorem for a Poential V= n krn. Adv. Stud. Theor. Phys., 8(22): 983-989.
  • Arslan, H., Hulaguhanoglu, N. 2015. The Wavefunctions and Energy Eigenvalues of the Schrodinger Equation for Different Potentials Due to the Virial Theorem. Acta Phys. Pol., A, 127(4): 914-916.
  • Arslan, H. 2016. An alternative model of the concentric spherical shell universes according to the virial theorem. Phys. Essays, 29(2): 252-255.
  • Arslan, H., Arslan, MF. 2016. The Duffin‐Kemmer‐Petiau equation (DKP) wavefunctions solutions according to the virial theorem for a spinless boson particle interacting with a potential V (r)= k r n. Phys. Essays, 29(1): 10-13.
  • Bahcall, JN. 1961. Virial Theorem for Many-Electron Dirac Systems. Physical Rev., 124: 923-924.
  • Balinsky, AA., Evans, WD. 1998. On the virial theorem for the relativistic operator of Brown and Ravenhall, and the absence of embedded eigenvalues. Lett. Math. Phys., 44(3): 233-248.
  • Barshalom, A., Oreg, J. 2009. The relativistic virial theorem in plasma EOS calculations. High Energ Dens Phys., 5(3): 196- 203.
  • Stokes, JD., Dahal,HP., Balatsky, AV., Bedell, KS. 2013. The virial theorem in graphene and other Dirac materials. Philos. Mag. Let., 93(12): 672-679.
  • Thornton, ST., Marion, JB. 2004. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, Thomson Learning, Belmont.
  • Yaşuk, F., Berkdemir, C., Berkdemir, A., Önem, C. 2005. Exact solutions of the Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau equation for the deformed hulthen potential. Phys. Scr., 71(4): 340.
  • Weislinger, E., Olivier, G. 1974. The classical and quantum mechanical virial theorem. Int. J. Quantum Chem., 8(8): 389- 401.
  • Weislinger, E., Olivier, G. 1975. The virial theorem with boundary conditions applications to the harmonic oscillator and to sine‐shaped potentials. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 9(9): 425-433.
  • J. Mathematical Phys. 34(5): 1791-1793.
  • Shabaev, VM. 2002. Virial relations for the Dirac equation and their applications to calculations of H-like atoms. arXiv preprint physics/0211087.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Hasan Arslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Arslan, H. (2019). The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 9(2), 190-200.
AMA Arslan H. The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. Haziran 2019;9(2):190-200. doi:10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1319
Chicago Arslan, Hasan. “The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- One Particle Interacting With a Potential V R =k r^n”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Haziran 2019): 190-200.
EndNote Arslan H (01 Haziran 2019) The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9 2 190–200.
IEEE H. Arslan, “The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n”, Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 190–200, 2019, doi: 10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1319.
ISNAD Arslan, Hasan. “The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- One Particle Interacting With a Potential V R =k r^n”. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 9/2 (Haziran 2019), 190-200.
JAMA Arslan H. The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2019;9:190–200.
MLA Arslan, Hasan. “The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- One Particle Interacting With a Potential V R =k r^n”. Karaelmas Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 190-0, doi:10.7212/zkufbd.v9i2.1319.
Vancouver Arslan H. The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau DKP Equation Wavefunctions Solutions According to the Virial Theorem for a Spin- one Particle Interacting with a Potential V r =k r^n. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2019;9(2):190-20.