Araştırma Makalesi
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Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections

Yıl 2023, , 83 - 89, 26.12.2023


One of the most essential factors in plant development is the nutrient content in the soil. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), essential macronutrients in plant nutrition, are vital in plant growth and development. Therefore, although many studies have been conducted on these elements in agricultural plants, the number of studies on forest trees could be much higher. In particular, there needs to be more information about the accumulation and transfer of these elements in different plant tissues. This study examined the change and transfer of P and K concentrations in the Corylus colurna tree's trunk parts. Within the scope of the study, the differences in P and K concentrations in the Corylus colurna trunk were examined based on organ, direction, and period. As a result, the most elevated concentrations of both elements were in the barks; the difference in direction was not evident in the wood, and both elements could be transferred within the wood.


  • Peralta-Videa, J. R., Lopez, M. L., Narayan, M., Saupe, G., & Gardea-Torresdey, J. (2009). The biochemistry of environmental heavy metal uptake by plants: implications for the food chain. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 41(8-9), 1665-1677.
  • Wang, Q. R., Cui, Y. S., Liu, X. M., Dong, Y. T., & Christie, P. (2003). Soil contamination and plant uptake of heavy metals at polluted sites in China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 38(5), 823-838.
  • Dalvi, A. A., & Bhalerao, S. A. (2013). Response of plants towards heavy metal toxicity: an overview of avoidance, tolerance and uptake mechanism. Ann. Plant Sci, 2(9), 362-8.
  • Kurz, M., Koelz, A., Gorges, J., Carmona, B. P., Brang, P., Vitasse, Y., ... & Csillery, K. (2023). Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech–Implications for assisted gene flow. Forest Ecology and Management, 531, 120801.
  • Isinkaralar, O. (2023). Discovery of spatial climate parameters and bioclimatic comfort change simulation in Türkiye under socioeconomic pathway scenarios: a basin-scale case study for urban environments. Natural Hazards, 1-11.
  • Verma, P., George, K. V., Singh, H. V., Singh, S. K., Juwarkar, A., & Singh, R. N. (2006). Modeling rhizofiltration: heavy-metal uptake by plant roots. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 11, 387-394.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 27(1), 3227-3236.
  • Shults, P., Nzokou, P., & Koc, I. (2020). Nitrogen contributions of alley cropped Trifolium pratense may sustain short rotation woody crop yields on marginal lands. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 117(2), 261-272.
  • Yıldırım, N., Bayraktar, A., Atar, F., Güney, D., Öztürk, M., & Turna, I. (2020). Effects of different genders and hormones on stem cuttings of Salix anatolica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 39(3), 300-308.
  • Kuffner, M., Puschenreiter, M., Wieshammer, G., Gorfer, M., & Sessitsch, A. (2008). Rhizosphere bacteria affect growth and metal uptake of heavy metal accumulating willows. Plant and Soil, 304, 35-44.
  • Işınkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021). Changes of calcium content on some trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 148-154.
  • Athar, R., & Ahmad, M. (2002). Heavy metal toxicity: effect on plant growth and metal uptake by wheat, and on free living Azotobacter. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 138, 165-180.
  • Mardamootoo, T., Du Preez, C. C., & Barnard, J. H. (2021). Phosphorus management issues for crop production: A review. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(7), 939-952.
  • Koç, İ., Cantürk, U., & Çobanoğlu, H. (2022). Changes of plant nutrients K and Mg in several plants based on traffic density and organs. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 8(1), 54-59.
  • Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., & Yilmaz, D. (2023). Climate-related spatial reduction risk of agricultural lands on the Mediterranean coast in Türkiye and scenario-based modelling of urban growth. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(11), 13199-13217.
  • Al-Wabel, M. I., Usman, A. R., El-Naggar, A. H., Aly, A. A., Ibrahim, H. M., Elmaghraby, S., & Al-Omran, A. (2015). Conocarpus biochar as a soil amendment for reducing heavy metal availability and uptake by maize plants. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 22(4), 503-511.
  • Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 75768–75776.
  • Mourato, M. P., Moreira, I. N., Leitão, I., Pinto, F. R., Sales, J. R., & Martins, L. L. (2015). Effect of heavy metals in plants of the genus Brassica. International journal of molecular sciences, 16(8), 17975-17998.
  • Yayla, E. E., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Detection of landscape species as a low-cost biomonitoring study: Cr, Mn, and Zn pollution in an urban air quality. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 194(10), 687.
  • Schäfer, J., Hannker, D., Eckhardt, J. D., & Stüben, D. (1998). Uptake of traffic-related heavy metals and platinum group elements (PGE) by plants. Science of the Total Environment, 215(1-2), 59-67.
  • Bayraktar, E. P., Isinkaralar, O., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Usability of several species for monitoring and reducing the heavy metal pollution threatening the public health in urban environment of Ankara. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 14(3), 276-283.
  • Abou-Shanab, R. A., Ghanem, K., Ghanem, N., & Al-Kolaibe, A. (2008). The role of bacteria on heavy-metal extraction and uptake by plants growing on multi-metal-contaminated soils. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24, 253-262.
  • Isinkaralar, O., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Projection of bioclimatic patterns via CMIP6 in the Southeast Region of Türkiye: A guidance for adaptation strategies for climate policy. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(12), 1448.
  • Key, K., Kulaç, Ş., Koç, İ., & Sevik, H. (2022). Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(7), 1-13,
  • Khan, A. G., Kuek, C., Chaudhry, T. M., Khoo, C. S., & Hayes, W. J. (2000). Role of plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelators in heavy metal contaminated land remediation. Chemosphere, 41(1-2), 197-207.
  • Işınkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2022). The effect of atmospheric deposition on potassium accumulation in several tree species as a biomonitor. Environmental Research and Technology, 5(1), 94-100.
  • Wei, S., Zhou, Q., & Wang, X. (2005). Identification of weed plants excluding the uptake of heavy metals. Environment International, 31(6), 829-834.
  • Meers, E., Tack, F. M., Van Slycken, S., Ruttens, A., Du Laing, G., Vangronsveld, J., & Verloo, M. G. (2008). Chemically assisted phytoextraction: a review of potential soil amendments for increasing plant uptake of heavy metals. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10(5), 390-414.
  • Shahid, M., Khalid, S., Abbas, G., Shahid, N., Nadeem, M., Sabir, M., ... & Dumat, C. (2015). Heavy metal stress and crop productivity. Crop production and global environmental issues, 1-25.
  • de la Fuente, C., Clemente, R., Martínez-Alcalá, I., Tortosa, G., & Bernal, M. P. (2011). Impact of fresh and composted solid olive husk and their water-soluble fractions on soil heavy metal fractionation; microbial biomass and plant uptake. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 1283-1289.
  • Işınkaralar, K. (2021). Changes in Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in some plants depending on traffic density. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences,(14), 63-70.
  • Guney, D., Koc, I., Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2023). Change in Pb and Zn concentrations in some trees by the plant species, organ, and traffic density. Baltic Forestry (In press).
  • Kuzmina, N., Menshchikov, S., Mohnachev, P., Zavyalov, K., Petrova, I., Ozel, H. B., Aricak, B., Onat, S. M., & Sevik, H. (2023). Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density, BioResources 18(1), 792-803.
  • Sulhan, O. F., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm. in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(5), 4365-4384.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Isinkaralar, O., Koç, İ., Özel, H.B., & Sevik, H. (2023). Assessing the possibility of airborne bismuth accumulation and spatial distribution in an urban area by tree bark: A case study in Düzce, Türkiye. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-12.
  • Koc, I., Sevik, H., Kulaç, Ş., Cantürk, U., Çobanoğlu, H., & Key, K. (2023). Change of Cr concentration from past to present in areas with elevated air pollution. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-12.
  • Işınkaralar, K., Işınkaralar, Ö., & Şevik, H. (2022). Usability of some landscape plants in biomonitoring technique: an anaysis with special regard to heavy metals. Kent Akademisi, 15(3), 1413-1421.
  • Nouri, J., Khorasani, N., Lorestani, B., Karami, M., Hassani, A. H., & Yousefi, N. (2009). Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and uptake by plant species with phytoremediation potential. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59, 315-323.
  • Khan, A., Khan, S., Khan, M. A., Qamar, Z., & Waqas, M. (2015). The uptake and bioaccumulation of heavy metals by food plants, their effects on plants nutrients, and associated health risk: a review. Environmental science and pollution research, 22, 13772-13799.
  • Zhang, X. (2019). The history of pollution elements in Zhengzhou, China recorded by tree rings. Dendrochronologia, 54, 71-77.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Koç, İ., Kuzmina, N. A., Menshchikov, S. L., Erdem, R., & Aricak, B. (2022). Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19(12), 12593-12604.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., & Cobanoglu, O. (2020). Ca, Cu, and Li in washed and unwashed specimens of needles, bark, and branches of the blue spruce (Picea pungens) in the city of Ankara. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 21816-21825.
  • Saleh, E. A. A., & Işınkaralar, Ö. (2022). Analysis of trace elements accumulation in some landscape plants as an indicator of pollution in an urban environment: Case of Ankara. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 8(1), 1-5.
  • Shruti, M., & Dubey, R. S. (2010). Heavy metal uptake and detoxification mechanisms in plants. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(7), 482-501.
  • Istanbullu, S. N., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Isinkaralar, O. (2023). Spatial distribution of heavy metal contamination in road dust samples from an urban environment in Samsun, Türkiye. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 110(4), 78.
  • Atar, F., Güney, D., Bayraktar, A., Yıldırım, N., & Turna, İ. (2020). Seasonal Change Of Chlorophyll Content (Spad Value) In Some Tree And Shrub Species. Turkish Journal of Forest Science, 4(2), 245-256.
  • Çobanoğlu, H., Cantürk, U., Koç, İ., Kulaç, Ş., & Sevik, H. (2023). Climate change effect on potential distribution of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa mill.) in the upcoming century in Türkiye. Forestist, 73(3).
  • Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., & Bayraktar, E. P. (2023). Monitoring the spatial distribution pattern according to urban land use and health risk assessment on potential toxic metal contamination via street dust in Ankara, Türkiye. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(9), 1085.
  • Koç, İ., Nzokou, P., & Cregg, B. (2022). Biomass allocation and nutrient use efficiency in response to water stress: insight from experimental manipulation of balsam fir, concolor fir and white pine transplants. New Forests, 53, 915-933.
  • Yilmaz, Ç., Kulaç, Ş., & Beyazyüz, F. (2022). Kuraklık stresi uygulanan kayacık (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) fidanlarında morfolojik, fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal değişimlerin araştırılması. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 18(2), 169-190.
  • Hrivnák, M., Paule, L., Krajmerová, D., Kulaç, Ş., Şevik, H., Turna, İ., ... & Gömöry, D. (2017). Genetic variation in Tertiary relics: The case of eastern‐Mediterranean Abies (Pinaceae). Ecology and evolution, 7(23), 10018-10030.
Yıl 2023, , 83 - 89, 26.12.2023



  • Peralta-Videa, J. R., Lopez, M. L., Narayan, M., Saupe, G., & Gardea-Torresdey, J. (2009). The biochemistry of environmental heavy metal uptake by plants: implications for the food chain. The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 41(8-9), 1665-1677.
  • Wang, Q. R., Cui, Y. S., Liu, X. M., Dong, Y. T., & Christie, P. (2003). Soil contamination and plant uptake of heavy metals at polluted sites in China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 38(5), 823-838.
  • Dalvi, A. A., & Bhalerao, S. A. (2013). Response of plants towards heavy metal toxicity: an overview of avoidance, tolerance and uptake mechanism. Ann. Plant Sci, 2(9), 362-8.
  • Kurz, M., Koelz, A., Gorges, J., Carmona, B. P., Brang, P., Vitasse, Y., ... & Csillery, K. (2023). Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech–Implications for assisted gene flow. Forest Ecology and Management, 531, 120801.
  • Isinkaralar, O. (2023). Discovery of spatial climate parameters and bioclimatic comfort change simulation in Türkiye under socioeconomic pathway scenarios: a basin-scale case study for urban environments. Natural Hazards, 1-11.
  • Verma, P., George, K. V., Singh, H. V., Singh, S. K., Juwarkar, A., & Singh, R. N. (2006). Modeling rhizofiltration: heavy-metal uptake by plant roots. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 11, 387-394.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 27(1), 3227-3236.
  • Shults, P., Nzokou, P., & Koc, I. (2020). Nitrogen contributions of alley cropped Trifolium pratense may sustain short rotation woody crop yields on marginal lands. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 117(2), 261-272.
  • Yıldırım, N., Bayraktar, A., Atar, F., Güney, D., Öztürk, M., & Turna, I. (2020). Effects of different genders and hormones on stem cuttings of Salix anatolica. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 39(3), 300-308.
  • Kuffner, M., Puschenreiter, M., Wieshammer, G., Gorfer, M., & Sessitsch, A. (2008). Rhizosphere bacteria affect growth and metal uptake of heavy metal accumulating willows. Plant and Soil, 304, 35-44.
  • Işınkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021). Changes of calcium content on some trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 148-154.
  • Athar, R., & Ahmad, M. (2002). Heavy metal toxicity: effect on plant growth and metal uptake by wheat, and on free living Azotobacter. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 138, 165-180.
  • Mardamootoo, T., Du Preez, C. C., & Barnard, J. H. (2021). Phosphorus management issues for crop production: A review. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(7), 939-952.
  • Koç, İ., Cantürk, U., & Çobanoğlu, H. (2022). Changes of plant nutrients K and Mg in several plants based on traffic density and organs. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 8(1), 54-59.
  • Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., & Yilmaz, D. (2023). Climate-related spatial reduction risk of agricultural lands on the Mediterranean coast in Türkiye and scenario-based modelling of urban growth. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(11), 13199-13217.
  • Al-Wabel, M. I., Usman, A. R., El-Naggar, A. H., Aly, A. A., Ibrahim, H. M., Elmaghraby, S., & Al-Omran, A. (2015). Conocarpus biochar as a soil amendment for reducing heavy metal availability and uptake by maize plants. Saudi journal of biological sciences, 22(4), 503-511.
  • Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Comparison of the rate of certain trace metals accumulation in indoor plants for smoking and non-smoking areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 75768–75776.
  • Mourato, M. P., Moreira, I. N., Leitão, I., Pinto, F. R., Sales, J. R., & Martins, L. L. (2015). Effect of heavy metals in plants of the genus Brassica. International journal of molecular sciences, 16(8), 17975-17998.
  • Yayla, E. E., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Detection of landscape species as a low-cost biomonitoring study: Cr, Mn, and Zn pollution in an urban air quality. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 194(10), 687.
  • Schäfer, J., Hannker, D., Eckhardt, J. D., & Stüben, D. (1998). Uptake of traffic-related heavy metals and platinum group elements (PGE) by plants. Science of the Total Environment, 215(1-2), 59-67.
  • Bayraktar, E. P., Isinkaralar, O., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Usability of several species for monitoring and reducing the heavy metal pollution threatening the public health in urban environment of Ankara. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 14(3), 276-283.
  • Abou-Shanab, R. A., Ghanem, K., Ghanem, N., & Al-Kolaibe, A. (2008). The role of bacteria on heavy-metal extraction and uptake by plants growing on multi-metal-contaminated soils. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24, 253-262.
  • Isinkaralar, O., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Projection of bioclimatic patterns via CMIP6 in the Southeast Region of Türkiye: A guidance for adaptation strategies for climate policy. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(12), 1448.
  • Key, K., Kulaç, Ş., Koç, İ., & Sevik, H. (2022). Determining the 180-year change of Cd, Fe, and Al concentrations in the air by using annual rings of Corylus colurna L. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(7), 1-13,
  • Khan, A. G., Kuek, C., Chaudhry, T. M., Khoo, C. S., & Hayes, W. J. (2000). Role of plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelators in heavy metal contaminated land remediation. Chemosphere, 41(1-2), 197-207.
  • Işınkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2022). The effect of atmospheric deposition on potassium accumulation in several tree species as a biomonitor. Environmental Research and Technology, 5(1), 94-100.
  • Wei, S., Zhou, Q., & Wang, X. (2005). Identification of weed plants excluding the uptake of heavy metals. Environment International, 31(6), 829-834.
  • Meers, E., Tack, F. M., Van Slycken, S., Ruttens, A., Du Laing, G., Vangronsveld, J., & Verloo, M. G. (2008). Chemically assisted phytoextraction: a review of potential soil amendments for increasing plant uptake of heavy metals. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10(5), 390-414.
  • Shahid, M., Khalid, S., Abbas, G., Shahid, N., Nadeem, M., Sabir, M., ... & Dumat, C. (2015). Heavy metal stress and crop productivity. Crop production and global environmental issues, 1-25.
  • de la Fuente, C., Clemente, R., Martínez-Alcalá, I., Tortosa, G., & Bernal, M. P. (2011). Impact of fresh and composted solid olive husk and their water-soluble fractions on soil heavy metal fractionation; microbial biomass and plant uptake. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 1283-1289.
  • Işınkaralar, K. (2021). Changes in Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in some plants depending on traffic density. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences,(14), 63-70.
  • Guney, D., Koc, I., Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2023). Change in Pb and Zn concentrations in some trees by the plant species, organ, and traffic density. Baltic Forestry (In press).
  • Kuzmina, N., Menshchikov, S., Mohnachev, P., Zavyalov, K., Petrova, I., Ozel, H. B., Aricak, B., Onat, S. M., & Sevik, H. (2023). Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density, BioResources 18(1), 792-803.
  • Sulhan, O. F., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2023). Assessment of Cr and Zn deposition on Picea pungens Engelm. in urban air of Ankara, Türkiye. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(5), 4365-4384.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Isinkaralar, O., Koç, İ., Özel, H.B., & Sevik, H. (2023). Assessing the possibility of airborne bismuth accumulation and spatial distribution in an urban area by tree bark: A case study in Düzce, Türkiye. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-12.
  • Koc, I., Sevik, H., Kulaç, Ş., Cantürk, U., Çobanoğlu, H., & Key, K. (2023). Change of Cr concentration from past to present in areas with elevated air pollution. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-12.
  • Işınkaralar, K., Işınkaralar, Ö., & Şevik, H. (2022). Usability of some landscape plants in biomonitoring technique: an anaysis with special regard to heavy metals. Kent Akademisi, 15(3), 1413-1421.
  • Nouri, J., Khorasani, N., Lorestani, B., Karami, M., Hassani, A. H., & Yousefi, N. (2009). Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and uptake by plant species with phytoremediation potential. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59, 315-323.
  • Khan, A., Khan, S., Khan, M. A., Qamar, Z., & Waqas, M. (2015). The uptake and bioaccumulation of heavy metals by food plants, their effects on plants nutrients, and associated health risk: a review. Environmental science and pollution research, 22, 13772-13799.
  • Zhang, X. (2019). The history of pollution elements in Zhengzhou, China recorded by tree rings. Dendrochronologia, 54, 71-77.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Koç, İ., Kuzmina, N. A., Menshchikov, S. L., Erdem, R., & Aricak, B. (2022). Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19(12), 12593-12604.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., & Cobanoglu, O. (2020). Ca, Cu, and Li in washed and unwashed specimens of needles, bark, and branches of the blue spruce (Picea pungens) in the city of Ankara. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 21816-21825.
  • Saleh, E. A. A., & Işınkaralar, Ö. (2022). Analysis of trace elements accumulation in some landscape plants as an indicator of pollution in an urban environment: Case of Ankara. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 8(1), 1-5.
  • Shruti, M., & Dubey, R. S. (2010). Heavy metal uptake and detoxification mechanisms in plants. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(7), 482-501.
  • Istanbullu, S. N., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Isinkaralar, O. (2023). Spatial distribution of heavy metal contamination in road dust samples from an urban environment in Samsun, Türkiye. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 110(4), 78.
  • Atar, F., Güney, D., Bayraktar, A., Yıldırım, N., & Turna, İ. (2020). Seasonal Change Of Chlorophyll Content (Spad Value) In Some Tree And Shrub Species. Turkish Journal of Forest Science, 4(2), 245-256.
  • Çobanoğlu, H., Cantürk, U., Koç, İ., Kulaç, Ş., & Sevik, H. (2023). Climate change effect on potential distribution of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa mill.) in the upcoming century in Türkiye. Forestist, 73(3).
  • Isinkaralar, O., Isinkaralar, K., & Bayraktar, E. P. (2023). Monitoring the spatial distribution pattern according to urban land use and health risk assessment on potential toxic metal contamination via street dust in Ankara, Türkiye. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(9), 1085.
  • Koç, İ., Nzokou, P., & Cregg, B. (2022). Biomass allocation and nutrient use efficiency in response to water stress: insight from experimental manipulation of balsam fir, concolor fir and white pine transplants. New Forests, 53, 915-933.
  • Yilmaz, Ç., Kulaç, Ş., & Beyazyüz, F. (2022). Kuraklık stresi uygulanan kayacık (Ostrya carpinifolia Scop.) fidanlarında morfolojik, fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal değişimlerin araştırılması. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 18(2), 169-190.
  • Hrivnák, M., Paule, L., Krajmerová, D., Kulaç, Ş., Şevik, H., Turna, İ., ... & Gömöry, D. (2017). Genetic variation in Tertiary relics: The case of eastern‐Mediterranean Abies (Pinaceae). Ecology and evolution, 7(23), 10018-10030.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Fizyolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Şemsettin Kulaç 0000-0002-8398-3246

Kübra Key Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5549-8569

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 11 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Kulaç, Ş., & Key, K. (2023). Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 9(2), 83-89.
AMA Kulaç Ş, Key K. Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections. KUJES. Aralık 2023;9(2):83-89. doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1374901
Chicago Kulaç, Şemsettin, ve Kübra Key. “Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus Colurna L. Stem Sections”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 83-89.
EndNote Kulaç Ş, Key K (01 Aralık 2023) Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 9 2 83–89.
IEEE Ş. Kulaç ve K. Key, “Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections”, KUJES, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 83–89, 2023, doi: 10.55385/kastamonujes.1374901.
ISNAD Kulaç, Şemsettin - Key, Kübra. “Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus Colurna L. Stem Sections”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 9/2 (Aralık 2023), 83-89.
JAMA Kulaç Ş, Key K. Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections. KUJES. 2023;9:83–89.
MLA Kulaç, Şemsettin ve Kübra Key. “Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus Colurna L. Stem Sections”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, c. 9, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 83-89, doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1374901.
Vancouver Kulaç Ş, Key K. Accumulation and Transfer of P and K, Macronutrient Elements for Plants, in Corylus colurna L. Stem Sections. KUJES. 2023;9(2):83-9.