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The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye

Yıl 2023, , 131 - 143, 01.10.2023


Aim of study: This study was carried out to determine the effects and importance of urban cemeteries on bird species diversity.
Area of study: The Tepeören cemetery is one of the oldest and most historically important cemeteries in the Istanbul region.
Material and methods: Field studies of birds were carried out between April-September 2018/2019. During the study period of 12 months, the cemetery was visited twice a month. The species list of the area was created by registering all feeding, lodging, roosting and nesting birds observed in the area.
Main results: It was determined that 36 bird species occured in the cemetery, out of which ten species were identified as breeding in the area. The main bird species that used the cemetery as breeding ground, was Corvus monedula (Western jackdaw) that utilizes the cavities of old oaks for nesting. The average number of eggs per nest was found to be 4.3 based on the examination of 49 active nests in 2018-2019. The number of fledged birds per nest was determined as 1.1.
Higlights: In the current study, the importance of the city cemeteries in terms of bird diversity has been revealed. The presence of plant species that provide suitable nesting conditions for the reproduction of birds in these cemeteries supports the survival of the birds in the city.


  • Adams, L. W. (1994). Urban Wildlife Habitats: A Landscape Perspective, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Arlt, D., Olsson, P., Fox, J. W., Low, M. & Pärt, T. (2015). Prolonged stopover duration characterises migration strategy and constraints of a long-distance migrant songbird. Animal Migration, 2, 47-62.
  • Arslangündoğdu, Z. (2006). Istanbul Boğazı kış ortası su kuşu sayımı, Istanbul University, Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, 56(1), 141-147.
  • Arslangündoğdu, Z., Smith, L., Yardim, U, Vanmarcke, P. J. & Payne, M. (2018). Soaring bird migration research at the Bosphorus strait, Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(6), 7953-7968.
  • Bacak, E., Özkoç, Ö. Ü., Bilgin, S. & Beşkardeş, V. (2015). İstanbul Kuşları. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, I. Regional Directorate (Turkish), 302 p.
  • BDZ, (2020). Birdlife Data Zone, Retrieved December 15th 2020 from
  • Bergner, A., Avcı, M., Eryigit, H., Jansson, N., Niklasson, M., et al. (2015). Influences of forest type and habitat structure on bird assemblages of oak (Quercus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) stands in southwestern Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 336,137-147.
  • Bergner, A., Sunnergren, A., Yeşilbudak, B., Erdem, C. & Jansson, N. (2016). Attributes of trees used by nesting and foraging woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae) in an area with old pollarded Oaks (Quercus spp.) in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 62, 288-298.
  • Bibby, C. J., Burgess, N. D., Hill, D. A. & Mustoe, S. H. (2000). Bird Census Techniques, Academic Press, UK.
  • Blair, R. (2004). The effects of urban sprawl on birds at multiple levels of biological organization, Ecology and Society, 9(5), 2.
  • Brustel, H. (2004). Biological value of French forests assessed with saproxylic beetles: a way to conserve this natural heritage. Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles. Riga, Latvia, July 7th-11th 2004.
  • Buse, J., Ranius, T. & Assmann, T. (2008). An endangered longhorn beetle associated with old oaks and its possible role as an ecosystem engineer. Conservation Biology, 22, 329-337.
  • Canedoli, C., Manenti, R. & Padoa-Schioppa, E. (2018). Birds biodiversity in urban and periurban forests: environmental determinants at local and landscape scales. Urban Ecosyst, 21, 779-793.
  • Chace, J. F. & Walsh, J. J. (2006). Urban effects on native avifauna: A review, Landscape and Urban Planning, 74(1), 46-69.
  • Cranz, G. & Boland, M. (2003). The ecological park as an emerging type, Research and Debate Places, 15(3), 44-47.
  • Czechowski, P., Kurzaj, M. & Jerzak, L. (2018). Selected breeding parameters of jackdaw Corvus monedula in nesting boxes in Sulechów (Western Poland), Intern. Stud. Sparrows, 42, 4-12.
  • Dajoz, R. (1980). Écologie des insectes forestiers. Gauthiers-Villars, Bordas.
  • Emery, M. (1986). Promoting Nature in Cities and Towns:A Practical Guide, Croom Helm, London.
  • Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Zduniak, P. & Barış, Y.S., (2015). Spring and autumn migration of te red-breasted flycatcher through the Kizilirmak delta, Turkey. Current Zoology, 61 (3), 412-420.
  • Folk, C., (1968). Das Nisten und die Populationsdynamik der Dohle (Corvus monedula) in der CSSR, Zoologicke Listy, 17, 221-236.
  • Furness, R.W. & Greenwood, J.J.D. (Editors) (1993). Birds as Monitors of Environmental Change, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Gilbert, O. L. (1989). The Ecology of Urban Habitats, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Göktepe, M K., Bergner, A., Göktepe, S., Milberg, P., Jansson, N., et al. (2019). Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 20(1), 1-7.
  • Güçlü, K., Yılmaz, S. & Yılmaz, H. (1996). Kentsel yeşil doku içinde mezarlıkların yeri, önemi ve Erzurum örneği, Atatürk University. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 27(1), 1-12.
  • Gül, A. & Küçük, V. (2001). Kentsel açık-yeşil alanlar ve Isparta kenti örneğinde irdelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, 2, 27-48.
  • Hammer, O., Harper, D. A. T. & Ryan, P. D. (2001). PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analiysis, Palaentologia Electronica, 4(1), 1-9.
  • Han, Y., Bai, J., Zhanga, Z., Wua, T., Chena, P., et al. (2019). Nest site selection for five common birds and their coexistence in an urban habitat, Science of the Total Environment, 690, 748-759.
  • IUCN, (2020). IUCN red list, Retrieved December 17th 2020 from
  • Jansson, N., Avcı, M., , Kayiş, T., Coşkun, M., Sarikaya, O., et al. (2016). Diversity of birds and beetles on Turkish Oaks (Quercus spp) – important for future silvicultural planning (In Turkish language). In proceedings of the “International Oak Workshop” on October 18-20, in Igneada / Kırklareli / Turkey. P. 95-113.
  • Jansson, N., Türkay, O Ç. & Avcı, M. (2018). A hidden treasure in Turkey - old oaks with unique values. In: Ancient Woodlands and Trees: A Guide for Landscape Planners and Forest Managers. P 260-267. Ed: Colak, A. Publisher: IUFRO.
  • Kaminski, P., Jerzak, L. & Boehner, J. (2015). Nestlıng Development of Jackdaws Corvus monedula in Agricultural Landscape, International Studies Sparrows, 39, 4-23.
  • Keten, A., Eroglu, E., Kaya, S. & Anderson, J. T. (2020). Bird diversity along a riparian corridor in a moderate urban landscape. Ecological Indicators, 118, 106751.
  • Klvaňa, P., Cepák, J., Munclinger, P., Michálková, R., Tomášek, O. et al. (2018). Around the Mediterranean: an extreme example of loop migration in a long-distance migratory passerine. Journal of Avian Biology, 49(2), jav-01595.
  • Kowarik, I., Buchholz, S., Von der Lippe, M. & Seitz, B. (2016). Biodiversity functions of urban cemeteries: evidence from one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 19, 68-78.
  • Kupko, S. & Schlottke, L. (1999). Beobachtungen zum Bruterfolg der in Nistkästen brütenden Dohlen (Corvus monedula L.) in Berlin, Die Berliner Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 9, 143-147.
  • Mölder, A, Schmidt, M. & Meyer, P. (2017). Forest management, ecological continuity and bird protection in 19th century Germany: a systematic review. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung. 188, 37-56.
  • Mölder, A., Meyer, P. & Nagel, R. V. (2019). Integrative management to sustain biodiversity and ecological continuity in Central European temperate oak (Quercus robur, Q. petraea) forests: An overview. Forest Ecology and Management, 437, 324-339.
  • Novak, V., Avcı, M., Jansson, N., Sarıkaya, O., Atay, E., et al. (2013). A new Mycetochara species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 15(2), 51-58.
  • Novak, V., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun,, M., et al. (2011). New Allecula species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey studies and reports. Taxonomical Series, 7, 335-346.
  • Novak, V., Öncül Abacıgil, T., Varlı, S.V. & Jansson, N. (2014). Mycetochara kazdagiica sp. Nov. from Turkey (Cleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae: Mycetocharini. Folia Heyrovskyana Series A, 22(2-4), 134-141.
  • Özdemir, M. (2011). Tuzla Tarihi (Yeni Taş (Neolitik) Çağından 2011’e Kadar), Tuzla Municipality Cultural Publications, CB Printing, Istanbul.
  • Pielou, E. C. (1969). An Introduction to Mathematical Ecology. Wiley Interscience, New York.
  • Platia, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coskun, M. et al. (2011). New species of click beetles from Turkey (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 48, 207-215.
  • Platia, G., Öncül Abacıgil, T., Jansson, N., Kayış, T., Coşkun, M. et al. (2014). Click-beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from two oak forests in Turkey. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 55, 41-48.
  • Pontier, D. & Yoccoz, N. G. (1991). Vertébrés de villes, vertébrés des champs: intérét d'une écologie des populations urbaines, In Institut d'Analyse des Systémes Biologiques et Socio-économiques [ed.], Actes du colloque d'Ecologie Urbaine, Mions, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, 132-144.
  • Ranius, T. & Jansson, N. (2000). The influence of forest regrowth, original canopy cover and tree size on saproxylic species associated with old oaks. Biological Conservation, 95, 85-94.
  • Regnery, B., Paillet, Y., Couvet, D. & Kerbiriou, C. (2013). Which factors influence the occurrence and density of tree microhabitats in Mediterranean oak forests? Forest Ecology and Management, 295, 118-125.
  • Riggenbach, H. E. (1979). Die Dohle Corvus monedula in der Schweiz, Orn. Beob. 76, 153-168.
  • Rodrigues, A. G., Borges-Martins, M. & Zilio, F. (2018). Bird diversity in an urban ecosystem: the role of local habitats in understanding the effects of urbanization. Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 1-11.
  • Sama, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun, et al. (2011). Preliminary report on a survey of the saproxylic beetle fauna living on old hollow oaks (Quercus spp.) and oak wood in Turkey. Munis Entomology and Zoolology, 6, 819-831.
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Kentsel Yeşil Alanların Yerleşik ve Göçmen Kuşlar İçin Önemi İstanbul-Tepeören Mezarlığı Örneği

Yıl 2023, , 131 - 143, 01.10.2023


Çalışmanın amacı: Bu çalışma, kent mezarlıklarının kuş türü çeşitliliği üzerindeki etkilerini ve önemini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Çalışma alanı: Araştırma alanı olan Tepeören mezarlığı, İstanbul bölgesindeki en eski ve tarihi açıdan önemli mezarlıklardan biridir.
Materyal ve yöntem: Arazi çalışmaları Nisan-Eylül 2018/2019 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. 12 aylık çalışma süresi boyunca mezarlık ayda iki kez ziyaret edilmiştir. Alanda gözlemlenen, beslenen, barınan, tüneyen ve yuva yapan kuşlar kayıt altına alınarak alanın tür listesi oluşturulmuştur.
Sonuçlar: Mezarlıkta 36 kuş türünün yaşadığı ve bunlardan on türün bölgede ürediği tespit edildi. Mezarlığı üreme alanı olarak kullanan ve yaşlı meşe ağaçlarının kovuklarını yuva yapmak için tercih eden kuş türü olarak Küçük Karga (Corvus monedula (Western jackdaw)) belirlendi. 2018-2019 yıllarında 49 aktif yuvanın incelenmesi sonucunda yuva başına düşen ortalama yumurta sayısı 4.3 olarak bulunmuştur. Yuva başına düşen uçan kuş sayısı 1.1 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Önemli vurgular: Yapılan çalışmada Kent mezarlıklarının kuş çeşitliliği açısından önemi ortaya konmuştur. Bu mezarlıklarda kuşların üremesi için uygun yuvalanma koşullarını sağlayan bitki türlerinin bulunması kentteki kuşların yaşamlarını sürdürmelerine destek olmaktadır.


  • Adams, L. W. (1994). Urban Wildlife Habitats: A Landscape Perspective, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • Arlt, D., Olsson, P., Fox, J. W., Low, M. & Pärt, T. (2015). Prolonged stopover duration characterises migration strategy and constraints of a long-distance migrant songbird. Animal Migration, 2, 47-62.
  • Arslangündoğdu, Z. (2006). Istanbul Boğazı kış ortası su kuşu sayımı, Istanbul University, Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, 56(1), 141-147.
  • Arslangündoğdu, Z., Smith, L., Yardim, U, Vanmarcke, P. J. & Payne, M. (2018). Soaring bird migration research at the Bosphorus strait, Turkey. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(6), 7953-7968.
  • Bacak, E., Özkoç, Ö. Ü., Bilgin, S. & Beşkardeş, V. (2015). İstanbul Kuşları. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, I. Regional Directorate (Turkish), 302 p.
  • BDZ, (2020). Birdlife Data Zone, Retrieved December 15th 2020 from
  • Bergner, A., Avcı, M., Eryigit, H., Jansson, N., Niklasson, M., et al. (2015). Influences of forest type and habitat structure on bird assemblages of oak (Quercus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) stands in southwestern Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 336,137-147.
  • Bergner, A., Sunnergren, A., Yeşilbudak, B., Erdem, C. & Jansson, N. (2016). Attributes of trees used by nesting and foraging woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae) in an area with old pollarded Oaks (Quercus spp.) in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 62, 288-298.
  • Bibby, C. J., Burgess, N. D., Hill, D. A. & Mustoe, S. H. (2000). Bird Census Techniques, Academic Press, UK.
  • Blair, R. (2004). The effects of urban sprawl on birds at multiple levels of biological organization, Ecology and Society, 9(5), 2.
  • Brustel, H. (2004). Biological value of French forests assessed with saproxylic beetles: a way to conserve this natural heritage. Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles. Riga, Latvia, July 7th-11th 2004.
  • Buse, J., Ranius, T. & Assmann, T. (2008). An endangered longhorn beetle associated with old oaks and its possible role as an ecosystem engineer. Conservation Biology, 22, 329-337.
  • Canedoli, C., Manenti, R. & Padoa-Schioppa, E. (2018). Birds biodiversity in urban and periurban forests: environmental determinants at local and landscape scales. Urban Ecosyst, 21, 779-793.
  • Chace, J. F. & Walsh, J. J. (2006). Urban effects on native avifauna: A review, Landscape and Urban Planning, 74(1), 46-69.
  • Cranz, G. & Boland, M. (2003). The ecological park as an emerging type, Research and Debate Places, 15(3), 44-47.
  • Czechowski, P., Kurzaj, M. & Jerzak, L. (2018). Selected breeding parameters of jackdaw Corvus monedula in nesting boxes in Sulechów (Western Poland), Intern. Stud. Sparrows, 42, 4-12.
  • Dajoz, R. (1980). Écologie des insectes forestiers. Gauthiers-Villars, Bordas.
  • Emery, M. (1986). Promoting Nature in Cities and Towns:A Practical Guide, Croom Helm, London.
  • Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Zduniak, P. & Barış, Y.S., (2015). Spring and autumn migration of te red-breasted flycatcher through the Kizilirmak delta, Turkey. Current Zoology, 61 (3), 412-420.
  • Folk, C., (1968). Das Nisten und die Populationsdynamik der Dohle (Corvus monedula) in der CSSR, Zoologicke Listy, 17, 221-236.
  • Furness, R.W. & Greenwood, J.J.D. (Editors) (1993). Birds as Monitors of Environmental Change, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Gilbert, O. L. (1989). The Ecology of Urban Habitats, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  • Göktepe, M K., Bergner, A., Göktepe, S., Milberg, P., Jansson, N., et al. (2019). Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 20(1), 1-7.
  • Güçlü, K., Yılmaz, S. & Yılmaz, H. (1996). Kentsel yeşil doku içinde mezarlıkların yeri, önemi ve Erzurum örneği, Atatürk University. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 27(1), 1-12.
  • Gül, A. & Küçük, V. (2001). Kentsel açık-yeşil alanlar ve Isparta kenti örneğinde irdelenmesi, Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Faculty of Forestry, 2, 27-48.
  • Hammer, O., Harper, D. A. T. & Ryan, P. D. (2001). PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analiysis, Palaentologia Electronica, 4(1), 1-9.
  • Han, Y., Bai, J., Zhanga, Z., Wua, T., Chena, P., et al. (2019). Nest site selection for five common birds and their coexistence in an urban habitat, Science of the Total Environment, 690, 748-759.
  • IUCN, (2020). IUCN red list, Retrieved December 17th 2020 from
  • Jansson, N., Avcı, M., , Kayiş, T., Coşkun, M., Sarikaya, O., et al. (2016). Diversity of birds and beetles on Turkish Oaks (Quercus spp) – important for future silvicultural planning (In Turkish language). In proceedings of the “International Oak Workshop” on October 18-20, in Igneada / Kırklareli / Turkey. P. 95-113.
  • Jansson, N., Türkay, O Ç. & Avcı, M. (2018). A hidden treasure in Turkey - old oaks with unique values. In: Ancient Woodlands and Trees: A Guide for Landscape Planners and Forest Managers. P 260-267. Ed: Colak, A. Publisher: IUFRO.
  • Kaminski, P., Jerzak, L. & Boehner, J. (2015). Nestlıng Development of Jackdaws Corvus monedula in Agricultural Landscape, International Studies Sparrows, 39, 4-23.
  • Keten, A., Eroglu, E., Kaya, S. & Anderson, J. T. (2020). Bird diversity along a riparian corridor in a moderate urban landscape. Ecological Indicators, 118, 106751.
  • Klvaňa, P., Cepák, J., Munclinger, P., Michálková, R., Tomášek, O. et al. (2018). Around the Mediterranean: an extreme example of loop migration in a long-distance migratory passerine. Journal of Avian Biology, 49(2), jav-01595.
  • Kowarik, I., Buchholz, S., Von der Lippe, M. & Seitz, B. (2016). Biodiversity functions of urban cemeteries: evidence from one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 19, 68-78.
  • Kupko, S. & Schlottke, L. (1999). Beobachtungen zum Bruterfolg der in Nistkästen brütenden Dohlen (Corvus monedula L.) in Berlin, Die Berliner Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 9, 143-147.
  • Mölder, A, Schmidt, M. & Meyer, P. (2017). Forest management, ecological continuity and bird protection in 19th century Germany: a systematic review. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung. 188, 37-56.
  • Mölder, A., Meyer, P. & Nagel, R. V. (2019). Integrative management to sustain biodiversity and ecological continuity in Central European temperate oak (Quercus robur, Q. petraea) forests: An overview. Forest Ecology and Management, 437, 324-339.
  • Novak, V., Avcı, M., Jansson, N., Sarıkaya, O., Atay, E., et al. (2013). A new Mycetochara species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 15(2), 51-58.
  • Novak, V., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun,, M., et al. (2011). New Allecula species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey studies and reports. Taxonomical Series, 7, 335-346.
  • Novak, V., Öncül Abacıgil, T., Varlı, S.V. & Jansson, N. (2014). Mycetochara kazdagiica sp. Nov. from Turkey (Cleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae: Mycetocharini. Folia Heyrovskyana Series A, 22(2-4), 134-141.
  • Özdemir, M. (2011). Tuzla Tarihi (Yeni Taş (Neolitik) Çağından 2011’e Kadar), Tuzla Municipality Cultural Publications, CB Printing, Istanbul.
  • Pielou, E. C. (1969). An Introduction to Mathematical Ecology. Wiley Interscience, New York.
  • Platia, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coskun, M. et al. (2011). New species of click beetles from Turkey (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 48, 207-215.
  • Platia, G., Öncül Abacıgil, T., Jansson, N., Kayış, T., Coşkun, M. et al. (2014). Click-beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) from two oak forests in Turkey. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 55, 41-48.
  • Pontier, D. & Yoccoz, N. G. (1991). Vertébrés de villes, vertébrés des champs: intérét d'une écologie des populations urbaines, In Institut d'Analyse des Systémes Biologiques et Socio-économiques [ed.], Actes du colloque d'Ecologie Urbaine, Mions, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, 132-144.
  • Ranius, T. & Jansson, N. (2000). The influence of forest regrowth, original canopy cover and tree size on saproxylic species associated with old oaks. Biological Conservation, 95, 85-94.
  • Regnery, B., Paillet, Y., Couvet, D. & Kerbiriou, C. (2013). Which factors influence the occurrence and density of tree microhabitats in Mediterranean oak forests? Forest Ecology and Management, 295, 118-125.
  • Riggenbach, H. E. (1979). Die Dohle Corvus monedula in der Schweiz, Orn. Beob. 76, 153-168.
  • Rodrigues, A. G., Borges-Martins, M. & Zilio, F. (2018). Bird diversity in an urban ecosystem: the role of local habitats in understanding the effects of urbanization. Iheringia. Série Zoologia, 1-11.
  • Sama, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun, et al. (2011). Preliminary report on a survey of the saproxylic beetle fauna living on old hollow oaks (Quercus spp.) and oak wood in Turkey. Munis Entomology and Zoolology, 6, 819-831.
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Ekosistemleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeynel Arslangündoğdu

Erdem Hızal

Adam Bergner Bu kişi benim

Nicklas Jansson Bu kişi benim

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Arslangündoğdu, Z., Hızal, E., Bergner, A., Jansson, N. (2023). The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 23(2), 131-143.
AMA Arslangündoğdu Z, Hızal E, Bergner A, Jansson N. The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. Ekim 2023;23(2):131-143. doi:10.17475/kastorman.1368109
Chicago Arslangündoğdu, Zeynel, Erdem Hızal, Adam Bergner, ve Nicklas Jansson. “The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23, sy. 2 (Ekim 2023): 131-43.
EndNote Arslangündoğdu Z, Hızal E, Bergner A, Jansson N (01 Ekim 2023) The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23 2 131–143.
IEEE Z. Arslangündoğdu, E. Hızal, A. Bergner, ve N. Jansson, “The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 23, sy. 2, ss. 131–143, 2023, doi: 10.17475/kastorman.1368109.
ISNAD Arslangündoğdu, Zeynel vd. “The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 23/2 (Ekim 2023), 131-143.
JAMA Arslangündoğdu Z, Hızal E, Bergner A, Jansson N. The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23:131–143.
MLA Arslangündoğdu, Zeynel vd. “The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, c. 23, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 131-43, doi:10.17475/kastorman.1368109.
Vancouver Arslangündoğdu Z, Hızal E, Bergner A, Jansson N. The Importance of Urban Green Spaces for Resident and Migrant Birds – A Case Study from Tepeören Cemetery in Istanbul-Türkiye. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2023;23(2):131-43.

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