Düşük Kaliteli Sulama Suyu ile Sulanan Bir Ladin (Picea pungens) Fidanlığında Tuzluluğun Konumsal ve Mevsimsel Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 26 - 39, 01.03.2006
Dr. Mustafa Başaran
Ali Uğur Özcan
- Agrawal, O.P., Rao, K.V.G.K., Chauhan, H.S., Khandelwal, M.K., 1995. Geostatical analysis of soil salinity improvement with subsurface drainage system. Trans. ASAE 38: 1427-1433.
- Anapalı, Ö., Şain, Ü., Öztaş, T., Hanay, A., 2001. Defining effective salt leaching regions between drains. Türk J. Agric.For. 25, 51-56.
- Betrao, J., Ben-Asher, J., 1997. The effect of salinity on crop yield using CERES- Maize model. Irrigation Drainage Syst. 11, 15-28.
- Bo, S., Shenglu, Z., Qiguo, Z., 2003. Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes of soil quality based on geostatistical analysis in the hill region of subtropical China. Geoderma, 115: 85-99.
- Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A Recalibration of hydrometer for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agron. J. No: 43: 434-438.
- Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Novak, J.M., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field scale variability of soil properties in Central Iowa soils. Soil. Sc. Am: J. 58: 1501-1511.
- Cetin, M., Kirda, C., 2003. Spatial and temporal changes of soil salinity in a cotton field irrigated with low-quality water. Journal of Hydrology, 272, 238-249.
- Clercg, W.P., Meirvenne, M.V., 2005. Effect of long term irrigation application on the variation of soil electrical conductivity in vineyards.Geoderma, 128, 221-233.
- Cuenca, R.H., Amegee, K.Y., 1987. Analysis of evapotranpiration as a regionalized variable. In: Hillel, D., (Ed.), Advances in Irrigation, vol, 4, Academic Pres, New York, p. 182-220.
- Gamma Design Software, 2004. GS+ 7 Geostatistical Software for the Environmental Science.
- Gajem, Y.M., Warrick, A.W., Myers, D.E., 1981. Spadial dependence of physical properties of a Typic torrifluvent soil. Soil Scie. Soc. Am. J. 46, 709-715.
- Hajrasuliha, S., Baniabbassi, N., Metthey, J., Nielsen, D.R., 1980. Spatial variability of soil sampling for salinity studies in southwest Iran. Irrig. Sci. 1, 197-208.
- Journal, A.G., Huijbregts, C.S., 1978. Mining Geostatistics. Akademic Press, New York, p.600.
- Letey, J., Dinar, A., Knapp, C.K., 1985. Crop water production function model for saline irrigation waters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49, 1005-1009.
- Miyamoto, S., Cruz, I., 1987. Spatial variability of soil salinity in irrigated Torrifluvents. Soil Sci. Soc. AM. J. 51, 1019-1025.
- Miyamoto, S., Chacon, A., Hossain, M., Martinez, I., 2005. Soil salinity of turf areas irrigated with saline water I. Spatial variability. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71, 233-241.
- Panagopoulos, T., Jesus, J., Antunes, M.D.C., Beltrao, J., 2005. Analaysis of spatial interpolation for optimising management of a salinezed field cultivated with lettuce. Europ. J. Agronomy.(In Pres).
- Pannatier, Y., 1996. VARIOWIN: Software for Spatial Data Analaysis in 2D. Springer, New York, p.91.
- Richards, L.A., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils: Agricultural Handbook, vol. 60. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington.
- Samra, J.S., Singh, V.P., Sharma, K.N.S., 1988. Analysis of spatial variability in sodic soils. 2. Point and block –kriging.J. Soil Sci. 145: 250-256.
- Trangmar, B.B., Yost, R.S., Uehara, G., 1985. Application of geostatistic to spatial studies of soil properties. Adv. Agron. 38: 45-94.
- Utset, A., Ruiz, M.E., Herrera, J., de Leon, D.P., 1998. A geostatistical method for soil salinity sample site spacing. Geoderma, 86, 143-151.
- Vauclin,M., Vieira, S.R., Vachaud, G., Nielsen, D.R., 1983. The Use of cokriging with limited field soil observations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47: 175-184.
- Vieira, S.R., Hatfield, J.L., Nielsen,D.R., Biggar, J.W., 1983. Geostatistical theory and application to variability of some agronomical properties. Hilgardia 51: 1-75.
Düşük Kaliteli Sulama Suyu ile Sulanan Bir Ladin (Picea pungens) Fidanlığında Tuzluluğun Konumsal ve Mevsimsel Değişimlerinin Belirlenmesi
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 26 - 39, 01.03.2006
Dr. Mustafa Başaran
Ali Uğur Özcan
Bu araştırmada, düşük kaliteli sulama suyu kullanılan Ladin (Picea pungens Engelm.) üretim parselinde toprak tuz yoğunluğunun konumsal değişimi jeoistatistik ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) kullanılarak belirlenmiştir
- Agrawal, O.P., Rao, K.V.G.K., Chauhan, H.S., Khandelwal, M.K., 1995. Geostatical analysis of soil salinity improvement with subsurface drainage system. Trans. ASAE 38: 1427-1433.
- Anapalı, Ö., Şain, Ü., Öztaş, T., Hanay, A., 2001. Defining effective salt leaching regions between drains. Türk J. Agric.For. 25, 51-56.
- Betrao, J., Ben-Asher, J., 1997. The effect of salinity on crop yield using CERES- Maize model. Irrigation Drainage Syst. 11, 15-28.
- Bo, S., Shenglu, Z., Qiguo, Z., 2003. Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes of soil quality based on geostatistical analysis in the hill region of subtropical China. Geoderma, 115: 85-99.
- Bouyoucos, G.J., 1951. A Recalibration of hydrometer for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agron. J. No: 43: 434-438.
- Cambardella, C.A., Moorman, T.B., Novak, J.M., Parkin, T.B., Karlen, D.L., Turco, R.F., Konopka, A.E., 1994. Field scale variability of soil properties in Central Iowa soils. Soil. Sc. Am: J. 58: 1501-1511.
- Cetin, M., Kirda, C., 2003. Spatial and temporal changes of soil salinity in a cotton field irrigated with low-quality water. Journal of Hydrology, 272, 238-249.
- Clercg, W.P., Meirvenne, M.V., 2005. Effect of long term irrigation application on the variation of soil electrical conductivity in vineyards.Geoderma, 128, 221-233.
- Cuenca, R.H., Amegee, K.Y., 1987. Analysis of evapotranpiration as a regionalized variable. In: Hillel, D., (Ed.), Advances in Irrigation, vol, 4, Academic Pres, New York, p. 182-220.
- Gamma Design Software, 2004. GS+ 7 Geostatistical Software for the Environmental Science.
- Gajem, Y.M., Warrick, A.W., Myers, D.E., 1981. Spadial dependence of physical properties of a Typic torrifluvent soil. Soil Scie. Soc. Am. J. 46, 709-715.
- Hajrasuliha, S., Baniabbassi, N., Metthey, J., Nielsen, D.R., 1980. Spatial variability of soil sampling for salinity studies in southwest Iran. Irrig. Sci. 1, 197-208.
- Journal, A.G., Huijbregts, C.S., 1978. Mining Geostatistics. Akademic Press, New York, p.600.
- Letey, J., Dinar, A., Knapp, C.K., 1985. Crop water production function model for saline irrigation waters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49, 1005-1009.
- Miyamoto, S., Cruz, I., 1987. Spatial variability of soil salinity in irrigated Torrifluvents. Soil Sci. Soc. AM. J. 51, 1019-1025.
- Miyamoto, S., Chacon, A., Hossain, M., Martinez, I., 2005. Soil salinity of turf areas irrigated with saline water I. Spatial variability. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71, 233-241.
- Panagopoulos, T., Jesus, J., Antunes, M.D.C., Beltrao, J., 2005. Analaysis of spatial interpolation for optimising management of a salinezed field cultivated with lettuce. Europ. J. Agronomy.(In Pres).
- Pannatier, Y., 1996. VARIOWIN: Software for Spatial Data Analaysis in 2D. Springer, New York, p.91.
- Richards, L.A., 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils: Agricultural Handbook, vol. 60. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington.
- Samra, J.S., Singh, V.P., Sharma, K.N.S., 1988. Analysis of spatial variability in sodic soils. 2. Point and block –kriging.J. Soil Sci. 145: 250-256.
- Trangmar, B.B., Yost, R.S., Uehara, G., 1985. Application of geostatistic to spatial studies of soil properties. Adv. Agron. 38: 45-94.
- Utset, A., Ruiz, M.E., Herrera, J., de Leon, D.P., 1998. A geostatistical method for soil salinity sample site spacing. Geoderma, 86, 143-151.
- Vauclin,M., Vieira, S.R., Vachaud, G., Nielsen, D.R., 1983. The Use of cokriging with limited field soil observations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47: 175-184.
- Vieira, S.R., Hatfield, J.L., Nielsen,D.R., Biggar, J.W., 1983. Geostatistical theory and application to variability of some agronomical properties. Hilgardia 51: 1-75.