Bu ilmî çalışma, Bedüzzaman Said Nursi’nin (rh), belagatla ilgili pek çok kavram,
düşünce ve edebî tenkidi barındıran Risale-i Nur külliyatındaki ‘belagat’ kavramını incelemeyi
hedeflemektedir. Risale-i Nurların bir kısmında şuurlu ve inceden inceye yapılacak
bir okuma, bunların üzerindeki perdeyi kaldıracak, aralarında özden kaynaklanan
farklılıkları açığa çıkarmak için insanî belagatin karşısında Kur’ânî belagatin hakikatini
setreden örtüleri açıp dağıtacaktır. Nursi’nin fikirlerini bir bütün halinde okuyan kişi, onun
belagat mirası ile ilgili bazı problemleri ele aldığını görecektir. Bu yüzden, yapılacak araştırma
modern belagat dersinde bir tuğla mesabesindeki kavram/ıstılah sistemini yakından
incelemeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, Nursî’nin, Kur’an-ı Kerim’in tefsirinde
kullandığı belagatla ilgili kavramlar ağını tesbit etmenin zorluğunu da kabul ediyoruz. Ancak,
makul ve sabırla yapılan bir Risale okuması, bu ilmî çalışmada dile getirilen gayelere
ulaşmanın yolunu hazırlayacaktır.
Risale-i Nur’un, binlerce sayfasıyla Kur’an’ın belagati alanında yolumuzu aydınlatan
fikirlerin tükenmez bir kaynağı olduğu tartışılmaz bir husustur. Nursî, eserlerinde belagatin
sınırlarını ve muhtelif vecihlerini araştırmaktadır. Müellif, bu mesleğin zorluğunun
yanı sıra, siyasî, psikolojik, ruhî, terbiyevî ve bilgi/marifet açısından birçok engellerle
dolu olduğunu da bizzat ikrar etmektedir. Diğer yandan, Nursî’nin belagatle ilgili düşünceleri
Risale-i Nur’da dağınık bir şekilde, birbirinden uzak yerlerde bulunmaktadır. Bu
yüzden, bunların manalarının anlaşılması çok sabırlı olmayı gerektirmektedir.
Nursî, Arap belagatinde bir teori/nazariye inşa etmeye muvaffak olabildi mi? Yoksa,
onun belagatle ilgili düşünceleri eski belagat mirasının bir uzantısından mı ibarettir? Onun
belagat ve estetikle ilgili bilincini oluşturan referans/otorite nedir? Bu ölümsüz başarıyı
besleyip büyüten siyasî ve psikolojik sebepler, Risale-i Nur’un ulaşmak istediği metodolojik
disiplin ve sağlam/makul bir bilgi tertib etme/oluşturma gayelerinin tahakkukuna
engel olmuş mudur? Bu kavramlar Kur’an’ın belagati alanında bir teorinin nüvelerini
oluşturuyor mu? Kur’anî belagatin esasları, dayanakları ve ilkeleri nelerdir?
Bu sorulara cevap verme çabası, Nursî’ye göre Kur’ânî bir perspektiften îman hakikatlerinin
ispatına ve tespitine dayanan belagat kavramını ortaya çıkarma isteğini tahrik
eden bir buluşma noktasıdır. Nursî, Kur’an metninin semasında bazı kavramları bina etmek
için, beyânî ve gerçeklikle ilişkisi olan temsilin, gücünü kendinden alan özelliği ve
insanlar arasında en adil sınıflandırmayı yapan aklî muhakemelerin rehberliği ile harekete
geçmiştir. İnsaflı bir araştırmacının, Nursî’nin Risalelerin telifinde Allah’tan (cc) istediği
rûhî gücü, sıradışı ispat tekniğini ve Rabbânî bilgi yardımını görmezden gelmesi mümkün
değildir. Bu devasa güç, ehl-i tasavvufun uzun zamandır tecrübe ettiği irfânî ve rûhî vecde
çok benzemektedir. Bu yüzden, Risale-i Nur’da araştırma yapan bir araştırmacı, marifet
vesilelerin azlığı ve kaynağın zorluğu ve talep edilen hususun inceliğine rağmen bu mane
vi semalara yükselmeye muhtaçtır.
Nursî’nin bazı fikirlerinde, dile getirilen mana son derece gizli ve kapalıdır. Safi bir
zihnin ve hakikate nüfuz eden bir aklın sahibinden başka hiç kimsenin anlayamayacağı
incecik mana ve nükteler çokça zikredilmektedir. Elinizdeki bu anatomik araştırma, basitliğine
rağmen, Nursî’nin eserlerinden yardım alarak bazı fikir ve kavramların derinliğine
nüfuz etmeye çalışacaktır. Bunu yaparken, nitelemelerinde mübalağadan kaçınacak ve konuyu
örnek ve misallere de boğmayacaktır.
This paper aims to examine the concepts and ideas of “eloquence” as pertaining to Said
Nursi’s Risale-i Nur corpus. This paper will pursue an in-depth study of some particular
sections of the Risale-i Nur with the aim to uncover the essential differences distinguishing
the ordinary eloquence and rhetoric of mankind from that of the verity of the Qur’an’s
eloquence. It has been recognised that if one person examines Nursi’s ideas, he will note
that Nursi deals with some problems related to the origin and heritage of rhetorical style.
Therefore, it has become necessary to examine it closely as part of a conceptual system
within the field of contemporary research studies in oratory and rhetoric. Nonetheless, it is
accepted that the sort of concepts pertaining to the method of oratory and eloquence used
by Nursi in his Qur’anic exegesis is difficult to pin down and locate. However, the path
is open for a reasonable and patient reader of the Risale-i Nur to attain and reach such a
difficult goal as part of this scholarly research.
It is an unarguable matter that the Risale-i Nur, throughout its thousands of pages - is
an unending source for enlightening us and illuminating our knowledge in the field of the
Qur’an’s eloquence. In his writings, Nursi investigated the limitations of oratory eloquence
as well as studying it from various angles. Alongside the existing difficulties inherent
in this study, the author has acknowledged the many political, psychological and spiritual
obstacles as well as personal limitations impacting the work. On the other hand, Nursi’s
ideas on eloquent oratory have been found to be spread throughout the Risale-i Nur in an
unorganised and sporadic fashion. Therefore, to understand them requires a lot of patience.
Was it possible for Nursi to be successful in building a theory pertaining to Arab oratory
and rhetoric? Are Nursi’s ideas on rhetoric, rather, a composition derived from an
extension of rhetoric which bears its heritage from older periods? And what source or
reference lies at the basis of Nursi’s thoughts on rhetoric and aesthetics? Have politics
and various psychological factors acted as barriers and obstructions to the noble heavenly
aims of generating sound knowledge - as espoused by the methodological discipline
of the Risale-i Nur? Do these concepts produce core theories pertaining to the field of
the Qur'an's oratory eloquence? And what are the fundamentals, bases and principles of
Qur’anic eloquence and rhetoric?
The effort to answer these questions lies in the demonstration of the truths of belief via
Nursi’s perspective of the Qur’an, and through this - helps unveil the reality of the concept
of eloquence. Such a perspective has helped to guide the reasoned judgements and the
most just and fair opinions amongst people who encounter it. It has not been possible for a
conscientious researcher or scholar to ignore the spiritual vitality, extraordinary technique
of proofs or the evidence of God’s assistance inherent in the knowledge Nursi articulated
in his Risale-i Nur treatises. This great spirit and vitality is very similar to the knowledge
long demonstrated by the inspired people of Sufism. Therefore, even though there is a
rarity of scholars who have expertise in Risale-i Nur research, and despite the difficulty
in funding and growth of this area - there is still a great need for this endeavour. Having
said this, it is important to note that the meanings of some of Nursi’s ideas are mentioned
in the most obscure and impenetrable fashion. These highly minute and subtle meanings
have not been understood except for those with a sound intellect and those who possess
a mind that can penetrate deeply into the heart of such truths. Despite the simplicity of
the research anatomy in front of your hands, this study will aim to penetrate the depths of
meaning resident in some of the ideas and concepts derived from Nursi’s works. While
doing this, the study will abstain from exaggerated characteristics or attributions and will
provide many suitable examples and illustrations pertaining to the subject.
This paper aims to examine the concepts and ideas of “eloquence” as pertaining to Said
Nursi’s Risale-i Nur corpus. This paper will pursue an in-depth study of some particular
sections of the Risale-i Nur with the aim to uncover the essential differences distinguishing
the ordinary eloquence and rhetoric of mankind from that of the verity of the Qur’an’s
eloquence. It has been recognised that if one person examines Nursi’s ideas, he will note
that Nursi deals with some problems related to the origin and heritage of rhetorical style.
Therefore, it has become necessary to examine it closely as part of a conceptual system
within the field of contemporary research studies in oratory and rhetoric. Nonetheless, it is
accepted that the sort of concepts pertaining to the method of oratory and eloquence used
by Nursi in his Qur’anic exegesis is difficult to pin down and locate. However, the path
is open for a reasonable and patient reader of the Risale-i Nur to attain and reach such a
difficult goal as part of this scholarly research.
It is an unarguable matter that the Risale-i Nur, throughout its thousands of pages - is
an unending source for enlightening us and illuminating our knowledge in the field of the
Qur’an’s eloquence. In his writings, Nursi investigated the limitations of oratory eloquence
as well as studying it from various angles. Alongside the existing difficulties inherent
in this study, the author has acknowledged the many political, psychological and spiritual
obstacles as well as personal limitations impacting the work. On the other hand, Nursi’s
ideas on eloquent oratory have been found to be spread throughout the Risale-i Nur in an
unorganised and sporadic fashion. Therefore, to understand them requires a lot of patience.
Was it possible for Nursi to be successful in building a theory pertaining to Arab oratory
and rhetoric? Are Nursi’s ideas on rhetoric, rather, a composition derived from an
extension of rhetoric which bears its heritage from older periods? And what source or
reference lies at the basis of Nursi’s thoughts on rhetoric and aesthetics? Have politics
and various psychological factors acted as barriers and obstructions to the noble heavenly
aims of generating sound knowledge - as espoused by the methodological discipline
of the Risale-i Nur? Do these concepts produce core theories pertaining to the field of
the Qur'an's oratory eloquence? And what are the fundamentals, bases and principles of
Qur’anic eloquence and rhetoric?
The effort to answer these questions lies in the demonstration of the truths of belief via
Nursi’s perspective of the Qur’an, and through this - helps unveil the reality of the concept
of eloquence. Such a perspective has helped to guide the reasoned judgements and the
most just and fair opinions amongst people who encounter it. It has not been possible for a
conscientious researcher or scholar to ignore the spiritual vitality, extraordinary technique
of proofs or the evidence of God’s assistance inherent in the knowledge Nursi articulated
in his Risale-i Nur treatises. This great spirit and vitality is very similar to the knowledge
long demonstrated by the inspired people of Sufism. Therefore, even though there is a
rarity of scholars who have expertise in Risale-i Nur research, and despite the difficulty
in funding and growth of this area - there is still a great need for this endeavour. Having
said this, it is important to note that the meanings of some of Nursi’s ideas are mentioned
in the most obscure and impenetrable fashion. These highly minute and subtle meanings
have not been understood except for those with a sound intellect and those who possess
a mind that can penetrate deeply into the heart of such truths. Despite the simplicity of
the research anatomy in front of your hands, this study will aim to penetrate the depths of
meaning resident in some of the ideas and concepts derived from Nursi’s works. While
doing this, the study will abstain from exaggerated characteristics or attributions and will
provide many suitable examples and illustrations pertaining to the subject.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Hakemli Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 6 Eylül 2016 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 23 Şubat 2017 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2016 Sayı: 2 |
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